Taking The Class Pt. 03


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I guess I should try to get to Chemistry later than usual again if I want to try to see some kind of evidence. Huh. After this morning, the idea of seeing Will and Laura kissing is a lot less discouraging. Must be the anger. She laughed softly to herself. "Let the hate flow through you!" She smiled at the memory. That was always one of Dad's favorite movies.

She remembered a day, long past, when she sat next to her father watching the trilogy for the first time.

"Now remember, Lainy," he said, pointing at the screen. "Han shot first in this scene. And anyone who says otherwise is missing what makes him a truly great character. They don't understand his motivation. Understanding motivations is part of what makes a great writer. It's also what can make you great at understanding other people."

She turned to look up at her dad, her nose wrinkling. "What's a motor-vacation?"

He laughed.

"What are you teaching her now, Art?" Mom called from the kitchen table where she was working.

"Everything, dear," he called back, continuing to laugh.

Alaina sighed wistfully. What would Dad say in a situation like this? How would he have handled it? "Dear, I could use your help with something!" She snorted. Yeah, he and Mom always relied on each other a lot.

Maybe I'm looking at this from the wrong angle. Motivation. What's Laura's motivation? Why is she doing this? She took another bite of salad. Jealousy, I guess? But that seems a bit flimsy. "My ex-boyfriend, who broke up with me because I was seeing other guys behind his back and also maybe selling my body for drugs, came to school with another girl, so I'm going to mind control him back into liking me." That's not exactly the work of a supposed genius-level intellect.

She chewed, feeling a cherry tomato explode in her mouth. But the timing feels too perfect for that not to be the case. They broke up a few weeks ago—Well, Will broke up with her—and then the day that he drives me to school she goes out of her way to knock me over.

Her brows lowered. I can't get over how upset she looked afterwards. Is she really that good at acting? She's been wasting her talents by not trying out for the plays. I felt the relief she had on her face when I said I was okay. And she seemed genuinely concerned that she might have injured me. Was that calculated?

Alaina stuffed another forkful of greenery into her mouth. What if it's a Skill? Will has one that lets him convey his sincerity, what if she has one that lets her convey emotions? Ugh, but then she wouldn't look concerned, I would just think she was concerned. This mind control stuff is such a headache. And it wouldn't work on me, anyway, so I guess that's out.

She paused. Wait. That Trait I have that sterilizes, can that fix mind stuff, too? She thought about it. That seems stupid. So if I kiss him it'll help a little, but if he eats me out or cums in me he'll be cured? She let out a disgusted sigh and resumed chewing. This is really the worst Class. How am I supposed to do anything like that when Laura's got him wrapped around her little finger? So fucking impractical. He barely even gave me a glance yesterday, I'd have to completely throw myself at him to even get a quick kiss. And that's assuming he didn't just physically stop me.

She put the cover back on the container and placed it back into her bag. Then she leaned back into her chair to think.

Would he stop me? If he did, I probably wouldn't get a second chance once Laura heard about it. Or would I? Vinnie said she gave Will a lot of freedom. Bleh. Not really something I want to consider since it'd have to be at school, probably with lots of people watching me embarrass myself if it didn't work. I'll talk to Mom before I do anything radical.

I still don't understand her goal, though. If she got caught, the CEA would come down on her like a ton of bricks since she's not a minor. That's a pretty hefty sentence to risk just to take her ex-boyfriend away from a girl who is only maybe dating him. It's Will, after all; she must know that he doesn't do the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing with every girl he sleeps with. Or maybe she just misses her boy-toy.

Alaina realized she was scowling and schooled her expression into a more neutral one. I wonder why they started dating, anyway. I don't remember ever hearing about her dating anyone else. There was that thing where she was supposedly stealing the swim team's boyfriends last year, but that's just her being a slut, not dating... Or maybe I just didn't pay attention? Theresa would probably know, but she's only been at the school a couple years so her perspective is limited. That story Vinnie told me where Will hung out in the library to talk to a mystery girl he never looked at seems like not enough of a basis to start a relationship. And pretty unlikely to have happened at all. She probably got horny one day and couldn't find one of her usual guys so she pulled him into a bathroom for a quick fuck or something.

Then again, I shouldn't think like that considering how Will and I started out last week. She tried to remember back that far. It seems like a lifetime ago. I was so stupid and naive then. Will I think the same about myself a week from now? I hope, at a minimum, that Will is back to normal by then. I don't really want to admit it, but I do miss him. Just a little bit. The tiniest bit imaginable. I wonder what he'd taste like today?

Let's not go there. I don't want to get depressed again. She glanced up at the clock. Fuck, how is it possible for time to go so slowly today?

The door opened, and Mr. Dietrichson walked in with a newspaper under his arm. He gave her a nod and sat down at the other table, bringing a pencil out of his shirt pocket.

She tapped her fingers on her arm. I'm not getting anywhere with this. Maybe it's not jealousy. If she's really this smart, maybe she just wants it to look like jealousy. Maybe she's got an elaborate plan that she needs Will for. But what could Will give her?

He's got that pretty-boy face, he's smart, he's funny, he's tall, he's rich... She blew a quiet raspberry. If he wasn't so Will he'd be my ideal guy. But he's also sort of estranged from his family... She sat upright. What if that's her angle? Maybe she's trying to set herself up early as a trophy wife, just like his mom? Her fingers drummed faster. He might not get along with his parents, or ever want to see them again, but they still pay all his bills, and his father seemed to still have an interest in how he was doing.

More than just an interest, I guess. I wonder if he's got goons watching Will all the time or just sometimes? Ugh, that's a fast road to paranoia.

That might be her angle, though. If the drugs story Daniel told is true, maybe she just needs money. Will's certainly got enough of it. That's a pretty shitty thing to do to someone just to get a quick fix, though. She grimaced. But if that story is true, it all fits. Even if it is sad to think about. Don't worry, Will, I'll get you out of there. Somehow.

* * *

The remainder of the period passed slowly. Alaina continued to try moving and turning the facts as she knew them in order to possibly figure out something new, but she only managed to come up with one idea.

Let's hope she's at her locker again. Alaina came into view of the underclassman girl's locker. Got her.

"Hi, Marissa," she said, walking up to the tall second-year. The other girl's friends were nowhere to be seen today.

"Oh! Wow, hey, Alaina!" Marissa White grinned down at her with the same easy smile her brother habitually wore.

The resemblance is uncanny once you start looking for it. "I just had a quick—and maybe a little weird—question that I was hoping you could help me with. Not related to drama club or anything like that."

"Sure, no problem," said Marissa. "Um," she paused. "Is it about Will?"

"I suppose," Alaina allowed. "I was just wondering whether he's ever brought another girl over the house."

Marissa hesitated, searching the older girl's face. "You know, don't you," she said after a while. "Did he tell you?"

"It was a mutual friend," said Alaina.

"Who?" Marissa eyed her suspiciously.

"His friends and Tiff told me while we were at the event. She brought me out to eat some lobster mac and cheese on the patio." Alaina's eyes stared dreamily off into the distance. So delicious. Fuck, that lobster was good, too.

Will's sister chewed on her cheek. "Okay, Tiff wouldn't tell you if she didn't really like you. And you wouldn't know about her lobster mac and cheese, either." She looked around before continuing. "Nobody else has ever come inside the house since then. Not even Vinnie."

Hm, that complicates things. I figured Laura would have tried to ingratiate herself with his family if money was her goal. His mom would probably love her. "That's... Surprising and unsurprising."

Marissa nodded. "I miss having him around. But I'm also glad he's not. You know what I mean."

"I think I do," said Alaina. "Do you two ever, um, hang out? I mean, he's your brother, isn't he?"

Marissa chuckled. "Of course we do, Alaina. We go out to eat, or hang out after school in the library, or go to bookstores. Usually once or twice a week he messages me about scheduling quality time." She giggled at her brother's phrase.

"That's nice of him." I guess I imagined them being more isolated since he mostly lives with Vinnie now.

"Of course it is. Will's the nicest guy in the whole world!"

* * *

Alaina didn't spot Will or Laura on her way to Chemistry. Was that just a one-time thing, then? She glanced at Will sitting in his back corner seat where he was looking out the window with a faint smile on his annoyingly-kissable lips.

Argh, shut up! She set her books on the lab table, then sat down in her seat and crossed her legs. Her eyes flicked to the empty seat next to her. Sandeep is out today? Wasn't he gone yesterday, too? I wonder if he has the flu.

She resisted the urge to turn around and look at Will again and instead began tapping her thumb on the table. I guess if Laura just wants money now then she's already reached her goal. She grimaced. But that still doesn't explain why she seems more like a girl in love than a girl with an addiction. Vinnie's story made it seem like she was fawning over Will all night, even to the point of being extra nice to his best friend. Is that all just acting?

The bell rang, and the soft chatter of students gradually cut off.

I'm not getting anywhere with this. I'll just focus on the lab.

"Let's get energized!" announced Dr. Sutton from the desk at the front of the room. "As I promised yesterday, today's the day we'll finally get to see electrolysis in action! And looking at the weather, it's a Faraday for it, too!"

Alaina groaned, along with most of the class.

The diminutive teacher stood up from her desk and bustled over to the whiteboard, where she frowned down at her students. "Gosh, I thought you'd all be more amped for this!"

A few students chuckled despite their best efforts.

"There we go, I knew you couldn't resist. Now, as I described yesterday," she said, pulling the top off a dry-erase marker, "and as I'm sure you know from the handouts you should have reviewed overnight—which I'm going over again just in case some of you forgot to read them—you'll be running a current from a power supply into a beaker filled with a diluted sulfuric acid solution."

She began sketching an impressively detailed representation of the experimental design. "You'll have a burette—which you'll fill partway with that same solution and invert over the beaker—clamped into the ring stand at the top, like this." The drawing continued. "Your copper wire from the negative terminal on the power supply—Josh, remember that's the one that's not the plus sign—"

The class, including Josh, tittered at her reference.

'—goes into the burette, here, and becomes your cathode." She turned to wag the marker at the class. "Make sure you get the bare part of the wire completely inside the burette or you'll be losing Hydrogen gas." She went back to drawing. "The other wire from the positive terminal goes into the solution in the beaker, giving you your anode."

Dr. Sutton turned around. "When you've got it all set up like this, you'll click your stopwatches and turn on the power supply and monitor until you've got at least twenty milliliters of hydrogen in the burette. Ideally, you want to get two iterations done so there's more data points." She capped the marker and tapped it against her hand. "Any questions before we get started?"

There were none.

"Okay, then—Oh, wait. Alaina, Sandeep is going to be out the rest of the week, so let's get you into another group since there's a bit more setup to do. Let's see..." The Chemistry teacher glanced around the room.

Oh, no...

"Well, there's no point in making you move far, you can just work with Josh and Rob behind you."

"Yes!" Josh cheered quietly.

Wait, what? I thought for sure I'd end up having to awkwardly partner with Will!

* * *

I know I said I wouldn't earlier, but maybe I should just try talking to her? Alaina adjusted height of the burette slightly. I could try to feel her out a little. Maybe that would give me a clue?

She frowned. No, that's stupid. At best, what, I find out she's after his money and won't give him up? At worst... Well, everyone knows she's a slut. Maybe Will just fucked her so well that the rest of her guys can't make up for it. Or maybe she doesn't have any guys who eat pussy like him.

Fuck, now I'm getting horny.

* * *

Alaina sat at her desk in her end-of-day History class. Her eyes bored a hole through Will's empty chair as she drummed her fingers on her arm.

That went surprisingly well. I know it's become a bit of a joke about Josh mixing up charges after that time he waited fifteen minutes with the wires switched, but now that I've actually had to work with him I feel bad for Rob. At least this time he got to finish a lab.

She looked at the board. Huh. We spend a lot of time talking about the Cold War and the rise of the totalitarian, Class-based government of the Soviet Union, but we barely mention espionage despite it being such a significant factor in decision-making. I wonder what kinds of Classes and Skills spies have? Mind reading seems like it would be pretty helpful, even though it's supposedly been debunked tons of times.

She glanced back at Will's empty seat. He's been gone for a while now. Class is almost over. I guess maybe that's the benefit of only bringing a pencil to class: he can leave whenever he wants just by pretending to go to the bathroom.

The remaining five minutes of the period dragged themselves out into an eternity before the last bell finally rang.

"Damn, A, his chair owe you money or something?" asked Ayanna.

Alaina blinked. "Huh?"

"You been glarin' at that chair for half the period."

The redhead yawned. I was zoning out pretty hard there. It's so hard to pay attention when we just go through the textbook almost word for word. So boring. "Just zoned out a bit, I guess. You off to preschool?"

"Yup, gotta pick up the brats. Lucky thing Coach is understanding about family stuff or I'd be off the team by now." Ayanna leaned closer. "And since I know you're worrying your head off about it, I'm good after last night. Really." She grinned.

"I wasn't worrying about it," Alaina lied and stood up, collecting her books.

"Uh huh."

"Fine, maybe a little."

The duo headed out the door.

"Best friends, right?"

Alaina finally cracked. "Obviously," she said, smiling up at her taller friend.

"Aight, I'm outta here." Ayanna adjusted her backpack on her shoulder. "If you're gonna be in the office around four-ish I'll stop in to say hi when I come back for practice."

"I'm heading home soon, actually. Mom's around so we're gonna go for a ride."

"Oh, cool. Say hi for me."

"Will do."

Ayanna split off, taking the route to the exit nearest the student lot.

Alaina headed in the opposite direction. Better check the SC office and see if Don left that note. I should have just given him my num—No, no, I definitely shouldn't have done that. She rolled her eyes.

The student council office was located on one end of the second floor, its lone window overlooking the end of the student parking lot. Depending on the path she chose, it was also on the way to Alaina's locker from her last class, assuming she wanted to take one of the side stairwells away from the main entrance.

It's nice not having to fight through all the people leaving when I want to get to the office after school. Everyone walks away from the office, and then I can just go around the back here and—

As she rounded the corner, the door to the student council office opened. She ducked back behind the corner and peeked out. Ms. Perez should still be in her classroom. Did I just catch Don dropping off his note?

"Wow," came Will's voice.

Will? What's he doing in the SC office? Alaina's ears perked up.

"Will, I can't believe you did that!" came Laura's voice, soft and petulant. "You ripped them!"

"Yeah, sorry, I don't know what came over me," Will said. He stepped out of the room and looked back, running his fingers through his hair.

Laura wobbled out after him in a dark, knee-length skirt and lighter turtleneck, somehow managing to look ecstatic and worried at the same time. "And I'm leaking!" she whispered loudly, looking up at him with wide eyes. She pulled on his sleeve, and he leaned down to give her a kiss. "I need to go clean up, okay?" she said, resting a palm on his chest. "I don't want to get anything on your seats. Do you mind picking me up out front?"

"No, no, that's the least I can do," said Will. He cupped her pretty face and ran his thumb over her lips, causing her to smile even more brightly. "Sorry again."

She kissed his hand. "It's okay, Will, I got those to wear for you after my first... I'm just glad you liked them." She giggled. Then her eyebrows shot up. "Oh, no! I'll see you soon!" She started to walk—very carefully—towards Alaina.

What the fuck? Alaina panicked and hid back behind the corner. Her eyes darted back and forth. Definitely don't want to confront her now. Argh! Will, what the fuck! That's our spot to have naughty school sex! She pressed herself against the wall. Please don't look this way. Just go in...

She watched out of the corner of her eye as Laura tottered into the bathroom at the elbow of the hallway.

Alaina sighed and beat the back of her head gently against the wall. Then she peeked around the corner once more.

Will was gone.

Bracing herself, she quick-stepped over to the SC office. The door was still unlocked, and she slipped inside, shutting the door behind her.

The smell of sex was overpowering, and part of her desk was conspicuously clear where it shouldn't have been.

Fuck! She ran to the window and opened it. How long were they in here? Will was gone the last fifteen or so minutes of class, did they just come straight here and start fucking like animals on my desk?
