Suspicions Third

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Continuation of WhiteoneRedone Suspicions saga.
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This is a possible Chapter 3 to whiteone redone well written Suspicions Chapter1 & 2 (which I urge you to read so the following makes more sense). The story had the wife character Kathy reunite and form an emotional bond and affair with her first boyfriend Karl. When caught Kathy-sent a letter to her husband Paul to allow her "double life" to continue. Not a cuckold - Paul divorced, become the strong parent shunning an outside life and living for his two children Jason and Christi. I felt Katy was rewarded for her behavior with a new husband, new baby + the love and respect of her first two teen age children as the kids were never told of their mothers behavior. This is a take on what happens a few years later...


I was awaked late at night with a frenzied ringing of the doorbell, pounding at the front door and a female yelling. As I was stumbling down the stairs, my sister Christi was the first to reach the door and pulled it open. My mom Kathy tumbled into the house crying and sobbing.

"Karl's left! Karl's left!" Kathy cried between sobs and embracing Christi. "And he took Karl Jr with Him! Their gone! Both Gone!!"

"What happened?" Christi asked still holding onto Mom.

Kathy's sister my aunt Evelyn rushed in the open door. "Karl thinks Kathy's cheating on him." Evelyn looked up the stairs at Dad and I. "I'm so sorry Paul, I drove Kathy over here because she was bound determined to come here, and in her state I was afraid she would cause a car accident."

Mom was still sobbing. "Karl said he had proof I was sleeping with you Paul." Mom said wiping her eyes and looking at Dad. "Someone was sending flowers to me at work. I told Karl I thought it was him. Then he said he found receipts in my glove compartment from the Pine Tree motel, underwear in a bag in the cars wheel well trunk, even a disposable phone with your work and cell numbers on the call log under the seat." Kathy heaved in a deep breath. "Karl claimed he talked to the Pine Tree Motel manager and they recognized my picture, said I was there a few times a week, always paid in cash-even remember my car and bumper stickers. One cleaning lady described you & your car-pretty hard to miss with that dent in the front fender!"

Mom slid down to a sitting position on the floor. "Paul-Karl thinks we are having sex. I told him it wasn't true." Then Kathy pulled out a manila folder with a bunch of picture. "Yesterday someone sent Karl this at his company's email account."

Christi grabbed the pictures and made a face. I guess no kid should see their parents having sex, even digital photos.

Mom started crying again. "Paul you gotta talk to Karl! You gotta tell him it's not true! I am being set-up, I can't lose him now after all I've been thru!" she started weeping again.

Dad cinched up the belt on his bathrobe and had a sour look on his face. "I have no intention of ever speaking to ....that man. There will be ice skating in hell first. Did my lawyer not make it clear --I do not even want to speak to you. Now please leave this house immediately, and take those smutty pictures with you!" Christi passed the pictures onto to me then turned to Dad. "Kinda gross Dad-but this means you and Mom are might be getting back together?" A hopeful smile forming on her young face, I had a smile forming on my face too-but for a different reason.

Mom looked up at my sister. "No honey your Father and I have not been together since he found....since we separated before the divorce."

I could not take it any longer and burst out laughing. I was laughing so hard I could not breathe. I stumbled down the steps and collapsed onto the couch, tears were rolling down my cheeks I was laughing so hard. God my sides hurt.

"Jason!" My sister Christi yelled at me. "What is wrong with you!"

I wiped the mucus from my nose and tried to stop laughing. "Come on Sis-you must see the humor in this. Mom's cheating with Karl caused Mom and Dad's break-up. Now Karl is leaving Mom because Karl thinks Mom is cheating on him with Dad. "I could not stop giggling. "After Mom cheated on Dad -I cannot imagine why Karl would have any suspicions Mom would cheat on him. What could possibly give Karl the idea that Mom was not going to be 100% faithful to Karl? What's the saying MOM-Once a Cheater-Always a Cheater." I laughed again. "You cannot write good comedy like this!"

"Cheating, what cheating?" Christi looked at Mom. "Dad said the break up was because you two drifted apart. You didn't cheat on Dad --did you Mom?"

"Christi." My Aunt Evelyn spoke up. "I think is between your Mom and Dad"

I could tell my little sister Christi was having none of that, she let go of Mom's embrace and tried to look Mom in the face. "You screwed around on Dad!" Mom just sobbed. Christi had a stunned look on her face. "No way Mom! You fucked other guys while married to Dad!"

Mom looked up from the floor. "It wasn't really cheating -it was one person." Mom wiped her eyes again." Christi, you're too young to understand, I always loved your Father, and still do- It just, ah just.. happened. You see Karl was my first true love. I never wanted the divorce. I thought we could stay together as a family."

I started clapping and let out another laugh. "Very good Mom. Hey sis, ask Mom to tell us about her solution to prevent the divorce! Ready?-All Dad had to do to keep the marriage and family was --Listen Carefully-All Dad had to do was to keep the marriage and our family was just let Mom keep screwing Karl and not interfere!" I looked at my shocked Mother. "Yea Mom I read your letter"

Aunt Evelyn shot daggers at Dad. "YOU let the children read Kathy's letter!"

I jumped in. "No Aunt Evelyn, Dad didn't know I saw Mom's letter." I looked at Dad. "Sorry Dad I found Mom's letter over a year ago when I was going thru your desk looking for stamps."

"Oh my God Mom how could you!" Christi said backing away from Mom. "You wanted Daddy to have a three-way! How gross!"

"No NO NO." Mom cried trying to stand up. "It was nothing like that, I..I.. I -loved them both , wanted them together --but not that way. It was two like different lives, two separate worlds. I love your Father-always did, always have, but Karl was my first love from before you were born. It was completely different with your Father and I. When Karl and I were...together it was.. they were.. the times were.. um.. unique. But I never stopped loving your father -just like I love you and your brother Jason. "

I started laughing again. "Is that so Mom? You REALLY Love us? Guess what sis-I overheard Dad talking to Uncle Todd. Dad gave Mom the choice of Karl or her family-That is you and I or Karl. This was even after Dad found about the affair. All would be forgiven- If Mom would stop seeing Karl, and return to us as wife and mother. And Guess what? Our loving Mom chose Karl. Her children-that's us-me and you-that Mom claims she LOVES so much? Well we came in 2nd place."

Mom held out her arms to reach for Christi. Christi was backing away.

"Christi." Mom started. "It was not that simple, the situation was complicated, we wanted.."

I interrupted. "No Mom it was not complicated. A real simple choice-your own children and family on one side, or a dream boyfriend from two decades ago on the other side. YOU did NOT choose us! You wanted to eat your cake and have it too! You chose Karl over Christi, me and Dad!"

Christi had retreated behind Dad and was hugging him from behind on the step landing. "How could you abandon us like that Mom! You said different lives-you mean you didn't want to be our mother anymore? " Christi buried her face in Dads shoulder crying. I could almost see the venom in Christi's face as my sister looked at Mom and spat out "BITCH , WHORE , SLUT!"

"That enough." My Dads stern voice finally spoke. "We will have none of that language in this household. That event was a private matter between your mother and I. Whatever transpired between us as husband and wife --she is still your Mother."

Mom looked at Christi, then I with pleading eyes. "Jason, Christi-Please try to understand, I never wanted it to be like this. We are still a family. I always wanted to be there for you two."

I saw Christi look up and thru her tears and she replied full of sarcasm. "Gee Thanks Mom -you were always there for us as long as it did not interfere with Karl. " Christi hugged Dad tighter. "What -every other weekend and alternate Holidays? Well Mom maybe you can get your first true love to let you see Karl Jr twice a month! It was good enough for your first two children, than it should be good enough for Karl Jr. Plus you get lots of free time to find your third, fourth or fifth true loves!"

Mom was frantic. "Your wrong! It was never like that! Some things.. feelings you cannot control. I always wanted the best for you two and your Father! "

I couldn't let it go. "Bullshit Mom. Not only did you betray Dad, break up this family, but you never even tried to help us or Dad out. Your BEST for us! After I read your letter, I started going thru the bills. Did you do or contribute anything to help raise us after you ran off with your dream lover? Child support? Maintenance? Anything?"

Mom just looked at the floor and mumbled something about the divorce terms.

"Yea I thought not. "I continued. "Sis -did you know Dad almost lost the house? Trying to raise two Kids with half the income, plus a housekeeper to take care if us. Did you know Dad had to borrow money from Uncle Todd."

Aunt Evelyn's eyes widened-"Wow." I thought. "Even she didn't know?"

"Plus Sis where do you think the money came from for your prom dress, shoes and purse? Sweet how you and Mom picked them out-but Dad sold Grandpas coin collection on EBay to pay for the big night. The iPhone Mom bought for your Birthday-who do you think pays the monthly bill?-you notice Dads Golf clubs are gone? Not to mention Grandmas jewelry, silver and his baseball card collection. Dad would not even fix the AC in his car or repair the dent and always takes the bus. Come on Sis you never notice Dad packs his own lunch every day-always peanut butter and jelly or baloney sandwiches. Dad has turned down two promotions because the hours would not fit our schedule. When is last time you saw Dad go out with his friends, a ballgame, even leave the house without something to do with us? Yet Mom and Karl her dream man seem to have no issues in their McMansion and European vacations. Hey Mom how much was that customized stroller you bought for Karl Jr last month."

Mom looked up at Dad. "Paul why did you not say something? Karl and I could have.."

I saw Dad's eyes flare, and his face flush, a sure sign he was struggling to control his temper. Dad said coldly. "I take care of this family. My family does do not need or want you"

"Damn Mom you really know how to pour salt in a wound. "I jumped in. "By the way I guess it was OK for Karl to share you with Dad when you were Dads wife-but not the other way around? Old Karl have a problem with sharing now that you were his wife? Well MOMMY dearest how does it feel to have your first true love take the family and walk out on YOU? Kinnda hurts doesn't it? "

Mom seemed to remember why she came and fell to the floor crying again. "Paul --PLEASE you gotta help me. I do not know where Karl and Karl Jr are -you have to find them. Let Karl know nothing happened between us. I can't lose Karl again-or Karl Jr." She put her head in her hands sobbing.

Dad broke in with his calm but even voice" OK this has gone on far too long. Kathy I have and still have no wish to speak or see you again. I had my attorney make that quite clear. Now you have upset my family and my home for the last time. I am asking you to leave. You and HIS family's domestic..." Dad paused. "ah.. AFFAIRS-are none of MY families concern."

Mom shook off Aunt Evelyn's attempts to get her to her feet and leave. Dad did not even raise his voice as he walked to the telephone and dialed a series of numbers. "Hello Police. I wish to report an intruder in my home who will not leave. This person was uninvited, unwelcome and will not depart." A pause as Dad gave the address. "A squad car is in the area? Good please send it here right away. Thank you."

Mom was still crying and Aunt Evelyn was trying to pull her away. Christi was hugging Dad and Dad was talking softly to Christi. I idly looked down at the pictures. If they had not looked like my parents they

may have gotten me aroused. One showed a blow job, another cowgirl style, anal, about a half dozen motel roomish photos in all.

I do not know how long it was, but I looked up when flashing lights reflected off the open front door. Uncle Todd in his patrol uniform walked into the house. Uncle Todd looked surprised, but then took off his hat and walked over to talk to Aunt Evelyn. He then spoke with Dad, finally walking over to Mom.

"Kathy." Uncle Todd said in a tone I never heard before. "If you do not leave RIGHT now, I will place you under arrest." Uncle Todd pulled out his handcuffs.

"Kathy." Aunt Evelyn urged. "You will never see Karl or Karl Jr if you are in jail. Come on lets go."

Mom seemed to finally understand, she let Aunt Evelyn pull her to her feet and guide her out the door, followed by Uncle Todd.

Dad walked with Christi still attached to him to the door and closed it.

"We will talk tomorrow." was all Dad said and ushered us upstairs.


Dad tried to give Christi and I a tongue lashing the next day, but you could see his heart really was not in it. Neither Christi nor I wanted to see Mom again. Dad said he would not force us. He just said to think on it as none of us were plastic saints. She was still our mother, and makes mistakes like every other person. I noticed Dad had to force himself to say Mom's name.

A few days later Uncle Todd pulled up in his police cruiser while I was shooting hoops in the driveway. He motioned me to sit in the passenger side of his squad car. Uncle Todd handed over the pics Mom had brought to the house that day.

"Not bad." Uncle Todd said looking at me. "Our IT tech guys claimed if this was a court case they could not say if it was real or fake."

I shrugged.

"You are majoring in Computer graphics right? Took an advanced course on CG Special effects in LA last summer." Uncle Todd then sat back.

"I didn't fake these photos." I replied. That much was true. I hired one of the course instructors to do that at the CG Production company he worked for. I had provided some pics of Mom and Dad. The final photos cost me every dime from my summer job.

Uncle Todd opened up a small notebook. "I spoke with the manager at the Pine Tree Motel. The manager recalled a lady that fit Kathy's basic description, but couldn't be sure as she was always wearing dark glasses. The Minivan also fit, but I checked the rental places and A1 rental seemed to rent a similar van every time this lady had a room at the motel. The rental clerk remembered because the minivan was always returned cleaner then it went out."

I shrugged again. My "Mom" was a similar looking housewife I found on Craigslist erotic site and I had to cash in one of my college savings bonds to pay her. The minivan rentals cost me another savings bond. I had to put on & clean off the damn "Baby on Board" and "Save the Waves" bumper sticker each time.

"Now." Uncle Todd continued. "A cleaning lady at the hotel did ID your Dads car from the dent. However I do not think Karl understood her when she was describing the man driving the dented car. It was not a middle aged man- but a young man-almost a teenager." Uncle Todd gave me a hard look. "You drive your Dad's car don't you? If I checked the school records, would I find you absent on the days his car was at the motel?"

I started to sweat a bit. "Christi drives Dad's car too sometimes." I offered.

Uncle Todd nodded. "The flowers were bought from a florist using a Visa prepaid gift card. Phoned in each time. Your Mom swears she was never at the Pine Tree Motel since the divorce. So how did the cash receipts get into her cars glove box --as well as the prepaid cell phone?... Now you have a key to your mother's minivan right?"

Damn it was getting hot. "Yes-just like Christi." I said lamely.

Uncle Todd ignored that and pressed on. "The ladies undergarments hidden in the van was not your mothers size. Too small, they would have never fit your Mom."

"Damn." I thought. "What the hell do I know about ladies underwear. I had taken my sisters Christi's panties and bra out of the dirty hamper, replacing them with new ones of the same size. Christi never seemed to notice.

Uncle Todd closed the notebook and put it in his pocket. Turning to me he said. "Your 18 now so I am not going to treat you like a child. Here is what we are going to do. You are going to see this cop shrink-a friend of mine for a while. You get this straighten out with him, and we keep this between us." He handed me a business card.

I nodded and got out of the squad car.


After a few sessions, the Shrink told Uncle Todd that this was a onetime thing. Even healthy as it acted as a pressure release. I guess it was true. After my Mom left that night I felt most of my anger and resentment at Mom go away like air being let out of a balloon. I mean we are not really close like I am with Dad, but Mom and I are OK.

Mom and my sister Christi kinda patched things up. They talk, but Christi is distant toward Mom. During visits Christi never stayed overnight Mom's anymore. Not that it mattered soon anyway. Mom could not make the house payments on her McMansion and was upside-down on the mortgage, so the bank ended up taking her house. She moved in with Uncle Todd and Aunt Evelyn for a while. Karl fled to Germany with their son and filed for divorce there as Karl had dual citizenship. Karl refused to talk to Mom, the International lawyers and court fees drained her finically. Mom can only see Karl Jr in Germany and must surrender her passport during each visit. As her funds deplete she sees Karl Jr less and less. Mom seems to think Karl will change his mind if Dad will talk to him, but Christi told me she heard Karl is back with his first wife in Germany. Damn that guy likes past love lives.

That night appeared to be a turning point for Dad. I think Dad saw no need to be the constant "helicopter" parent always hovering around. A weight seemed to have been lifted off his shoulders. He stood a little straighter and started hanging out with the lady who runs a diner he used to frequent. She is a tall, big busted, loud, rawboned woman -the complete opposite of Mom. She is Dads age, a widow, always with a large grin on her face and a steady stream of chatter. She gets Dad to smile a lot, never seeming to take his stern demeanor seriously. She got Dad to be civil to Mom. Mom and Dad even sat next to each other during Christ's graduation.

I still do not think Mom gets it though. She approached Dad at Uncle Todd July 4th backyard party and asked Dad for money so she could go see Karl & Karl Jr. I thought Dad was going to choke on his hotdog. He did not answer Mom, but turned and walked away. Recently Mom asked Aunt Evelyn to feel Dad out about getting back together. I did not hear Dad's complete answer --but something about Ice Skating in Hell.

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AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

Not good enough as Karl got off Scott free with no payback.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 2 months ago

eally like that the Son set it all up as true BTB

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19693 months ago

Thanks for writing that. The original story line needed an ending like yours, something with some justice for the cheaters and a more gentle way forward for the aggrieved. Only wish Kathy's character realized and accepted what she did... or swam in lava.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This was very creative, getting the son involved in this sequel.

I guess it’s been too long since I read the original, but it doesn’t make any sense to have the ex having access to the children and not paying ANY child support.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

To the last Anonymous:

THESE are the most despicable characters in LW?

Wow, you must be new, here, lol! 🤪

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Congratulations! You have written a story with the most despicable cast of characters ever to grace the LW genre. Other than Aunt Evelyn none should be allowed to ever leave their house. Just nasty self-serving scum suckers of small understanding and low intellect.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Good sequel variant.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman5 months ago

2nd read for me. Got to admire some teenagers.

WargamerWargamer7 months ago

This sequel is the best one

Scores 5/5

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Holy crap, somebody put this woman out of our misery. Delusional doesn't even begin to describe her.

Calico75Calico759 months ago

Good sequel. Well done.

slowhand21slowhand2111 months ago

What a delusional character—completely oblivious to the pain she has caused.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Never understood the not telling the truth to the children about why the divorce unless very young. Let the cheating spouse control the messaging may seem like the moral high road, bit is really dumb. As an aside, how was Karl able to get away with snatching Karl Jr and running away. Even as a German dual citizen, he would lose the kid on extradition. He not only left the state with his son (can you say "Amber alert") UT left the country. That is essentially kidnapping. Doesn't matter if he thinks she cheated. Maybe he lives life on the road and seeks to avoid the authorities but Karl obviously did not do that here. Might take longer because of cross Atlantic legal issues, but if Karhy pursues it, eventually Karl will lose all custody, have to pay child support, get fined and likely imprisoned. Doesn't matter how good a lawyer he has except to delay things to see if she gives up.

26thNC26thNCabout 1 year ago

One of the better sequels to this story. Always great to see this bitch get burnt. Even more fun to see Karl get tuned up a little.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It always flumoxes me when the parents tell their children that they should not concern themselves with why and what-fors of the divorce because it only affects the parents... what a crock... it affects everyone in the family and if the children are old enough they should know why the divorce is happening so they will understand that it was not their fault so as not to feel unfounded guilt for it happening... the father, thinking he is being so noble and virtuous by not exposing the wife's adultry, is nothing but a bumbling fool leaving everyone else lingering in painful confusion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is a perfect illustration of why the cheated on dad should always tell EVERYONE why he’s divorced from the slut. Don’t hide the sins of traitors and let people think that you are the bad person. Children especially need to know the truth as soon as possible. If not, it leaves them with false perceptions. They will eventually find out, and that will mess them up even more. A small grief immediately is better than not being in harmony with objective reality!


dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

never found Whiteone's original stories but this was pretty funny. In a sad way

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why average?

A certain amount of these stories always take the kids to task when they tell mom like it is.

Critical error!

As other stories have it Do you want your kids raised by an immoral etc spouse!?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Karl?! Two to tango.


So so only.

Defended cheating wife to kids. What a life lesson. Oh new society. Have to fit in and run with the herd.

Right when buried

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Yeah a child growing without his mother let's celebrate new world morals

LNRAstroLNRAstroover 2 years ago

Meh! Karl got off way too easy. He needed some sort of medieval punishment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It's a good FTDS. I liked it.

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