Tales of Fabulous Namu Pt. 04


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"I would do anything for y- ummm..."

Maiko's voice was cut off as she backed over him, planting the pucker of her ass on his mouth. The globes of her butt flattened on his face. His lips caressed the tender flesh of her perineum. Maiko's nose nuzzled the crack of her ass.

She felt the wicked delight of his tongue tickling the muscles of her sphincter. Then thrusting inside her.

"By the ancestors, that's good!"

Zhura had never felt this visceral, delicious sensation before. Not with the witch Ntoza. Not even when Mili had taken her back there, or Shana had rutted her puckered hole with a finger. Shameless, she set aside the guilt of it as the brute eagerly ate out her ass. Maiko had earned this.

Zhura's fingers found her swollen slit. She rubbed the puffy lips, shuddering as Maiko's tongue darted inside her.

She didn't have much time. The potion would wear off, and Zhura still wanted him pliant. But this felt too good. Maiko moaned underneath her as she rubbed her cunt. Her nether lips gaped. Zhura's nectar trickled down her thigh.

Need washed over her then. She continued to rub herself, grinding the heel of her hand against her nub of pleasure. She pressed her ass against Maiko's face. He sputtered briefly, but his tongue quested deep inside her tight hole. Zhura cried out as she rode him like that, to another crashing climax.

She pushed away from him, panting. There was no more time. On a whim, though, she kissed his lips, messy with her sweat and juices. His face glistened of her.

"That was very good," she said.

"Zhura," came a low voice from the doorway. It was Shana, poking her head in. "It's done then?"

"Get back to work," Maiko said dreamily.

Zhura ignored him. "Most of it is done." She put on her clothes hastily. "You should stay out of it, though, until it is done."

"If we are to control our own fate, I cannot stand aside."

Zhura placed a hand on Shana's shoulder, feeling her solid presence. "Then do not stand aside. Just stand back, my friend."

She picked up their weapons. Maiko grinned, chin dripping. Zhura took Maiko's hand in her free one, and led him out towards the common room. Shana followed.

The main room buzzed with chatter. All eyes turned to her as she brought Maiko out, trailing behind her like some tamed buffalo. Zhura recognized green-haired Nyoki, and the two other whores she'd seen before, as well as several she hadn't. Men watched from the mats, their murmurs dropping to silence.

Ngo and Hani picked their way through the room. Ngo slid his shield from his back, and took his spear from Zhura. Hani took the mambele.

"There's a group gathered outside," Ngo said in Sung.

"Shadow Jackals?"

He shrugged.

"Are we going outside?" asked Maiko, glancing around.

"Who's going to collect weapons?"

"We will take care of it," Shana said.

Zhura nodded. She led the way out, pushing through the heavy hide hanging in the front doorway. The gate was open, and the throngs of men outside drew back into a loose circle as they exited.

A tall man stepped from the edge of the circle. He wore a vest of cured leather similar to Maiko's, and a short, broad blade hung in a sheath from his belt. Ragged, brawny men with clubs arrayed themselves behind him.

"Dalef," Maiko greeted him.

"Maiko, you idiot," the man spat. "What in the infernal hells are you doing?"

"Just going with Zhura," Maiko grinned.

"You're drugged. One of your whores betrayed us," Dalef unsheathed his blade and pointed it at Zhura's face. "I'm betting you know something about that."

Zhura sighed. She let go of Maiko's hand, holding her staff easily at her side. What is it with this city?

Apparently, Maiko was not the last of the gang.

"This is your chance," she said slowly, "to cut your losses and walk away."

Dalef's black eyes bored into her. "Who are you? One of the whores?"

Maiko stepped in front of Zhura, his arms wide in appeasement. As her gaze slid towards the immense man, Zhura glimpsed a familiar face, hooded, watching from behind the circle of men. Hani.

"She's just a new whore, Dalef," Maiko said. "She couldn't have betrayed us."

Dalef leveled his sword. He cocked his head. "New? Just save us both some time, Maiko. Tell me how many more of them I have to kill."

There was a commotion behind, near the gate. A pair of toughs hauled Nyoki out of the Orchid. She was barefoot, clad only in a loincloth, slender frame dwarfed by the two men as they each held one of her wrists.

Bayati disappeared back into the brothel. Ngo stepped up beside Zhura.

"I guess the gang is bigger than we thought," he murmured in Sung.

Zhura nudged Maiko out of the way. The big man started, surprised by the amount of force she applied so casually. She was flush with power, and eager to lavish it upon this man who boasted of killing.

"You only need to kill one whore," she said, gripping her staff. "If you can."

Dalef gave her a savage smile.

"No!" Maiko stepped back between the two of them, thrusting hands out to hold Zhura and Dalef apart. Then he cried out. Dalef's blade withdrew from Maiko's side, shining dark and wet in the torchlight.

"You were always too soft," Dalef muttered, as the big man sank to the ground.

Dalef ducked under Zhura's swing, and backed as she reversed her weapon, lashing out again. Men with clubs rushed into the fray. Ngo knocked a blow aside with his shield. Zhura sent one thug staggering backward with a crushing strike to his face. But soon the two friends turned their backs to each other, fending off clubs from every direction.

Zhura rapidly parried the attacks. The men with clubs were inartful and hesitant, but her movement was hampered. She couldn't leave Ngo's back unprotected. Desperately, she knocked away a thrust from Dalef. She was unable to counter, as another of his henchmen tried to bash her over the head. Dalef sneered, melting back into the throng of attackers.

Now would be a good time for some demonic help.

"Sanju!" she shouted.

Zhura batted away another swing, a studded club arcing towards her face. If she was alone, she could have ducked under it and thrust.

A man cried out as Ngo's spear hit home. But there were more of the thugs. Eventually, one of their attacks would hit home.

Where was Mili?

"We're going to have to break away!" Ngo urged in their native tongue. "Both of us will fight better if we can move."

That might be true. But only for a few seconds, before they were dragged down by sheer weight of numbers.

"Dalef!" she shouted. "Coward! Are you so afraid to face a woman?"

Their attackers hesitated then, as a chorus of shouts came from the Orchid gates.

A throng of Bhataguran sailors charged out, howling foreign cries. Their glossy black hair streamed behind them. They wielded weapons gathered from the back room, wickedly curved swords and broad knives.

Nyoki's friends were coming to her aid.

Zhura swept the leg of one tough who turned away from her to face the sailors. Then she lunged at another.

Many of Dalef's men scattered, or fell in the confusion. One lay dying with Bayati's mambele lodged in his chest. Zhura leapt over him and charged at Dalef, who hung back from the combat.

She parried his first stroke, sparks leaping from the clash of steel, and drove him back. His blade was brutal and efficient - a soldier's weapon, much like the iklwa spear Ngo favored. Instead of cutting or slashing, it was made for stabbing an adversary at close range. When Menga taught her the staff, he taught her how to defend against such weapons, because he had faced them in war.

"In two days, I'll have my people freed from the city guard," Dalef said, panting as he gave ground. "All it takes is the right amount of coin into the right coffers. None of these whores will be safe. Whatever, it is you're after, Zhura, you won't win it this way."

He blocked her strikes, trying to counter with frantic thrusts. But Zhura was much quicker. He backed on uneven, rutted ground. A wall loomed up behind him.

"I will if you're dead," Zhura said.

He stumbled, and she stuck like a cobra. Her first thrust knocked his sword off centerline. Before he could as blink, her next strike slammed into the side of his knee. Dalef fell. He cried out as she stomped a sandaled heel on his wrist and kicked the sword away.

"Ask me what I want again," Zhura levelled her staff. "Beg me."

Hani appeared next to her. She was breathing hard, and gripped a small knife in her hand. The blade was already wet with blood.

"He gave the order to sell me," she said. "And you killed Lulu, didn't you? It wasn't a revenge killing by the victims of your theft. It was you, wasn't it?"

"What if it was?" Dalef grunted. He balanced on his hands and one foot, trying to rise against the wall.

Hani sprang forth. She grabbed his collar and jabbed under his rib cage, repeatedly. Then she released him. He sagged to the ground again, shuddering.

"That is for me," she spat. "And for my friend."

Zhura exchanged a sober glance with the Ikanjan woman. She turned back to the fight, but it was over. A few sailors appeared lightly injured. Nyoki was unharmed. The rest of the fallen were Dalef's men. And Maiko.

This was a battle, no less than what Zhura had seen in Kichinka, with dead and injured lying everywhere. And yet there were no chief's men coming to break it up, no Goldshields coming to the rescue.

This was the Hazard.

A couple of whores bent over the painted man, pressing cloth to a dark wound in his side. "Let me see," Zhura said. She felt the flesh gingerly, the blood welling more than pulsing. "Can you get sunflower leaves?" she asked the women. She tried to think of local plants. "Or acacia root? I can show you how to treat him. It may save his life."

One of the women nodded and ran down the road. Zhura made sure the other woman tended to Maiko's wound. She looked to the hurt Bhatagurans.

Ngo touched her shoulder, and she turned. She hugged him, and did the same with Bayati. She was still feverish with excitement, and it had been easy to turn from fighting to being an herb-witch again.

Zhura glanced at Bayati's arm. "You're going to reopen that wound," she scolded.

"I will heal," the Kichinka woman shrugged.

"What about the hideout?" Ngo said. "Aren't we going there?"

"Mili showed it to me. Mili... is gone," she realized. "It didn't come when I called. My demon is gone."

She wasn't sure what to make of that. Perhaps leaving the creature alone for days, free to roam was too much temptation. Zhura worried for the creature, but had too many other things to be worried about for now.

"I had hoped that Maiko would lead us there, but we don't need him. I... just don't think it's fair that he should die, I guess." She didn't know why. Maybe he was as treacherous as Dalef. He had only tried to help because of the potion. But Zhura was an herb-witch, not a killer.

"You have a generous heart," Ngo said, smiling. "Still, it would be nice to get paid."

Zhura nodded. "We will make sure the wounded are stable here," she said. "Then we will go."

The hideout was a half-collapsed compound in a section of the Hazard largely deserted after a mudslide years before. Under a pile of rubble, Zhura, Ngo, Bayati and Hani found a flat stone covering a crawlspace. The tunnel held five chambers where men slept, and where they stashed gold in small sacks. Zhura also found several jars of a dark, purplish paste similar in odor and appearance to a forest resin used as a tranquilizer by hunters.

It was nearly dawn when they all gathered again in the Orchid with the treasure.

"Seven hundred gold shujaa coins," Shana said, after they had counted it a second time. "Add the venom and a few trinkets."

"My guess is at least one thousand shujaa," Hani said, "at least, all together."

From the mat where she sat, Zhura glanced around the common room. All of the customers were gone, except for a few of the Bhataguran sailors, who remained close to Nyoki. Hani, Kioko, Hani's friend Windi, and a few of the other whores Zhura had only just met that night had also stayed.

Maiko was resting in his back room. For now. His wound had been staunched and treated. As soon as he could walk, Shana and Hani wanted him gone. Zhura had no doubt that if he lingered, he would end up in the same pit where the women had buried the other dead from the night's battle.

"What does the Orchid need to make itself whole?" Zhura asked. "I know none of you asked for... what we did here."

"What you did here was needed," Hani said, "even if we did not ask."

"We are more grateful than we can say," Shana added. "Each of you are always welcome here."

Zhura hoped to enjoy Shana's gratefulness very soon. Her cunt twitched to think about it.

"We have to hire new muscle, and bring on more women," Windi suggested.

"Two hundred," said Shana.

"Make it three," said Zhura. "We'll sell the toxin and the baubles. I have a friend who can help with the trade." She glanced at Ngo and Bayati.

That left about seven hundred shujaa for Kaj, Amina and themselves.


Shana's strapped cock slid into the depths of Zhura's cunt, almost magical in the way its vein-like ribs caressed her inner walls. Zhura laid her head on the softly padded floor, sighing with the aftershocks of her last orgasm, as the tireless woman continued to rut her, slow and steady.

The hide covering on the door swished aside, and another of the Orchid women slipped in. She wore nothing but sandals and charms. She was as voluptuous as Shana, with very dark skin and close-cropped hair. Zhura recalled that this was Windi, Hani's friend, who Zhura had first seen sucking off men in a crowded common room.

Creamy white seed trickled down the insides of Windi's thighs as she sat cross-legged before Zhura. The fleshy globes of the woman's ass spread on the floor. Her shaven nether lips were swollen and gaped wetly, showing the pink interior of her flower. Zhura thrilled at the alluring sight, drawing in the nutty, familiar fragrance of both male and female spend. The utter depravity of her position only heightened her lust.

"Windi, this is Zhura," Shana said, squatting over Zhura's ass and continuing to rut her slowly.

"Evening," Zhura managed.

"We've met," Windi smiled nervously.

"Yes, surely you have," Shana said, "But Zhura wants to get to know all of the women here. She wants us to know that she is as much a whore as we are. Probably even more a whore, in truth."

Zhura closed her eyes as she rocked her hips back against the phallus, letting it caress every nook and crevice of her gaping cunt. She the first time in days she felt both safe and among friends. It wouldn't last. But just for now, it was more precious than gold.

Shana paused, picking up the pace of her strokes. Zhura moaned in pleasure, listening to the soft slapping of their flesh. The polished wooden cock would never fatigue, but she marveled that Shana seemed equally as steadfast. But then, village women spent much of their day squatting, as they cooked and cleaned.

The only thing that might have made this night better was Ngo's presence. Zhura vowed that she would get Shana and the Sung spearman in the same room with her so that they all could rut themselves into a crazed stupor. But until problems were resolved with House Sana, Ngo and Zhura were taking turns guarding Amina and Kaj's compound.

"Zhura would probably tell you that, but she has been coming rather hard, and can't speak much. See how she still shakes? Her legs are trembling like leaves in the wind. That, and she would really love to lick your yoni just now."

"But... I just came from seeing two men," Windi stammered. "I was going to wash, but Hani told me to come to you first..."

Zhura licked her lips hungrily, eyeing the woman's sloppy cunt.

The Orchid had closed its gate briefly, but invited some of its most trusted customers to visit each night while changes were made. The women had hired four stout Bhatagurans as muscle, and the copper-skinned mariners helped Hani decide how best to protect the Orchid and the women's trade.

"Zhura would love nothing more than to suck that man-juice out of you."

"And your nectar as well," Zhura panted. "Every... drop you have to give."

"I... all right," Windi said. "It's just that I've never had a woman do that to me before."

"It is a gift from the divine ancestors," Shana told her. "Trust me, you must try it at least once."

The curvy, dark woman relented. She splayed her legs and scooted forward, until the glistening petals of her flower spread directly in front of Zhura's face. Zhura was almost overcome by the heady scents of sex and ginger perfume.

The cream she had already swallowed warmed her insides. A river of power flowed inside her. She had already licked Shana and two other women to their climaxes. Zhura wanted nothing more than to be rutted all night and drink down the juices of every whore in the Orchid. But she'd probably pass out from pleasure long before she could achieve that lofty goal.

Shana nudged Zhura forward with deep, powerful thrusts, and the herb-witch cried out as she speared her tongue directly into Windi's cunt. The dark-skinned whore laid flat as Zhura eased back to lick her thighs clean. She slipped her arms under the Windi's splayed hips. Then she returned to her cunt, feasting on the juicy folds.

"Oh!" Windi cried. "She is so eager!" Her legs spread even further, allowing Zhura better access.

"Isn't she?" Shana huffed. "I'm putting this greedy slut between my legs every chance I get. It's as if she's been licking yoni every day for years."

Almost true. For the last several months anyway. Windi only moaned as she lay on her back, toying with her full breasts. Her bangled wrists clicked softly as she kneaded the fleshy orbs.

Zhura sucked every trace of salty spend from Windi's cunt. Then she began to lavish attention on the woman's fat little bud of pleasure, alternately lashing it with her tongue before delving back between her nether lips.

"Oh my..." Windi gasped. "By the seven fathers!"

Windi's thick thighs began to tremble, and Zhura grasped them tight, as she licked the woman through an orgasm. At the same time, Shana began to plow her powerfully from behind. She grasped Zhura's ass cheeks and plunged the fake cock hard and fast, bottoming out in the depths of Zhura's cunt.

Zhura came with another crashing orgasm. She groaned into Windi's spasming slit. Even as a river of power rushed through Zhura's veins, her eyes rolled back in her head. She shook uncontrollably. Sparks exploded in her mind's eye before they faded to the colors of night.

For one blissful moment, she knew nothing more.


Mukberi Falls teemed with people of the Hazard. Women sat on stools and mats as they braided hair. Children played games, kicking a stuffed ball across the muddy plain. An untidy market bustled upon the flat, selling everything from garden vegetables and herbs to chickens and goats, and brightly colored kangas and sandals.

The chaotic but lively scene centered upon the 'Falls' itself. Runoff from above ran under a low, grated arch in the walls of Kitsuru Hills District -- the district that made up most of the western edge of the walled city. Kitsuru Hills was a buffer between the swarming slum of the Hazard and the heights of Gold City.

The stream coursed down the rocky slope into the Hazard, where it flowed into a small manmade lake. The water was brown as a silt-laden river, no doubt filthy with the offal and grime of the wealthier citizens of Namu. But that didn't keep children from playing in it, or birds from lighting upon its surface.

Zhura watched a boy cup his hands full of the nasty stuff to drink, before his mother swatted him and chased him away from the water's edge.