Taking Some Pictures


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"Like that matters," Kim replied and sat down at the table, joined quickly by Jill who looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"I think you enjoyed yourself last night," she said with a smile.

"Me?" Kim replied quickly. "I heard a lot of moaning and grunting from your side of the bed."

"Well, at least Chad didn't have to hold his hand over my mouth like Pete did yours to keep your screaming from waking the kids."

"He does that a lot," Kim said, grinning. "It was pretty amazing wasn't it."

"I'll have to say that, if I had my choice, I'd take Chad over you," Jill said. "No reflection on you of course, but you're just missing something."

"I can echo that too, but it was pretty exciting and soooo different. I never imagined what it could be like. And somewhere along there my brain registered that there I was with my ass stuck up in the air and Chad was about five feet away looking right at my pussy."

"Oh my gosh, I had the same thought, spread out flat with my legs spread and there was Pete staring right in and it wasn't a picture, it was live. And Chad mentioned that ass position after we got home. He said it was one of the most amazing moments he'd ever had."

Kim laughed a little. "Pete said he was so overwhelmed by his hormones that there was no way he could have waited any longer but, he was so excited he didn't want it to end too quickly so he slowed down a little and he said he suddenly was aware of the two of you so he watched, in great detail, as you guys went at it and, as he described it, the "slap-squish" sounds were more than he could handle and, bang, he let loose. And when he heard you two cumming he almost wanted to start again. Whew, I can't believe that really happened." She paused a second and then grinned sheepishly at Jill. "And he said he really enjoyed watching your boobs bouncing."

Jill's cheeks reddened slightly. "Whatever toots your flute," she said, laughing. "Yeah, Chad said it was like there was only the two of us there -- he nearly forgot about you two when he kind of jumped me. That testosterone is mighty stuff."

"You see the pictures yet?"

"Yeah, I brought you copies. I hope you have yours so I can see them," and of course, she did. "They were fun to do, but I don't think they're internet quality. Hiding the faces doesn't help these pictures much."

"I pretty much agree." They were quiet for a minute. "We probably better be aware. Just in passing the other night Pete mentioned that the usual progression of porn stars, and I don't know if he considers us porn stars but it's something to think about, is, first kind of teasing photos, not showing much, then popping out boobs and maybe an up-skirt, then full nudity and then lots of time to full hardcore stuff. I don't think he was suggesting and I didn't push it. It may sound a little frivolous now but I guess I need a little privacy at some point."

Jill shook her head in agreement. "You're sure right and I agree 100%. But," she giggled, "do you suppose guys would enjoy a video of the end of last night." Now they both laughed.

"Do you ever check out the comments anymore?" she questioned Jill.

"Oh, once in a while I look. They're mostly the same so it's not too exciting now."

Kim sighed. "You know when those two get together and have three or four beers they begin to plan things, and I think the hardcore stuff is something they talk about a lot." She looked at Jill. "Should we be united on our stand about this?"

"Yeah, I think we should," Jill replied, a puzzled look on her face. "I don't know though." She looked really puzzled.

"You want to do it?" Kim asked, her eyes wide.

"Maybe switching partners would make it more exciting," she said, smiling.

"WHAT?" Kim exclaimed. "You want to switch partners."

"Don't get mad. I just mentioned it as kind of a joke, to see what you'd say. Forget I even said it. And besides, I have to leave for about 15 minutes to get a prescription from the doctor's office. I'll be back after that. Going by Starbucks too. You want anything?"

"I'd love a mocha."

"Done," Jill replied. "My treat," and she disappeared out the door.

Now Kim's mind was going at breakneck speed. What the heck was that suggestion about? Was she really serious? She said to forget it but Kim wondered why, despite Jill saying that, she wasn't forgetting it. She hurried to get the laundry started, her mind still racing. She gathered the clothes, got them in the washer and got things started. It was one of those things, the more you didn't want to think about it the more you thought about it. She paced and thought until Jill returned with the mocha. It was delicious. Of course, there was an elephant in the room that neither of them seemed to be able to see. Lots of idle chatter, a little giggling and then Jill had to go to get her own washing started.

Alone in the house, Kim decided to forget about what Jill had said. Unfortunately her mind wouldn't cooperate and she began to picture things, Chad kissing her, Chad with his hands on her ass, Chad squeezing her tits, pulling on the nipples, biting them until it hurt a little. It was almost like being a virgin again and fantasizing about having sex with your boyfriend, with Pete, except that she knew so much more now and her fantasizing was much more graphic and erotic.

Chad was a good looking guy for sure, about 6'-1" with dark hair and very blue eyes. He wasn't athletic like Pete was but he was not fat either. Plus, she had seen him nude and that helped her imagination for sure. She wondered what kind of a lover he would be, well, not a lover but just a sex partner. That was just semantics but her problem was more than that. Still, like iron filings drawn to a magnet she found herself heading for the upstairs and her computer.

She clicked, entered her password, then a few more clicks and there was Chad with a full erection standing straight out from his body. She had actually felt that, even tasted it for a moment. More thoughts about that erection, thoughts she didn't want to have but were there anyway. She realized she was biting her lower lip, nearly drawing blood. She reached her hand down and unbuttoned her shorts, sliding the zipper down. She slid her hand down inside the shorts and panties she was wearing.

What the heck was she doing here? But, she was lost and wasn't about to stop and wasn't totally sure she wanted to stop. A finger went to the source of the heat she was feeling and found a wonderful pleasure spot. Very slowly she began rubbing, making the feeling last a little longer. Then not quite able to control what her hand was doing she moved faster and faster and soon the sound of her "Uhhmmm, Uhhmmm, Uhhmmm," filled the room since there was no one to put their hand over her mouth today. With one last look at the picture she clicked it down, then stood up and removed her shorts and panties as they were now a little too damp to wear. She put on clean ones and then went to check on the washing, thoughts still rushing through her brain.

Meanwhile, Jill had gone home, wondering just why she had made that suggestion, hoping that she hadn't made Kim mad because it was something that had just flashed through her brain and she had blurted it out. But, now that it was out, her brain wouldn't stop thinking about it.

She had always liked Pete but had never really thought about having sex with him. He wasn't quite as tall as Chad, was quietly clever and very funny and had a way of looking at you that was a little suggestive without him meaning that at all. She wondered what kind of a lover he would be. The four of them had been together that one day but no one was paying too much attention to the technique of the other couple. She smiled at that thought, remembering the sounds of that night. But, that only pushed her mind to more specific pictures and she found that her breathing had quickened. She also found herself heading upstairs, to her computer.

She clicked, entered the password and a few clicks later there was Pete with a rock hard erection. She couldn't take her eyes off of it, remembering that time she had touched it and a little more. She wondered just what it would feel like entering a special place that had always been reserved for Chad. She unfastened her shorts and slipped them off, along with her panties. She spread her legs wide and began rubbing that wonderfully sensitive spot between her legs, never taking her eyes off the computer screen. Soon, there were a series of gentle moans and her body jerked and twitched. She clicked the pictures down and put on new panties and shorts. She wished that stopping her mind from racing was as easy as clicking down the picture.

It had been a little over three weeks since Jill had made that wild suggestion and, although Kim certainly thought about it at least once every day, it wasn't dominating her being like it had that first day. Of course, what she didn't know was that Jill had shared it with Chad and they had a very lengthy discussion about it and had decided that, as a one-time thing for the pictures, it would be okay. And, Chad had mentioned it to Pete during one of their frequent lunch get-togethers and probed about how he would feel about it. After some thought he agreed with the premise about the one-time, picture taking event even though he wasn't sure how Kim would respond. So, Kim was on the outside, with only her fantasies about what just might happen if she'd agree to it.

On Thursday, her mother had called and said the grandparents would love to have the kids for the weekend, to go to a movie, maybe the pool on Saturday and they'd bring them home on Sunday. Holding the phone, Kim had proposed that to the kids who'd yelled they'd love to but could Sammy and Ann, Jill and Chad's kids, come too. Shaking her head no, Kim heard the phone say, "That would be fine with us, honey. We'd love to tackle the four of them. It will keep us young." So, she had called Jill who had reluctantly agreed and then she had invited Jill and Chad over for a cookout with Pete and Kim splurging for nice steaks if Jill would bring vegetables and a salad. That was agreed on and the weekend was set, sort of.

On Friday, Kim's mom and dad stopped at the house about 4:00 pm, loaded the four kids and their bags into their van and headed off. Pete arrived home around 5:00 with several bottles of wine and four thick and wonderful looking steaks and at 6:00 Chad and Jill arrived with a beautiful salad, a vegetable and some wonderfully creamy mashed potatoes. Pete took orders and began to grill as Jill and Kim got the rest of the meal ready. Soon they were sitting at the picnic table, devouring meat, potatoes, broccoli and glasses of wine. No desert was needed tonight to spoil the taste of the steaks and more wine was poured and sipped with much chatter and laughter.

As dusk approached, Chad brought up the subject of the night -- it had been a long time since they had taken any pictures and this weekend seemed like the perfect chance to squeeze some in with the kids gone and all. Something about the way he said it, and the way Pete looked at her caused Kim's antennae to spring to alert mode. She looked a little accusingly at Jill, who, after all, had brought up the switching thing, even though no one had mentioned it yet. So, she decided to take the bull by the horns so to speak.

"And what kind of pictures are we talking about for tonight?" She looked from one to the other.

"Different ones," Pete ventured.

"Different in what way," Kim pressed.

Now Jill was feeling a little guilty so she decided to grab those bull's horns too and run with them. "Well, that suggestion I made, which I'm sure you haven't forgotten, has come up several times. I told Chad about it and then Chad shared it with Pete." She took a deep breath and, surprising herself, looked Kim straight in the eye. "The three of us have agreed to it so the final decision is up to you."

Whamo! Kim felt broadsided. All those fantasies rushed through her mind faster than she could focus on any one of them. Not wanting to, she glanced over at Chad who had a slight smile on his face and a look in his eyes that she easily recognized. She knew she should be disgusted by that look but rather found a gentle heat racing through her body. She looked at Pete who raised his eyebrows and looked at her questioningly. Then back at Jill. She knew Jill liked to kind of flirt with Pete and guessed that the decision had not been hard for her to make.

"Just once for the pictures," Jill decided to add.

Kim turned to look again at Chad and felt her nipples scraping on the inside of her bra. "Damn fantasies," she thought to herself, afraid to move her legs for fear something might be running down her thighs. She wondered if those feelings and responses were her answer. Jill had said that Chad really liked her pointed tits and her dark, tantalizing muff. That muff now had a strange feeling, a tingling and something else that was causing her breathing to change. How could she say no now, the way she felt was screaming yes over and over. She looked at Pete. "You're taking the pictures," she asked softly.

"I'll do some video and Jill can take some still shots." Then he added thoughtfully, "You sure?"

She knew what she wanted to say, that she was so horny just thinking about it right now that she might just run over and jerk Chad's pants to his ankles and climb on him right there. She didn't know why she felt that way, it seemed a little strange but, one time . . . Her thoughts trailed off. "Sure, why not," was all she said. They decided to have one more glass of wine in the gathering darkness, for fortification, before they headed inside. Then, they gathered up the wine and the glasses and headed inside and upstairs. At her dresser, Kim took off her rings, actually thinking it was for two reasons. One, so they wouldn't show in the pictures and two, because she was going to have sex with someone other than her husband. Now they were all there together and she was wondering what would happen next.

Chad sidled over to her. "Let's talk for a second," he said as Pete and Jill were working on their cameras. "You know that Pete has always said you were a babe and I've agreed with him about 120% or more."

"That's enough," she said. "You don't have to seduce me. Although I didn't think I would be, I'm ready for this." Then, surprising herself, she said, "My nipples are hard and my pussy is wet so I'm ready." Chad just looked at her for a moment.

"I'll try to make this good," he said softly.

She replied, "Me too."

"I'm ready," Pete announced.

Kim mouthed, "Are you ready?" to Chad. He nodded as Pete checked the settings on the camera.

Gently, Chad took Kim's face in his hands and she saw a look of yearning in his eyes she had never seen before. The blue there sparkled and seemed to swallow her whole being. She took a deep breath as his lips approached hers. She could sense that this was something he had been thinking about, a fantasy that was about to come true. Their lips met very gently, the she felt his tongue caressing her lips, across the length of her upper lip, then the lower one, then more insistent as it pressed between those lips, touching her own tongue that was there to greet his. Their mouths opened, the tongues now wrestling, the wrestling bringing forth gentle moans.

Chad's hands dropped from her face to the buttons on her blouse, carefully unbuttoning each as their mouths were locked together. Jill was snapping pictures and Pete was moving around with the video camera but neither Chad nor Kim were aware of that. They were totally locked in the moment. With all the buttons undone he slid the blouse off her shoulders. He kissed down her neck and onto her shoulders as he reached around and easily unfastened her bra. She shrugged and the bra fell to the floor, her pointy breasts with the puffy nipples, now very erect, free and available. Chads hand slid around, clamping gently on her breast. He rubbed the nipple with his palm and it seemed to stand a little higher.

Now his lips left hers and worked their way down to the other breast. He licked it, nuzzled it, then took the nipple in his mouth. It was something he had thought about ever since he had seen those first pictures of her naked. Kim's head tilted backward. It was like she had imagined, like she was a virgin again and this was her first time. Her blood was nearly boiling and she was thinking of things that would be coming. Chad bit down gently on her nipple and she flinched and gasped as the intensity of it overtook her. Her hands unbuttoned his shirt and quickly it was off, her fingers caressing his chest. She gently pinched his nipples and she could tell he liked that.

Now he unbuttoned her shorts and slid the zipper down. He pushed them below her hips as far as he could and she wiggled until they dropped to her feet. She kicked them away. Chad debated whether to touch her now or to get those little panties off first. He chose the latter and slid them down, this time dropping to his knees to slide them off over her feet. Now, his face was a few inches from her muff and he leaned forward, burying his face in those dark curls. Another loud moan from Kim as Pete was moving all over and taking video from every angle and Jill, less active, kept clicking the camera.

Chad's tongue was now probing into the wetness and heat of that lovely slit, hidden by that wonderful muff. He hit the magic spot and she jerked, then put her hands on his head and pressed it against her, thrusting herself against his face. Now his hands came into play again, spreading her, exposing her large and very engorged clit for all to see. His tongue flicked away as she pumped herself against him until suddenly, not wanting to cum just yet, she pulled back and, hands to his face, pulled him upright. She unfastened his belt, unbuttoned his pants and slid the zipper down. With one big push the shorts and underwear were all the way down as his erection swung out and hit her cheek.

Almost instantly it was in her mouth and she slid it in as far as it would go as Chad buckled from the waist in ecstasy. She pumped in and out on it until he pulled her away, afraid that he would cum nearly instantly with her sucking away at him. Now, both naked, he lifted her and fairly threw her back on the bed. He climbed over her and their eyes met again. Nothing had changed in the way the blue totally swallowed her up. She didn't know what caused her to do it but she grabbed her ankles and pulled her legs are far apart as they would go. If Pete was fine with all of this, she wasn't about to hold back. In this position her muff didn't hide a thing as she was wide open.

Chad put his arms under her legs, pushing them back further and wider apart and, as if guided by radar, leaned forward and entered her gleaming and totally wet pussy, deeper and deeper until his balls slapped against her ass. A huge, "ahhhhh," escaped his lips and she arched her back off the bed. Slowly he pulled out, then slammed back in. Surprisingly their eyes were locked together and she was fairly panting as he thrust into her over and over. Her hips moved up and down in rhythm with his thrusting and she could see his eyes narrowing as she reached up and pulled his head down, her tongue probing into his mouth as his muscles tightened, and suddenly, with a loud, "Ahhhhhh," he began pumping his hot sperm into her, a loud grunt with each load that shot against her cervix. There was one after the other until, at last, he collapsed on top of her.

It was fantastic, but she wanted more. She lifted his head and looked into his eyes and he got the message. He slid down quickly between her legs and, as she was wide open, he didn't need to spread her at all. This time he didn't bother with his tongue, just took that amazingly large clit in his mouth and began to suck on it. He did rub occasionally with his tongue. Her hips raised and rotated and twisted and it was hard for him to stay in place but the wonderful sounds she was making kept him inspired and it wasn't long before she began an arch that didn't come back down and along with a very loud "Oh yessssss," she bucked and jerked, over and over and finally ended with a long moan as her hips lowered.