Taking Some Pictures


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"You mean Chad will be seeing you naked too."

"He sure will." Pete's face clouded a bit. "Well, you sure enjoyed her pictures and she seemed okay with you seeing them as long as Chad got to see me. Kind of an adventure and it seemed fair to me." She looked questioningly at Pete.

"If you're okay with it, okay then. But, you better get your clothes off in the next 10 seconds or I'm going to mess my pants here and then we're going to bang each other like never before.

And he was right. With no foreplay, he entered her, pumped just a few times and twisted and jerked over and over as he filled her with his seed. Then, he quickly slipped down and began licking and sucking on her while she moaned and thrust her hips in rhythm with his licking and sucking and, in a little longer than it took him, she suddenly screamed out, "Ooohhhhh yyyeeeesssss," and began the thrusting and jerking that he loved so much. At last she rested, eyes closed, still holding Pete's face against her pussy where his occasional tongue flicks brought an accompanying squeal and jerk.

"I told you taking pictures could be exciting."

"Pretty amazing, huh. Oh, and Jill is getting Chad the new camera he wanted for his birthday." She smiled.

"This could get interesting. Ready to get some dinner?"

Meanwhile, a few houses down the street, Chad was just getting home from work. Jill had decided that, under the circumstances, maybe tonight would be good for a fine birthday dinner so she had grilled steaks, baked potatoes and fixed a fantastic salad. Chad was surprised when he got home to a huge kiss from his wife and the wonderful dinner spread out and ready. After dinner the kids were playing and half-heartedly working on homework when Jill brought out the brightly wrapped birthday present. Another kiss and a, "Happy birthday a day early," and he opened the package. The smile on his face told her that he was thrilled with the new Nikon camera.

"I almost can't believe you got me this," he said, cuddling it to his chest. "This is wonderful."

"I knew you'd love it but it's only part one of your birthday present."

He gave her a wide-eyed look. "Go on," he encouraged.

She reached out and took his hand. "Come along and I'll show you," she said, a coy smile on her face. He jumped up and went along, anxious to see what else she had in store for him. She led him upstairs to her computer, carefully turning it so that, were they surprised with a young visitor, nothing would be seen. She sat him down on the edge of the bed, and with a couple of clicks came to the folder JJJ. "Ready," she said and he nodded. She clicked on the first picture.

"Holy hot shit," he said. "And whose little nighty is that, I don't recognize it?" "They're Kim's baby dolls. You like them?" She was sure he was doubly fascinated by seeing her in Kim's pajamas. She quickly clicked the second pictures.

"Whoa, there they are, looking right at me. What the heck?"

"Just keep watching. I'll explain later." She clicked the next picture and she could see his eyes getting wider. More clicks and more comments, all very complimentary. Then there were just two left. "Okay," she began. "These last two are especially for you." She bit her lower lip and clicked on the first.

"Holy shit," was his quiet exclamation as he stared at the picture. "Whatever you were doing, it must have been hot cause you're sweating and turning me on sooooooo much. Everything is glistening and those are the most beautiful buns in the world as well as that other glistening spot right in the center there. Then she clicked the last one. No comment this time, he just turned quickly and looked at her and then back to the screen.

"It's not all sweat -- Kim had a little spray bottle that helped."

"It's just hot hot hot." She could tell that he was enjoying them by the lump that had formed in his pants.

"Now," she interrupted, "here's something a little special you'll enjoy." His eyes were still glued to the screen as she clicked on the KKK folder and then the first picture.

"Oh my gosh, that's Kim in the same pajamas you were in. Are you kidding me," he continued looking at her. She clicked the second picture. "There's one of them," he said, "puffy and cute." She clicked on the rest, giving him time to enjoy each one.

"Here's the last one and I think you'll like it." She clicked and the full frontal nude of Kim popped up on the screen.

"That's one sexy picture," he finally said, then turned to her. "So, tell me."

"It was Kim's idea, for your birthday. She showed me her pictures and then talked me into doing it. The last two were my idea though. I hope you like them?"

"I fantastically loved them, all of them. You've made my birthday." Then he stopped for a second. "Now," he went on. "Since we have two sets of pictures here, can I assume that Kim and Pete also have two sets of pictures?"

"Yes they do. Kim offered to delete my pictures from her computer but I asked how daring she was and so . . . we have both sets. Did you like her pictures?"

"Sure I did, she's a doll and I know that Pete tells her she's a babe and she's that too. But, you're my babe and the best there is. And, if the kids weren't still up I'd show you how much of a babe you are. Later tonight we'll review those pictures again and then you'd better be ready." Jill could hardly wait.

The next morning Kim's phone rang. Answering, she heard Jill's voice invite her over for coffee. And, of course, Kim knew that there would be more than coffee, there would be lots of sharing she was sure.

At Jill's she went inside, they fixed their coffee and sat down at the breakfast room table, then just looked at each other for long seconds.

"Well?" Kim finally said, a question in her voice.

"Well?" was Jill's reply right back at her with a grin. "Chad loved his new camera. And . . . if he had liked the pictures any better I wouldn't be able to walk at all today."

They both giggled. "Pretty much the same at our place. And Pete enjoyed your pictures too."

"Well, Chad said that Pete is always saying that you're a babe and he had to agree with him. And, I assume at your house too, there was talk of more pictures."

"Oh yes, it didn't take long for that to come up."

"Changing the subject just a little, why don't you guys come over for a cook-out tomorrow night. You bring the potato salad and we'll have the burgers."

"Sounds good to me. And, going back one subject, I think we'll notice that the men are looking at us a little differently than before, at least the way Pete will be looking at you and Chad at me. Now they know what we look like under the clothes." More giggles.

"You know," Jill went on, "they know we'll be more open to them taking pictures now and they'll be negotiating about trading those pictures back and forth so, we should be a part of that, maybe even insisting on us taking pictures of them and then we can share them too. It works both ways."

"Oh, good plan." Kim paused a moment. "Pete has had this fantasy for some time about posting pictures of me on the internet, one's that didn't show my face or anything so no one would know who it was but still, I've told him absolutely not, no way was that going to happen. I'm sure he'll bring that up again."

"You still going to refuse?" Jill questioned, open mouthed.

"I'll do it if you will," was Kim's reply after thinking for a second. There was silence.

"Dirty old men all over the world looking at our naked bodies." Jill began chewing on her thumb nail.

"And wanking themselves, looking at our pictures," Kim added.

"Pretty disgusting, but kind of exciting in a dirty way. I'm not sure who the two ladies sitting her talking are, but let's see what happens."

Pete came home that night with a small package in his hand but when he made no explanation to Kim about its contents she decided to just let it go, figuring she'd find out later what it was. They had dinner, helped the kids with a little homework, watched a couple of shows on TV and finally got the kids to bed. The he took her hand and led her to their bedroom. Sure enough, there was the package and he carefully opened it and handed it to her. She reached inside took out the contents and gave him a narrow-eyed look.

"A black wig," she said. "Do I know what this is leading toward?"

"It's not leading toward anything you don't want it to lead toward. But, I'd just like to experiment a little and see what you think. Plus, it will help get some great pictures." He had a big grin as he explained all this to Kim.

"Explain the black wig then -- you don't like my hair?"

"I love your hair but see how long the wig is. It's long enough to cover your face if we drape it just right."

Kim wasn't going to let Pete know it just yet but she was getting more interested in all this as time passed. She had been thinking about it since Jill had left and she was sure Jill was thinking too since she had kind of dared Jill about both of them doing it. She sighed loud enough for Pete to hear. "Well, just an experiment then. I know you love to use that camera." She was actually beginning to tingle just a little.

"Fantastic!" was his prompt reply. "I've got an idea for some pretty hot shots and, if you're really ready, we can do them right now."

"I kind of figured you were ready," she said with a subtle grin. Then she started getting undressed.

Pete got his camera ready and, very quickly, Kim was standing there naked. She had calculated that Pete would be taking pictures tonight so she had carefully painted her fingernails a bright red since she knew that he loved that and thought it was super sexy. And, on the porn sites she had secretly perused trying to get some hints for what she knew would be coming, she had noticed a lot of red polish so she was sure she had done the right thing.

"Okay," Pete said, taking her hand and leading her to the bathroom. "Now, just step into the tub there." Kim dutifully stepped into the bathtub not quite sure what he had in mind. He quickly went to the sink and opened the cabinet door underneath and took out a clear plastic bottle and came back to the tub. Then she quickly got the picture. It was baby oil. He opened the bottle and just poured a little on each shoulder. She shivered as it was a little cool as it ran down her back and over her breasts.

Then Pete began to rub it around, carefully coating her skin from her neck on down. He poured more into his hand and rubbed her stomach and her back, her butt and her legs including the tops of her feet. He carefully rubbed her calves and then her thighs, until he got to her muff where he quickly slid a finger down between her legs, bumping her clit. She jerked and squealed, but then he returned and slid a finger inside her and slowly moved it in and out, she not fighting him at all. "A little flush on your skin should look good too," he teased. He slid the finger out but slipped it up to her clit again. A couple of gentle rubs and a little moan made him pull his hand back before he forgot about the pictures.

He reached over and flipped the switch that turned on the light over the tub. Kim's oil covered body glistened in the bright light. He helped her out of the tub, then into the bedroom. He quickly went to the closet and came back with a beach towel and spread it on the bed. Then he had her put on the wig and arranged it carefully so it looked perfectly natural. He also had her take off her engagement and wedding rings.

First he took a simple picture of her from the waist up with the wig, just so she could see how she looked. Then, he began to pose her very provocatively, carefully having her face away from the camera or arranging the hair so that her face didn't show at all. He was wise enough to know not to extend things too long, much as he'd like to photograph for hours, because he didn't want anything to make her dislike what was happening. Twelve pictures he took, the put the camera down. He gave her a big kiss, then led her back to the bathroom. He carefully adjusted the water temperature, took the wig from her head and had her step in the tub, then quickly undressed and stepped in with her. He flipped the shower lever, then began to help her wash the baby oil off.

"One of these days I get to photograph you, and then I can share those pictures with Jill."


"Turn-about is fair play." She giggled at him. "You didn't mind looking at Jill's pussy so why shouldn't she be able to see this thing," she said, taking hold of his semi-erection. Plus, I might like to see what Chad has too."

"You girls don't share that kind of stuff, about who's how long and how thick they are?"

"Nope, we're just waiting for the pictures."

He was washing her back and her butt as she washed the front, roles he felt should be reversed. So, he reached around her and took the soap and rubbed it on her breasts and belly, then handed it back to her as he caressed her slippery body, pinching her nipples and squeezing those very squeezable breasts, then down to her belly and then a little lower to her grunt and muffled, "oh." He took her shoulders and turned her around, taking the soap again as he dropped to his knees, the warm water of the shower gently splashing over them.

He carefully washed each of her legs and handed the soap back to her, quickly putting his hands on her ass and pulling her to his face. His tongue knowingly pushed between her now doubly wet lips and snaked its way inside her to a luscious moan. Now his hands spread her wide so that her nicely aroused clit stood out facing him and his tongue dashed at it, flicking up and down until his lips closed on it, sucking it into his mouth to several more gasps and groans. He continued sucking till he felt her begin to tense and he stopped, stood up and turned her around pushing on her back so she was leaning against the front wall of the shower.

His first thrust into her was slow and a long, "ahhhhhhhh," escaped her lips. As the water sensuously splashed off her head and back he continued thrusting, no longer slow and long but with a rhythmic pounding as he reached around her to rub and squeeze that clit. Her breathing got shorter and shorter and he rubbed relentlessly until, again, he felt her tensing. As she began to jerk uncontrollably he clamped his other hand over her mouth, stifling the loud cries he knew would be there and he, as usually when she came, clamped his mouth against her back to muffle his own groaning and shot load after load of hot cum inside her.

They just stayed as they were for long minutes, the warm water cascading over them both, strangely adding to their fulfillment. Pete could feel his erection diminishing and when it finally slipped out of Kim, he moved. Still leaning on the front wall Kim said, "I came standing up. I didn't think I could do that."

"I don't think you had much choice," Pete chuckled back at her.

"I know, but still, I'm proud of myself. And thanks for putting your hand over my mouth. I might have waked the kids. Plus, we haven't even looked at the pictures yet."

Needless to say after they had dried off they did look at the pictures which Pete thought were fantastic and so sexual he could hardly stand it. Kim also found herself turned on but for different reasons. She had shamelessly shown every private part of her body and, she couldn't help but think of others looking at them too and getting turned on. She had never dreamed that something like that would excite her but she was learning more about herself every day. And, of course, for the first time in a long time, there was a second round of sex, as good as or maybe even better than the first. She couldn't wait to share with Jill and find out what had happened at her house.

They met for coffee the next day of course and Kim learned that Chad was again talking about internet pictures. Kim told her about the ones she had done last night, then took Jill up to see them. Jill was amazed since she said she would never know who it was. She decided she would share with Chad and they would take some unrecognizable ones of her and then . . . they giggled and bit their lower lips, then they would be on the internet. It made both of them tingle. After that they decided they would only do it if the men agreed to pose and they could share those pictures.

The next day Jill shared her internet pictures with Kim and they were equally erotic. They stared at each other, realizing what they had agreed to and actually began to perspire thinking about it. But, that night they took pictures of the men and shared them with each other. Thankfully for Pete and Chad there wasn't much to choose from between them, Pete being a mite longer and Chad perhaps a mite thicker. Not surprisingly, and without sharing, both Jill and Kim knew that they had something to look at if they got horny during the day.

Two weeks later, the pictures were on the internet and the guys shared the website addresses with the wives and they were able to see them. They both remarked that no one could tell who they were and they actually discussing taking more pictures themselves and posting them without their husbands knowing until they were surprised by the ladies.

There was even talk that, since everyone knew what everyone else looked like naked, they might have a naked get-together and celebrate. Kim, very red-faced, did share with Jill that she had a huge fantasy about holding Chad's cock in her hand which was immediately echoed by an equally red-faced Jill.

In two more weeks that did happen during a game of strip poker coupled with consequences if a naked person lost again. Kim's consequence, determined by Jill, was to hold Chad's penis which was, of course, very erect, and as she held it he began to move it back and forth and it wasn't long before he squirted a load of sticky, gooey liquid onto the card table. Jill had no consequence but grabbed hold of Pete anyway and began stroking him, even bending to plant a kiss on the head until he shot his load onto her stomach since she was directly in front of him.

Not wanting things to get out of control they quickly started to put their clothes on when Kim stopped and said that Pete and Chad had cum but she and Jill hadn't. This brought an instant response from the men as both Pete and Chad, with a look at each other, dropped to their knees and let their tongues take over. The ladies were aroused enough that it didn't take long before they were both bucking and grunting and moaning. Kim then said, "just a taste," and quickly took Chad into her mouth with a couple of vigorous sucks, then released him. Jill did the same to Pete and they quickly put their clothes on and continued with the evening. A few glasses of wine certainly helped to changed attitudes.

There were more pictures and the ladies even talked about pictures with the two of them together but, they couldn't decide which man would take the pictures and they didn't want lesbian stuff so they finally dropped that idea. They were a little reluctant to get together as couples again too quickly as they were afraid what might happen after a few drinks and they weren't sure they were ready for that.

Their amateur pictures were very popular on the internet and they got lots of comments which both the ladies enjoyed, along with the men of course. The men discussed taking pictures of the other's wife but couldn't figure out how to work that out. About six months later though, all four got together to take pictures of the women who had decided they could do lesbian stuff after all. The pictures were great as each of the men took his own shots and, by the time the evening was over they were all so hot that the two couples had sex on the same bed.

Kim was just getting her first cup of coffee when there was a knock on the door and Jill's voice saying, "Are you descent?" as she came inside.