Swinging, A Different View Point

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Three men relate their experience with swinging.
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I had hoped to finish a different story, in three chapters about three loves of a man, but sometimes stories write themselves and this one took on a life of its own. If I can ever get it under control, I'll submit it. But I don't have high hopes for that one. Meanwhile here is a tale that I guess you could call a flash story because it is fairly short. There is no character development or real plot. It's just a short tale.

With all the stories about swinging and how wonderful it is for relationships and how it strengthens marriages, here is another view point. The ending is fairly obvious but I hope you enjoy the journey. And remember, REAL Loving Wives are only sluts in the bedroom with their husbands, as Phil points out in this tale. The type of woman portrayed in many stories is not a Loving wife. Far from it.

As for me, I just enjoy writing. Problem is coming up with ideas. Enough of that.

Fate, or Kismet, is a curious thing. What brings men together at a particular time and place is unknown and can only be called fate. So it was that four men were sitting in a crowded hotel bar, sharing a table for no particular reason except the bar was crowded and they had shared friendly hellos and brief conversations during the business conference they attended. That is that three of them attended. The fourth man was there as a guest lecturer and had given a lecture on human behavi,or and interpersonal relationships in the work place, or, to phrase it differently, a lecture on how not to get the company sued for sexual harassment. The other three had approached him with questions on personnel interactions as well as personal interactions in the work place. This led to their sitting at a table together.

As expected, the conversations went from business, to sports and then eventually, as all conversations between men, in this type of setting, seem to do, to women in general.

Sam said "Look at the married men hitting on married women."

Phil looked around and saw what he was talking about and said, "And getting shot down."

"Some will get lucky," added John.

"I wonder how many wives and husbands at home know what their spouse is up to?" asked Sam.

John wondered aloud, "How many actually agree with it and are doing the same, right now at home?"

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"You know. Are okay with their spouse cheating even are into sharing."

"As in swinging?" asked Sam.

"Yeah. As in swinging." Phil added.

There was a lull in the conversation.

The lecturer was also a writer of psychology books, primarily books on human relations. Companies hired him to give lectures on personnel relationships between managers and employees, especially between male and female employees. His specialty, however, was marriage counseling. He was also an author of books on marital relationships as well personal relationships, in and out of the work environment.

With his insight into people's behavior he sensed anger and sadness in what he heard, as well as sensing what they were not saying. He was quick to see he had three men with stories that he could use in upcoming books so he tactfully asked them for their stories with assurance no one could possibly identify them in the books. With some gentle coaxing, and a "few" beers, he was able to get them to relate their stories.

John was the first to offer his tale.

"My marriage appeared to be growing stale after five years. I read that swinging could bring life back to a relationship so I approached my wife, Carol, with the idea. She was skeptical about it helping and was against it, but after weeks of my pushing it she agreed to try it. We knew some of our neighbors were swingers so we felt them out and we were finally invited to a party.

"When we arrived, we found that we knew most of the people there. Our neighbors, Hal and his wife Diane, were also first timers that night. I had seen Diane in a bikini and had often imagined how she would look out of it and spread on a bed. I got to see that and to enjoy her that night. Carol had disappeared and it seemed she had found someone to her liking. As we talked later that night, Carol didn't say much but I got the impression she had enjoyed herself as much as I did. She never said who she had gone with or what they did and I didn't ask. I didn't say anything about Diane, either. We continued going to weekly parties over the next three months. I often hooked up with the lovely Diane. One night she mentioned that she thought that Carol and Hal, appeared to be spending a lot of time together at the parties and seemed very friendly away from the parties as well. However, we saw them with other partners most nights, and we lived next door to each other, so we both forgot it.

"However this revelation made me a bit paranoid and caused me to look back over the months following the first party. I noticed that the sex between Carol and I had not only dropped off but had actually ceased and I thought it was because of work. My job was high stress and I was in the middle of a tough project. So week nights were not good for us. The parties were on Saturdays and I got to relax all day annd rest up for Saturday night. I was getting it regularly at the parties. Sometimes with several different partners so I didn't really feel the absence of sex.

"All the rationalization came crashing down one day when I finished work early one Friday, and took the afternoon off. When I got home and entered the house I heard sounds coming from the bedroom. Sounds, I realized, I hadn't heard in our house in weeks. I approached the bedroom door and glanced in to see Carol on the bed naked. She had a man's head between her legs and she was moaning. She whimpered as she climaxed. Then he moved up to enter her.

"Fuck me, Hal. I need you in me." she told him. No, she begged him to fuck her. The tone of her voice was pleading.

"It was our neighbor. For some reason I took out my phone and filmed them, probably thinking I might need the proof of her cheating on me. I never considered what happened at the swinging parties to be cheating. We both knew what was going on there, but this was hidden, which made it different. At least it was different to me.

"No," he told her. "I told you I would never fuck you."

"Then make love to me," she pleaded.

"Now, that I will gladly do," he told her.

"He entered her and he made love to her. I heard her moans as she neared orgasm. Moans that I realized I hadn't heard in months. When she came, she screamed like I hadn't heard in a long time. That's when I knew this wasn't a simple affair and my marriage was over.

"When they finished, I made my presence known. There was no pleading or sorrow on her part. No excuses. She didn't say it wasn't what it looked like, or it was just sex or that she only loved me or any other of the excuses a cheating wife gives her husband when she gets caught in the act. She was only sorry for the way I found out. Then came those four words, 'We needed to talk.'

"She had planned on talking to me that weekend and Hal was going to talk to Diane. They had been lovers since the first party. It started with the idea of swinging, but they started talking and decided swinging wasn't for either of them. They were the only partners they were with that night and before the night ended, they had realized swinging wasn't what they wanted. What they did want was each other. They would arrange to appear to be going into a bed room with one person only to switch off to be with each other. Almost everyone in the group was aware of what was going on except Diane and me. They would get together two to three times a week at either our house, while I was working, or at his house while Diane was working. Hal worked from home which made it easy for them to get together.

"They had planned on telling us the following week and had already seen lawyers to file for divorce.

"I didn't see any point in contesting the divorce and neither did Diane. Diane and I consoled each other for a while, but it wasn't a relationship and it went nowhere. After about a month she went back to a multiple partner life style which was the real reason she didn't contest the divorce. She was the instigator of swinging in her and Hal's relationship.

"The only thing that swinging did was kill my marriage and make Carol and Hal's relationship strong because they never really were swinging. They were lovers from the first night. I know some will always say they were probably swinging with other partners at the parties and will probably cheat on each other. However, I don't believe so. Carol never really wanted to swing and really did it for me. Diane said Hal didn't want to swing either.

"They now have two children and are happily married. As for me? I'm a lonely man. I lost the one woman who fulfilled me and I should have appreciated her. But I didn't and I'm the loser. I get lucky now and then, but I'm hoping I can find the right woman again. When I do I won't mess it up. One thing I know for sure, swinging may work for some, but for others, it's a death sentence for their marriage."

Sam took a big drink of his beer than looked at the others and said. "I pretty much went the same route. Much of my story is the same so I'll just tell what was different. Linda didn't want to try swinging and said she didn't want to be in bed with anyone else.

"I wore her down and she reluctantly agreed. At the first party we went to she balked at going with one of the other husbands. So we sat down and talked. I persuaded her to go into a bedroom with me. I had arranged for two other husbands to be there.

"When we walked in and she saw the two men, she just turned and stared at me. I told her to give it a try. She might like it. She just glared at me. After a few minutes she said 'you want me to let one of them fuck me while you watch? Then once he gets going, you expect me to suck the other guy, is that it? Then what? Is there a third man coming in or will you be doing the honors of making me air tight?' I shrugged my shoulders and told her to try it. She might like it.

"I never saw her move. Where the slap started from I don't know, but I sure know where it ended. As I was staggering from the force of the blow, she either kneed me or kicked me in the balls, then she hit the door running. By the time I could straighten up she was gone. No way was I in any condition to do any playing that night.

"We had driven to the party in her car and it was several hours before I could walk right and get a cab to take me home. When I finally got home, her car wasn't in the driveway. I couldn't believe I beat her home.

"Like that would have happened.

"When I went up to the bed room, I found the dresser draws open and empty. Most of her things were gone. She left a note saying she would get the rest later.

"That was Friday night. I heard nothing from her over the weekend or the next few weeks. I called everyone I could think of. Even her closest friends and sister didn't know where she was. At least that was their story. I figure one, or all of them were covering for her. Finally on a Wednesday, the proverbial gorgeous college girl, in a short skirt or dress did not come to the door. It was an overweight, old fart, with a five o'clock shadow. I was served.

"She gave me the house but took enough out of our joint savings to cover her half of the equity in the house, then split the rest. We were both working and had our own retirement plans and we kept them. She was very generous in the property split and didn't ask for alimony though I made more money then she did. She just wanted out and wanted out as quickly as possible.

"She was gone and I never heard from her again. That was six years ago and I've been alone since then."

Phil was the last to tell his tale.

"My story has some similarities, but I got lucky in many ways, especially after the divorce. I'm not alone so I can tell you not to give up. You can find real love more than once in a lifetime. Also, unlike you guys, my wife was the one who talked me into swinging saying how it would improve our relationship. Like an idiot I bought it. I figured if it would make her happy, why not. Maybe after one night she would get it out of her system. Better that I knew what was going on than have her screwing around behind my back. Talk about being an idiot.

"The night we went to the party, I was having second thoughts. As she was getting ready to head to a bedroom with another guy, I knew I didn't want my wife fucking another man. I grabbed her arm and pulled her aside. I told her I wouldn't stand around while she romped in bed with another man. Her response was 'then just sit and wait for me or leave without me. I came here to get fucked and I'm going to get fucked.' I left telling her not to look for me when she got home.

"She sent me text messages telling me how she was enjoying real MEN, emphasizing the plural. She also sent me pictures thinking to humiliate me. Lots of pictures. She said she was there to get fucked and fucked is what she got. There were Pictures of her one on one with one man, then another picture of her in a sixty-nine with a man. This was followed by a picture of her in a sixty-nine with a woman while some guy plowed the woman who happened to be on top. Then came the photos of her doing two men and, then three men making her air tight. The last photo showed her with three men making her airtight and five more lined up to take their turns.

"My stomach couldn't take it and neither could I. It seems I never really knew my wife. She showed me a side of her that I never knew existed. I had married a REAL slut. Oh, men want a wife who is a slut, but only when she is in the bedroom with them. Everywhere else, they want a wife that is loving, adoring, and innocent. I packed my bags and left and never looked back. Since we live in a no fault state, the pictures had no bearing on the divorce.

"When her family argued that we should work out our differences I just sent them the photos. That really made a great impression on her parents. I doubt they have spoken to her since then.

"On the bright side, shortly after the divorce was final, I met a wonderful woman. We've been married for three years and have two beautiful children, twins. Her first husband wanted her to swing but she didn't like the idea. She is a one man woman and I am a one woman man.

"Now if you gentlemen will excuse me, I need to recycle all this beer to make room for more."

"You know why beer goes through you so fast, Phil?" John asked. "It's because it doesn't have to stop to change color."

"Well, John" Phil replied. "A friend sent some of that lite beer you drink to a lab. When the report came back, it said his horse had diabetes."

Sam just groaned and said "You guys need new jokes."

Suddenly Sam's expression changed as he looked up. He excused himself and headed for the door. He walked up to a beautiful woman that had just entered the hotel bar and was looking around as if searching for someone. "Linda, is that you?"

The woman turned. After a brief moment, she recognized her ex husband. "Hello, Sam. Sorry I didn't recognize you immediately but I didn't expect to see you here. You caught me by surprise."

"Are you alone or are you meeting someone? Can I get you a drink?" He didn't wait for the answer to the first question before asking the second. "We never did talk back then. I never got to tell you how wrong I was. I'm sorry."

"No thank you, on the drink but thank you for the apology."

"What brings you here?"

"My husband is attending a conference here and tomorrow is our anniversary. It would be the first we would be spending apart. So I got a few days off, got my parents to watch kids, and came here to surprise Phil and celebrate our third anniversary.

Note: Okay. There is a lot left hanging. But then, it is just a conversation between four men in a hotel bar. The last few paragraphs weren't really necessary for the story ending, but it just seemed so right.

Most men fantasize having two women, but for most it is just that, a fantasy. They would never act on because they love their wives. At the same time almost all women fantasize having two men and would jump at the chance. After all what woman wouldn't want one man to do the dusting and dishes and a second to do the laundry and vacuuming?

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26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
Not interested

Not interested in anyone's conversations on swinging.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Gave it 5 stars even before realizing what a discussion starter it is -- all those comments in only a year. Well done.

Thanks for lightening the ending with the jokes.

Like Mom used to say: A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.

In other words Liberals don't become Conservatives. Abortionists don't become sanctity-of-lifers. Rabid Muslims don't become Christians. Swingers don't become monogamists. ALTHOUGH sometimes there are surprising exceptions.

Why then bother with dialog? 1) maybe some insight into the other view, "I see.what you mean even though I still don't agree.". 2) sometimes valid thinking is recognized leading one closer to the opposing view. I would guess that to totally switch sides, that in addition to valid thinking, one would need significant life-changing experiences, as in the case of the key woman featured in the Roe v. Wade pro-abortion ruling eventually becoming ant-abortion. 3) the discussion adds spice to life. As in this story and especially its comments. As in my wife railing against the one-side, prejudiced, dishonest, vindictive news media - I get to (have to?) listen!

Well, well.

Paul in Oklahoma

PS. I greatly appreciated hearing "A Different View Point" than often expressed on Literotica about swinging.

luedonluedonalmost 7 years ago
On Cars and Wives

The car doesn't have the ability to change its mind as situations change over the years. (Although we haven't yet seen the limits of these self-driving things.)

It has been said that you will be married to at least three people over the duration of a marriage. If you can both negotiate so that the same person fills those three roles, that's magnificent.


boatbummboatbummalmost 7 years ago
Interesting Little Flash

And welcome to the "Small World" division of Karma, Inc. It's nice to read that at least one of the guys had a full, loving life with a 'one man' wife. And at least the ones who blew it by pushing their wives into swinging realize how badly they screwed up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I would think that 90% of the time the marriage will eventually be destroyed.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "Sbrooks"

Maybe "own" is the wrong word; how about "belong to?"

Where the car analogy breaks down is that the car never swore fidelity to me and then

ALLOWED the other man to drive it!

Also, what does my view on marriage and fidelity got to do with what stories I read? I read all sorts of stories, not just here. I've been watching "Grace and Frankie" on NetFlix, does that mean I want to divorce my wife and marry another man?

luedonluedonalmost 7 years ago
My dear Anonymous

I couldn't have put it better. Leslie Gore said it in the 1960s and I still treasure that record.


Ps: Next time you contribute, could you please put an identifier at the foot of your note to distinguish you from all the other undifferentiated anonymice? I understand that some anonymous commenters don't wish to register a name, but conversations with thoughtful anonymice are made easier if there is some form of identifier.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Err...no. People don't "own" each other. Even slaves aren't owned, as you can force someone to act, but you can never force them to think or feel a certain way. Only cretins (and Sharia law adherents, but then I repeat myself) believe that marriage gives you the right to "own" another person's body or soul.

Using the car analogy, if someone else drives your car, do you throw it away? Does it instantly become useless? Is it any less dependable, reliable, or trustworthy? This notion that sex magically transforms otherwise good people into trash is the stuff of Old Testament garbage. If you actually believe sex is so sacred and magical, and has such magical powers, why the fuck would you visit ANY site like this? You should spend every waking moment monitoring your wife and making sure she is completely free of impure thoughts or impulses. In other words, tend to your property.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago
@Anonymous Re: "@Anon"

Why are you limiting it to wives? Yes, I "own" my wife; and SHE owns ME!

luedonluedonalmost 7 years ago
Wives vs Cars

A car has no choice. If you pay for it, you own it.

A wife does have a choice. If she chooses to be 'owned' so be it. That's not my idea of a decent marriage and a man who is so insecure that he needs to 'own' his wife is not my idea of a proper husband.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

So, wives are like cars. Just another possession. That just about sums up the views of many here it seems.

Aside from that, you seem to think that if a wife has sex with another man and enjoys it more than she does with hubby, she will leave him. There are only two possible explanations for that line of thinking: either you believe marriage and commitment is only about the sex, or you believe that women are so shallow, and are ruled so strongly by their vaginas, that sex means more to them than family. Either way, what a sick way of thinking.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
How much do you care about the maintenance and condition of your car?

Now, how much do you care about the maintenance and condition of a rental car? If your spouse is only yours when he or she is not being "used" by someone else, then what is special about your marriage? Sharing housing and finances is done by lots of groups, who are not married to each other. Lots of adults are raising children they did not father or give birth to. Many people go on vacations, hug, kiss, travel, dine, do lots of things that have no connection with being married. In fact there is only one interaction between a married man and a woman that they have promised to keep exclusive, and that is having sexual intercourse. This should include any marriage contract, homo and heterosexual.

So back to the rental car. Your exclusive spouse gets sick or loses sexual function, you suffer and cope together, as a team, a partnership. Your swinging spouse gets sick, oh, that's too bad. You are consumed with sympathy and compassion, when your not getting fucked by your current swing partner. Just cause your spouse can no longer swing doesn't mean you have to stop, does it? When the sex within a marriage becomes a point of negotiation, uncertainty, and selfishness, the marriage is in dire trouble. What you give, and give up, in a marriage is just as important as what you get, probably more so. The real question about a swinging marriage is, why bother with the marriage? Obviously sex with your spouse is not that special, so what else about the marriage is?

When you marry exclusively you stop considering other options. When you agree to swing you obviously are sampling other options. And like one of the couples in this story, you may find you spouse has found an option they prefer to you. Love and affection happens, especially when two people just click, unexpectedly. When you take your spouse to a swinging party, the question you have to ask yourself, to paraphrase a great philosopher, is this your lucky day?

Thanks for a thought provoking story, and for having the courage and the spine to allow anonymous comments.

ambnomadambnomadalmost 7 years agoAuthor
So much arguing

over a story that was written for no special reason. Definitely wasn't written as a sermon or a lecture. Maybe if people had read the full title. "Swinging, A DIFFERENT VIEWPOINT. I enjoy writing and just thought I''d present the opposite side of a topic. There are so many stories about wife sharing etc that I thought it was time to see the opposite side.

If you are into swinging fine. That's your choice but why belittle anyone who isn't. There are a lot more couples that don't swing than those that do. Maybe because they really love their spouse and they actually fulfill each other and they don't NEED anyone else. Plus, I've seen too many marriages go down the crapper for all kinds of reason. Most from cheating.

I'd like to thank Anon for his long comment.

If I had known the story would have brought on this type of name calling and insults for other commenters I would not have posted it.Seems many people here are really juvenile. Some will even have to do a word search on Google for a definition of "juvenile".

Also, I notice only one comment on the writing or the story itself. Only comments insulting people. And you wonder why many of the best authors have left ad don't post stories anymore.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 7 years ago
@Anonymous Re: Sbrooks

I only mention cuckoldry being a fetish in response to cuckold fans commenting on NON-cuckold stories calling THEM a fetish.

I don't go to cuckold stories, then post the same comment on them over and over and over, unlike someone else used to do on Consequence stories.

As to the number of my comments, the VAST majority of my comments are specific to something in the stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

The ultimate troll calling out others for being trolls. Too fucking funny. How many times has he repeated the same comment about cuckolding being a fetish? And he has the balls to suggest that others make comments here in order to push their agendas? Unfuckingbelievable.

If there were an award for attention-seekers, I'd nominate the guy who appears on the list of most all-time comments TWICE!

Buy yourself a mirror, sbrooks. You'll be shocked by what you see.

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