Taking Care of Business Pt. 03


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Nevertheless, the result was that I was being invited to meet with people often. Most of the time, to be honest, I was too busy to attend these gatherings. Unlike many of the superrich, although I had inherited the wealth, I also had to work to keep the operations going. I was not just some 'trust baby' — even if we called the company 'The Trust!"

But when I did go, I would score, if I wanted. I was surprised at how many married women wanted to sneak into my room at night to try out the new boy on the block (I didn't let them: too worried about angry husband, or cameras spying on me for blackmail.) There we a fair number who told me that their husbands had sent them, hoping to gain favor from me.

I didn't need to go with married women. The super rich attracted beautiful women like flies! Model's, actresses, plain old gold diggers, even the odd escort or professional woman managed to get into the inner circles. Remember 'Pretty Woman?"

Over the next six months or so, I had my share of super models (most of whom were boring in the sack — the, "I'm so beautiful, all I have to do is open my legs and lie there" syndrome) and a variety of other women, wealthy on their own, and even some daughters of other tycoons, hoping that I might find them attractive and be willing to take them off of their hands.

Most of those women were terribly self-centered, with opinions of themselves and their value that were vastly beyond reality. Most of them were what could be called "spoiled children."

There was one incident though that confirmed what my super rich status could do that was worth mentioning. It was reminiscent of an off-color remark that Donald Trump (long before he became President) made.

I was on a boat in the Med at the invitation of some Russian oligarch (oil, I think; but maybe gold and wanted The Trust to invest... HAHA, no way!)

I was standing up on one of the upper decks at the rail looking down on the crazy, drunken party going one below when a well known, as in multiple award winning actress, somewhat older now, but not in the HW bracket by 20 years, came up and stood by me at the rail. Unlike many of the young women who my Ruski acquaintance had brought aboard, she wasn't naked, but the bikini she was wearing was pretty minimal.

She still worked in Hollywierd on a regular basis, and was still quite attractive, at least with her makeup on. Otherwise she reminded me of Alex Guinness or Meryl Streep; people whose faces were so lacking in color that makeup could turn them into almost anyone. Thank heavens she did have some makeup on that day to add eyebrows and lips, and so on.

We stood there and talked. She seemed pleasant, although a bit naïve, and I think that she was sounding me out to see if I would be interested in funding films. Good god, that was as unlikely as investing with the oligarch.

I was familiar with the fact, that she, like HW, had a small estate in England, not far from mine. She was also known for selling somewhat odd products for women for outrageous prices!

In any case, I knew that she had some strange beliefs, so as we were standing there, I reached back behind her and placed my hand beneath her bikini bottoms and used my fingers to find her anus. She had a surprised little gasp as I found it with my middle finger.

I wasn't aggressive about it, but I did start moving my finger gently in a circle, kind of messaging her asshole. She didn't resist my intrusion, and instead moved her torso forward, leaning on the rail, and she spread her legs apart even further.

As much as I hated to cease my ministrations to her rosebud, in the position she had adopted, I moved forward and began caressing her vagina and clitoris. Very quickly she was wet and I started being more invasive. I moved further back behind her where I could continue to rub her with my middle finger in the front, but now I could use my wet thumb to open up her anus in the back as well.

By this time, she was leaning back against me, turning her head and deeply kissing me.

I glanced over the rail and saw my Russian host, smiling and giving me a thumbs up as he watched her body language, even though he could only see her above her waist and below her knees. He was a fellow in the fraternity of the super rich and he knew the aphrodisiac power of great wealth and the confidence that it gives. Not just men, either; think Katherine the Great of Russia.

I came close to her face and whispered into her ear.

"Come on. Let's get out of here. We can go back to my suite."

She nodded, not saying anything, but she retrieved her purse and some clothes from one of the cabins below decks, and then we got on one of the boats ferrying guests back and forth. My suite was in a hotel that was just across the street from the docks where they dropped us off, and she and I were in my suite, naked, within ten minutes. We ordered food in and didn't emerge for about 24 hours.

Truthfully, I liked my silly actress. She was not evil or perverted like HW. But she was one of those people who I, at least, couldn't spend more than a limited time with her. As she sat on the bed watching the television, as we were eating, she was focused on stories about trivial people, all the while making inane remarks.

On the positive side, she still has a stellar body, and in her own way was as pliable to my desires as HW was, but without the whips and restraints.

She was definitely a three holer, and she was loud and specific in letting me know what pleased her. Once, as she was up on her hands and knees in a doggy position, I had a vibrating bean shaped vibrator in her vagina, and was using a small vibrator on her clit, I leaned forward and began tonguing her ass.

I was worried at first when she screamed. But then she followed up her scream by saying, "That is SO good. Please, I've never been able to get anyone to do that for me, and I've wanted to try it for so long!"

I guess that she liked it.

Anyway, when I sent her back to her own hotel room, she gave me her contact information and begged me to call her when I was back in England. I think she wanted a replay of the rimming I gave her. I might just do it too. She was a lot easier to be around than HW.

Suddenly becoming rich was very strange for me. As I mentioned, I actually was working very hard, but is that odd? Look at Warren Buffett. He inherited his first fortune from his father. He's been so wealthy that he could have stopped working years ago, same with his partner, Charlie Munger, but they don't. When Bill Gates left Microsoft, he didn't retire to run a basketball team and do investing in start-ups like his partner, Paul Allen. Instead he started working for his foundation trying to address world health issues.

I know that even when people don't know the true extent of your wealth, but they know you are wealthy, you are invited to all of the A-list parties. Everyone, from politicians, celebrities, even ministers, wants to rub elbows with you. The down side is: you begin to be very cynical because everyone wants something from you. Even if it is just to bask in the proximity.


I was back in the States about six months later, having spent time with nearly all of my GMs, getting to know each other and looking for ways to make things more efficient. I had been fortunate to have Mrs. Gray with me, whispering details in my ear from her elephantine memory. But it was good to be home again.

And thank goodness for modern communications, because if there were any key decisions to be made on any particular operation, we could open communications software and have a conference right then. That way we could see and hear each other, with a great deal more nuance than you would get from an email or a voice only phone call. That meant that I didn't have to be traveling all the time the way Uncle Jack needed to.

In the intervening months, I had been back in Lichtenstein, having a couple orgy nights with Heidi and her roommate. I had been back to Peru to have Rose dancing naked for me again (among other things.) And I had visited with Emilia (still a virgin, as I was still unwilling to deflower her until she had more exposure to young men,) and Heather, still living in Mrs. Gray's cottage, had visited me several times. I suffered from an abundance of fine woman flesh.

It was a fine spring weekend and I was just goofing off — something I hadn't been able to do since I took over The Trust.

Then something that immediately put me into a panic — a direct call from the security people who manned the gate to my estate.

Someone was at the front gate who was not on the list of people allowed to enter, but she was demanding to speak to me.

I asked them to put her on the camera, and when I saw who it was, I told them to open the gate and let her in. I didn't THINK that she would try to assassinate me, but you never know.

I stood at the open door to my place waiting when she emerged from her car. She saw me and rushed up to me and gabbed me in a hug so firm, I thought I might break a rib!

It was my last college fling, Vicki, kissing me and hugging me while trying to talk to me through her tears.

"Oh Kevin! I've been looking for you for so long! No one would tell where you were; no one would tell me where you lived, or even how to call you or email you!

"Oh god, Kevin, you don't know how much I've missed you!"

From there it went into a sobbing and weeping that overwhelmed her words. She hanged on to me, kissing, holding me as if I might run away if she let go.

I just held her and stroked her hair with my hand, and kissed her face until she calmed.

I walked her into the great room and started to put her down onto one of the large leather sofas. But when I looked down, I realized that she had fallen to sleep in me arms. I took her into my bedroom and put her on the bed. I took off her shoes and loosened her clothes, and then did the same for myself, and I lay down beside her.

She had quite literally drained herself emotionally.

Of course, since I was lying down as well, I fell asleep too. I think we slept for about two hours, because the sun had gone down far enough to be shining on my face through the window.

I woke up and opened my eyes, and found a beautiful face, with a pair of blue eyes lying there next to me, just looking at me.

It didn't take long for use to throw our clothes and caution over the side of the bed, to make, sweet, gentle love.

When we made it back out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, we sat in a pair of bathrobes, eating, and the questions began.

"You've got a huge place here. Are you living with your parents?"

That statement indicated that Vicki didn't have a clue about my wealth or status.

"No, it's my place, but I inherited it, and I have a great job."

She nodded at what I said, but whether or not she believed the whole cloth of my story, I don't know.

Then I had a question for her.

"Didn't you go off and get married after graduation?" She surely wasn't wearing a wedding ring.

She looked up at me through half-closed lids and had a little smile on her face.

"I did. But it didn't last. It couldn't last. He wasn't you.

"He only wanted to make love in missionary position. When I convinced him that having me on top, flat against him, was just a variety of missionary, he wouldn't finger my ass for me. When I tried to suck on his cock, he told me that was a perversion that was homosexual in nature. You don't even want to know what he said when I asked him to lick my pussy!

"I knew that I couldn't go my whole life with an unsatisfactory and limited sex life. Plus, he was not my friend, like you were. So I divorced him. It was easy; we didn't own much, we didn't have children. No house. We just each took our own possessions and went our own way.

"That was when I started seriously looking for you; hoping that you would still be single and that I could become part of your life again."

I learned that she and her parents were somewhat estranged, not completely, but their relations were cold and strained.

Call me a sucker, but by the evening, she was living with me.

And that only created another problem.

Heather, my Namibian beauty, showed up the next day asking why I would move Vicki into MY house, but not her. You know the solution to that, right? By the end of the next day, Heather was also living with me.

Oddly, at least to me, the two of them got on well together. That very night I was having a threesome again, al la Saara and Heather. One, on her knees sucking my cock in front, while the other licked and sucked on the back of my balls up to my ass, in the back. Then switching! We did it in every other position possible. Well, the positions that are comfortable and easy. We were not trying to 'do' every position listed in the Kama Sutra!

It was impressive when the three of us walked into a restaurant together — my Nordic beauty holding my arm on one side, my African inspiration holding on to the other.

I had to sit down with Vicki and explain to her that I would not be marrying her — at least not any time soon. She was welcome to be with me, but she had to understand that she was going to have to share me, as well.

She seemed to 'get it'. Heather already knew the score, and I think that she shared her thoughts with Vicki. Surprisingly, at least to me, was that Vicki didn't seem to be bothered with adding sex with women to her repertoire, so the threesomes were truly three-way, not just two on one.

Vicki was an artist, whose paintings were of the very modern hyper realistic school, and quite a number of her paintings were nudes of women. That worked out well for her, traveling with me, and doing nudes and portraits of the people in whose circle I was traveling. She was very well paid for her work, and we had created a studio for her to work in one of the out buildings on the estate. We had to add some additional windows for light and that sort of thing, but it wasn't too difficult.

The woman who I called 'my silly little actress' was one of the women who Vicki painted. Both ways, nude and as a character from one of her movies (not, by the way, one of the sci-fi characters!) We also spent a couple of days at my estate outside of London with her. She was quite creative, and discovered that getting her ass rimmed by a woman, while she was sucking cock, was inspirational too. And she returned the favor, as well.

She was still rather vapid! C'est la vie.

I went to see HW on my own. My hands are not overly large, but they are not small, so fisting her in both her cunt and her ass was a unique experience. She admitted that she would be stretched and sore for a week or more!

She wanted me to do an MMF threesome with her, but I explained that I had never met a man who I would trust to be in a position of that much knowledge about me. HW laughed and said that she had never found a man that trustworthy either. Present company excluded... not!

She did come by my estate long enough to meet with Vicki and arrange to have her portrait painted. In HW's case, Vicki would have to work from photos, so Vicki took at least a hundred of HW in various poses and angles. If nothing else, HW had no qualms about having naked photos taken of herself. There were already enough of them floating around.

Vicki made no secret of the fact that her long-range plan was to marry me. She told all of the other regular women in my life, that she had first dibs because we had a thing going in college. And she wanted my children, which most of the women didn't. Could it happen? I think so. Would it happen real soon? I thought not, although Vicki had always been a friend, not just a lover. Sneaky, eh?

Before I made any decision about marriage to Vicki, though, I was going to have to have a serious talk with Heather. She had come from an African culture where men could have multiple wives. Would she find that being wife number two would work for her? And is it possible that either Heather or Emilia might want to have my children also, once Vicki did?

And I hadn't mentioned to them yet, that Emilia, discovering the goings on at my house (I think Mrs. Gray was keeping Emilia up to date,) was insisting that the time for me to deflower her was past due.

I had the feeling that she might want to move in as well, which might be okay, so long as Vicki and Heather don't mind. There are still plenty of suites available in the house. She was finishing her MBA, so I'm sure a place could be found for her at The Trust. Need to talk to Mom about that.

Having a harem was never a particular goal or desire on my part, but honestly, I'm a lustful greedy man. And I'm young, and have strong hard-ons and lots of sperm to inject into my lover's secret places.

Anyway, that is how my life has been going since I fell into enough wealth to make me one of those few, but fortunate, people, who have enough money to live the life they want.

The End of the story, but not of my work or pleasure.


This is a very different story than I usually write. A lot more blatant and even kinky sex in it. I'm sure you will notice that I don't drag out my sex scenes describing every lick and stroke! LOL. I don't find that kind of detail to be interesting myself and will often skip through a story to get back to the (non-bedroom) action. To me it's a little like sports: it is one thing to be playing yourself, and another entirely to just watch someone else doing it.

But this story required more sex than my norm. A young, healthy, lustful guy finds himself with a lot of money; why wouldn't he take advantage of the women who offer themselves. It has been that way forever, I suppose, and I'm sure that a similar, but opposite thing, happens to very wealthy woman as well. Alas, in both cases, the paramours are very likely to be more attracted to the idea of looting the bank accounts of their wealthy lovers, than actually loving them.

I am writing this myself, with MS Word for spelling and the limited corrections that it can offer. I have in the past had a couple of readers who would go through my stories for me before I put them up on line. Alas, they have become too old and sick to take on the work, so what you see is what you get! I had considered sending this off to Randi for a quick edit, who would have undoubtedly improved it, found my various misspellings, etc.; but I worry about adding to her already busy schedule!

Finally, I'm putting this story in the 'novels and novella's' category because I frankly couldn't figure out any better place to put it. It has group sex, but it isn't a story about group sex. It has anal in it, but it isn't an anal story. No loving wives around, so... It is what it is!

Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed my story!

BTW - just in case you think that mining isn't someting that has to be done: The typical EV battery weighs around 1000 lbs. It contains 25 lbs. of lithium, 60 lbs. of nickel (which recently reached $100,000 per ton) 44 lbs. of manganese, 30 lbs. of colbalt, 200 lbs. of copper and 400 lbs. of aluminum, steel and plastic. Most of these are toxic and being mined in countries with few or no protections for their workers!

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Pickles7287Pickles7287about 1 year ago

story was mostly about how fun it was to be rich and the minutia about geology added little to the story 3*

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

I absolutely loved the story and only lamented there wasn’t more to it. I could read this sort of story for as long as chapters came out

Scores a resounding 5/5

Pinto931Pinto931over 1 year ago

Started well and was very interesting, unfortunately the MC was a dick and the sex just got boring, the story ran out about 3 pages before it was finished.

xhristianjxhristianjabout 2 years ago

What's disappointing with this story aside from the horribly dry first person narrative was the aimless plotline. To often stories on here are more like a synopsis than a true novel. And I suppose maybe you can be forgiven for being an artless, un-emotive neophite but if you actually cared for the story you would put more effort into the characters and the story than the process of mining fucking Lithium!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is the 1st time I've had to condemn one of your works.

Your desire to endlessly travel down Alice Rabbit hole of sexual proversions really blew this story away in a bad way.

I am so glad I didn't read this story first.

The story had so much potential to be incredibly great and you just squandered it

With mindless sexual perversion.

I gave you 2 stars because you're a great writer but the rest of it you lost for the reasons noted above.

Please do better by us than this kind of trash.

Please do keep writing but please also keep in mind the criticisms of those of us who have read this story..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A good story with potential, just petered out into a farcial yarn! The MC was turned into a sexual clown and the story ended with a whimper, almost as if the author was tired of it and didn't know how to end it! Pathetic. 2*s.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 2 years ago

Interesting story. I wonder how long ago it began. With all the mining in Africa, no mention of conflict minerals or international legislation on the issue.

In this case, the story is told in a dry tone, nearly as a documentary. I have to agree with others who commented on its flatness. The reader really has to be receptive to the style at the time it’s read, without other expectations.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Meh. Your MC was thoroughly despicable and cartoonish, especially while screwing and/or cuckolding his loyal employees. Every woman he met wanted him sexually. Right. Got it.


Honestly, there didn't seem to be any point to the story. His Uncle Jack left him a fortune, then he started flying around the world screwing every woman he met because he's just that HOT and they just HAD to have him. Couldn't have been his "billionaire" status because he was keeping that secret. Right? And then the story ended with him planning a harem. Great stuff. What a guy! Our hero.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It was a good story until you turned him into a man-whore. The story went downhill from there. The last bit with the three-ways and first and second wives was just lousy.

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireabout 2 years ago

Good story that went some places I was expecting (mom and uncle “dad,” Vicki) and some I wasn’t, but it didn’t take the main turn that I’d hoped. The main character is young and has good advice, but the Trust is so powerful he isn’t seriously threatened with making any serious mistakes that might have had real consequences. If you decide to add another chapter or three, exploring that and having him really fall in love and want to marry and have kids would be a welcome addition.

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