Tapestry Ch. 04


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"There's just the two of you," he finished her thought. "In that moment, the only person that matters to her is you."

"Yes," Erin breathed.

"That's why we're both in love with her."

"I can't believe you're okay with this whole thing."

It was Tim's turn to snort. "I've had to be okay with it. That's been our deal for thirty years. Everything used to be unspoken and a secret. Now it's all out in the open. Are you okay with it?"

"Do I have a choice?" Erin frowned ruefully. "As much as I'd love to get her to run away with me, when you're here, the bottom line is I'm just the help."

"That doesn't mean you have to like it. And you're not 'the help'," Tim admonished her.

"No, there's a part of me that doesn't like it, but Kathy's not leaving you for a girl who's half her age and up to her eyeballs in student loan debt," she looked away, almost bitterly. "Rebekah told me I'm taking this too seriously. I wish I could be the slut she is and just fuck for the fun of it."

Tim gently gave her hand a sympathetic squeeze.

"I'm happy to have as much of her as I can get. And, yes, I like being with you, too, Tim. Maybe one day, I'll find Mr. or Mrs. Right." Erin took a deep breath and closed her eyes, as if to will away her feelings. She slowly exhaled, as if compartmentalizing her feelings, then put on a smile that almost convinced him she was okay. "This got depressing real fast. I think we need to get a couple of bitches out here and fuck them until the sun comes up."


The sound of someone rustling nearby roused Tim from his slumber. Under other circumstances, he would have jumped out of bed and reached for the weapon that was never far from his grasp, but he was far enough removed from those days that he had de-conditioned himself from his warzone reflexes.

It was dark outside. Moonlight shone through the windows.

A warm body snuggled up to him. Tim immediately recognized the smell of his wife's sweet vanilla lotion. Her hair was wet and smelled clean.

She was naked. Their bodies pressed together.

"C'mon, girls," he heard someone whisper. Rebekah. The other three bodies in the bed slipped out from under the covers.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he watched Erin and their two other bedmates take robes from Becka and quietly retreat out of the bungalow.

His wife nuzzled up to him.

Neither spoke. Tim wrapped Katharine in a familiar embrace. They dozed off in one anothers's arms.

Lovingly. Safe.

The warm glow of the sun roused Tim from his slumber a few hours later. The thin curtains filtered out the direct light. He was dimly aware of the waves which rhythmically brushed against the pylons under the bungalow.

Kathy lay in the crook of his arm, snoring softly. He brushed the hair out of her face, and she smiled contentedly.

He watched her sleep, even nodding off a couple of times himself.

When she finally stirred, the sun was well over the horizon. Her breath was warm against his chest.

"I love you, Timothy," she whispered, perhaps unaware he was awake. "I will always love you."

Tim pulled her closer to him. Kathy purred and ran her hands over his chest.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," she yawned. "Have a good night?"

"Every night has been good." He paused for a moment. "What about you?"

"It was wonderful," her voice was dreamy. She didn't say any more and Tim didn't ask.

Katherine's breasts were mashed against his chest, a feeling he had desired from the first moment he saw her. A feeling he had savoured every day that the Navy didn't send him halfway around the world, away from his family. Away from her.

"Let's stay like this forever," Kathy sighed.

"Just say the word."

They held on to one another all morning, full of bliss and love.


"So how'd you get Debs out last night?" Rebekah picked at the pulled pork sandwich on her plate. "I thought it was shark week."

"She's been bursting at the seams all week," Erin snickered. "Watching all of the sex going on but not wanting to bleed all over everyone. It's almost over, but I got her to come out and give up her butt cherry last night."

"Really? Good for you!" Becka's eyebrow shot up, and she gave Tim a congratulatory pat on the leg. "Marco's going to be pissed! He's wanted to be up in her ass all year."

"It only took a couple of drinks, but she gave it up to Tim last night. I think watching Ngoc take it all encouraged her just a little bit."

"Did you plan it that way?"

"I'm not telling," Erin winked. "But I may have promised her a good all-girl spit-roasting, too."

Tim only smiled at his good fortune. Not only for having a wife who put up with his indiscretions, but was actively setting him up to get laid by a bevy of girls half his age.

The three of them sat in lounge chairs along the beach, not far from a crackling bonfire. The sun was setting, streaking the sky with yellows, oranges and reds.

An outside catering company was brought in specifically by Katharine to thank all of the staff for the magical week, so none of the resort's workers who had dropped everything for Tim and Kathy needed to work for the beach party.

They milled around the buffet and full bar, enjoying the company.

Tim watched his wife mixing with their guests, greeting almost every one of them by name and with a smile. A steel drum band played on one side. People danced and ate and laughed.

"You would have been very uncomfortable last night," Rebekah said quietly. Tim didn't know if she was talking to him or Erin. They had carefully avoided any talk of the Katharine's activities the previous night.

"Why's that?" Tim was genuinely curious, even if he was a little bit afraid of the answer.

"Well, first of all, there was a lot of gay sex going on. Mostly fluffing, but some hot guy-on-guy."

Timothy did not consider himself homophobic, but having come of age in Navy and around Marines in the 80s, male homosexuality was antithetical to his views of masculinity. But he made a conscious effort to try and look past his upbringing to realise that the world was changing around him, and wouldn't tolerate intransigence or bigotry.

"Do you really think that's hot?"

"You like girl-on-girl, don't you?" Rebekah replied evenly. "Of course you do. It's the same for us girls. Especially since this resort has a bunch of beefcakes who'll go both ways. Besides, your wife likes it, especially when she's making a sandwich out of someone and isn't in the middle . . . although she liked that, too."

"She what?"

"Oh, she did it all." Tim couldn't tell if he was being taunted or titillated. Probably both. "There's a video if you're interested in watching it . . . it's the only evidence of any of the shenanigans from this weekend, and there is exactly one copy in existence. It's locked in the safe in your room if you're curious."

"Why else?" he asked.

"Well, she had sex with a lot of men . . . not all at once, but there were sixteen guys there and some were good for three or four rounds." Tim couldn't stop the flash of jealousy that started in the pit of his gut. He was sure Becka saw it. "But not one of them was allowed to cum inside her. And after she had them all, Kathy cleaned up and told me she wanted to sleep with you."

The three didn't speak for a few minutes as Tim and Erin processed what their friend had told them.

"Did you get lucky?" Erin asked finally, changing the subject abruptly, knowing that both Rebekah and Tim understood how she felt.

"Nope," Rebekah snorted. "I was working. I think I was the only person on this island who didn't get laid last night."

"I think we can take care of that tonight," Tim winked. "In case Kathy hasn't told you already, we had a great time this week . . . both of you have been wonderful."

"It was our pleasure," Erin replied as they shared a secret smile. "We can't wait for you to come back."

Katharine sauntered over just then and dropped herself down into the extra lounge chair. Erin protectively pushed a plate of fruit into her hands to make sure she was eating something.

"Did you know Debra started calling you, 'Daddy'?" Kathy addressed her husband.

"Actually, that was Mallory who started it," Rebekah giggled. "She likes older guys and really liked being with you out on the boat the other day."

"Both Mal and Debs have daddy issues," Erin pointed out.

"Does that mean you're 'Mommy'?" Tim chuckled.

"I can be 'Mommy'," Kathy's eyes danced with laughter. "I guess we picked up some more kids, Tim. It's a good thing these two are already through college!"

The beach party lasted until well into the night. Nikolai and Paulina stopped by, exhorting Tim and Katharine to return soon and often. Even after the caterers packed up the buffet, more food and booze showed up from the resort.

A handful of the partiers ended up topless and there were a couple of nighttime skinny-dippers, but the party was otherwise mostly tame even though it was on the "clothing-optional" beach. There were some other resort guests out, after all.

When the bonfire began to die down, people started to break away. Some had to be on the job early in the morning. Others went off in search of more drinks and (probably) sex. As they left, they stopped by to take their leave of Katharine and Timothy with hugs, laughter and a few tears.

"Should we invite anyone up to the house?" Rebekah asked as the last of the stragglers were picking up after themselves.

"Not tonight, sweetheart," Kathy replied gently. "I think it should just be you two for our last night . . . Why don't you go up and get ready?"

"Don't take too long, or we might start without you," Erin snickered.

"Oh, please do!" Katharine laughed. "In fact, I insist on it . . . We'll just be a few minutes."

Tim sat back and watched the exchange between his wife and their lovers with a giant shit-eating grin on his face. Rebekah and Erin gathered up the last of their things and headed up to the villa.

With only the fire's last embers providing a little bit of light and warmth, Katharine cuddled up with Tim in one of the lounge chairs. The crescent moon hung low in the sky. Waves gently washed up against the shore.

They held one another in silence.

"That night was a long time ago," Katharine said wistfully. "On a beach just like this."

"We were just a couple of kids who didn't know shit."

"And I ran off after you anyway."

"What were you thinking?" Tim pulled his wife close to him and kissed her gently.

"That you were the most gorgeous man I had ever seen." She kissed him back eagerly. "And you couldn't keep your eyes off my tits."

"I still can't."

Her hands tugged at his belt. Soon enough his cock sprung out.

Kathy gave him a couple of quick strokes to get Tim to his full hardness before she hiked up her sundress and straddled his lap.

With practiced ease, Tim unfastened the top three buttons on her sundress, freeing her breasts.

She leaned forward and Tim suckled on each of her nipples in turn.

"Do you remember the first night we made love?" Katharine sank down, taking his entire length inside her.

"I remember I didn't last long," Tim cupped his wife's full backside as he nibbled his way down into her cleavage. "You were so goddam hot . . . you still are."

They fell into an easy rhythm.

"I knew the Navy was going to send me to Pendleton . . . but I couldn't imagine going without you," he moaned as she squeezed him with her pussy.

"Would you have left the Navy if I'd asked?" Katharine picked up her pace.

Tim pulled back and looked his wife in the eyes. "Yes, I would have done anything for you."

"And I would have done anything for you," she returned.

"You did, baby, you did everything and more."

"I love you, Timothy Turner," she whispered.

"And I love you, Mrs. Turner."

They kissed eagerly. He gave her breasts a playful squeeze.

"Hey, stop that, mister," Kathy laughed. She reached into one of the pockets of her dress and pushed a yellow pill into his hands. He washed it down with the last of the bourbon in his glass. "I think we need to get up to bed; you've got three women to take care of tonight."

"Yes, ma'am, but I think I have to take care of you first!"

With that, Tim grasped Kathy by the backside and stood, still inside her. She gave out a surprised yelp.

He set her down on the beach lounger, hooked her knees with his elbows and drove himself deep inside her.

Kathy let out a rapturous scream.

"Wake everyone on the island," he whispered in her ear.

"Then fuck the shit out of me." Her nails dug into his shoulder as he started to jackhammer his cock into her pussy

When they were done, Tim fell into his wife's arms. There was scattered applause from a few of the balconies overlooking the beach.


A foot brushed against Tim's leg, rousing him from his sleep. His eyes fluttered open.

The first rays of morning shone in from behind the curtains.

Erin lay on her back, her teeth clenched. Her hair had fallen over her face. White knuckles clutched the sheets and pillows.

With her perfect rear end up in the air, Katharine's face was buried between Erin's legs.

Rebekah lay on her side, facing away from Tim. She caressed Erin's breasts and kissed her all over.

It seemed the girls were trying not to wake him.

As he watched the three beautiful women make love to one another, Tim slowly stroked his cock, trying not to let on that he was awake.

Kathy's hands were tucked under Erin's backside, her mouth latched on to the younger woman's labia.

"Don't stop," Erin whispered desperately. "Don't stop fucking me!"

Her body tensed. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

Erin's breaths became fast and shallow.

"Cum for us," Becka cooed in her ear. "Give Mommy your cum!"

Katharine looked over and saw Tim watching. She winked mischievously, but never let up on Erin.

Unable to contain herself any longer, Erin threw herself back into the pillow. Her cries were muffled by Rebekah's lips descending on hers as Katharine's oral ministrations brought her to a steady crescendo.

With Erin's body still shaking, Kathy kissed the insides of Erin's thighs, then began to slowly trace her way up her body.

Tim watched his wife's pendulous breasts sway as they brushed her lover's body until they were pressed together.

Rebekah made way and lay back as Katharine and Erin caressed one another gently and tenderly, each lost to the touch of the other. She jumped slightly when Tim reached over and lay his hand on her hip.

She looked over her shoulder and smiled, then scooted backwards as Tim pushed his hardened cock forward.

He entered her easily, her slick pussy giving way to him.

Becka turned and kissed him eagerly.

"Good morning, Daddy," she whispered. He filled her up, but was in no hurry to fuck or even move. Rebekah took his hand brought it around so he was cupping her breasts.

They lay there for a long moment, watching Katharine and Erin cuddle in the big bed.

Tim leaned in and kissed Rebekah on the back of her neck, drawing a shudder from his lover. They spooned for a long time, savouring the warmth and intimacy, while watching Katharine and Erin kiss and grope and grind on one another.

The foursome stayed in bed well into the morning, making love to one another in combinations of twos, threes and four.

They finally stumbled into the shower, washing one another, knowing their time was almost up.

"When will you be back?" Erin sighed, nuzzling up to Kathy.

"As soon as we can." Her non-committal response drew a quick frown, but Erin wiped it away almost immediately. Tim saw it, though.

Tim and Kathy dressed for the trip home. Rebekah and Erin wore colourful sundresses.

"I have something for you two," Katharine reached into her suitcase and drew out a pair of jewelry boxes. "Thank you for making this a great week."

The girls's eyes went wide with surprise. Within each box was a gold necklace with a pendant, along with matching earrings and a ring. Erin's were bright rubies and Rebekah's sparkling emeralds.

Once they put them on, the jewels glittered in the morning sun. Rebekah couldn't stop hugging and kissing on Katherine and Timothy. Erin wiped tears from her eyes. Tim couldn't tell if they were tears of joy, gratitude or sadness. Probably all three.

With their bags packed, they got in a golf cart and drove to the main resort building, where Nikolai and Paulina waited, along with a good number of the resort's staff.

Tim found himself choking back tears as he said his good-byes.

"When you come back, I want you and Nikolai inside me at the same time," Paulina whispered in Tim's ear. He reached around and gave her backside a squeeze, all in full view on her husband and his wife. "Maybe we'll get one of the young men here to make me . . . how do you say, 'airtight'?"

He only smiled before giving both of them a farewell double-kiss.

Rebekah drove them out to the airport with Tim in the passenger's seat. Erin cuddled up to Katharine in the back, their fingers intertwined. They were talking privately and gently.

As with their flight in, the formalities and paperwork had all been completed ahead of them. Rebekah gave Tim and Kathy a brief heads-up about what they would need to do when they arrived back in the United States.

They pulled into the private aviation section of the airport. As their bags were being inspected by customs and loaded on to the plane, Tim took Rebekah in his arms.

"Thank you for everything," he gave her a warm, not-so-fatherly kiss.

"Come back soon," she replied, pressing her breasts against him before pulling away and swapping places with Erin.

Tim could tell she was trying her best not to burst into tears. She flashed him a bittersweet smile. They embraced tenderly.

"Take care of her," Erin whispered, pressing her forehead against Tim's. They shared one last kiss.

"I will," Tim promised. "Take care of you."

With that, Timothy and Katharine boarded the plane, pausing only to wave at their hostesses. By the time they got to their seats, the girls were back in the car and driving away.

"I guess you're stuck with boring, old me," Katharine slipped her hand around Timothy's arm as the plane took off.

"You're the one who's stuck, sweetheart. I married up. I don't know what the hell you were thinking."

"How are we going to go back to our lives back home?" she asked wistfully.

Tim looked into the eyes of his wife; eyes which were wise and loving and mischievous. "We can't go back. And I don't think you want to go back to our lives before."

"I don't," Kathy whispered. "And neither do you."

"You followed me across the country and around the world. Whatever you want . . . where ever you want to go . . . I'll follow you. We'll go together."

"Even if it's with other lovers?"

"Especially with other lovers," he smiled.

"My heart was always yours," her fingers intertwined with his. "And it always will be."

Timothy lifted the seat arm between them and Katharine snuggled up to him, and he vowed never to let her go.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well written story. The group sex thing not really my cup of tea. Nor is hanging on to revenge for 30 years. Nor is wimpy husbands

apollo_XIapollo_XIalmost 2 years ago

Of all your Tapestry stories, this was the best. Wonderful writing. Keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Isn't it the most cliche saying that is very popular for all the cheating w**** s*** wives out there, honey I always loved you, my heart was always yours, never mind that I f***** hundreds of men and women and swallowed gallons of come. Give me a f****** break, can't this website have any stories about men with real backbone they don't take any disrespect from their cheating slut soon to be ex-wives.

BillyslateBillyslateover 4 years ago
Love & Great Sex Equals Unbeatable!!!!

Tapestry Ch. 04 was just awesome, with individual love situations & commitments, aided by "Great Sex" !!!!!! Definitely a winning combination, which I just loved reading. There is nothing "more awesome" than beautiful sex between 1 or more persons, who love and / or respect each other.

A 100% 5*-STAR Rating!!!

DarkSmithDarkSmithover 5 years ago
Agree with DayBreak

Poor Erin, she needs to move in with them.

Looking forward to your next Tapestry story, or D.Va, or....

DaybreakRachelDaybreakRachelover 5 years ago

Damn, that was absolute perfection. I came away feeling for Erin so much.

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