Tanya's OTK Struggle

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A consensual spanking story.
1.1k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/05/2024
Created 01/31/2024
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Just because it was a consensual spanking didn't mean she wasn't going to put up a hell of a struggle. Tanya flailed and thrashed across Neil's lap, calling him names, goading him to show her who's in charge. She tried to stop him from pulling up her little black dress. That would be a losing struggle.

Of course, "losing struggle" was what this whole thing was about. Tanya had tried to pull away from Neil as he'd walked her over to the big armchair, the one that conveniently didn't have armrests that would impede a woman from being draped across her man's lap.

"You deserve a good, hard spanking," Neil had said.

"You deserve to go fuck yourself," Tanya had replied.

They both knew what that exchange meant. Tanya went over Neil's lap, then shot him one of her best "you wouldn't dare" glares.

He glanced at her with the smugness of a man who knew his business, then set about the tasks of lifting her dress and pulling down her pantyhose and panties. She quieted down for a moment, but feeling her panties come down - sometimes he left them up - she resumed her losing struggle.

It was time for a conference between hand and butt. The room echoed with Neil's spanks and Tanya's curses.

She acted as if she was about to just get up and walk off at one point, but he grabbed her arm and kept her in place.

"Going somewhere?" he asked with a chuckle.

His hand came down particularly hard, and she kicked wildly.

Then there was a long moment of quiet as she lay there passively.

"I guess not," she said.

He continued spanking, not too hard. His aim, as usual, was to give her a little sting and a rosy glow. There had been times when he'd gone harder with his palm, and there were those occasional sessions with a wooden spoon or a hairbrush. Tanya was happy that Neil was a gentle soul even when stepping into the role of the man in charge. That he knew how to keep her in line with just the right level of firmness.

It had been this like ever since their third date. "What are your fantasies?" she'd whispered to him as they lay next to each other, fully clothed.

"Spanking," he'd said. "Especially, spanking you."

She'd known they were a match.

On their fourth date, she was wearing a pair of tight jeans, and he'd patted her butt as she walked ahead of him up the stairs to her apartment. Reflexively, she'd slapped back at him, getting him in the balls, which hadn't been her intention. He'd groaned.

"Sorry," she'd said, genuinely.

He'd smiled and nodded as he composed himself, then grabbed both of her arms from behind and walked her up the stairs. As they got to her door, he'd let go of her right arm so she could get her keys.

"Open it," he'd said. "And once we're inside, you're getting a spanking, unless you opt out."

She'd smirked at that and opened the door without a further word.

That night had been her first spanking. Her jeans had been around her ankles, but her panties had stayed on. Afterward, she'd pulled her panties down as he disrobed, and they'd had sex for the first time. The very first time was missionary position, him on top, her squirming a little on her never-before-spanked butt. The second time was a half hour later; doggy style, with him delivering a few pats to her elevated butt, keeping it just a little pink.

Now they'd been dating for eight months, and she'd been spanked many times. Also tied up, tickled, thrown over his shoulder, and generally shown that Neil was a take-charge guy in the bedroom. That he was polite and mild-mannered in general made this even more exciting, as far as Tanya was concerned. She didn't want to be disciplined by a jerk.

The little black dress was something he'd bought her recently as they'd shopped together. He'd come into the dressing room with her, eyeing the dress with undisguised enthusiasm. They'd both known the first time she wore it would be an occasion for the little number to get flipped up when the moment was right. Her "go fuck yourself" attitude would ensure such a moment came.

"Corner," he said, as he let her up from her position across his knees.

Cornertime was a special time for Tanya. Facing the wall with her ass bared, holding her arms behind her back, waiting for his permission to step back to him. Tonight's cornertime was with the little black dress bunched up above her waist, and her panties and pantyhose down on her thighs. Her pussy got moister with each moment in the corner. Neil sipped a drink, and she thought she heard him taking off his clothes.

The indignity of it all. A grown woman treated this way. A woman with a demanding, executive job, no less. She loved it - going across his knee, standing in the corner, getting put in her place. Struggling to avoid punishment and losing. She adored losing to him.

Yet Tanya had fantasies she'd only hinted at with Neil and had never begun to share with anyone before him. What if a spanking and its cornertime were witnessed?

There was a couple they were friendly with, Reggie and Bonnie. On a recent double date, Bonnie had made some caustic remark over dinner, and Reggie had turned to her and said, "You're in trouble."

There was a moment of silence with Bonnie giving a shy smile.

Tanya had felt a need to say something.

"I know what that's like," she'd said.

Everyone at the table had chuckled. Then, Neil had made a slapping motion, his hand tapping the table. Tanya felt her face flush.

Reggie looked at them knowingly. "I'd like to see that," he'd said.

Tonight was not a double date. It was just Neil and Tanya. But she'd sensed that they'd both been thinking about that recent exchange.

"Cornertime's over," said Neil.

Tanya turned around. Her boyfriend had in fact taken off his clothing. He sat naked in the armchair and tapped his thigh. Tanya walked over, then pulled off her dress and everything else as she stood before him. She climbed onto his lap, facing him, and soon she was moaning as his hard cock thrust up inside her.

She came, and he came a moment later. She was in no rush to get off his lap.

They looked into each other's eyes, and Tanya said something she'd been wanting to say:

"I wonder what Reggie and Bonnie are up to."

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kscarpakscarpaabout 2 months agoAuthor

Jeff, my understanding is that illustrated stories have to be in the Illustrated section.

JustplainjeffJustplainjeffabout 2 months ago

I've noticed in several of your stories, feature spanking. Are you sure these don't belong in BD/SM?

Paul4playPaul4play6 months ago

Playful and erotic!

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