Taking Elaine: Day 04


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"I didn't really have a choice,‭" ‬Elaine mumbled and took her first sip of the coffee‭; ‬it was just how she liked.

Amanda knew Elaine was slow to wake up,‭ ‬so she filled Elaine in while the coffee kicked in.‭ "‬The men are all gone.‭ ‬Mark and Sam had to deal with some cattle issues.‭ ‬They told me what it was but the only thing I know about cattle is they smell bad and taste good.‭ ‬Roy had to get back to Vegas immediately,‭ ‬some crisis at work.‭ ‬He wanted to wake you up and throw you on the bike with him,‭ ‬but I convinced him to let me bring you.‭" ‬Amanda took a long drink of her coffee.‭ "‬We'll head out in an hour or so‭; ‬I can't imagine you want to be here any longer than you need to.‭"

Amanda sipped more,‭ ‬letting Elaine wake up a little more and digest what she had told her.

‭"‬Why,‭ ‬Amanda‭?" ‬Elaine asked,‭ ‬not looking at the redhead.

‭"‬Why did I try to sell you‭?" ‬Amanda replied then continued without waiting for an answer.‭ "‬You were meant to be a slave,‭ ‬you were perfect for it.‭ ‬You know it.‭ ‬I just needed to find the right owner for you.‭ ‬I've sold a lot of girls,‭ ‬four before I met you and two more since then.‭ ‬But I had to find the right man to own you.‭ ‬Frank Goller would have been a good choice,‭ ‬the fact that he bought my debt kind of clinched the deal.‭" ‬She smiled wryly.‭ "‬Never borrow money from someone who works out of his car,‭ ‬it won't wind up good.‭ ‬So I thought I could make you a happy little slave and get out of jail at the same time.‭ ‬Then Roy swept in and took you away.‭"

Elaine was silent,‭ ‬then spoke again.‭ "‬No.‭ ‬Why did you leave me‭?" ‬Tears began flowing down her cheeks.‭ ‬It had been a rough couple of days.

‭"‬Well,‭" ‬Amanda said gently,‭ "‬I failed that drug test.‭ ‬I knew I shouldn't have smoked that joint,‭ ‬but I didn't think I'd get caught.‭ ‬When I pissed bad I got fired and evicted.‭ ‬You know the rules,‭ ‬you worked in HR.‭"

"Sometimes you show really awful judgment,‭" ‬Elaine whispered,‭ ‬the tears flowing freely down her cheeks now.

‭"‬Yeah,‭" ‬Amanda put a comforting hand on Elaine's leg.

‭"‬But you didn't have to just disappear‭!" ‬Elaine yelled.‭ "‬No calls,‭ ‬no letters,‭ ‬no e-mails or visits or anything‭! ‬You just vanished‭!" ‬She glared at Amanda.‭ "‬I was so lonely.‭" ‬She began sobbing uncontrollably.

Amanda leaned over and took Elaine in her arms.‭ ‬Elaine clung to her as she let go of all the tension from the past few days and her resentment of Amanda from the past year.

‭"‬I'm so sorry,‭ ‬Laney,‭" ‬Amanda said softly as Elaine's tears fell onto her neck.‭ "‬I never meant to hurt you.‭"

"Well,‭ ‬you did.‭"

Elaine cried for a few more minutes then slowly regained her composure.

‭"‬Sorry,‭ ‬Red,‭" ‬she finally managed to say,‭ "‬it's been a rough few days.‭"

"So I've heard,‭ ‬Slave,‭" ‬Amanda said teasingly.

‭"‬Yeah,‭ ‬I'm a slave.‭ ‬The property of one Roy Barnhadt of Las Vegas,‭ ‬Nevada,‭" ‬Elaine managed to smile as she said this.‭ "‬He swept me off my feet,‭ ‬tied me up and fucked me until I said yes.‭"

"How do you like it‭?"

"I like it,‭" ‬she shrugged.‭ "‬It feels right.‭"

"Do you like Roy‭?"

"He's a kidnapper,‭ ‬rapist and murderer.‭ ‬Aside from that he seems like a nice enough guy.‭" ‬They both had a deep laugh and more of the tension ebbed away.‭ "‬But he fascinates me.‭ ‬I love what he does to me,‭ ‬what he makes me do,‭ ‬what I feel with him.‭ ‬Like last night,‭ ‬I never imagined that I could do that,‭ ‬but he led me through it and kept me safe.‭" ‬She smiled and the tears began to dry.‭ "‬He's got that passion and intensity of a younger man and his whole world seems to be using me.‭ ‬And he's got those legs.‭"

Amanda smiled and handed Elaine a couple of pills.‭ "‬Take these,‭" ‬she said.

‭"‬What are they‭? ‬More surprises from Amanda's Pharmacy‭?"

"What‭? ‬Are you afraid I'm going to drug you and take advantage of you sexually‭?" ‬she asked teasingly.‭ "‬Nothing spectacular.‭ ‬They are hydrocodone.‭ ‬High grade painkillers that will make a seven hour trip in Betty bearable.‭" ‬Betty was Amanda's old Toyota‭ ‬4runner.‭ ‬Amanda liked to name things.

‭"‬Did you ever get the shocks fixed‭?"


"Gimme those,‭" ‬Elaine took the two pills and washed them down with some coffee.‭ "‬What's going to happen to you‭? ‬Are you still in trouble‭?"

Amanda shrugged.‭ "‬I'm working for Mark now.‭ ‬I'll have to take care of some of their,‭ ‬let's call them‭ '‬needs‭'‬,‭ ‬now and then and I'm on the hook to find at least two more slaves for them.‭ ‬It's not great,‭ ‬but at least I'm not getting in any more trouble.‭ ‬I can live with it.‭ ‬I'm a little annoyed at Roy for sweeping in and poaching you,‭ ‬but I'd be more pissed if you weren't happy.‭"

Amanda sighed and rubbed Elaine's leg.‭ "‬Laney,‭ ‬I had you targeted from the beginning.‭ ‬I knew you would be a good slave,‭ ‬it was written all over you,‭ ‬it's just something I can sense.‭ ‬The plan was move in,‭ ‬seduce you,‭ ‬get you to sign the papers and sell you.‭ ‬Nice and easy,‭ ‬be done in three months.‭"

"But you stayed for a year,‭" ‬Elaine protested.

‭"‬I know.‭ ‬I really cared for you,‭ ‬I really care for you,‭ ‬Laney.‭ ‬I kept finding reasons not to leave and not to sell you,‭ ‬even though I knew it was what was best for you.‭ ‬I just liked having you for myself,‭" ‬Amanda smiled at Elaine.‭ "‬The slave party was an audition.‭ ‬All the men there were potential buyers.‭ ‬Or in Roy's case,‭ ‬potential thieves.‭ ‬After that I started getting offers but was not ready to let you go yet.‭ ‬Then I failed the piss test and it was moot until I got in deep to Goller.‭"

"What happened‭?" ‬Elaine asked.

‭"‬I thought I had a sure thing in real estate and needed some money fast.‭ ‬I'm not the most secure credit risk and not even the most desperate bank was going to lend me money.‭ ‬To make a long story short,‭ ‬the market collapsed at the wrong time and I couldn't pay the money back.‭ ‬My debt got sold a few times and Frank bought it.‭ ‬I thought Frank Goller would be a good master for you so why not kill two birds with one stone‭?"

Elaine sighed,‭ ‬then leaned forward and kissed Amanda.

‭"‬Ewww,‭" ‬Elaine said,‭ "‬you've got cum breath‭!"

"So do you‭!" ‬Amanda answered.

They chatted for a while,‭ ‬drank their coffee and the painkillers gradually made Elaine ready to go.‭ ‬She found her clothes on the floor and dressed,‭ ‬tying the blouse to compensate for the missing buttons.‭ ‬She knew she should probably take a shower,‭ ‬but just wanted to get out here before some stray cowboy decided to take her for a ride.‭ ‬She cleaned up with a washcloth and really cold water then they were on their way to Las Vegas.


Author's Note: This is the final part of Taking Elaine. There will be more Elain stories in the future. I enjoy all feedback and comments, so feel free to send me a note.

Thanks to all my readers,


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


The thing is, with brothel recruitment, you typically didn't need to actively engage in slavery. (Some suspension of disbelief is needed for literotica where people explicitly want slavery in a modern setting, but I'm analying it from a by-the-book perspective) Plenty of people turned to prostitution, especially in the pre-modern era where people weren't as fussy about sex, were less concerned about asserting autonomy and self-determination, and were more concerned with having food on the plate. Immigrants with nothing made for easy recruitment, but there was never a need to force the unyielding against their will since those with nothing had nothing to lose, and could probably easily escape and leave behind a nasty surprise if they were resentful. You could hire guards, but then you'd have to earn enough extra to pay for those guards, and it was more profitable to just recruit those who could be nudged into slavery rather than forcibly chained up, so it typically just wasn't done.

There was a lot of pseudo-slavery after the civil war, where people were more or less forcibly pressed into something that was slavery in all but name, but that was when the entiriety of society was in on it - locals, magistrates, lawmen, and so forth. Black people were given trumped up charges for laws which were selectively applied, and the jury, judge, and lawmen all agreed to convict them, and the slave users (anyone from farms hiring a single slave to large corporations operating mines and industry and such) happily paid the corrupt government officials to rent this penal labor. But everyone was in on it, and it had to be that way for it to work. The staunch anti-slavery abolitionists in the north had no idea this was going on, and once they found out, there was switft pressure which (mostly) brought down the system, with the dregs clinging on in backwaters and even then, they deliberately targetted those who were completely ignorant of their rights and concealed their activities from the public. (Up until the mid 20th century) The "taking" of someone who was educated and had a bit of backbone never would have worked.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Happy to have found the rest

A few years back I found the first three chapters of "Taking Elaine" on a site (Djian's understories, or at least the old version of it) and immediately loved it but assumed that's all there was. Am I ever happy to be wrong - this fourth chapter really brings it home, especially with Amanda's return. I look forward to reading the rest

aisielynnaisielynnabout 9 years ago


I'm sort of glad that Elaine and Amanda were able to reconcile. I love the complexity of Mark and Sam, especially the way Sam is not just sadistic but also shows tenderness and care to Elaine, especially after the deep-throating he gave her while she was also being fucked by Mark. And I loved the twist of Amanda being the special guest to the gang bang. *grins*

I will be starting the next portion of this series right away. *grins, winks* Thanks for creating such a wonderful slave / non-con series.

beygaze1beygaze1over 9 years agoAuthor
re: Association

I had no idea about that, but it doesn't surprise me. Rural Nevada is big, empty country. It's easy to get lost in the landscape there. Neat idea for a story (Elaine's ancestor getting fought over by Mark and Roy's? Sounds great, but let me finish Elaine first), but I'm not up enough on steam punk to add that to it. Does get the ideas flowing, though...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I've spent a good deal of time on the back roads of Nevada for many types of sorted work. Some of the not so well published history of the Old West was the illegal slave trade in many frontier towns run by former and relocated Confederates after they lost the Civil War.

Typically US Marshals would come into town to break the slave ring and jail the slavers in prisons back east. One old timer I met in Elko told me stories of how these old Confederate slavers made huge land claims, passed it on to descendants and converted their slave scene from labor slaves into some of the first brothels in the Nevada Territory. I would not be surprised if the inspiration of this story line and the "association" was from this legend.

A good storyline would be a series called "Before Elaine" talking about Roy's and Mark's ancestors and how they enslaved Irish immigrants and French harlots into their Victorian era brothels. Put a touch of steam-punk in it and this can make for a very good read.

beygaze1beygaze1over 12 years agoAuthor
re: blissful

High praise indeed. Send me a note under "send feedback" if you would like to discuss more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Wow that was deeply horny all the way through; long slow build up, intensity, feeling - superb stuff. I particularly loved the hugely degrading oral rape descriptions. I used to sooooo enjoy raping my girlfriend's mouth so it really feels real for me

NyssaTheSlaveNyssaTheSlavealmost 13 years ago
great story!

loved the story, gonna miss the new installments! wish i could get MY bf to use me like Roy uses Elaine, but nooo hes a big softy XD

beygaze1beygaze1almost 13 years agoAuthor
So Personal Will Doesn't Matter

It is in the non-consent/reluctance category. The entire basis of this category is that personal will does not matter. Elaine's wishes are of no consequence, that is the entire point of the story, series and category.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
So Personal Will Doesn't Matter

So the reader is supposed to accept that what Elaine wants is of no consequence; rather her fate is to be a slave by either Roy's hand or by Amanda's hand.

Rather underwhelming and unoriginal.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

this story got to me.. Ive read it 3x now. Its awesome and you have a reel gift so keep righting

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