Taken Ch. 07


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"I want you to rest, so hop in."

"Thank you Ma'am."

"You can call me Mama; you are married to my son after all." The moment my head hit the pillow I was asleep. I tossed and turned, eventually the morphine wore off and I remained lying in bed, trying not to move or breath too hard. I could feel every single stitch, different wounds pulling and stretching and itching whenever I did move. Emily brought me dinner, and gave me more morphine. I didn't even argue that she had to use a needle. Time passed rather quickly, I slept or helped Sarah in the kitchen with dishes and dinner. Mama read to me from the bible at night; I kept to myself, kept my mouth shut and went through the motions. I didn't see Christopher; he didn't join us for dinner. He spent all day outside and when he came in he spend rest of the time in his room.

I wasn't complaining. The last thing I wanted was to see his face again. I was in the middle of scrubbing the large pot when Clyde and Georgie finally arrived home. Becky was shouting that her Daddy was home, a couple of the smaller children ran to the window to see. I turned back around and continued washing the pots, being careful to keep my stiches dry. I wasn't eager to see either of them. As long as I used manners and did as I was told Mama was nice and polite to me. I almost didn't want to leave her room now that they were home. At least with Mama I didn't have to worry about her taking advantage of me, worse she could do was hit me with something or smack me upside the head; I'd grown accustomed to it so it hardly phased me anymore.

When pair of arms wrapped around me I screamed and started to fight him off. Chris was coming after me now while the rest of the family was distracted. He was going to cut my wrists this time or an artery and bleed me out for getting him in trouble. The big arms squeezed me tight until I almost couldn't breathe, I started feeling dizzy.

"Whoa there sweetheart, it's just me." I felt relieved that it was Clyde. I hadn't expected him to get past the kids so quickly. He turned me around to face him, he was grinning ear to ear.

"I got you something," he announced eagerly. His eyes were wide and filled with barely contained excitement. Whatever it was he was way more excited about me getting it than I was. I put on a big fake smile and asked him sweetly what it was.

"Becky," he called out. She came around the corner and in her arms was a small golden Labrador.

"What are you going to name her Auntie Skye?" she asked. I stood, transfixed with horror. A puppy? What was he thinking? What made him think I wanted a dog? A living breathing thing I now had to be responsible for? Something I would now have to plan taking with me as well as the kids. I started to cry, big fat tears rolled down my cheeks; it was despairing. Every time I thought I was getting closer to finally escaping, closer to planning for it, something happened. Clyde laughed and hugged me.

"I knew you would love it." Clyde had mistaken my tears as tears of joy instead of the tears of hopelessness that they were. Becky handed the puppy over to me, who barked and began licking the tears from my face. She was so small and soft and fluffy, she kissed me until I had hold her away to get a breath.

"So, what are you going to name her?" I bit my lower lip, if I named her; I'd get attached. I looked up at Clyde, who was still grinning like an idiot. This had to have been his plan, to give me a reason to want to stay. I held the dog out to him.

"I'm allergic Clyde," I lied. His smile faded and all the excitement left his eyes. He took the puppy and handed it over to Becky.

"Darling, why don't you take her outside and let her run around. Let her get to know the house a little. I need to speak with Auntie Skye for a minute." Becky took the puppy and buried her face in his scruff as she hopped away with the puppy in her arms he let out a few barks. Clyde turned towards me, looming over me, using his sheer size to try and intimidate me.

"Allergic?" he demanded. I nodded as I met his gaze evenly, I felt almost sick to my stomach as I lied right to his face. It was a stupid little white lie, I didn't want a dog, and I didn't want to own it or take care of it or learn to love it. It was just another thing I was going to have to struggle with when I finally managed to leave.

"LIAR!" Clyde backhanded me, than grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. I yelled as I collapsed to my knees; his grip tightened as he tried to force me to my feet.

"STOP! She has stitches," Emily yelled. Clyde released me and I held my arms across my chest. I had felt the pull of them on my skin, any longer and he would have managed to rip some of them open.

"Stitches? From what? What did you do Skye?" he asked angrily. Mama stood in the doorway, glaring at me, waiting for me to answer.

"I...I um..."

"Spit it out child!" shouted Mama. I glared at her than looked up at Clyde.

"I tried to kill myself," I answered, staring at the ground. I wasn't ashamed, because I knew the truth, but I didn't want him to see the truth in my eyes. Clyde looked over to Emily and his mother who both nodded in confirmation, than left the room.

"Why would you do that?" he demanded softly. He knelt down beside me, his mother and sister cleared the room, leaving us alone. Clyde took my hands in his and began pulling up my sleeves. I had avoided staring at the damage as much as I could. I had never thought I'd see the day where I was grateful for long sleeve dresses. The sleeves only rolled up to my elbow, but that was a sight all on its own. On my right forearm were multiple lines from wrist to elbow, all vertical. The other one looked like Christopher had tried to have fun and used his blade to doodle. There were wavy lines and the letter A; I'd read the scarlet letter in high school, I knew what it stood for. It made me burn with anger even more.

Clyde ran his fingers across them softly, and I felt a tear hit the palm of my hand. He was crying; he shook his head as he just stared dumbfounded at my arms.

"I don't understand..." he confessed.

"I don't want to be here anymore Clyde. I miss my parents, my friends," I confessed, this much was at least the truth. I was starting to forget what they looked like.

"Your dog?!" he interrupted. No wonder he'd been upset about me lying, he knew I had a dog. How could I have forgotten? I nodded in reply and Clyde pulled me into his lap. I sat sideways, head resting in the crook of his neck as he wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

"Suicide is a sin Skye. If you had succeeded, you'd burn in hell for all eternity. Is that what you really want?" There wasn't a safe way to answer his question so I merely shrugged. If I said living here was hell already, or mentioned how I think his beliefs are wrong, I'd get punished or worse. Clyde just held me tightly, squeezing me to the point I almost couldn't breathe.

"You have new family here Skye; you have nieces and nephews, Mama, brothers, sister, and ME. You can make a new start here; you don't have to feel so alone if you just let us in."

"There...there are more of them," I confessed as I pulled up my dress slowly, not all of the cuts required stitches, and the more I lifted the dress the more I wanted to bury my face away and hide. I wanted to tell him the truth, tell him this is what happened because he left his little brother in charge of me; knowing that he had a vendetta to make me pay for what I'd done. He carelessly left him in charge and because of that I was now going to be covered in gruesome scars for the rest of my life.

Even if I ever left here, anytime I looked at my body I'd remember; some of them were shallow enough they'd fade with time; others would never go away. They were part of me, a reminder of what they had done, and what they would keep doing if I didn't get away from them soon. I wanted to yell at Clyde, and see regret and guilt in his face upon learning he left me with a psycho. But I knew better, Mama and Emily would lie, even if I told Clyde about what his brother had done to his sister. It was my word against theirs, and in this situation my word held no significance. Clyde gasped at the sight of them and I cringed, I knew how awful they looked.

"Oh sweetheart, I don't know what I'd do if you had succeeded." He mumbled as he held me even tighter to his chest.

"Good thing you're wife is dumb as a post," Christopher announced as he opened the fridge, shuffling around for a beer. I jumped from Clyde's lap, and moved as far away as I could. Clyde was standing and in front of his brother within moments.

"And where the HELL were you when she was doing all this?" he yelled, pointing at me.

"Working, should try it sometime Clyde." Clyde lifted his brother off the floor by the neck of his shirt, slamming his back against the fridge. But Christopher stared at his brother with cold empty eyes, and took a drink of his beer.

"You were left in charge for a damn reason and look at what you let her do to herself!"

"Well she was determined brother; hard to say no when they're practically begging for it." The last jeer was aimed at me and I felt my face flush in anger. I clenched my fists, reminding myself why it was in my best interest to remain calm, cool and collected. Clyde growled and slammed him against the fridge again.

"You had one chance to prove yourself." Christopher glared at Clyde.

"As if I care what you think of me," he sneered, shoving Clyde's arm away and turning to go back to his room. Clyde let him, punching the fridge with one last shout of anger. He wanted to fix it, to make it better, and he knew he couldn't take his anger out on me. Clyde turned back to me and helped me to my feet.

"C'mon, let's put this behind us and go name your puppy." I knew it was no longer a request but an order. We stepped into the back porch to watch Becky throwing a tennis ball for the puppy and grinning when the dog brought it back. Clyde whistled and the dog obediently ran over to us where he picked her up and handed her to me again.

"Well Skye, what is her name?" I looked at the adorable little puppy who was now chewing on the frilly border from my dress. I knew instantly what I wanted to name her and I smiled to myself.

"I can name her anything?" I asked. Clyde grinned and nodded.

"Then I name her Lindsey." I announced. He face turned sour in an instant.

"That's a beautiful name Auntie Skye," Becky announced, reaching up to pet the dog.

"No, pick something else!"

"You said..."

"This is what I'm saying NOW," he growled in warning.

"Madison." My mother's name, not that I ever got to use it; but it would be something to remind me.

"You are testing my patience wife. Name her something that doesn't have anything to do with your past life. I know a lot more about you than you think." His words unnerved me. What all did he know? How did he know it?

"Duchess," I announced. There was no way he would know that name; the smile on his face told me I was right.

"That's a beautiful name." Duchess had been my first dog, my parents had gotten here when I was two, we grew up together; she'd passed away when I was only 13, cancer. I hadn't been ready for her to go yet. I'd only gotten Athena a year ago.

"Now, let Becky take Duchess, we have some other things to take care of." She bounded off gleefully and Clyde grabbed my hand.

"What do we need to take care of?"

"I've been gone for a few days, what do you think?" My stomach rolled at the thought. He pulled me down the hall and I found my heart racing. I wanted to pull away again, but I knew that wouldn't do me any good. He pulled me behind him and shut the door. He turned me around and swept me into his arms. He kissed me hard, holding me close and my knees turned to jelly.

He kissed me like he was starving, his teeth grazed my lips as his tongue swirled around, enticing mine in a dance. When he pulled away I felt faint as his hands cupped my breasts through the thin material of my dress.

"I've missed you every night we were gone. To have you after so many years of being alone and then to sleep alone again was pure agony."

"I missed you too," I replied, knowing that was what he wanted to hear. He pulled my dress up, tossing it to the floor, inhaling sharply at the sight of my scared body. I folded my arms tightly around my body, embarrassed at the sight. My bottom lip trembled as Clyde pulled my arms out and to the side.

"You're beautiful Skye, scars and all. " He whispered as he started to kiss the wounds on my arm and working his way down to my chest, down past to my stomach, and even further to my hip, thighs. My body shivered at the sensation of his lips gently pressed against my flesh. When he buried his face between my legs I yelped and jumped backwards.

"What...what are you doing?" I demanded. He grinned devilishly.

"I am going to taste you Skye," he replied, his voice holding a slight growl to it. I shivered as I backed up, hitting the bed frame with the back of my legs. I shook my head as he moved closer, remaining on his knees.

"Oh yes, I am going to bury my face between your folds and explore every inch with my tongue." His words had my body shaking in anticipation. He placed both hands on my thighs, right above my knees.

"It's okay darling, I will be gentle with you. Sit back on the bed," he ordered. I whimpered in protest but obeyed. He pulled down the underwear; I lifted my but enough that I wouldn't slide down. Using his hands positioned me so that I was sitting on the edge of his bed, legs bent, feet sitting on the bed frame.

"C'mon sweetheart, relax your legs." He instructed. My chin quivered as I watched him part my legs open and I felt more exposed now than ever. He ran his hands up and down my legs, caressing my thighs, causing my body to respond in ways my mind never would. Using his fingers he delicately spread my lips, revealing it all. He placed a hand up on my abdomen and pushed me so that I was lying flat on my back. I cried out when I felt his lips touch me so intimately. His tongue played with my clit as he slid his fingers inside of me and I gasped at the double sensations. He applied enough pressure until it was almost painful before easing up enough that I could feel the orgasm building. While I was disgusted with the things being done to me to the point I had to force myself not to vomit, I was also learning a great deal about body.

I moaned as he flicked his fingers with every thrust, touching parts of me that I had never even touched myself. The pressure and feeling of his tongue was almost painful and I found my hips gyrating towards him, seeking the pleasure he promised. When I hit the peak I felt my body start to shake with pleasure. I almost couldn't breathe, my back arched and Clyde wrapped his arms around my legs while applying even more pressure. When he finally pulled away my head was swimming, I could barely breathe, and my legs felt like Jell-O. He looked up at me over the length of my body and smiled, very pleased with himself.

"You taste amazing," he announced as he stood. I felt myself blush and a forsaken smile crept onto my face. I looked up at him and whimpered when I saw how hard and rigid he was. He shoved me further onto the bed, kneeling between my legs and lowering himself to me. Having been properly prepped Clyde had no problems sliding himself into me. I gripped the bed sheets and shook my head, sure that no amount of prep work would help him fit.

When he was buried inside me, he just held still, looking down at me. I looked away, refusing to meet his gaze. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look up.

"No baby, I want you to look at me while I fuck you," he insisted. I locked gazes and he started to slowly withdraw, leaving me feeling almost empty inside before he thrust back in. I let out a silent moan, as he took his time, building me up slowly. I grew frustrated at his pace; I could feel it, bubbling beneath the surface, crying out for release. I started to thrust my hips up to meet his. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Eager dear wife?" I let my thoughts slip away as I gave into my body and its animalistic need. I bit my lower lip as I stared up at my captor. I wanted what his body offered, the seductive promises that whispered in my ear. Taking the encouragement Clyde picked up his speed and began pounding himself into me, I could hear the slap of flesh meeting echo off the nearly naked walls of our room. Any sound that dared to escape my mouth was immediately eaten by his lips. When my climax hit me my vision faded into colored spots of white noise, and as it slowly faded back to reality I was lying on the bed properly with Clyde spooning me from behind, face buried in my hair.

I buried my face into my hands and burst into tears, it had felt so good and yet I was filled with shame and disgust. What was wrong with me? Was I finally breaking? How was I supposed to remain strong? I felt so hopeless while Clyde turned me onto my back and wiped the tears from my face. How could he be so split? I was learning his moods, what made him switch so easily from the loving caring husband to the cold distant diciplinarian.

"TALK to me," he pleaded desperately.

"I can't! You don't understand!" I sobbed.

"Help me understand, I don't want you to feel this way any longer." I couldn't tell him the thoughts that were running through my head, I knew that. But I also knew the more I evaded answering his question, the angrier he'd become.

"I didn't do this to myself," I blurted suddenly. He sat up, serious look on his face.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Christopher did this to me...your brother is sick Clyde. He has dark, twisted needs; Mama threatened to let him have me for the rest of your trip if I didn't agree to lie to you. She didn't want you to be upset." I confessed. Clyde was silent as he stared in disbelief, his fists clenched and unclenched.

"You believe me, don't you?" Suddenly it became really important that he believed me, I needed him to. At that moment I needed him to, if he cared even half as much as he kept claiming he HAD to believe me, or at least my words cause some doubt.

"I don't understand why he would do that! He promised not to kill you."

"And he wasn't trying to, I don't think. He got lost in his own sickness."

"Several of these are too close to your arteries."

"Not everyone has the same medical knowledge you do. Please don't do anything," I pleaded. He sat quietly for several moments before drawing me into a fierce hug.

"I swear I'll never leave you alone like that again." And for a moment, just a brief glimpse of time I let myself believe him. I let myself take comfort in his words. I knew the feeling of safety would be short lived, but after all the hard work I put in to simply survive, I really needed the


~~~Just 2 chapters left! Stay tuned to see how it all ends :D

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tied26tied26over 7 years ago
Thank You

Thank you. Very few authors know how important trigger warnings are. One can read tags but they rarely cover self-harm. I really like your work, and while it's best for me to skip this chapter, I'll be looking forward to the next.

ElecTRA19ElecTRA19almost 10 years ago

LadyParts, you are dead wrong because Non-con category does not normally contain extreme torture/physical disfigurement, and it doesn't always contain brutal rapes. Two examples being, The Last Tritan story and Rebellious Slave stories that are in this category. This is not the category for romance or HEA but it's not the category for extreme violence/torture/permanent disfigurment either. If that's your kind of thing and you get off on reading about somebody getting so brutally tortured and beaten and abused, then you are a twisted fucktard and a sorry excuse for a human being. It might be hard for your twisted, pathetic mind to grasp but there are those of us who do enjoy reading non con stories but that doesn't mean we like extreme violence/torture or brutal constant abuse done to the character in the story. And yes, there are some of us who read non-con stories and still care about justice and all that. It takes a special type of fucktard to enjoy that kind of dehumanization and torture of another person even in fantasy stories so you can keep on being a sadistic fucktard but stop being a nuisance to others on here.

LadyPartsLadyPartsalmost 10 years ago

I'm calling you fucktards for reading this section and expecting romance or justice. You want that, go read romance or erotic couplings. This section is non consent, that means nastiness that doesn't always end in HEAs..., fucktard! You can disagree all you want but I'm right and you're wrong!

ElecTRA19ElecTRA19almost 10 years ago

To the piece of trash that's calling everybody else a fucktard simply because their opinions happen to differ from her/his/It, well, if you don't like others expressing themselves then don't read their comments. Everybody has a right to express their opinions as long as they do it with respect for others. We are well aware this is the Non-Con/Reluctance section but this isn't the permanent disfigurement/extreme physical torture section and the kind of heinous abuse, physical disfigurement/scarring/maiming that was done to Lindsey on top of the repeatedly brutal rapes...that is extremely disturbing, and it's natural for most of us to want a satisfying ending where that twisted Mama and her twisted family pays for their crimes. Only a piece of trash that's devoid of humanity would enjoy that kind of torture and maiming of another human being, even in fantasy stories. Personally, for this story to have been worth the time I spent reading it, I need an ending where justice is served, any other ending would be an utter waste of the time I spent on this story and would make me skip this author's stories in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Was awaiting this chapter and will be awaiting the next love it clyde is very hot. I hope to read more of your stories even after taken has finished. That being said this chapter kinda freaked me out!! Christopher s attack was overkill, also how did clyde not realise that Skye couldn't have bitten herself around the nipples and back!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Love it

I'm following don't change your writing for them. The bite marks I wondered about, that would have been a better way to have Clyde find out.

LadyPartsLadyPartsalmost 10 years ago
Holy shit!

I just made the mistake of reading the other comments. What a bunch of fucktards! This ain't the romance section, idiots!

Jade, nice chapter. Very dark and twisted, I like it! I am eager to see how this story wraps up, so ignore the fucktards!

Vaginal tearing is a completely different thing from an episiotomy...vaginal tearing takes place inside the vagina and doesn't involve the perineum. Whereas an episiotomy is a cut through both the vagina and the perineum, very painful. To the idiot who said it was impossible. It is possible. I ripped right through an episiotomy into my rectum...now that was painful!

Bite marks, I assumed he didn't notice them due to the darkness in the room.

Yes, this story is reminiscent of MelloT's To Take a Wife. But it's a great setting loaded with all kinds of darkness, what's not to like?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Well you know

It reads rushed. There's quite a bit that you forgot about, which you've already acknowledged. So you know, give yourself enough time next time to really get into what you're trying to say, and you'll be golden. Also, readers can be ruthless in comments, but it's a different story entirely when you're the one staring at a blank word doc at 2 in the morning. So keep your head up and take your time on the next chapter. Sometimes life gets in the way, but remember: you set your deadlines. Take as much time as you need. Besides all that, I think people are extra on edge because we're all dealing with abandonment issues from Hispet. Haha looking forward to the next chapter! You have a real talent.

ElecTRA19ElecTRA19almost 10 years ago

It would be a travesty if Lindsey ends up with Clyde. After all, he's the one who whipped her back to bloody shreds and he would have kept going till she died if George hadn't stopped him. Then he raped her brutally, and he is also the one who held her down while his brother branded her like a cow. Clyde has scarred her and maimed her himself (a whipping where he made her back bloody would leave permanent scars), so I have no trouble believing he'd be okay with his brother Christopher maiming and scarring her with bites and such. The entire family is messed up and twisted beyond redemption. Only the little kids might be rehabilitated with lots of therapy. Would still have to monitor those kids for a long while though to make sure they don't revert back to their family's twisted teachings. I hope Lindsey gets her freedom and her just vengeance on that entire twisted, evil lot, including Sarah and the other wives and including Emily because that bitch didn't do anything to help Lindsey get away. Emily would have raised alarms and gone to fetch her bros or Mama if she had caught Lindsey trying to escape so I think Emily, along with the other wives all deserve at least 25 years in prison without parole, for their part in this kidnapping/torture/brutalization of Lindsey. But that seems highly unlikely as even if the cops catch those monsters, I bet lawyers (and a lot of misguided jurors) would get Emily and the other women of this family off the hook with maybe a minor slap on the wrist or maybe not even that. Also, Lindsey doesn't seem to be acting in a realistic way to her torture and maiming and scarring. I can't believe she got aroused and had orgasm with Clyde as it's hard to believe because any real person would have been far too upset over being scarred for life like that and being repeatedly raped and tortured the way she had been would make any person snap and just grab a knife or something and go after Mama and that entire twisted family, one by one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Not an enjoyable read...

This is definitely NOT an enjoyable read, it makes me feel sick and twisted, even sad just reading it. I very much need a satisfying ending to make it worth the time spent reading it. Please!

BTW you wrote in the last sentence..."but after all the hard work I put in to simply survive, I really needed the..."

You didn't finish the sentence? That was weird. Plus I concur with the rest about the bite marks...was going to comment, but I guess everyone else did, so no need. Weird you can write a story so horrifying and not remember that Christopher bit her so severely as part of the torture.

FindmywayFindmywayalmost 10 years ago
Great Chapter

Dark and twisted family....but I love Lindsey's internal fight...what an awesome heroin - fighting till the bitter end but choosing her battles. I hope Clyde grows a couple of balls and takes out mama and Christopher.

I agree with everyone else the description you wrote about regarding the bite marks was to vivid to be overlooked...and how do you explain how they got there? Did he give Christopher permission to have sex with her? While the family isn't the brightest bunch Clye is too obserevant not to notice or comment

getthebookgetthebookalmost 10 years ago
ah ha...

So it is ok for them to mark and scar her, and is this regarding punishment or just in general fun? Future down the rabbit hole these characters go.

I think of MelloT ' To take a wife....the men in both stories were taught from early on everything that is wrong. But unlile the other story, Clyde I truly believe is not teachable. The genetic make up of this family is very questionable. Any brother (or male) from any generation could use a dutiful wife and be the sperm donor to a child while whom she is married/owned by is named as the father. To much of crazy reproducing messes like Chris.

FA_JFFA_JFalmost 10 years ago
Yes, but...

Even if Clyde was okay with a variety pack of abuse (just don't kill her), Christopher bit the everloving crap out of damn near every surface of her body. You'd think he would mention that, even if he was more worried about the cuts. The complete lack of acknowledging it was odd. Not even a 'Darn it all, Skye, what did you do to make him do that.' But then again, is he so accustomed to seeing his brother's handiwork that it truly doesn't warrant comment?

jadewinchesterjadewinchesteralmost 10 years agoAuthor

To be perfectly honest, this chapter was really hard for me. I was kind of stuck and rushing myself to get the next one out, and to make it longer and to satisfy the majority. Upon focusing on the stitches, i utterly forgot about the bite marks. I'll admit that one. And i apologize about the other grammatical errors. I usually let my friend proof read it. I guess they weren't up to it lol.

On a side note, if i had remembered, the bite marks themselves did not need stitches, just the cuts. Harm, such as biting is okay with Clyde. the cuts were not okay because they were pretty close to some arteries and could have killed her. maiming doesn't phase him.

AngelBelleAngelBellealmost 10 years ago
Great Chapter

I find Christopher to be the most interesting character so it was nice to have a little more backstory on him. This was a really good chapter plot wise, it progressed a lot and I cannot wait to see how it ends. I cannot believe there are only two more chapters! Wish it was a bit longer. I also really liked how Lindsey had more interaction with people other than Clyde this chapter. The only spelling problems I saw where on the first page you put thank you instead of than you, but instead of butt and the last sentence of the chapter seems to be missing a word at the end. Other that that great story and I cannot wait to see where you take it.

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