Synchronicity for Six Pt. 05


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"Oh, yes, he is! He says that I complete him, and I know that he completes me and makes me a better person."

"Excellent! Okay, unsolicited advice here: don't try to keep a scorecard of who wins and who loses. But, and this is equally important, don't be the one who always gives in.

"As you've noted, he has a stubborn streak in him. In many cases, that's labeled 'persistence' which is often a desirable trait. In your specific case, I just think he wants to be consulted. The odds are that he'll go along with whatever you are suggesting, as long as it seems rational and logical to him. He also needs to believe you've considered the possible consequences. He shared with me that his issue has been your seeming unwillingness to collaborate, especially on things that weren't an emergency. I think it would benefit you both to consult on everything until you are certain how he will react. Yesterday, he totally backed your play with the key for Dawn, right?"

After agreeing with Alan's words, Julie was quiet for many miles following that observation. About fifteen minutes out from Centreville, Alan renewed the conversation.

"Jules, I think I should share with you something I shared with Tom last night. It's about the relationship Laura and I worked out very early on, and I think it could help you two."

"Ok, Alan. Go on, please." She turned in her seat as much as the seatbelt would allow to look at his face as he talked.

"From the outside, it probably appeared that Laura 'wore the pants' in our relationship and I was just her rubber stamp guy. Nothing could be further from the truth. She and I agreed very early on that if I had a strong opinion about something, that was the end of the matter. And, for the most part, I did not have strong opinions, so Laura got things her way. If I did disagree with her, we never showed it in front of anyone, ever. We would talk things through in private, and if she could convince me that her perspective was the best one, I was kind and loving enough to acquiesce on so many little things. It's all about respect, something I've tried to instill in both Tom and David."

Julie nodded, processing Alan's message.

"We covered each other's backs. It was us against the world, and the world was never going to pull us apart." Alan's eyes misted a little as he continued. "But we could not fight that stupid, fucking cancer!" He pounded his palms against the steering wheel in his anger.

Julie's eyes were opened right then. Mild, kind, loving Alan Harrison had a fire inside still. She was certain he loved her mother, but he could never totally let go of Laura. Her hand drifted to her mouth as she realized that Tom had that same passionate fire for her. And she was in danger of snuffing it out.

She reached for his right hand to hold between hers, trying to soothe and comfort him.

= = =

Rose was having a similar, yet different discussion with Tom.

"Tom, have you and Julie patched up your differences? She shared with me some of your recent relationship troubles."

"We're better, Rose, but far from perfect. It's gonna take some time, I fear. But I believe we'll get there. Maybe you can answer some questions for me. Why does she say one thing then turn around and do something else?"

"Specific examples, please, Tom."

"Okay. We had talked some weeks back about possibly inviting our landlord, Bruce Parker, to come for supper. We'd noticed he eats a lot of carry out meals. Then, out of the clear blue, she invites him to supper when she's made a wonderful baked chicken and rice dish. She didn't think to send me a text asking if I was okay with inviting him that night; she just went ahead and did it, and that was just a couple of hours after telling me she expected some 'personal attention' from me that evening.

"Then, while having Dawn and John over for supper last Friday, she invited them to spend the night in our spare bedroom. And they proceeded to stay all weekend! After they left, we talked about our communication problem, even though we did not fully solve it. I thought we both understood what we should be doing when issues affecting both of us arise.

"And then, just two days later, she gave Dawn a key to our apartment; a key we had not discussed having made, let alone giving it to her friend. There was plenty of time together for her to bring up the subject and for us to talk things through.

"It's like she sees a utopian solution and she just charges ahead, without considering possible consequences."

Rose took a few intentional breaths to allow a little time to pass before she responded.

"Tom, you and Julie grew up in very different environments. You had both parents for all of your formative years. You had the example of cooperation and give‑and‑take before you every day. Julie did not. After Ron left, she had to assume some of the mothering role for her sister without being able to check with me first. In the specific examples of your landlord and Dawn with the key, she was trying to soothe and address what she saw as needs she could easily resolve, like she used to do for Maggie. To her, the solution to these problems was straight‑forward and clear. She did not intend to slight you in the least bit, Tom. She's just had to decide things on her own for so long. She's not used to working in collaboration with anyone, including me."

"It sounds a lot like what Dad spoke of last night, I suppose. I haven't been as inclusive as I should have, either. But we talked through it before any final actions were taken."

"What was that, Tom?"

"Just my decision on which of the three job offers to accept. I had pretty much decided on the one from the regional consultancy, but I did go over all of my reasons with Jules before signing the offer and mailing it in."

"So, you won't be going off to the 'big city' when you graduate?" Rose asked, excitedly.

"I don't know where I'll need to be located, but it should not be too far from home, at least initially. Why do you ask?"

"I'm trying to plan our wedding and I know your father wants you and David to stand up with him, just like I want my girls beside me. It's much easier if you're not in Chicago or Atlanta." She held up her left hand, palm out, to gaze at the engagement ring Alan had given to her. There were still times when she could not believe her great fortune at meeting Alan. Although she couldn't bring herself to credit Laura for having brought them together, she was eternally grateful that something had.

"So, Tom, tell me about your final semester's classes," she led him into small talk for the remainder of their journey to Centreville.

= = =

Maggie was so glad she had left her phone in her bag in the lunch room. Firstly, she did not have any pockets in her dress to keep her phone. Secondly, her posse from Centreville plus Katie O'Shea kept it buzzing repeatedly until she had to go back and silence it. She would have to spend her lunch break reading and responding. It was a fairly busy morning, but as Jack had pointed out, Valentine's Day was swiftly approaching. She had helped three couples with their engagement setting purchases and was feeling very good about herself. She had received several unsolicited compliments about the friendship ring gloriously evident on her right hand.

When she was able to eat her lunch, she was amazed at the number of messages awaiting her. First things first, though. She texted Katie asking if she could come by the store after 4:30 and give her a lift home to grab some clothes for Sunday, as well as other sundry necessities such as her phone's charging cable. Katie's response was nearly instantaneous and very positive. She was at home, bored, and once again being ignored by her parents. Katie was ecstatic about having Maggie for the night.

Having eaten half of her lunch, Maggie began to respond to the posse's group messaging. She was very glad to hear from them. Abbie, Joy, and Donna all agreed to a video call on Sunday afternoon at 4:00. Maggie was going to have a big surprise for them when they talked. Maggie then gulped down the rest of her lunch and returned to the showroom. She really did enjoy this job.

= = =

The two cars arrived at the apartment in Centreville and the four got out. Rose paused to look at the drab gray buildings, noticing signs of wear and tear that she had overlooked before. A slight shudder ran through her body as she reveled in the fact that Alan's house was so well cared for. She had definitely been extremely fortunate to meet Alan and become his bethrothed. With her moment of realization over, she reached in to pull out the cleaning supplies they had brought.

They parked next to each other so that when Julie opened her door, Tom was standing right there. Overwrought from processing the discussions she'd had, first with her mother, then with Alan, she wrapped her arms around his neck and burrowed her face into his neck. Then the waterworks sprang a gushing leak.

"Oh, Tommy, Tommy, my love! I'm so, so sorry!" she wept. He was unprepared for the emotional outpouring and just stood there solidly for a few seconds. Then he gently grasped her hair and pulled her head back and covered her mouth with his.

Rose looked at Alan and mouthed, "What did you say to her?" to which Alan just held up his hands, shrugged, and looked rather puzzled. "Let's give them a few minutes," she silently added, and they took the vacuum, mop, broom, and bucket of cleaning supplies and started up the stairs to the apartment. It was rather chilly inside the apartment, and Rose kicked the thermostat up to 72 degrees Fahrenheit before removing her coat. They started by raising all the blinds and turning on all the overhead lights.

Tom and Julie appeared in the doorway after a few minutes, and soon Rose had everyone detailed to the various tasks of 'properly cleaning' the apartment. As it approached time for lunch, everybody needed a break. As the ethnic food choices in Centreville were somewhat limited, at Rose's recommendation Alan was sent for Chinese take-out and drinks. As much as she wanted answers as to why they had been having these problems, Rose chose to wait for Alan to return with lunch. He soon returned with a paper bag of appetizing smelling food.

There was no furniture left in the apartment, so they had to sit on the floor, being careful not to spill any food on the vacuumed carpeting. Rose was about to unpack the various items when Alan cleared his throat and she saw him extending his hand to her. Abashed, she stopped and they asked a quick blessing for their meal.

"Okay, Alan's back. I would like an explanation from both of you how you've come to this point," Rose insisted.

Tom and Julie started talking over each other, and Rose held up her hand to stop them.

"Please! Tom first, Jules second. Go."

"I don't know exactly why we got to this place but I do know this. Jules, please don't abuse this, but I will always forgive you. I understand better now what you had to do for your mother and your sister to keep things going. We need to plan things out a bit better to avoid emergency situations. I love you and don't want you to leave me, ever." This brought a fresh flow of tears to Julie's eyes as well as a few to Rose's. It took a couple of minutes before Julie could state her piece.

"Tom, my Boy Scout. 'Be Prepared' is more than just a couple of words to you, isn't it? I'm so sorry that my uncoordinated decisions and actions have led us to have these communication problems. I could not understand why you did not understand. Everything worked out so, no blood, no foul, right? But that's not how it should be. We need to spend a bit more time just talking about what's going on. I get that, now, finally."

"Julia, Thomas," Alan began, "I don't think you've truly answered Rose's question. How did you come to reach this point?" Alan simply could not help himself. He could not let that nagging little question go unanswered. As he expected, Tom began.

"Dad, I think that through talking with Rose, I've come to understand why Julie made those decisions on her own. It's how she was forced to grow up. And I hear you about choosing my battles better. In the long run, the issues should not have knocked us off our equilibrium. I will accept that responsibility."

"Dad," Julie began, causing Alan's eyes to widen in surprise, "I was unaware that how I resolved the little problems facing me or us mattered as much as the resolution itself. Tom and I need to talk more," and in a softer voice added, "and fuck less."

"Hey! Hold your horses there, missy!" Tom objected, a big smile on his face. "I think we need to talk more before, during, and after. There's nothing wrong with good old fashioned make up sex."

Julie blushed a bit at Tom's brazenness while Alan and Rose just grinned. It looked like Alan wasn't the only Harrison man being corrupted by his chosen Lawson woman.

The four of them managed to get the apartment cleaned to Rose's satisfaction, and she went to get the manager on duty to terminate the lease as she handed back the three sets of keys. At 4:00 PM they gathered at the cars to discuss options. After a little back and forth, they decided to return to Middleburg for the night. Rose thought to text Maggie that they would be at church in the morning.

= = =

At 4:20, the door to the jewelry store opened and the chime sounded, announcing Katie O'Shea's arrival. Maggie looked up and a joyful smile appeared on her face. Grinning herself, Katie stepped up to the display case in front of her new friend and tapped on the glass.

"So, where could I find a 'friendship ring' like yours, Margaret?" she asked, batting her eyes and reading Maggie's nametag.

"Hi, Katie! I'm very sorry, but we don't stock that sort of product in this store. However, if you were to go down the block and across the street, Middleburg Jewelry has a very nice selection of non-gemstone rings, bracelets, and necklaces in stock. That's where I got mine, for your information."

Jack Johnson appeared from the back room and looked at Katie, sort of puzzled as if she looked familiar but he couldn't place where he'd seen her before. He stepped forward and introduced himself as the owner.

Katie gave him a dazzling smile of her own, saying, "I recognize you from church, Mr. Johnson. I'm just here to pick up my friend and take her home so she won't have to ride the bus. I'm Katie O'Shea."

"Ah, yes, Miss O'Shea from church. Now I remember! Well, it's closing time, Margaret," he said, formally. "Will I see you tomorrow?"

"Absolutely, Jack. If you play your cards right, you might even see Katie with me," Maggie smiled in return. "Let me go clock out and get my stuff, Katie. I'll be right back!"

The two girls bubbled and laughed all the way to Maggie's home. Tom's Jeep and Alan's Volvo were not in the driveway, so everyone was still away and otherwise occupied. Maggie let them in the front door and led her friend upstairs to the front bedroom where Maggie's clothes remained in the dresser and the closet. Maggie quickly grabbed sleepwear in addition to her clothes for church in the morning. Katie sat on the bed and just stared at the portrait of Julie on the wall.

"That's your sister, right?" Katie inquired. Not waiting for confirmation, "Why is her picture up on your bedroom wall?"

"Tom must have put it up in the open spot last night," Maggie surmised.

"Well, what normally is there?"

"A picture of me that David did from a photo back in November, before we had ever met. Come on, I'll show you." Maggie led the way to David's room. She grabbed her phone's charging cable and wall plug and pointed at the kitsune picture on the wall. Katie's mouth dropped open in amazement at the talent exhibited.

"It's you. But it's a fox. With multiple tails. That's a kitsune!" Katie declared.

"You know about them?" Maggie queried.

"Yeah, a little. I kinda figure that a good way to get a guy to notice me is to do things they like to do, like D&D. Larry left most of his stuff when he went to school, and I've been reading some of the books." Maggie's eyes widened in her excitement.

"Do you think we could learn to play? I'd love to be able to play that with David," Maggie gushed.

"Maybe," Katie temporized. "You've got to tell me the story behind that picture."

"Let's get rolling to your house and I'll tell you what I know."

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RRC2RRC2almost 2 years ago

The author takes on a serious communication problem in this chapter and does it proud. As to whether acknowledging some of the roots of the problem is the same as resolving the problem, we will need to read more.

And yes, it is so good that a tease like my previous paragraph is totally appropriate in the comments.



SithLord6969SithLord6969almost 2 years ago

I love these stories. Can't wait for the next chapter. 5 stars and a fave!

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