All Comments on 'Taken by the Viking Ch. 19'

by Goldeniangel

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SweetkittenbjSweetkittenbjalmost 7 years ago
If this is the end...

Which I hope it's not...BRAVO. Don't listen to those negative Nancies. You keep on writing & I'll keep on reading. 😊

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Worth the wait

Loved it!!!

Naiad_AerialNaiad_Aerialalmost 7 years ago

Enjoyed the latest chapter- Looking forward to the conversation Trish wants to have. Hoping Jordan makes some progress in opening up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Is it necessary to focus all your energy towards the humiliation of Ken and Lisa? I tried to give this story a chance but it just ended up being a pervert's dream paradise. Too bad about Trish, she just seems to dumb to know that what Jordan is doing to you is actually horrible no matter how many orgasms you get. But who cares right? He gives her orgasms and food! Sigh. She just doesn't have any character development that she might as well be a sex doll and everything's still okay.

wanderinggipsywanderinggipsyalmost 7 years ago
@Terribly disappointed annony

Please dont waste your voice,in the wilderness, asking for brains to be put into Trish!! Any woman with any brains and any warmth in her blood should religiously avoid this story!! ;)) I havent read this chapter,honestly, but, your comment touched me!! ....As I wrote several times,all female characters in all her stories have this jelly spine!! ;))

Authoress probably is super horny about some sadistic real life dom who would beat the daylights out of her,or walk out of the relationship, if she dared to put brains in her non con females!! ;)) Maybe he is called 'Jordan' too!! ;));));));));))

She will continue on this monotonous track,flaunting her hall of fame stamp!! 'However dumb Trish might be like....the series and chapter are in the hall of fame...isnt it?!'.....she'll gloat!! ;)) Now who are the judges in the selection team picking stories for the Hall of Fame?! Coz though most hall of fame stories are did this series make an entry there?!!!!!!!!!! Astound me!!;))


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

You are very critical of some stories... consider the following suggestions.

1. Maybe you shoul just stick with the romance genre.

2. How about writing one of your own?

3. Accept that diversity exists, and embrace it. Not all women think, feel and act the same way, nor should they.

4. Have a drink and relax; these are fictional stories. If they upset you to the point that you have to overuse punctuation marks as a way of expressing your frustration, you might need a reset.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

pains my eye every time im seeing a wanderinggipsy comment, delete her comment already

and hey @wanderinggipsy, a lot of people actually like it, cos gurl, this is fiction, f a n t a s y, not true/not based on true events, get it? GET IT? or do someone need to repeat it for you again?

Love this story! Keep rocking @goldeniangel, looking forward to some more!

wanderinggipsywanderinggipsyalmost 7 years ago
@Preaching annony:Why dont you all at least go over the reader response thread of all the Viking chapters?!

One flaw in your preaching diamond!! ;)) many readers rue over Trish's 19 chapters long dumbness and hyper submissiveness!! ;)) Please check the reader response threads at the end of the Viking chapters!! :))

Now annony who didnt even manage to read and understand the ruing responses of readers,lecturing me over grammar and punctuation?! You clearly have not understood so many different readers' comments!! Isnt English your first language?!

Must all these readers take a drink and it is just a story?! Why does lit have happy ending standards for violent non cons?!....coz such a huge website is as per you, unfit for the non con section?! ;))

I think snobbish dandy annonies like you are just so vain!!too vain to understand that some psychos might emulate the violence on soft,innocent,unprotected victims!!

And by seeking a toning down of the non con torture at some point ,Lit....and those ruing readers are trying to be responsible citizens....a responsible part of society!! But super vanity is very hard of understanding!! ;))

So I expect a group of you to babble on in the same boring ditto kind of letters containing the ditto same points as your letter does!! And thoroughly avoiding the story or its characters.....of course being way more interested in conveying personal spite!! ;))So similar are the letters though the same person is writing as different annonnies in different threads!! Right?!;))

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Everyone, please pay no mind to wanderinggipsy and the overly (and incorrectly) punctuated babble she spews from the ever-deepening wells of her insanity. She's quickly become this site's resident nutjob. To the anon above: it pains me to see a comment from Resident Nutjob, too. To the author: your story is well-written, engaging, and deserving of all the praise it gets. Thanks for choosing to share your work here; many people enjoy it and it rightly belongs in the hall of fame. Ignore the Resident Nutjob and just do you. Here's hoping that she soon finds her way to where she truly belongs - the loony bin.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Awesome story

In real life, I would never want to be a sex toy BUT stories like these with big strong men who are controlling and dominant really get me 😂😂

And I gotta say you write some of the best of these type. The feeling helpless, slight hesitancy despite wanting it, the whimpering, and 'stretching because he feels unexpectedly big this way'. The way he soothes her but also carries on pushing her. All that stuff is what I look for in noncon stories and you bring it all. Thanks!

wanderinggipsywanderinggipsyalmost 7 years ago
To all annonnies handling criticism of this story so immaturely!!WELL DONE FOR WORKING SO DAMN HARD TO EARN YOUR BELOVED AUTHORESS A 1*!! ;))

Its not the first time on lit that any writer's story has been criticised!!Your vitriolic personal attacks seem like Goldeniangel herself is lashing back as ten thousand different annonnies on this thread!! You all seem to take things so damn personally!!

You all like the story,go ahead and give it 5 stars!! Who's bloody stopping you?! Just like none of your lunatic raving is gonna stop me from giving her story a 1*!! I wouldn't have bothered putting 1* voting!!...

But for the annonnies' constant raving madness comments,name calling etc......your dear Authoress gets 1* and suffers!! If your responses were sane and not spiteful personal attacks like bloody immature teenagers, maybe Goldeniangel would have got a 3* from me,not registering such an awful vote!!

But the pattern of your same boring attacking letters convinces me that the authoress herself is doing this through anonymous handles!!.... All these annonnies being her henchmen and hench women,kept especially for such spiteful purposes!! A most pathetic way to increase the number of positive/negative comments on her thread!!

As it is most of the appreciators on this thread are annonnies...not those holding lit id's!!...;))Make these forever anonymous annonnies send in ghost appreciative comments writer!!...Blind appreciation!!.....It seems like they all have all the time in the world to keep doing this blind appreciation thing forever!! ;)) Good lot of subs and slaves!! ;))

Am sick of and utterly disgusted by your 'pathetic comment increasing efforts on this thread' game,and you lot shall be blissfully ignored by me on this thread,after this!!AND PAT YOUR BACKS FOR WORKING SO HARD TO EARN YOUR DEAR AUTHORESS A 1*!! :))WON'T YOU,DEARIES?! ;))

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Nothing makes me laugh harder than a person who lashes out at others, and then tries to claim victim status.

Your initial comment was one long "vitriolic" attack. Frankly, you come across as judgmental and overwrought. I would recommend that you try some exercise, or better yet, go get laid.

wanderinggipsywanderinggipsyalmost 7 years ago
@Annony distorting the lit id:Since you are so familiar with sties,it isn't wrong to assume you are a pig,is it?!;))

Since you are so familiar with it wrong to assume you are a pig?! ;)) Do pigs understand English?!;))All your pressurising in stinkiest ways not gonna make me pretend to like a story which I dont!!..

Anybody can check this thread out for the back and forth comments!! If so touchy to criticism of her writing...WHY DONT YOU ANNONNIES(who chicken out from letting lit know even a valid email id of yours...coz its my personal experience that lit never spams) GO FUCK YOURSELVES AND FUCK YOUR AUTHORESS BIG TIME!!;)) No criticisms!! Simple!! :))

You all seem to have loads of spare time to waste on nothings!! Earning your authoress a miserable 1* vote with your constant bullshitting, for each of her chapters, does not cause regret in you.....and you continue the same slum like trashy commenting!! ....You all love her so-o-o much!!

In the mighty long list of my fave non con writers here on lit,all in my lit bio,I have never loved them so much to earn them a 1* vote !! ;));));));))

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Every day I stop by Lit to see if you've added another chapter. They are each like a little word gift that makes my day and takes me out of my reality to another world.

To see the characters Trish and Jordan develop and change for each other even in the smallest ways shows the story telling of a magnificent writer. Jordan opening slowly to fill Trish's need for his companionship is really the beginning of a friendship and a real relationship. Maybe even a love story? Reading Trish's acknowledgement of her subservient side and her struggle to accept and enjoy it is really what has drawn me into this story so much more with every chapter. I cannot wait to see how they reacts in the next chapter.

Please tell me you have a continuing story that combines both Taken by the Wolf and Taken by the Viking!?!?

GoldeniangelGoldeniangelalmost 7 years agoAuthor
Deff not the end of the story

Hey readers!

I've got about 5 more chapters planned for Taken by the Viking, so far no plans to combine it with the Wolf on Literotica although a version of it might eventually become one of my books in the future, we'll see.

Just wanted to let you all know there are more chapters coming, but there might be a small break in my writing. I've had three family members in the hospital in the last week, two of them are still there. So far this month has been full of health scares and this week has been particularly bad. I've done almost no writing this week at all since most of my free time has been spent in the hospital or trying to recover from my current state of mental and emotional exhaustion.

I've been trying to keep my Facebook page somewhat updated with writing progress on everything, so you can always check there if you want to know when I've finally finished the next chapter.

Thank you everyone who continues to enjoy the story :) those who don't... well I don't know why you read 19 chapters but I guess good job persevering? And hopefully I'll have chapter 20 finished and submitted by the end of next week as long as everyone stays stable / recovers. ❤

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
To the Resident Nutjob:

Do humanity a kindness and simply shut up. Your ridiculous babble is filling up all the space that should be for rational comments, and only serves to convince people that you:

1. Are clinically insane

2. Have an exceedingly poor grasp of punctuation - and indeed of any comprehensible language skills

3. Are childish and petulant

4. Are lacking in awareness of all the above.

That said, please now get your head out of your fetid ass crack long enough to realize that the author isn't "suffering" because of your petulant 1* bombs. Your only achievement is in displaying your childishness. If you possessed even an iota of sense, you would realize that you are not welcome on this site, and that you've clearly caused many people to truly despise you. Have some self respect and just leave. To the other anon: "wanderingpigsty" amused me. It's really rather apropos. To the author: I'm sorry you're dealing with such tough personal issues right now. Best of luck with everything, and know that your readers will be waiting for your return :)

wanderinggipsywanderinggipsyalmost 7 years ago
@Hosts of anonymous ghosts without any valid lit id!! ;))Going by your language let me name you slumdog or slumbitch?;))

Hey Slumdog,slumbitch,guttersnipe languaged annony!! ;))Are you utterly hard of understanding that stinky pressurising is not gonna make me like your authoress,or her stories,least of all, like you all !! ;))

You have serious issues with her work being criticised!! You are continuously reacting like some raving maniac with comment after comment!! Are you obsessed with me?!Stalking me?!;))

And you,who needs intensive psychiatric treatment,will decide who is sane and who is insane?! Hidind behind 'anonymous',who knows you are not the same person commenting over and over again?! ;)) Do the 'many' people who despise me consist of you,you and you alone?! ;))

Lit does send over mother of vitriolistic feedbacks even, directly to our emails!! They have this feedback system in every lit id holders lit bio!! Why havent any negative feedbacks come to my email through those channels?!

But how would a raving maniac slumdog/slumbitch(hope you recognise yourself?) understand these sane communication systems?! If you are obsessed with me to the point of stalking....stop boring the public with this shameless as ever PDA and email me!! ;))i dont need to hide my email id from lit,like you sly trashes!! ;))

Appreciators of her work?Mostly annonnies!! Criticisers of my criticism of her story?!Mostly annonnies!! Is this a bloody graveyard of jolly zombies?!;)) Everybody's gotta look alike,and think alike and write alike?!;))

I utterly hate every moment of communication with you jelly brained nitwits, and consider these moments super disgusting!! But i want lit readers to see and judge both sides of the communication!! I'll throw a party the day i get free of the bugs called stalking annonnies of this thread!!

wanderinggipsywanderinggipsyalmost 7 years ago
@Goldeniangel and her annony army!!

Hope you all dont start random shooting at keyboards,comp screens or people thinking they are me!! ;))..... Just like terrorists or the Taliban..!! With your hate mania one never knows how low you can stoop!! :))Watch it,ha!! ;))


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Sweetheart... have you concidered medication? What's with the rants?

You don't like the stories.. it's ok! Move on! I promise you no one will miss you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Just because wanderinggipsy does not like the way Trish is,you all over react like you wish to unleash hell on her!! I wonder who is in the loony bin? Gypsy or your whole gang!!!

I have read all the comments,and noted that gypsy responds only when provoked with personal attacks of abusing,lit id distortion etc!! She has asked you all to fuck off a number of times!!

But you all keep the extremely personal attacks on and on(nothing relevant to Trish's dumbness elaborated by any annonny,of course!!) This is a website for adults!! Why dont you pack of loony teenagers keep your paws off it?!

wingsof_fantasywingsof_fantasyalmost 7 years ago

Is wanderinggipsy bound by contract to like Trish? Or is she contract bound to pretend to gush over the story when she dislikes it?

Hell do you all like every character of every non con always? She has her own list of favorite non con authors and stories!! She praises just as warmly as she criticises strongly!! No pretence!! Big thumbs up to her for staying put and maintaining her stance in the face of your never ending hell lashes!! You being the first in the back and forth to use slimeball language!!

And a big thumbs down to you all for acting like a bunch of fussbag early teens!! Lit should take age certificates and proper wherabout papers etc!! Looks like every Tom,Dick and Harry must be giving false adult ages,and entering lit freely to troll against fair criticisms!! And being a man, I fail to understand why women are the worst enemies of splendid critics like wanderinggipsy!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Ladies and gentlemen please meet

Wanderinggipsy's alter ego: Wingsof_fantasy

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Dear Wanderingfruitcake

Let me just say this...


oh, and this too...


xxClarexxxxClarexxalmost 7 years ago
I'm dying

Omg. I've had a really tiring hard day with my baby but the comment section of noncon is really helping me out today. wanderinggypsy slash whatever you're calling yourself now (wings of fantasy really????) you never cease to provide hours (fine, minutes) of wtf entertainment. I'm loving this. ::wipes tear:: good try on the name change btw. It must have been really hard restraining yourself from using your smileys in your comments I bet. Unfortunately your comments made under you new account remain just as nonsensical as those made by your old one. To all the chicks calling her out, I love you all. ::shoves popcorn in mouth::

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I enjoy the story

I am not sure what is going on with some of the commenters. I just want to thank the writer for giving us this story. I have enjoyed it- having read taken by the wolf (and this being in the non con section) I freely have read this and don't understand those who out of their own free will continue to read something they don't enjoy. Meanwhile GoldenAngel I am so sorry you are subjected to what seems to be ongoing and undeserved silliness.

To all of those who don't enjoy or want to read non con just don't. Please stop anymore disrespectful and name calling comments and do the rest of us who love this story a favor don't read anymore. A good number of us enjoy the story and thus forum is not the place for you all to continue to spread your vitrole.

wingsof_fantasywingsof_fantasyalmost 7 years ago

Just because its a comment supporting wanderinggipsy, this is her alternate lit id???Do,I ,the id holder know it better,or you trolls do?!!Such pathetic losers you all annonnies of this thread!!

I hope she ignores you lot and spends worthwhile time on other authors of other stories here!! Last I saw her comment positively on Sweet Sara!! She's moved on from you psychos I guess!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Everyone has different tastes

No need to be so vocal about them on someone else's work. If you like it, awesome. If you don't like it, try not to be so goddamn rude about it. Jesus. As per usual, another fantastic chapter. I love where this is has gone every step of the way and can't wait for more <3

wingsof_fantasywingsof_fantasyalmost 7 years ago
Criticise,and its too rude? Appreciate,so sweet!!Why dont such immature, touchy lots stop writing altogether?

Criticise a story,and its rude? Is wanderinggipsy the first reader on lit criticising a writer's story?? Constructive criticism,an euphemism for blind appreciation??Thats exactly the way you bloody immature lot over react!!...And not a precise back and forth!!

Its like piling garbage on and on and on,like some psycho stalker who is after her life,through comment after comment!!Whats the actual reason for such vindictive spite??You all personally know her and have personal enmity??

Or is she bound to praise all the characters of this series,even if its pretending??So to say can you dare bind any lit reader to that condition??How dare you all do such shitty garbage slinging??Its a proper website!! Not the bloody washroom of several psycho annonnies of this thread and some xxClarexx!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

The reality is that everyone on this site is anonymous.

I put comments in as "Anonymous" because I haven't bothered to get an account.

Wings just got an account yesterday. Coincidence, I think not.

Anyone who thought her initial comment was "constructive" criticism lacks a basic understanding of the term. It's hard to give "constructive" criticism when you haven't even read the chapter, as she stated quite clearly.


fireof_desirefireof_desirealmost 7 years ago

Since for a change sane responses are coming through different readers ,in favor of wanderinggipsy, there is this psycho,constantly name calling annony of this thread finding all the faults with different lit ids,calling them her alternate id's!!

As though anonymous responses are the only valid ones!!Come to think of it,what about the anonymous response in her favor RIDICULOUS ANNONNIES?! You know better than the id holders and creators!! It is not childsplay to create false emails!! Mobile numbers are strictly verified!!

Can you and xxClarexx, dearies forward me any concrete proof or email confirming that all the lit id holders are the same person?No?Astound me!! You all sounded so sure!! FURNISH PROOF PLEASE!!AND THEN TRASH-JABBER TO GLORY!!!

And oh yes...your criticisms scream out( ear drum burstingly) that no one understands constructive criticism better than you annony trolls of this thread!! Hope you all have read each of your scholarly comments?(meant as sarcasm,ok troll?)

I absolutely love her commenting!! Loved her criticism of Trish!!Everybody will not have a bland,weak,monotonous and old foggy type of way of praising or criticising,as yours,bored and ugly old troll !! Will they?

Is the criticising language so powerful that you have all your attention on her,rather than on the millions of Viking fans you all claim to have?! Or not enough fans?! Pathetic,miserable ploy to rope wanderinggipsy in as a supporter?!!SO SO PATHETIC OF YOU ALL,MAN!!

wingsof_fantasywingsof_fantasyalmost 7 years ago
@fireof_desire Bingo!!

Well written man!! Imagine!! Wanderinggipsy is expected to drool and salivate over a forever super dumb bimbo like Trish!! Over the same super repetitive erotic punishments!!And when she does not there is this old fart annonny on this thread,and her annonny army of pests, I guess Goldeniangel's pet trolls,constantly trolling against Gypsy coz in one comment,she strongly disliked Trish!!

'They'd outpester any pest,

Drive a hornet from its nest?

Whatsay?These Annonny trolls?

GlisteningGardenerGlisteningGardeneralmost 7 years ago
Hooked & Enamored - Thank you

I found this story and read them all in three days and I made this account just to tell you how much I enjoy them!

You are a phenomenal author and I really love how you've taken us slowly thorough Trish's time here, her internal struggles and growing desires. I'm amazed at how your erotic story telling doesn't get repetitive (as so many times sex scenes do) and I'm pining to read each scenes just as much as the last.

I've also found the descriptive nature of Trish's sexual experiences have helped me have a better understanding of my own budding sexuality. As a 23 year old woman diving deeper into my own understanding of pleasure, I've gained a lot through your work. And I'd love to have a cup of coffee with a woman like you who is so in tune with female pleasure. I look forward to reading some of your other stories as I wait for this to keep unfolding.

~ Deep appreciation for you taking your time and talent to share this little world of fantasy with us. I really look forward to what is coming next!

(PS I love/am very excited hearing Jordan's point of view, and would love a longer peak into his head - his thoughts & desires for her)

fireof_desirefireof_desirealmost 7 years ago

Yup!! Goldeniangel's Viking thread seems to be a trolling Annonnies' paradise!! I have watched them go on and on and on till I just had to comment!!

Some ugly,miserably bored old men and women out to timepass I guess!! Oh!! One troll has a lit id!! xxClarexx !! As though writing x althrough was her motto!!

Always harping on taking care of a newborn!! What does she want?That we readers falsely admit that we are responsible for the birth?And take turns in free babysitting for her? Or send her e bouquets on being the first new mum in the world?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Love, you have a fine story going and don't worry about anyone else's opinion (good or bad). Just do you and what you enjoy writing. As for the comments section on your story, I don't think I've EVER laughed so hard at the crazy BS. First, the Predator clicks/Mayan symbols chick changes her name but STILL chats like we're in the Mayan times. Then, all rational/smart people jump on board the crazy-bitch-get-the-fuck-off-the-site train and THAT brings on a brouhaha. Just...this has made my afternoon worth something and who knew the comment section would be the best part. Love it. Keep writing and I gave you a 5* to take care of that "pesky" little 1*.

wanderinggipsywanderinggipsyalmost 7 years ago
@fireof_desire @wingsof_fantasy @supporting annonny THANKS WORLDS FOR YOUR SUPPORT GUYS!! LOSERS RAVE AND RANT THE MOST!! LET THEM!!

Guys!! please jump off the forever nasties' bandwagon and go read and comment on appreciable non con stories by writers who are not having a petty,sub standard following annonnies' crowd,as on this thread!!

Lit does not consist of this thread alone!! No need to give them any further importance!! Absolutely ignore these super pathetic attention seekers,I request you!!

Miserable losers rant and rave the most!! So this typically loserly behaviour of theirs would continue!! ;)) The trolling of the annonnies on this thread is exactly how losers react!!;))

I absolutely adore you supporters and shall feel very disappointed if I see you all in a further back and forth on this thread,where,troll annonnies have an eternity of time to waste!! I want to see you all have way better things to do,than respond to annonny trolling here!! ;))



crazysexykool93crazysexykool93almost 7 years ago
Great as always *****

Hope things with your family gets better...

And I hope that raving lunatic and her extra accounts/personalities get the help they need. This comment thread was hilariously sad

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Dear Goldeniangel,

I am enjoying this series a great deal. I love the subtle character development that is running throughout the story along with the developing deeper relationship between the main characters.

I hope your family members are recovering well and continue to improve. Don't get to bogged down in the haters that have supported a thread that stated that she hadn't even read the chapter. Any criticism she provided on this chapter is irrelevant as it wasn't read first, so I considered the comments that followed a 'fruit of the poisonous tree' situation. I encourage you to do the same.

Good luck with your future chapters and, hopefully many, other stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Holy crap this thread of comments!

First off, wow another great story from an amazing author. Half the time I back out of stories because they arent written well enough for me to buckle down and read them for the pleasure I might receive from them. that is never the case with goldeniangel. please ignore the resident nutjob who is obviously facing her own conflictions over having a profile on the site and yet not being open to the possibility that different people get off from different things (or she did get off from it and felt ashamed, then lashed out at you). love it. love you. keep writing, please.

subnotslavesubnotslavealmost 7 years ago
I love this story...

Do hope things are getting better for you on a personal level Goldeniangel.

Don't always comment on the stories I read. Just wanted to say how very much I am enjoying this story. Another 5* chapter, thank you. Glad to note there are more chapters to come... Really looking forward to reading how Trish and Jordan move forward. Also, I'd love to find out more about Jordan - who he is, why he is as he is... Know I'm not alone in wondering if there maybe a chance of a story - in the future - involving both The Wolf and The Viking...

Thank you for taking the time and effort to share your writing. Hope you continue to do so for a long time to come.


annikasfuryannikasfuryalmost 7 years ago
This chapter kind of felt like filler

But it's a fantastic story. I'm a big fan of Trish and Jordan, and every story by this author I've ever read. All of the animosity on this comment thread perplexes me. There are plenty of other categories to choose from and even a few non-con stories with tougher protagonists, although very few that I've ever found. Move along to something a little more palatable and leave the rest of us in peace. And Goldeniangel our thoughts and prayers are with you, hope all is well.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Breathlessly waiting for more

Dear Goldeniangel,

I hope you are taking care of yourself and have a good support network while you're going through such a challenging time. While I am breathlessly waiting for the next 5 chapters I know one's priorities should be with their loved ones. I have so enjoyed TBTV even more than TBTW. Jordan and Trish have been so amazing to watch lean into one another emotionally.

Please don't let the critic(s)? bother you or influence your work. I don't know how anyone has the right to troll your work 18 chapters in. By now anyone not thoroughly enjoying the story could have simply moved on by realizing that this really isn't their genre. I'm pretty sure it's just one individual having a multi personality breakdown given that each new post correlates to a brand new account. It seems to be quite a long time off the meds if she's read through your entire body of work while disliking it. What I enjoy so much about Literotica is the astounding volumn of variety even in the same genre. There's just no sane reason to waste one's time pursuing stories and/or authors that are not your cup of tea when there are thousands of alternatives. Including not even visiting the website! Also there's a saying in the kink world "Don't ik someone else's yum"! It's an extremely judgemental act and completely out of place here.

subnotslavesubnotslavealmost 7 years ago
Have just read this whole story again...

while awaiting the next chapter. Really glad I did! I love this story. If I hadn't already given 5* to each chapter, I would've done so now. Brilliantly done! Hope all fans will re-read this as well...


DaniellaxmjtsDaniellaxmjtsover 6 years ago
Love your stories

Agree with other comments, I always anxiously wait for more from you! I think you are a great writer...I am sorry if life is handing you lemons right now...I don't really know what is going on...I only wish it works out for you. For your happiness and well being and selfishly because I want more stories!

GoldeniangelGoldeniangelover 6 years agoAuthor
Thank you All & Update

Thank you everyone for the kind comments - things have been up and down healthwise. It's been a rough summer and only a slightly better fall for the family members =/ I'm working on getting back into an emotional / creative headspace. Right now I'm trying to finish up my book that I have a deadline for, that'll be out by the end of this month and then I AM finishing this series next, period. Normally I'm working on 2-3 projects at the same time but right now I can barely muster the energy for one at a time. There's only four more chapters to go though, so my goal is to have them done and out by Thanksgiving. After that I'm gonna be writing shorter Lit stories and taking a break from the big long series ones! Probably. I always say that and then end up writing another series cuz I fall in love with the characters. But I'm gonna try =)

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I enjoyed this even more than Taken by the Wolf, and that's saying something. I wonder if Trish would like living so isolated on an island with a man who's so emotionally closed off. She seems to crave the friendships she's established to balance out the near non-verbal relationship she enjoys with Jordan. Maybe she would be happier if they stayed at the compound as guests. I hope he improves on the talking front regardless. Can't wait for more!

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