Talking It Up With Jill Ch. 03


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"Mm'hm. This is nice," she said, squeezing me tighter.

"It is. Hey speaking of right here, remember-"

"I remember," Jill cut me off, smiling. "We stood right here. You did this." She reached up and brushed a drop of rain from my face.

"Cool," I chuckled. She stayed still, beaming up at me.

"Louis, I love you."

"I know you do. I love you," I said, pulling her tighter against me. We stood there and hugged for a while.

I looked around. "I don't think it's gonna get much worse. Wanna head out?" She was still glowing. I leaned down for a kiss, which she returned with great passion, holding the back of my head and breathing through her nose with just the slightest whimper.

"Hey," I said suddenly, feeling a familiar twinge of guilt for not making certain about something important before left. "Is everything, you know, okay right now? I mean, take care of things?" She pondered my question briefly before her expression fell into a knowing look.

"You mean my cycle?" she asked, lowering her gaze on me. I exhaled deeply at her choice of words.

"Mm, maybe," she said. "Maybe we're lucky you reminded me... Or maybe you should have said something sooner," she winked. With that, my wife relaxed her hold on me and turned to lead the way.

"Ooof!" I said to myself. Watching her little rear end sway as she walked away, I was for the first time in a long while able to devote full unfettered and unworried attention to the stirring in my groin.

Upon reaching the cabin Jill and I stopped and looked at each other. There was no smoke emanating from the chimney, which wasn't surprising, but the place was entirely clutter free, with wood stacked up in neat piles and even what looked like a new stained wood door in front. Jill may have wondered if anyone was there or even Harvey and Kane to begin with, but I was for the moment concerned I'd been give bogus information from my contact in town. With exaggerated question on our faces we stepped forward on the same foot and marched up to the door. I looked at Jill as I knocked.

"Can't imagine who that is, but it's open!" bellowed Harvey's voice.

Jill and I looked at each other. "Here goes," I said under my breath. I reached out and undid the door hinge and the heavy wooden frame swung open half way. With one hand I brushed Jill behind me as I poked my head inside. "Okay if a couple of weary hikers take refuge inside for a spell?" Harvey was seated in the same spot we found him the first time.

"Well! Look who it is!" he said, standing. "If it isn't the young fella we all envy and appreciate! Mr. Louis! From the big city! Sure, sure come on in!" Harvey rose from his chair and stood smiling his big happy smile, cheeks bright pink and his beard fuller than ever. I pushed the door open the rest of the way. "Say," Harvey inquired, leaning to one side, "you didn't happen to bring your better half with ya this time out did you?" I stepped aside and I don't think Harvey could have appeared happier.

"There she is!" he said, his voice reaching a high pitch and actually cracking."Hi, Harvey," Jill mumbled with a geeky sort of wave. She looked at me and I smiled at her. I had to step aside or be bowled over as Harvey made his way past me. He picked her up in a bear hug and Jill let out an 'Mmph' as her feet came off the floor and her pack slid off, her arms and hands pressed against his barreled chest. Jill tried but could not keep his beard out of her face, only prompting Harvey to laugh and hold her closer.

"Harvey! Stop!" she blurted out with a laugh as he let her slide from his arms. He stood beaming at us.

"Well now, isn't this a nice surprise! Seeing you two of you again. We were beginning to wonder if we ever would?" Harvey said to me.

"Um, we're here!" Jill said nervously, looking to me. I smiled at her. As she looked at me she asked, "And Kane? Is..."

"Oh he's out back. Probably heard you!" Harvey grinned.

"Did I hear someone mention my name?" we heard behind us. We looked back to see Kane towering over Jill. He was beaming just as Harvey had been, and doing so under a much larger and fairly respectable handlebar mustache.

"Kane!" Jill smiled. He scooper her up in his arms. Jill reached up and planted a kiss on his cheek, after which he feigned lightheadedness, and let Jill go.

"Wow!" he smiled. "Getting' woozy all of a sudden."

"Oh, you are not!" Jill said poking at him. Jill knew Kane was kidding, but she was nonetheless never good at taking compliments in any form.

"You're here," Kane smiled.

"And doing well and here to see us and that's all that matters!" Harvey smiled, too.

"Aw, Harvey!..." Jill exclaimed. "That's so sweet of you!". She stepped toward him and, placing both hands on his shoulders, tilted her head up and planted a kiss on his bearded cheek. And for the first time since I'd known him Harvey appeared speechless and humbled. It was an honest look I believe, but it didn't last.

"Hell, young fella!" he smiled at me. "I can die and go to heaven now!" He gave Jill's waist a jab, eliciting an "oh!" from her, and leaving her to again, stand there, fidgeting, looking from one of us to the next. "Well, now. Let's have a look at you," he said as he took her hand and raised it above her head, leading her to turn around for him.

"Not too fast, honey," I said, at which point Jill smiled to herself and paused when her back was to the men.

"Looks like someone's been keeping in shape, eh Kane?" Harvey said, checking out Jill's legs and no doubt scoring a few brownie points with her. "We ain't seen anyone sport a pair of hiking shorts like you, young lady," he added.

"Nope!" Kane agreed, smiling at Jill.

"Oh, you guys!" Jill said after having spun full circle. "I'd say Louis told you to say that, but we just got here, so I guess it's sincere. I have been trying really hard, though," she added, holding out a leg as if to hail a taxi, before laughing at herself and standing there looking at us.

"And all for you," I said to them. "Jill really wanted to look good for you guys, didn't you honey?" She looked from me to Harvey and Kane, I gave the men a thumbs up and a nod when Jill wasn't looking.

Harvey laughed aloud and slapped her on the shoulder, almost knocking her over. Jill gave me a funny look of surprise and smiled at Harvey. All this banter was just what I'd been hoping for, to make Jill feel at ease, and also to make me feel the same. The men beamed at us, and said they'd give us a few minutes to unload our stuff. Harvey said if we wanted we could set for a cold drink with them when we were ready.

"What do you got in here?" I asked Jill as I dropped her pack on the cot with a thud.

"Oh, I dunno," she said, not paying me much mind.

"Well it feels like you brought more than shorts and a tooth brush."

"Too heavy for ya, big guy?" she teased.

"Probably a bunch of cotton balls," I mumbled.

"Uh!" she stood with hands on her hips. "Maybe one big one and I'm gonna bop you over the head with it! It's my stuff!"

I noticed her reading glasses case protruding from the top pocket.


"What did I just say?" she said, staring at me.

I gave her a stern look and a shove toward the middle of the room as we joined the men at the table. After sitting for a few minutes exchanging awkward, albeit friendly enough pleasantries, the men agreed to let Jill and I unwind by unpacking the rest our things and cleaning up with a shower. Jill offered so I went first. The men had installed a nicer shower out back with access to hot water and for a longer time than before. When I got back inside Harvey was busy with something in the corner and Jill and Kane were in the kitchen area going over some of the food we brought as well as what was in the cupboards. I shot Jill a puzzled look, and she smiled and mouthed 'you'll see,' and went back to sorting small canisters of something with Kane. By the time I'd toweled off and dressed Jill stepped over.

"Sorta cute, isn't it?" she asked. "They want to make us dinner. Something light just for us. That sound good?"

"Hmph. Really?" I asked. "That is nice of them. What were you doing with Kane?"

"Well, he confided that they wanted to make something nice, but didn't think they'd be able to come up with something we'd like, and could I help. So... I was just looking at what they had and tried to make suggestions without seeming like I was doing it all."

I thought over what Jill said. "Well what's he doing?" I asked, motioned toward Harvey.

"You'll never guess! Knitting me a pair of wool sox, of all things!"

"Wow. You're right I never would have guessed that, especially of Harvey. Jesus."

"I know, right? He said that he didn't want my feet to get cold on the wood floor should we have come back next winter. And he said that at one point he felt we might not, so he stopped just short of finishing them," she replied. "And so now he wants to give them to me as a present after we've eaten."

"Hmph." I mulled over what Jill was telling me.

"How 'bout you?" I said, pulling her to me. "How are you holding up?"

"Mm, I'm good."


"Mm hm."

"Okay," I kissed the top of her head. "Ready for a shower? They got a nicer stall out back and they've rigged it for longer hot water?"

Harvey smiled. "We had a well dug and Kane's got some plumbing skills. But...shhhh! Tween you and us, tho. Not "sanctioned" by the authorities. But no longer the glorified outhouse you remember."

"Really? That's such a huge difference." Jill said, looking at the men. She thanked them, then gave me a kiss and grabbed her things. While she was out back showering I unpacked our gear, organized our things and got our sleeping bags set up. When I was done Harvey asked if I'd come over to where he was sitting. We made small talk as I watched him finish the pair of socks. It was then the door out back opened and Jill stepped inside, her hair back up in a pony tail and wearing her shorts and tank top, but looking refreshed just the same. She noticed the three of us staring at her as she made her way to Harvey and I.

"What?" she asked, looking directly at me.

"Oh, just admiring the view," smiled Harvey as she passed Kane and headed toward us.

"Harveyyy," she blabbed, stopping by me and resting a hand on my shoulder.

"And how!" Kane said with a grin, his gaze set firmly on Jill's backside. Jill looked over and noticed just that.

"Kaaane!" she whined, and held up her towel to block his view. She pouted her lips at him and let it fall to the ground just as quickly, sassily thrusting out a hip. "Men!" she said under her breath as she kicked the towel up and caught it, smiling at how unabashedly cliche she was being. I chuckled at the thought and gave her butt a little swat. Harvey laughed out loud.

"Ha! I guess we're all guilty," he said, smiling at Jill and I. "Say, Kane you almost ready with chow? I bet these two are starving'! I know I am."

"Yep," Kane said, tilting a large bowl of greens for all to see."

"You use the spices I brought for you, Kane?"

"Sure did," he grinned at Jill, twisting of side of his mustache with two fingers, pulling it out, and letting it snap back into a curl.

"Spices?" I asked.

"All the cotton balls, remember? Ha! Silly. Just a few things from our house I thought might add a little flavor to "cabin food," Jill said, holding up two fingers from each hand to emphasize quotes. "We weren't using them," she said.

As the better cook I knew darn well we used everything in our house, so was just Jill's way of saying she at least wanted the food to taste good. Kane and Harvey acted like it was the nicest thing in the world. Jill and I chuckled at this. Sometimes the men seemed to us to be ironically simple, in a good way, about some things, given the depravity they showed when we last saw them. I think to Jill and I it made the whole thing with why we were there slightly more easy to keep in check mentally.

We ate and made more small talk with the men, at which time Harvey proudly presented Jill with his knitting efforts, and received a kiss on the cheek for them. I was so happy everyone was feeling comfortable and even more so that little things like what Harvey did were going over so well. Jill said she was gonna set down on her cot and try on her new socks. I remained at the table with the men.

"Everything okay?" I asked. "I hope it was all right that Jill and I just sort of showed up out of the blue. I mean, we know you and Kane prefer to be left alone otherwise."

"Heck no! Heck no. Tickled pink to see your young wife again! And you, too, young fella," Harvey smiled. "Good company, both of ya."

"Oh, good," I said, relieved. "I'm sure Kane is also just as glad to see Jill as we hoped you both would be," I added. Kane smiled and nodded.

"Actually," Harvey said solemnly, "that's along the lines of what I was talkin' about before, thinking we'd never see you two again." I felt I knew where he was going with this, and I was way ahead of him.

"Harvey,... you? Kane? It was a mutual decision for Jill and I to come back here," I said. And for what it's worth, Jill and I, we've discussed you and Kane quite often since we last saw you."

"Yeah?" Harvey smiled.

"Both of us?" Kane inquired. "How so?"

"Hey," Jill said, standing by the front door. "Gonna step out for a minute and see how these feel in my hiking boots." She flashed us a smile and bent one leg up, admiring her new socks.'

"God, damn she's cute," Harvey said wistfully as she walked out.

"I know it," I said.

When the door shut behind Jill I took a deep breath and thought for a moment.

"I guess we never did get a chance to talk about anything in detail last time we were here. Without getting to into it, things kinda all started some time ago when I opened up to Jill about a fantasy I found myself having that involved her, uh, I guess you could say, just mating, with other males. Nothing about her leaving me or falling for another man or anything. Neither of us wants that in a million years. It was something we never expected or tried to make happen, but it did."

"With us." Harvey said.

"With you," I replied.

"And how were you talking about us after you left?" Kane asked.

"Right. Um, well, I guess you could say when we talked fantasy. You know, dirty talk. Before, during sex?"

"You're kiddin'!" Harvey grinned at Kane. "Little miss lawyer? That cute little girl of yours? Talking about us like that?!"

"Mm, mostly me doing the talking, to get Jill interested, but she likes it when I do."

"About us?"

I nodded.

"Anything in particular about us we might wanna know?" Harvey asked, his curiosity clearly peaked. I figured either of them might ask, and I struggled to come up with something I felt comfortable sharing. Then I thought of the last conversation Jill and I had about the men, and I knew what I wanted to tell them. As I continued I became lightheaded.

"Um, remember Harvey, the last time when, when you kinda held Jill by the chin that one moment?" I gulped as Harvey nodded. "Yes, well, um, like I said, and as you know, we, Jill and I, we were uh, you know, okay with that. We knew you weren't trying to hurt her or anything."

"Hell, of course we never tried to hurt her. I'm not quite gettin' your point here." Harvey looked at Kane, then back at me.

"Sure, of course not, Harvey. But, something we talked about, was, kinda having a situation where you and Kane might nevertheless be a little angry with Jill before, uh, before you had your way with her." My own words left me feeling dizzy.

"Angry?" Harvey said.

"Never," Kane added.

"No, of course not," I assured. "But, maybe you'd still sorta let on that you were a just a bit, because maybe you men needed her and hadn't seen her for so long, or maybe she was being a bit of a tease, even if she wasn't trying to, you know? And so, I guess in our discussion you men are somewhat stern with Jill, or...perhaps a bit more forceful, when you need her." I gulped, and looked from Kane to Harvey. "Wow, I can't believe I'm sharing this with you guys," I breathed.

"I'm thinking I need your pretty wife sooner than later," Harvey deadpanned. Kane just stared at me. I imagined their cocks stiffening. I pictured their hands gripping Jill's naked waist. "And we certainly would have liked to see her sooner than we did," Harvey added.

"Right, um, of course, Harvey," I gulped, and nodded to Kane as well. "That's the point."

We heard the door open and we all stop talking. Jill headed straight back to her cot, sat down and started removing her boots and the socks Harvey had made her. I looked back at the men and cleared my throat. Lowering my voice, I continued.

"Maybe, Harvey, you could sorta let her know that, you know, about preferring to have seen her sooner? I think I'd like that, actually."

"I think what you're getting at in a roundabout sorta way is, you don't want anyone to hold back. Which, I don't think either of us had any intention of doing!" he grinned at Kane. I looked to see Jill was still busy near our things.

"She's a big girl," I said. Kane sat nodding.

Just then we heard a crash and looked to see Jill standing near her cot with her fingers in her ears, eyes wide open and staring back at us with a giant grin. There was a ton of stuff on the floor at her feet.

"Ooops!" she said, unsuccessfully trying to contain laughter. "I. Am. So. Sorry. Oh my God! That shelf literally just fell off the wall as I was standing here."

"Oh, that thing's been hang in' on by a thread for a while," Kane chimed in. "Very touchy. You weren't trying to hang anything from it were you?

"Uhhh, no?" Jill smiled guiltily at me. I just shook my head.

"Telling fibs already. Not very lawyerly," Kane said, shaking his head.

"Hey," she said, staring at him with arms crossed. "Faulty construction here. And...when's the last time this place was inspected anyhow?" I noticed when she spoke to Kane like that, in a pretend-to-be miffed sorta way, it caused a stir in my groin.

The men and I watched Jill fumble with picking everything up off the floor, then we looked back at each other. Harvey grinned at me.

"Ha! We're so glad to have you two back here!" he said, patting me on the back.

"Glad to be back," I assured him. "And glad to bring her back." I said, looking back at Jill.

Jill sauntered over to the table, placing a hand on Harvey's shoulder as she stood behind us. "I really like the socks, Harvey! Thank you so much!" She stood there looking down at us. "So what's up? Is this some sort of caveman meeting or something," she asked. Kane, who was sitting across from Harvey and I, sat twisting at his mustache as he looked at Jill. I realized I'd been sitting with an erection the whole time, and struggled to find something innocent to say we were talking about.

"So, uh, Jill and I, we noticed things look different out front. I mean, at first we weren't sure you'd be here. Or maybe we'd find someone else here, or perhaps no one at all. Sort of cleaned up, I guess. No offense."

"None taken," Kane assured. "I guess you could say we were a little inspired. Harvey's idea." Jill and I looked at Harvey, who sat with a big silly grin.

"Well, Kane and I never thought much of it before, how the placed looked and all, and no one ever complained. Then again, we never had much beauty around here outside of the natural surroundings, until your better half here showed up!" Harvey smiled up at Jill. "So like Kane says we were inspired to tidy up a bit."

"Aw! Harvey," Jill said, "Because of me? That's so sweet of you both." She smiled down at Harvey and I. Jill's expressed willingness to make nice with Harvey and attempt to not play favorites was having an affect on me. I was loving it. I was also loving the fact that she was standing so nonchalantly with her hand on his shoulder.
