Susie Ch. 22


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"We can't afford this," I said after we had paid out over a hundred dollars. Not only that but some rough looking guys had noticed me with the cash and I was worried they might try something if they saw us again.

Sammy Silver

We pulled over to discuss what to do. No sooner had we stopped than a big white car pulled up next to us, slightly in front blocking our way out. A black guy got out of the back seat, shaved head, well pressed, dark pinstriped suit, rings on every finger and a silver handled walking stick. I pushed the cash under my butt and Kaitlyn rolled up her window. He came to Kaitlyn's side and tapped on the window, "Open up," he said. When we didn't he rapped more strongly, "Open up!"

"He'll break the window," Judy shouted as he pulled his stick back. She rolled the window down a crack.

He pushed the handle of his stick into the window and pulled down. The window squealed all the way down.

"Why you bitches bothering my girls?" he said.

"Just looking for someone," Kaitlyn said handing him Brittany's picture.

"Looks like Angel," he said pushing it back at Kaitlyn. "Not mine."

The he leaned in, "I give you three choices. First, my personal favorite." He looked us over and grinned a smile showing yellowed teeth. "You work for me. Lookers like you could make two maybe three thousand a day for me. I treat you good."

We said nothing and after a bit he continued. "Okay, guess not. Another good choice, I let you have one or three of my girls. I can find guys if you prefer. Only $500 each. You'll enjoy."

Kaitlyn got up her courage, "We just want this girl," she showed him the picture again.

"Particular huh?" he said. "I can provide same. Thin, no breasts, big eyes, skilled with other women. $750 for special order."

"Do you know where we can find this 'Angel'?" Judy asked.

"She work for 'the Rocket', not me," he said. "Last choice, you pay me for time you already spend with my girls and leave them alone from now on."

I got up my courage, "We are almost out of money and were about to leave anyway. I'll give you the rest of our money." I fished a few bills from under my butt, "If you'll tell us how to get in touch with this 'Rocket'."

He thought a bit, grabbed the money from my hand and said, "Double this and I'll give you Rocket's number. Ask for 'Angel Darling'. Tell the Rocket that Sammy Silver referred you and will expect some consideration. You don't work for him" He emphasized the consequences of going to work for the Rocket with a swipe of his cane and continued,. "I treat you better." He pushed his head inside and looked at me carefully. "You could get five thousand working the nice hotels, dinners out, good clothes, rich business men on expenses. Give me a chance to break into the Rocket's class."

"The number please," I said. He took out a card, wrote something on it and handed it to Kaitlyn. "Remember Sweet Sammy Silver referred you. He'll expect to send Angel to a nice hotel room, a thousand for a special order. You don't work for him. My cash." He shoved a ring covered hand through the window at me in the back seat. I fished a bunch more bills out and handed them to him. He banged the roof of the car with hs stick as he got back in his car.

"That was scary!" Kaitlyn exclaimed.

"Let's get out of here," I said.


No sooner had Judy pulled out than a red light and a couple of brief siren blasts came from behind the car. She pulled over and the cop stopped behind us. He got out with his hand on his gun handle.

Judy rolled down her window, "License and registration please."

After looking them and us over. he said, "I've watched you cruising the boulevard and now Sammy comes over to you. How are tricks tonight?"

"We're looking for someone," Kaitlyn said handing him the photo.

"Special John? Missing person? Runaway?" the cop asked.

"A friend," I said, adding, "female."

"This isn't a safe place for you. What did Sammy want?"

"Not to bother his girls," Judy said.

"Good idea," the cop replied. "Could I have you other ladies ID's?"

Kaitlyn and I handed over our drivers licenses, "why do you need them?" I asked.

"Just need to check you out," he said and went back to his car.

After a few minutes he returned and gave us back our identification. "I suggest you ladies take Sammy's advice," he said and went back to his car.

On the way home we discussed whether to call the 'Rocket' and ask for 'Angel'.

"Do you think we'll need to pay a thousand bucks just to see her?" Kaitlyn asked.

"They all seem to be after money," Judy said. "I wouldn't be surprised."

"We could offer a hundred," I suggested.

"You must have handed 'Sammy' over a hundred just for the information," Kaitlyn said.

"I have no idea how much I gave him," I told her. "I just wanted to get rid of him. I'd have probably handed it all over if he had refused to give us Rocket's phone number."

"And until we call we don't know if he really gave it to us," Judy said.

"And this 'Angel' may not be Brittany," I added.

The Rocket

Judy dropped Kaitlyn and me off at Corey's father's mansion beach house where Corey and I spent every Saturday night. We were dead tired and Corey was already asleep. Kaitlyn went into the other bedroom and I got into bed with Corey. We always slept naked and I ran my hands over the hair of his chest and down to his cock and up again until I fell asleep.

In the morning Kaitlyn and I discussed the previous evening with Corey and whether we should attempt to get in touch with 'Rocket'.

Corey suggested we do it. "You can always cut off the conversation if he insists on money."

"We should be prepared to spend some amount," I suggested. "I doubt he will do anything without payment."

"These guys don't seem to do anything for free," Kaitlyn concurred.

At lunch that week we updated April and discussed what we might be willing to spend. "Don't forget that you might need to pay for a hotel room," April reminded us.

It was a tough decision. April wasn't prepared to spend anything and I was the only one interested enough to suggest we be prepared to spend the entire $1000 'Sammy' had suggested.

"Preston and I can't afford any significant amount," Judy told us. "We've already broken my budget with what we spent talking to prostitutes and Sammy."

Kaitlyn claimed her allowance was limited too and I had to admit that even though I wanted to spend the money I didn't see how I could come up with my share, let alone half or more, unless I could get Corey to chip in.

I was downhearted.

I discussed my desire to meet Brittany with Corey and he agreed to provide a thousand dollars from his credit card. I conveyed this to the others and we discussed whether one of us should call or we should have a guy make the arrangements. "Don't you think a guy will be more like what the Rocket will expect?" Judy said. "Preston would do it and he's a good negotiator."

Kaitlyn thought one of us women should do it. "It doesn't seem that unusual for women to use these girls," she claimed.

April didn't want to get involved so the decision was mine. "If one of us calls which of us would do it?" I asked.

Judy, Kaitlyn and even April thought it should be me. I wasn't sure I wanted to do it and asked for some time. I asked Corey and he thought I should do it.

I called the number for 'Rocket'. "Talent Agency," said the female voice on the other end. "Can I have your referral?"

I wasn't sure how to answer but decided on honesty, "I was given this number by Sammy Silver. He said to talk to the Rocket."

"The Rocket doesn't come to the phone," was the answer. "How can I help you?"

"I'm looking for Angel," I said. "Sammy said the Rocket could get me in touch with her."

"We have several angels," the voice said.

"Angel Delight," I said. "Sammy said to work with the Rocket."

"I arrange all the talent appointments," the voice said. "Angel Delight is one of our favorite models. When would you like to meet her and how long will you need?"

"Sammy insisted that I work directly with the rocket," I told her. "Have him call me back."

"If you want to meet Angel Delight you will need to arrange that with me," the voice insisted.

I debated whether to just work with her.

"Well, for now, just tell me what is required. I haven't worked with your agency before and don't know the ropes."

"I'm not surprised, if you have been working with Sammy," the voice said. "You will find that we are a considerably different operation."

"First, a meeting with a specific model, especially one as popular as Angel Delight will cost $2000." I gasped.

"What does that include?" I asked.

"That will give you a half hour to meet with her. You can discuss additional charges with her at that time."

"I think at most $250 for just a meeting. 10 minutes to be sure she meets my needs."

"I schedule a minimum of 30 minutes."

"Please tell the Rocket that I want to speak to him regarding Angel," I said. "Sammy Silver said I need to speak to Rocket about Angel, not some underling."

"Sammy Silver carries no weight here."

"Tell the Rocket to call me." I hung up.

Angel Delight

I was surprised to get a call from The Rocket that evening.

"I am told Sammy Silver told you to call about Angel Delight," he began.

"Yes he did." I responded.

"I'm also told you offered a pitiful amount for one of my most popular talents for an unacceptably short time."

"A starting bid only," I claimed. "Sammy Silver suggested she would meet my needs. But I don't trust his judgment. I don't care to spend a lot of time or cash on someone who doesn't meet my needs."

"Sammyis untrustworthy," he agreed. "I think you will find Angel Delight will meet most needs you might have unless you require big boobs, age, a prick or wrinkles. I have never received a complaint. Therefore I must insist on $1500 for the minimum of 30 minutes."

"$750 for a half hour if I determine she meets my needs. $250 for ten minutes should I decide she doesn't."

"I will only agree to a short time frame with a higher amount for the half hour. $500 for ten minutes but $2000 for the half hour."

"I understand," I said. "I will drop my requirement for the short time frame if you will reduce the half hour price to $1000. I have very specific requirements and I am taking a risk here."

"Perhaps if you tell me your requirements I can confirm that Angel meets them or provide you with someone who does."

I debated how to proceed. "My requirements must remain confidential."

"And yet you revealed them to Sammy Silver, an untrustworthy S.O.B."

"I am not convinced that you are any more trustworthy," I said. "I had a photograph of what I wanted for Sammy. I cannot provide that over the phone."

"I can provide you a photo of Angel. Is that all you care about, physical appearance? Similarity to a photograph?"

"Exact similarity." I said.

"Ohh!exact similarity. You look for a runaway? I assure you that Angel is neither a minor nor a runaway."

"I'm not looking for a minor or a runaway. Just someone I have had dealings with before."

"You both intrigue me and frighten me. Perhaps a popular woman from your stable who left you? Trying to get her back? Now I worry that I will not see Angel again if I send her to you."

"If you are treating her properly and if she ran away from me why are you worried?"

"Holding women such as Angel against their will is not unknown."

Now I had myself in a pickle. Perhaps I could work on his curiosity to keep the price down but how to relieve his concerns?

"I am not a madam," I said. "My previous involvement with 'Angel' was as, ..." I searched for a word to use and selected an untruthful one. "... as a client. At that time she used the name 'Brittany'."

"Ahh! yes, a popular name choice for the younger talent. Probably underage at that time. You were smitten? Very possible with someone of Angel's talents."

I decided to go along, "Yes. So you understand my desire to assure this is the individual I seek."

"Yes, yes indeed." He paused and then said, "I will allow you fifteen minutes for $250. I expect $1250 if you decide on a half hour. You can be sure that future meetings with Angel will demand a much higher fee if she does turn out to be your missing paramour." I could almost see the dollar signs for possible obsessive requests floating through his mind, agreeing to the low fifteen minutes on the chance I would spend considerably more.

"Can I get the photo first?"

"Give me a credit card number for $100 and I will send the photo. I will even refund $50 if you agree to the half hour meeting."

"I am not likely to trust you with a credit card number," I said.

"Ahh, another road block," he replied. "You think I will send Angel to you on your word to pay? No, no, no, I demand your $250 for fifteen minutes up front too."

"I will mail you cash," I said. "We will forget about the photo. Once you have the cash call back and we will arrange time and place for the meeting."

"Just so you are clear," he told me. "The meeting must be in a quality hotel. My girls don't go to residences, bars, cheap motels." He gave me a list of acceptable locations. "Anything of similar quality," he concluded.

Afterwards I discovered there were no rooms in the hotels he named for less than $250 a night.


I reported back to the others. "So it'll only cost us $500 to see her for fifteen minutes," Kaitlyn said.

"But another $1000 if we want to spend more time with her," I mentioned.

"Even if there's no sex involved?" Kaitlyn asked.

"I don't know," I answered. "He never mentioned anything beyond meeting with her. Except something about extra charges for additional services."

"But he must assume sex is involved," Kaitlyn stated.

"I doubt sex is required," Judy responded. "We're just paying for her time, whatever we do."

"Sex is probably one of the 'additional services'. You sure it's not $1250 in addition to the $250, rather than $1250 total?" April interjected.

"Probably he expects $1250 in addition," Judy said. "they're after every penny."

"But once Brittany sees it's us she'll be willing to talk to us for free," Kaitlyn said.

"Sure," I agreed, "sure!"

"The Rocket will expect her to be paid even if weare old friends," April claimed.

"She's right," Judy agreed. "... Afterevery penny."

I had to agree. "But later she can meet us 'off duty,' so to speak," I added, hopefully.

"Sure," Kaitlyn agreed, "sure!"

"We can hope," Judy responded.

We set up the meeting and all four of us waited anxiously in the hotel room as the time approached.

Exactly on time there was a light knock on the door. I got up and opened it.

"Brittany!" I exclaimed, opening my arms, "Itis you!"

"What are you doing here!" she exclaimed with a touch of anger. "Whatareyou doing here!"

She turned and retreated down the hallway.

I ran after her yelling, "Brittany!" I caught her at the elevators.

"You're not supposed to be here!" she said, collapsing into one of the plush chairs across from the elevator.

"Brittany, we just wanted to see you and say hello," I pleaded.

The elevator arrived and she got up to leave. The other girls came into the elevator lobby.

She hesitated before stepping onto the elevator and turned to us, "I need my money," she said.

"We already paid $250 for fifteen minutes and we haven't had any time with you," I said.

She looked at me intently, "You think he'll be satisfied with that? You think that if I come back with nothing, he'll be satisfied! He'll expect at least a thousand. Usually I come back with two or three!"

"He told me to pay in advance." I said calmly.

"That's just so I'll come at all. He'll keep all of it. You think I come and do anything else for nothing, ...for ...nothing! You think I come and ...nothing, just stand around maybe! A thousand dollars for my trouble and don't call for me again!"

Kaitlyn started pleading, "Brittany, we just want to talk. We miss you."

"I don't need you telling me what I should or shouldn't do with my life!" she was starting to tear up.

"Brittany, just come back to the room and talk, we'll give you the thousand," Judy said.

"You think that he'll assume that's okay if I stay?" she asked. "If I'm here for more than a few minutes he'll expect I provided services for maybe two thousand, if not three. Just give me the thousand and leave me alone. What did you tell him anyway?"

"I led him to believe that you were a client from before you worked for him and I was desperate to see you."

"Oh my God, Oh my God, he'll expect several thousand if I spend any time with someone like that. Oh my God! Give me the thousand so I can get back to him right away and tell him you weren't a previous client."

"Brittany," I whined, "Brittany!" I began to cry.

"Give her the money," April said in a disgusted tone. "Like Judy said, with them its always the money, it's only the money. I'm done with this." She walked back to the room.

"Brittany, we just wanted to see you. We thought you would be happy to see us," Judy said calmly.

"Well I'm not!" Brittany responded.

"Kaitlyn, Susie," Judy said, "I know you really wanted to see her but you can see that's not what she wants. Give it up.Give it up." She walked away.

"Kaitlyn turned to walk away. On the way out she turned her head, "Good bye, Brittany, I'm glad I saw you at least."

I was alone with her. "Brittany, I didn't come to judge or complain about your life choice, though I don't approve. I just wanted to see you and be friends again like the rest of us. Call me if you ever decide to see us. I really wanted to see you and talk with you." I handed her the $1250 I had brought along to pay her. "This is what we agreed upon for a half hour with you. Tell the Rocket whatever you want. Tell him you weren't the woman we wanted and keep the money for all I care. Please just think about giving me a call." I went back to the room.

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