Taken by the Hun

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A young Roman girl becomes the slave of her conqueror.
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This is my first submission. Although it is set around the time of the fall of Rome and after Constantine it is not a historical essay. It should be read as a work of fiction. I hope you enjoy it.


I ran through the corridors led by my slaves and supported by my personal body guards as the vandals finally broke through the fortress defences. They were taking few prisoners and I heard the screams of the men as they were mercilessly cut down. Any woman over the age of childbearing was slaughtered where she stood and only the fittest and best looking were spared to serve what could loosely be described as an army in the brothels they would make in the dungeons of our fortress, my home.

Luckily my parents and my brother had left a week before intending to return with an army within a month. I had always been a 'fighting girl' and as I was now eighteen years old I was left in charge until they returned. No one expected the Empire to fall to the vandals so swiftly and now all I could do was pray for deliverance but was God listening?

As we turned into a narrow passage I regretted wearing a dress but Father had instructed me to act like a domino and that included dressing the part. "The slaves will not respect anyone who is slovenly" he said on more than one occasion. I heard screams behind me and watched horrified as all three of my body guards fell to arrows shot from behind them. I was ready to take the next shaft and signalled for my slaves to run to their lives as I grabbed one of my guard's swords. I had practiced fighting many times with my guards and I figured if I was going to die I'd die with a sword in my hand when the arrow struck. To my amazement there was an order given in what sounded like a Germanic tongue and the archers lowered their bows as two vandals rushed towards me. I was able to slash the chest of one with my sword and with a very lucky sweep decapitate another. Suddenly there was thud and a stinging blow to the back of my head as the ground rose up to meet me and I lapsed into unconsciousness.

When I came round I could smell burning and I saw our home had been set ablaze by the invaders. I struggled to rise but I found my legs were chained to Rowena, one of my erstwhile slaves who had blood pouring from a wound in her shoulder. "Mistress ... Mistress we are both captives now ..." She was sobbing.

Before I could answer a voice boomed out in bad Latin calling for silence. As I turned I saw a giant of a man enter the yard and the hoards of vandals stood up striking their breasts in salutation. He pointed at me and the guard who had called for silence said something to him before walking up to me. As he unchained me he said "You're lucky" then with a smirk and a grating laugh he continued "the Chieftain wants you." As he spoke he turned to Rowena and said "And I want you!"

I found myself being pushed and pulled before being taken out of the fortress and placed in a horse drawn wagon with wooden bars round it like a portable prison. As I was pushed in some of the vandals jeered and made obscene gestures pointing to their manhoods. I was disgusted and burst into tears.

Eventually we arrived in a clearing and I was taken out and brought into a tent with a huge bed covered in furs. After being chained to the central pole I was left alone for about half an hour and then in walked the giant of a man I had seen in the yard. He had long blonde hair which was repeated on his muscular chest. He stood over six foot six dwarfing my own six foot and I had to look up to him.

His Latin was near perfect "I hear you killed two of my men" he said as he approached me.

"They were enemies of Rome" I answered daring him to respond.

"Doesn't this Christianity you've embraced teach you to love your enemies?" He asked but before I could respond he continued "I don't care about them, I've come to inspect my property."

"You don't have any property here" I responded holding his gaze. "My father owns this land and when he returns you will become HIS property!"

The giant laughed and poured himself a goblet of wine. "So, you're his daughter Sabina? I thought you were her and I must say the stories about you don't do you justice. You're beautiful, a perfect catch for me."

I pretended to misunderstand his meaning and continued "I repeat, you are on our property not yours."

The warrior got up and opened the flap of the tent and said something. Suddenly Rowena was hustled in and thrown to the floor. "Do you recognise this woman?" he asked. I nodded "She was your slave right?"

"We've known each other all our lives" I answered "we grew up together."

"Pity she has to die" my captor said "but I'll make it swift "Rowena screamed as he raised his sword to her neck and prepared to plunge it into her blood vessels.

"DON'T!" I shouted and the warrior looked at me and stayed his hand throwing the sword down.

"I've already given her to one of my loyal generals but what I give I can take back. If you obey me she will live. Disobey and she dies. Do you understand?" I lowered my head before nodding quietly tears cascading down my cheeks. "Take her away and enjoy her" the warrior said to his general "but before that unchain this one" he motioned towards me "she won't be any trouble now." As the general unlocked my chain my captor said "And I am NOT to be disturbed." The general saluted and left taking the weeping Rowena with him.

Turning to me the warrior said "Two ground rules; you call me 'Master' and you obey me without question. Do that and your slave will live. Understand?"

I nodded.

He repeated "Do you understand?"

"Yes" I replied.

"Yes, WHAT?"

"Yes Master." I sobbed

Ignoring my tears my new Master asked "Have you ever lain with a man?"

I already knew what he was going to do to me but up until then I had hoped for an escape. All I could do now was beg "Please ..." I sobbed falling to my knees "Please don't do this to me. I've never been with a man ... I don't know what to do?"

Master raised me up and said "Then I shall teach you." With those words he kissed me tenderly but firmly on the lips, my first ever kiss. I spluttered as he asked "Don't you have any idea what happens?"

"I've seen the cattle and dogs" I blushed "I know the body parts involved" I felt sick "but ... but ... please ... PLEASE don't make me do this ... don't force me."

"O I won't force you" he answered as I took a deep breath ready to sigh with relief but he continued "it's just a pity poor Rowena will die tonight if you refuse me. But that's your choice." He turned about to give the order for her execution.

I interrupted "NO! I'll ... I'll do it". I felt a wave of sorrow sweep over me as I knew my life would change for ever. I was going to be ruined, spoilt, robbed of my innocence in a war I did not seek and no one with any decency would ever want to marry me. Even the lowest Roman Citizen wanted a virgin on his wedding night. Now I would be lucky if even an Arab horse trainer would take me.

Master stepped forward and with his right hand cupped my left breast and I felt a strange trembling in my legs and tingling sensation in my hardening nipple. No one had ever dared even dream of touching me there. He drew me into a kiss and my womanhood began to moisten. I heard a woman softly groan and realised it was me. "By the gods" Master said "you've denied yourself for so long but now you are about to embrace the pleasures you were meant to have."

He turned me round and backed me to the bed. With a sudden swish of his sword he cut the straps that held my dress in place and it pooled down around my feet as he gently pushed me down as naked as the day I was born. I saw him adjust his breeches and I knew what was coming next and I sobbed the words "Please!" And "Don't!" But it was too late as he let them drop to the floor releasing his enormous manhood. I gasped "That will ... It will tear me apart!"

Master laughed condescendingly as though speaking to a child and he said "Don't worry, I'll ensure its as pleasurable as possible but it will hurt the first time." He sat down on the bed totally naked and gently took my left hand and placed the fingers round his shaft which jerked and spat out a little blob of clear liquid. I was horrified but he gently explained "It's ok, that's what we call 'pre cum' the seed that will make you pregnant is way down below."

With the word 'make you pregnant' I screamed "NO ... PLEASE DON'T GIVE ME A BABY!" But he just smiled and lay down next to me and took me in a kiss as his right hand again took my left nipple and my sensations returned. He broke the kiss and took his mouth and gently nibbled my right then my left nipple and I felt them go as hard as beads as I whimpered in pleasure hating my body for betraying me. A small blob of what he called 'pre cum' escaped and with his right hand he anointed my left nipple with it as to my shame I became curious.

His hand travelled down to my stomach, passed my naval and then gently touched my sex and that brought home what was about to happen. I panicked "NO! THAT'S ENOUGH! PLEASE I'M ONLY EIGHTEEN!" Then his fingers went where nothing, not even my own hand had ever been before.

Shamefully I found myself bucking against him and then my humiliation was complete as he said "My you're expecting me!" I blushed as he said "You're wet ... you want it!" Then he became serious "You must have lied when you told me you were innocent!"

"I am ... I am a virgin ... I AM!" I shouted.

"Well I'll find out for certain soon enough." He sighed as his hands moved away and were replaced by something hard but padded and I knew what was coming next.

"Please ... don't ... don ..." my words were silenced by his mouth covering mine. The lips of my pussy began to open like a flower opens to receive the sun. My pubic hair bristled as he moved slowly inwards and to my horror I felt a storm of excitement engulf me. Then I felt something bulging slightly and I knew he had reached my hymen. Breaking the kiss he said gently, almost protectively "So ... you are a sweet innocent virgin." Before I could answer he drew back before launching forward. I held his gaze as I felt myself being stretched before he jarred forward and there was a sharp sickening deep pain as I screamed and he whispered . "Well ... you WERE a sweet innocent virgin." As he kissed me passionately I felt a warm liquid escaping from between my legs and I knew it was blood. My purity had been destroyed for ever.

He held me tight and tried to dry my tears as I lay impaled on his shaft. "I ... I ... I begged you not to do this" I sobbed "I'm ruined, spoilt ..." I couldn't respond further because his lips claimed my mouth. Then gently, quietly, considerately he began to rock backwards and forwards. At first the pain intensified but soon it was a dull ache before fading completely. Gradually a new sensation was building, one of desire, of pleasure and total surrender. It was then I realised what was about to take place and I stammered "Pl ... Pl ... Please ... Please don't give me a baby. I'm only eighteen".

My plea was ignored and the movements became longer, harder, more forceful and demanding and I felt my body responding with his. Suddenly a warm excitement filled my hard nipples as my chest rubbed against his. My pussy began to respond with some desire of her own and then my muscles clamped hard on his cock and I felt I was on the edge of a cliff about to fall off. "Wha ... What's happening ... happening to me?" I screamed and then I felt his shaft harden, as my conqueror groaned. In response I was moaning, whimpering, groaning in lust.

Suddenly a dam broke deep inside me and I found myself arching upwards crying out in lust as a tsunami of fluids came rushing down my channel and a blinding flash of sexual orgasm travelled all over my body. At this very point I felt an explosion deep inside me as his hot living sperm filled my uterus and they raced to be the first to fertilise my waiting ovary. How long it lasted I couldn't tell you but when we finally separated a hot flow of spent seed, my own fluids and my post virginal blood flowed out of me as his manhood began to soften.

Finally I got up and saw the stains on the furs as my conqueror shouted an order and some slaves, brought in a bath and poured hot water into it. Another slave who I recognised as being one I had played with when I was little bathed me and I yelped like a puppy dog when the warm water met my torn innocence. The slave whispered in my ear "We're equal now!" I turned to see her smile.

After food had been delivered and we ate together I said "Where am I to go to now?"

"I didn't hear you" came the reply.

"Where am I to go now MASTER?"

"That's better! You are to stay here. Soon you will have your slave collar to show you are mine."

"But why? You've taken everything I had of any value. Even my virginity!" Tears were forming in my eyes as I spoke

"You really don't understand men do you?" Master asked. I shook my head as he beckoned me to him. That night he entered me another four times and we both came each time.


All that happened some five months ago and still there is no news of my father. My morning sickness has been bad while the baby kicks hard at night. ... Sorry, I have to go ... Master has an erection I have to deal with.

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dondddonddover 9 years ago
Didn't believe she was an innocent virgin..

The heathen master had likely been with other Christian maidens & helped "introduce" them to the world of sex. Perhaps he had reason for skepticism as some who told him they were "innocent" weren't so and he knew it when his penis so easily slipped into the cunts without the slightest bit of resistance, tightness or blood...

One time after the woman assured him she was virginal, his penis quickly slid in.

After he fucked her and thrust his cum into her, he slapped her and chastised her for playing the innocent Christian maiden... so it was a serious thing to him and this virginal maiden had no idea what could happen if he suspected she wasn't so innocent...

Can picture his rock-hard pagan penis poised in front of the innocent Christian girl's pussy, his forehead just touching her opening and moments from forever robbing her of her Christian innocence.

She's nervous and breathes heavily as it will be her first time because no man has ever seen her beautiful Christian pussy, which will soon be all his.

You sure you're an innocent virgin? he asks.

Yes, master. I give you my innocence....

As he slowly moves it in, he notices how tight this 18 y.o. virgin is and feels resistance when his forehead touches her Christian hymen, which he will soon burst and forever take her innocent virginity....

As he does what any man should do to break-in his woman, she holds him tight and kisses him as he moves in and out and makes her a woman, a Christian woman living in the real world...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Protecting your Christian innocence...

I like how the subject attempted to protect her Christian virginity.

However, would like to have read more about how she tried to keep her ravenous heathen from pushing his penis into her innocent virgin pussy, which a man had never viewed before.

Could see her saying, "...I'm a Christian virgin. I've never been with a man. I want to save myself for my husband...." as he slowly slides it in before his hard pagan cock pierces her holy hymen.

Then would love to see the expression of joy on her face as his hungry penis pushes deeper and gives the naive Christian maiden all those sensations she's never felt.

To allay her pregnancy concern, perhaps she could've asked him, before he entered, to promise to pull-out "just in time" before his cum flowed.

"oh... okay... I will (maybe)..." he responded.

"That will help me maintain my good girl Christian innocence," she responded.

After about 10 minutes of going in and out of her and thrusting deep into her Christian pussy with his passionate thrusts, she feels his heathen penis beginning to spasm, so she knows it's time for him to fill her.

As he begins to withdraw, she surprises him by wrapping her arms around him even tighter than she held him before, which prevents him from pulling out.

As he's past the point of no return, he can't hold-back anymore and she feels his sperm-laden cum filling her.

"mmmmm...." she tells him as she kisses his lips passionately and clearly enjoys having her innocent Christian pussy filled with his ungodly cum.

"I... though you didn't want to have a baby...."

"I know I TOLD you that, but I love the feeling and want ALL OF YOU! !!!" so please don't stop. I'm your's for the entire night...."

"...and life..." the master informs here...

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

For a first story, it's pretty good, although there was a lot of historical inaccuracies. I know you said that it wasn't a historical essay, but anyone who has taken an ancient civ class in college could tell you that at the fall even the Germanic tribes were Christians.

A shame it ended abruptly - I would have liked to see her as a slave. It was still a hot story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I enjoyed your story. I disagree with another comment. I like a story to end. I am not fond of the chapter stories you often find here. I did agree about the 18 thing though I understand you wanted to make it clear that she was an adult. Nice job

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Her argument of I'm only 18 is out of place since then most married young and by her age could already have had 1-2 kids, it wouldve made sense had this been modern time

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
good job!

Great story :) A bit rushed in the end though. Hope you continue writing!

MtannerMtannerover 10 years ago

This was pretty good. A very nice first submission and here is hoping you post more. I did really like how she didn't instantly fall in love with her master.

IwasagoodgirlIwasagoodgirlover 10 years agoAuthor
Thank You

I welcome all comments and observations both encouraging and critical. I'm not a professional writer I'll never be a professional writer but I enjoyed writing it. Might even try another!

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimover 10 years ago
Thank you

Well done.

A decent first story to pop your literary cherry.

Then ending was a bit abrupt, and you could have left it open to show her life in the following months, but it's your story.

AMHJ89AMHJ89over 10 years ago

Seemed a bit rushed but an okay story

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