Taken by the Sveril Ch. 04

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Merci attempts to escape, Devlin suffers the consequences.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/09/2019
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Thanks for being patient, it's surprisingly difficult to write erotica with a house full of other people.

**Heads up readers, this chapter includes a m/m NC scene. If it's not your kink, skip to the last paragraph after the marked point of view change.**

Chapter 4


I try to rinse myself clean with cold water in the bath. Somehow I'm even brave enough to side my fingers into my channel, explore the soreness Devlin created. Morbid fascination has me examining the milky fluid, tinged pink. I breathe through stomach cramps. Cup water and try to rinse my mouth until I can't taste him.

The house is so quiet when I escape the bath.

Everyone is asleep—even Netta. I know because I risk a glance into their chambers and spot her curled in that creature's arms. The grip she has on him...it makes my stomach sink.

I knew the front door was locked. The other Sveril had made a show of it.

However, there was a back door. And windows.

Through the kitchen is a little hall, one that held their mother's chambers, and then somewhere a door she'd left through when we arrived.

I've got to go back to the room to hunt for my things. I don't think I breathe as I search for my coat. Devlin's asleep. His chest rises and falls evenly. His face is almost younger. Beautifully carved with sensual lips. Like one of those mythical creatures in the fairy books. The creature has a stunning body, one I was almost enjoying until—until he broke his word.

Indecision has me frozen in the dim room. If I leave, I'll have to fend for myself. No Netta. If I stay, he's going to make my head fuzzy and break his word. I don't want a babe. Not yet. The women in the market might not tell me much of their marriages, but I've heard my fill of childbirth stories. It's enough that a chill shoots down my core.

After dressing and wrapping myself in my coat, I tip-toed to the back of the house with my boots in hand. It's late afternoon. If I move quickly, I can get home before night. As long as I can find my way back to the main street we came in on, I'm confident I can escape.

When I find the back door, I find a simple latch, no key needed, and ease it open.

It's cool, overcast, and at odds with our nearest town. In Whiting the streets would be full. The air crowded with voices. All I hear now is birdsong.

The back door leads to an alleyway between rows of houses. If I make two lefts it should take me to the main street, then I'll be on my way.

My path grows narrow. A woodpile dominates my right side and the left is crowded with barrels. An awning eventually shadows the street ahead of me, making the weak winter light dim.

When I'm ten paces into the dark, a door opens to my left and a pair of Sverils tumble out. It's clear they're drunk. One laughs and the other stumbles before straightening himself. The former stills and grips his friend. He's shorter than Devlin, darker skinned, but his hair is a light brown, braided away from his face. His friend spots me and steps closer. Squared jaw and bloodshot amber cat eyes greet me.

"You're new around here." He's thicker, dark eyed with fair—or at least paler skin—than the other Sverils I've met so far. His hair is cropped short making the point of his ears alarmingly clear.

I tell them, "I--I'm just taking in some air."

The darker one steps closer, forcing my back to the wood pile. His face is rounder, eyes a deep brown. A foreign reek of alcohol invades my senses. "Who let you out?"

"My—Devlin." I'm not sure if they'll take me back or if they even know him, but it's all I can offer. "His house is just down the way."

The fair one says, "Oh, I know Devlin. Are you his female?"

I swallow, then nod.

The pair exchange a look.

"I can hardly smell him on you. Are you sure about that?" The fair one places and arm above my head and leans in too close. "I can't smell him where it counts, anyway."


"Her heat though," the other's boots nudges my own. "That's ripe."

"You need to be bred, don't you?" Hands pluck at my coat, popping my buttons. "Is that why you're out wandering. Our old friend couldn't bed you properly?"

"Stop." I try to push past them, but I'm caged in. One snakes a hand under my coat, pulling my hips to his. "Get off me!"

The dark haired one grabs my hair by the root, giving me a hard shake. He hisses, "Shut up!"

A hand crawls up my throat, squeezes. "You're gonna spread those legs and take what we've got."

"No, please. Devlin will be angry."

"That's what I'm counting on." The dark haired one's lips are on near my ear. He slants his head, brushing my cheek. Then he licks me.

I wince and try to pull away but my scalp flares with pain. He laughs, then makes for my neck, sucking and nibbling the spot where my pulse races. I can't keep track of hands, but another is wrapped around my backside, kneading my behind.

My coat is free, pulled from my shoulders. My heart is hamming in my ears. The dark haired one works his way up to my war, licks the curve of it and chuckles. There's a hand between my legs, pressing my skirts harshly into my tender flesh. "I'm gonna fuck a cuckoo into this cunt and he can deal with it later."

My knees go weak. Somehow this helps me slide free from their hold before I try to scrabble under their arms, out of their grasp, but a boot comes up into my gut. I gasp as my wind races out of me.

The fair one sneers at me. "Knox, get her arms."

There are fingers ripping at my hair, twisting my arms behind my back as I'm dragging from the ground and thrown face first onto the flat end of a barrel.

"Gimmie your knife, I wanna see those tits."

They try to swap grips on my arms. There's more shuffling in the gravel. Once I feel their hands relax, I drop to the ground again only to be lifted by my hair. "Listen, either you hold the fuck still or I'm going to put this knife into your spine."

I start to cry when something hard presses into my back.

"Good girl, no screaming." Then the dark one, Knox, starts hacking at my gown until it's in pieces framing my chest.

Knox's hand cups my breast. It's like fire compared to the chilled air but his ringers are rough. "Nice."

"Better than the whorehouse has."

Then they're on me. Hands fisting my breasts, rolling my nipples between their fingers. Callouses scratch my skin. Knox's warm mouth is on my breast, sucking on the flesh. I'm shaking so hard I can't stand anymore.

"Here, Cade, lay off the tits and get those knickers off." Knox passes off the blade and starts to chew on my breast. Teeth rake over my nipple. Hard enough to bruise. Cade fumbles with the skirt of my gown, eventually cutting a slit up the middle and jerking down my briefs.

They pause to look me over.

"Look at that little cunt." Knox brushes a finger though my curls.

"Bend her over, I like it better that way." Then I'm pushed back to the barrel. This time they let me have my arms, which I use to shield my face from the fridge wood. I'm so cold, but the air only bathes my sex for a second before a heat like hot iron grinds into my bruised folds.

Knox's blunt cockhead pushes against my dry sex. "Lets get you nice and slick. I wanna hear you cumming on my cock in a few minutes."

He spreads me open, rubs his shaft through my folds until they're coated in his slick. Then he rocks back and starts to press into me. My stomach dips with the pressure. Then my body gives way and he's invading me.

"That's so hot." I look over my shoulder and then squeeze my eyes shut. Cade's fisting the club of his sex, milking it, attention rapt on the steadily growing pressure.

Sparks of pain strike my channel. I'm still sore from earlier. He mistakes my whimper for pleasure and surges forward, striking the end of my tunnel. "Mhm. She's so fresh. Tight."

"Let me have a go before you sting her." Brilliant pain flares through my behind as Cade strike my cheek.

"Ah, Gods." Knocks begins to stroke into me, slowly. I feel something hard probing my nethers. Instantly I stiffen, but something, a finger maybe, pushes into my rosebud. "Virgin here, huh? Maybe we should stretch you out."

Cade shifts closer so he can reach my breast, pinch my tender peaks. I can hear the vigorous sound of his hand on his cock in my ear. "I should fuck her mouth."

"Don't." Knox pulls out suddenly. "You wanna get stuck with her?"


"She could already be carrying his brat."

"Might be worth it." Cade shoves into me faster than I thought possible. He's thicker than Knox, no where near as gentle. I swear I feel every ridge of his sex as he knocks me forward. "Gods, better than the sluts downtown."

He cups my breasts while he thrusts. Hot breath heats my back with every grunt. Without warning they swap again.

Knox changes his angle, pressing forward so the back of my channel presses glides over the ridge of his barb. He murmurs, "I think I'm gonna cum soon."

"Please, please don't--" A hand comes down over my mouth, blocking my nose. I try to draw panicked breaths.

"Sting her, I want to drain my barb before she's all sloppy."

His thrusts become harder, deeper, and most unexpected, sparks of pleasure start to build in my channel.

—M/M —


My bed was empty.

I woke with my heart in my throat unable to sort out what was missing. When I lifted my hand to my face, I smelled her.


I threw on my night clothes—the first things I found—and tore through the house looking for her. She'd not made it through the front door, but the back...

Sure enough her scent was in the hall. I threw open the door and bolted into the alley, about to turn left when I heard distant voices. It could be drunks, but the tavern was a little way down the back street. Once under the awning I found myself blinking in confusion. Then bubbling with rage.

Knox and Cade.

Two years ago, we'd been friends and hunting partners. We'd also helped each other out. It's not uncommon, after all the options here are limited, but it's rarely admitted. Cade and Knox are close. For months we'd all gotten drunk, closed our eyes and jerked each other off, but that wasn't enough for them. They started pressuring me for more. I walked in on them fucking once and avoided them after that.

I could close my eyes and use my imagination, but the idea of getting another male's barb sent a bolt of cold fear through me.

Both of them seemed to think I'd betrayed them somehow. I've kept my mouth shut.

They hate me.

And they have Merci bent over a barrel. Knox is rutting into her for all he's worth and she's sobbing into Cade's hand.

I don't even think, I clock Knox on the side of the head hard enough for him to fall sideways into the woodpile. Then I swing at Cade, clipping the side of his face.

Merci scrabbles up and collapses to the dirt. Her gown is in shreds, face a snotty red map of tears.

"Go home! Now!"

I try to give her an empathetic look, but it's the wrong thing to do. Cade tackles me and we crash to the ally floor, throwing fists into one another sides. I try to get my knee up, to hit him in his exposed groin but I miss. When I finally pin him, I've got about two seconds to catch my breath before an arm snakes around my throat and Knox rips me off.

Flailing, I try to kick out his legs, to break his hold but the slam me face down into the dirt. Cade restrains my arms. Someone laughs as pricks of white and black make my vision wobble.

I can't breathe. It's sheer panic as I struggle for air. The lack of blood to my brain makes everything foggy until the world goes black.

When I come to, I can't make sense of what's happening. It takes me a few seconds to realize the crushing weight on my back is Cade, and my shoulders burn because their wrenched back at a painful angle. He's still got his arm around my throat and my face is in the freezing dirt, but the rest of me is also like ice. My cock feels like it's in the snow.

Warm hands stroke my ass and I go still with fear.

Kade asks, "He awake?"

"Think he's coming around."

"Good, I want him to feel this."

My ass cheeks are pulled apart, bathing the naked flesh in freezing air. Only for a second. Then a blunt heat presses against my anus. I try to buck, to throw them off me nut I've got nearly four-hundred pounds of muscle pinning me down.

"Careful Dev, Knox has a blade back there. Wouldn't want him to slip." Something cool whispers over my left flank. I go still, thinking, reaching.

Sverils are uniquely suited for breeding the unwilling. Our glands make our shafts slick and our barbs deliver a sting that renders our mates docile.

Knox drives his entire weight into me. His cocks a battering ram. The splitting pain knocks the breath out of me. I must have started howling because Cade shoves something into my mouth with his spare hand and puts more pressure on my throat.

"You've got a nice, tight, little hole Dev. Should have let us break you in ages ago." Knox begins to saw into me, forcing himself deeper and deeper until his hips are flush with my ass. I feel the grind of his pubic hair against my skin. His sack lays over mine as he growls.

"Hurry the fuck up," Cade hisses, releasing the pressure on my throat so the world swells back into color.

Knoxs withdraws slowly, groaning with pleasure only to slam the full length of his shaft into me as hard as he can. Blinding, sharp, pain slices into my flesh as his barb lances into me. This time when I try to buck him off my limbs resist. My joints to limp and my head fills with static.

Seconds later my dick is leaking and my abdomen contracts in pleasure. I groan into the fabric gagging my mouth.

"That's right, milk my cock." Behind me, Knox sighs and rocks into me until his barb slides free.

He pulls out and Cade rolls off my back, releasing my arms. I think that they're done. Maybe they've humiliated me, and they'll leave me in this alley, but I'm wrong.

I pull my arms under me and try to stand, but only manage to raise to my hands and knees. The world won't stop tilting. Between the missing oxygen in my head and the venom in my blood—I'm so weak. I don't notice Cade until he's gripping my hips, slamming his cock into me.

"Should have let us breed her." He grunts, rotating his dick, stretching my abused hole. Then he starts fucking me with abandon. A sharp pain pierces my haze—his barb—but instead of seating it in my flesh, he's letting it scrape my hole. "You make—oh fuck—such a good little whore."

I'm seeding red.

I just need a minute. This venom will metabolize enough to let me move and then I'm going to murder them.

I don't care if I set off a blood feud between our families, I want them dead.

A hand grips my shaft, causing me to yelp. The hormones in Knox's vemon have me hard and oversensitive.

Knox twists his hand on the way down, brushing my cockhead with a calloused thumb. "I remember you used to like this." Knox starts stroking me in time with his friend's fevered thrusts. "Always too high and mighty to cave. How about you think of this next time you fuck her?"

Cade's rhythm falters. His growls draw out before he seats himself in me. He's pulsing as his barb begins to empty, as he fills me with his seed.

The violent orgasm that takes me is unlike anything I've experienced. I can't stop it. Knox laughs, pistoning his fist over my shaft, making me convulse as I spend myself. I collapse on my face. The blood in my ears drowns out the words.

"Gods, that was good." Cade digs his fingers into my asscheeks as he pulls himself free. I hear shuffling as he fastens his slacks.

"Look at that gaping pussy." Knox bounces his cock on my asshole, teasingly. With a groan I drag myself forward. Every movement is so slow. If I can get to the woodpile, to anything--

Knock snatches up my wrist and jerks it behind my back, forcing my head into the icy dirt. His cock is in my ass again, but he's fucking with me. Flicking the tip in and out of my hole.

Cade hisses, "Hurry up."


I whimper when he takes up a brutal pace. My balls ache from the slap of his body.

He must be on a hair trigger because after about thirty seconds of thrusting he's groaning and pouring into me. His orgasm pulses inside me, making me aware of every ache.

"Shit, let's go." Cade shuffles into my line of sight and I catch him looking down the alley, toward my home. "Seriously, get your pants on. Someone's coming."

He releases my arm, which is absolutely burning in pain and pushes me over. I'm able to turn onto my back, but my hands are too frozen and body too sore to make sense of where my pants have been knotted. Still, I work the gag out of my mouth in time to see a dark shape dart past me.

The world is still spinning a few minutes later when I've found my coat and managed to stand. I can't get my briefs on. But I can't leave them here for someone to find either.

The venom might be out of my system, I might be able to breathe again, but I'm disgusted with myself. I've never felt so weak and angry.

When Ren's boots crush stone nearby I flinch and try to hide my face.

"I didn't kill them, so no blood feud."

I nod.

"But I just about ruined their faces."

I try to shuffle towards home but my legs ache. Their cum escapes my body and stings violently where Cade's barb cut me. Ren stoops, retrieving something and takes me by the elbow.

"I'm meeting with the elders in a little bit. What do you want me to say?"

"You can't tell them--" My voice is hoarse and wrong.

"We don't have to. I'll say they were taking your newly mated girl. Your neck..." Ren forces me to lift my chin. "It looks like they tried killing you."

I try to take another step but I'm trembling.

Ren throws his coat over my shoulders and helps me back to the house. The moment I step inside I spot Merci on the lounger, wrapped in a quilt. Her sister's rubbing her shoulder while the girl cries. When Merci's eyes meet mine, I feel my lip curl into a snarl.

There's a bitter hatred for that girl in my gut. I growl, "Get your things out of my room. Keep her out of my sight."

Even through my voice is broken, I'm sure one of them must understand. I stumble into the bath and slam the door.

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AnonymousAnonymous30 days ago

Do you plan to continue this story? I hope you do.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I hope you come back to this story. It's very good.

Cheybabe22Cheybabe22about 1 month ago

Will u be continue this story ? I see its been a long time since chapter 4 was posted, however I'm praying that thus isn't going to be the end for this wonderfully written and completely addictive story you've written. I'm sooooo invested already into this series and I very much hope you will continue for us that have jumped onboard this story adventure! Please don't leave us here at the ending of chapter 4. You've got a great talent please continue!!! <3

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Ugh I love this story, I hope you continue it!! More about Ren and Netta!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You can’t just leave us like this! What happens next?!?! We need to know!

emberaflameemberaflamealmost 2 years ago

This was awesome I really love the duality of hating something but craving it so bad you can't stop if you wanted to. Your descriptions were amazing I crave more please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I love this story! I hope you come back to it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Loving this story and genuinely enjoying the characters, eroticism and society these men live in. I'm a huuuuge fan of bisexual encounters noncon or con and loss of virginity so thanks for the great content. I hope you feel inspired soon but if not that's ok too!

HappyfucktoyHappyfucktoyover 2 years ago

I just suddenly saw the last post date and I'm so sad now. I want to read more, this story is so good!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Such a bummer to see a good series abandoned

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please update! I check this story all the time hoping for more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Such an amazing story!!! Keep writing more? Please!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Please don't give up on this story! It's sooo good!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

There is some very creative worldbuilding going on here. Changing the POV is a great idea, really sells the Sveril mindset as utterly alien compared to humans. Will be most interesting to see where this is going.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Loved it. I've been following this from chapter one and I just love it. Hope you keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

WTF! What right does Devlin have blaming Mercy for his ex-friend's brutality! He's the one that held her against her will and betrayed her naive trust! She just suffered rape also, but he's such an immature self-entitled little shit he transfers the blame onto her! He doesn't deserve a mate and should just stick to celibacy or men!

sweetone66sweetone66over 3 years ago

Enjoying the plot, characters and the imagination. Keep up the good work... looking forward to the next chapter.

xkinkyxxkinkyxover 3 years ago

Hell yeah, loving the drama. I'm really interested where this will go. Keep up the good work.

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