Teacher Wife Ready for Her Own

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Impotent hubby learns he can't give his wife what she needs.
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"Well i'm afraid with the low sperm count and the motility issues with your sperm, I would put you and your wife's chances as very low. I can't medically say that it is an impossibility, but frankly, I would put the odds near 0."

It's been nearly 7 months since my wife, Marissa, and I began actively trying to conceive. She was settled into her job at the local K-8 private school as the replacement Kindergarten teacher. That was about a year and a half ago. Since then, I've noticed a cheeriness about her that hadn't been there before. There's plenty of folks out there that would see what she passionately does for a living as a hellish nightmare. Sometimes, my work filing customer records and payments as an insurance broker feels like a breeze compared to managing that many children all day. Marissa, though, was born for the role. All the other teachers loved her, and the kids did too. Most nights she comes home telling me the funny things one of the kids said that day or what arts and crafts project they did.

Which is no wonder, then, why us finally having one of our own came up. I know Marissa loves her work and wouldn't give her job up for any other in the world. Any other job, of course, except being a mother. While she never said it, I'm sure watching and caring for other's children is hard when you're young, fertile, and built for making babies like she is. And she truly was made for babymaking. Her wide hips, large CC breasts, and beautiful features would yield healthy, strong, and beautiful children. Me on the other hand..

"Griffin? Did you hear what I said? I know this can come as a shock to you, but there are other available options for you both to consider. Why don't you go home, talk with the wife, and both come in on Monday so that we can go over options. "

Which brings us back to the news I had just received. After all those (very enjoyable) months of trying, the issue was mine. I had feared the worst. Especially after "submitting" my sperm sample into the plastic cup and having the moderately attractive nurse come in, examine the cup, and ask if I needed more time. Now I knew that there not only wasn't a lot of it, but my few swimmers were lame ducks.

That night, after a few beers to meditate on the news and break it to the wife...

"So what did Dr. Kagney say were our options?"

"I'm not sure. He wants you and I to both go in to meet with him on Monday and evaluate them."

Marissa was taking the news much better than I had thought, yet I could sense an inner sadness and disappointment to not be able to get what she wanted.

The rest of the week went on, semi-normally, and I made sure to make that appointment for Monday. She wasn't visibly upset or angry, but she was certainly more quiet than usual for the rest of the week.

Monday morning in Dr. Kagney's office, after a long wait in the reception area

"Fortunately for you both, there are plenty of viable options out there that have made many couples such as yourselves very happy."

Marissa, visibly doubtful, asked "Options? Like some sort of treatment to make Griffin's little, um, swimmer guys, work better?"

Dr. Kagney met her pleading eyes and replied "Unfortunately, no. There are certain home treatments that he can do to just try and increase the odds he does have but there is no such readily available medical fix for this."

Marissa looked as though she was going to cry as the doctor continued "..a couple of the most chosen options include adoption, and of course sperm donation."

Marissa stiffened for some reason when she heard his last two words. "Sperm...donation?"

"Ah, yes. We have a couple fantastic sister clinics that provide disease free, healthy, viable sperm for couples such as yourself. You would have a procedure wherein medical staff would take that donated sperm and insert it into your uterus. "

For some strange reason, hearing the doctor describe the procedure did something strange to me. Sitting right there in the doctor's office, I could feel my cock stiffen up into the fabric of my pants. I embarrassingly changed the topic while trying to hide it. Marissa was mostly silent the rest of our visit with Dr. Kagney. I thanked him and took some pamphlets and referrals as we left. The entire trip home no words were spoken between Marissa and I.

And that's pretty much where we left the discussion, neither one of us really wanting to bring it up. I was conflicted, I felt awful that I could not provide my end of the marital deal but I also wasn't thrilled with the idea of another man's sperm inside my wife. And yet, I think we both ruled out adoption completely.

The only conversation about the subject between Marissa and I was in researching home treatments and things that we could do to boost my "little swimmer guys". She seemed to be holding out the little hope left for that route and was adamant I did everything I could. I started taking various vitamin supplements, I changed from briefs to boxers, and Marissa made me meals that were supposed to help as well.

I went along with all of it, mostly for her own benefit. The difference between a .01% chance and a .02% chance of success was almost insignificant. So I just let the topic go. Until one night, I was lounging on the couch watching the game and catching up on work emails on my laptop.

Marissa came home from grocery shopping and yelled at me, "Griffin! Get that laptop off your lap! I was reading an article today Brandon showed me about how the radiation from laptops can mess with your sperm count and.."

I cut her off right there. "Brandon..? You told Brandon about this? Why would you share our problem conceiving with him??"

"First of all, it's not MY problem conceiving, it's yours. And he saw it when he was in my classroom earlier trying to get some advice on one of his students."

I'm sure he was. When Marissa and I went to the first teacher's meeting (usually just a couple teachers and their spouses eating catered dinner, sitting in tiny desks, and having drinks on the school's dime) in the summer before she started at the school, I had noticed one male teacher in particular eyeing her up. I was used to men checking her out when we went places and had gotten used to it. Brandon, however, seemed to always be in Marissa's classroom when I visited her. I'm sure he was just waiting to get a chance to bend her over a desk and sample my wife.

I'll admit, I am not a smart man. I should have left the argument there but my words got away from me and Marissa stormed out, got in her car, and drove off. I fell asleep on the couch and didn't hear her come in until almost midnight. She just went straight upstairs and went to sleep and so I went ahead and did the same on the couch.

When I woke up for work, Marrissa was already gone. Reluctantly, I shrugged off to work and tried to focus all day on the stack of paperwork I had to get through. Last night's events still weighed too heavily on my mind though so I decided to check out early for the day and go make up with my wife. Marissa always loved when I surprised her at work and joined her in the kids' activities. I was hoping that would at least partially help her forgive me for the previous night.

20 minutes of traffic and several turns later I reached the school to see children all over being picked up by parents and herded by crossing guards. Which was strange, Marissa hadn't told me about this half day, I didn't think she had one for another 2 weeks.

I made my way through the congestion and parked next to my wife. She must be really upset at me to still be hanging around on a half day rather than heading home. Or...My cock stiffened as I had a dark thought but I shook it off and headed to her classroom. Her wing was nearly abandoned, and I wondered where she could be. Approaching her classroom, I noticed another oddity, the shades were drawn. Getting closer to try and peer in through the side, I heard the sound that changed my life forever. A woman's muffled yell. But not just any woman. I had been married to Marissa long enough to pick out that sound through a sea of women. My heart was pounding now. Right on cue, my cock stiffened and I made the snap decision to turn the door handle. Fuck.

I had only cracked the door open a tad, but I could already see the scene taking place in "Miss H's" classroom. My wife was bent over her desk, facing the tiny student desks as a sweaty man was plowing into her from behind her. I had tried to get her to have spontaneous, hot sex in her classroom countless times with no avail. Yet here she was, head resting on a stack of coloring paper as a man who I can only guess to be Brandon was ramming his cock into her from behind. I was frozen, not wanting it to continue yet unable to muster a word or venture another step inside.

"Oh god Brandon yes! YES! Keep doing that."

"I knew you would want this dick the second I first saw you. Isn't that right? Tell me you want this dick."

"This is so wrong!! We shouldn't be doing this Brandon." My wife kept moaning loudly at each thrust.

"Tell me you've been thinking about this cock. Tell me how much you love it Marissa." Brandon looked up and caught my eyes and flashed the biggest grin I had seen in my life. "In fact, you've needed this cock haven't you sweetheart? Ol' hubby Griffin doesn't fuck you like this, does he?"

"I-I...no! He doesn'tttt. Please just don't stop!"

"Let me show you another thing Griffin can't do." I could see my wife's eyes roll to the back of her head as Brandon started grunting and I could tell I was witnessing the impregnation of my own wife.

I couldn't handle anymore. I slipped out and slowly closed the door, hoping my wife hadn't seen me. As I was walking down the hallway of her classroom, I could have sworn I heard Marissa scream "MAKE ME A MOMMY!". I got in my car and rushed home in a fog. As soon as i got in I closed the front door, dropped my pants, and let my hand do what it needed. It only took a minute or two of tugging at it before I erupted and shot my impotent seed on the carpet.

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buzzsawlennybuzzsawlenny8 months ago

I hope after this self defeating loser jerked off to his disparagement by his wife he notified the school board and got them both fired immediately. I work for the state and with the school system and they do not stand for any sexual conduct between employees...and on school ground it's actually a crime, they would henceforth both be sex offenders. Now that is a fitting revenge!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

My wife found this and we both enjoyed your extremely well-written story. Lottie’s being the boss of three men – one of which was her husband – was an excellent plot line. The fact that the other two men were slacking and in need of motivation greatly furthered the theme.

It was like a psychological roller-coaster as you clearly described her emotions, desires and dilemmas - both in the office and at home. Her interaction with each of the men, one-on-one, was tremendous. By now, she already jacked off her employee Charlie and swallowed his semen. We can’t wait to see what she will do to motivate the sad, desultory Ron.

My wife and I are guessing that she can handle her husband, Harry, at home in bed. He seems to have cuckold tendencies, just like me. Lottie seems to be able to play those to her benefit, just like my wife does. When I see my wife dressed sexy for work I always get a hard on.

Office settings often lead to a very tense and exciting sexual situations because there is so much at stake and, so many things that could go wrong! Lottie is up for a promotion, she needs her team to perform and she needs to keep her husband on board with her new motivational techniques at work.

Many, or most, women have had to negotiate the treacherous waters of sexual energy in the workplace. Lottie wants control but is also a victim of her own desires. That makes her conflicted and susceptible to being used by her employees. This is an extreme high-wire act and that makes the story very exciting and suspenseful.

My wife is a cute, petite Latina who works in high-level sales. She has been walking that high-wire since she graduated from college 10 years ago and went to work for an national firm. Women instinctively know that their good looks and sex appeal can advance their careers. Also, they know it can be exciting to use those to get ahead in the workplace.

After her first year of being overly conservative at work my wife loosened up and her career has flourished. It was very exciting for both of us when she finally decided to ‘dress for success’. Her bosses and clients noticed right away. Crudely put, they suspected that she was ‘putting her pussy in play’ for financial benefits and career advancement. It was easily the most exciting moment in my life!

Since then she has had one-off fucks with a dozen different clients or bosses. And she has had a couple of on-going sexual relationships that lasted between two and six months. These always led to either very large contracts being signed or promotions.

She was wise enough to get me on board as she ramped up these events. Each time our sex life went through the roof. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other after she had been with another man. As we are cumming together she always moans, “Dump in me honey. Dump your load right in there with his!”

One of the hottest parts of your story was, “Charlie's muscles tensed as Lottie gently pulled down the zipper of his pants, her long fingers grasping eagerly for what lay beneath. His hardened member flung out, and for the first time in seven years, Lottie's eyes feasted on a cock other than her husband's. Every inch of him was everything she had wanted and needed at that moment, urging her to explore this forbidden territory.”

As my wife read that she licked her lips and began to pant! We remember the first time my wife jacked her boss off in the office and swallowed his sperm. When I picked her up at work and kissed her, I tasted the salty, sticky taste and she winked at me. The thing was, our kiss took place at the front reception desk, and her boss and the receptionist were both watching! That marked a whole new beginning in our marriage.

That scene in your story was exquisite, and so, so appropriate for a business setting. You wrote, “Charlie replied confidently. "Thanks for making sure we didn't make a mess, and I think you better get yourself tidied up."

Workplace ejaculations always call for the woman to swallow- which is very hot. Women should always swallow for Alpha males. After all, they can’t mess up their nice office attire. My wife has done that a number of times and it sure saves on dry cleaning bills!

Again, we thank you for an excellent story. It deals with a very complex subject in a suspenseful, exciting and erotic manner. Go Lottie!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

‘Let’s go Brandon”

YouamiYouamiabout 4 years ago
Ughhh....what a miserable reading experience


A few comments. Firstly, the impotent hubby - find a natural sperm injector trope is not original. This tale adds nothing new to the existing collection. Secondly, you have portrayed two central characters in the worst possible light...Both are unlikeable. Having the cuck hubby get hard watching his wife get fucked, only to then have him jerk off at home was the clincher for this reader. This was not particularly erotic. A pathetic tale about pathetic individuals.

vickitvohiovickitvohioabout 4 years ago

Not a loving wife. Divorce her!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

time to toss the whore he will be stuck raising someones kid not his move on and leave the bitch

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Some things can't be fixed

Their marriage is broken. Time to move on. But you didn't finish this mess. Badly done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
It's not that your protagonist is so pathetic...

letting his wife fuck around on him, it's that there is no ending to this poorly written story.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 6 years ago
What is

wrong with you?

timrivtimrivover 6 years ago

And.....what happens???? Need another chapter.....divorce? for sure, reconciliation probably in time. After she and Brandon move in together have a couple of kids and he decides to cut country and she and hubby reconcile and he adopts the kids. Say total 4-5 years later.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I fucked my coworker several times with my 9 inch cock and she said her husband only had a 6inch cock. she moaned and it got her loving it more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Loved it

Great story. It written really well for only being the second one you've written. Love the story too. So hot when a wife does something with the guy shes cheating on that she would never do with her husband

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Cuckold Will Be Raising Brandon's Children

He will be raising a bunch of Brandon's children. Marissa wants a lot of children and Brandon wants to have sex with and impregnate Marissa and continue to cuckold Griffin over and over again. And now Griffin has been figuratively castrated by Brandon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
I love seeing guys writing negative comments about a cuckold story when they know very well what it is about.

That's basically saying you know the story is shit before you read it. It also means any defense of the story is stupid and illogical.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I know a couple of guys that are teachers and it's basically a fuck fest. They both have been fucking there coworkers. Married one are the easiest and best they say. One he makes sit on his dick and call hubby and tell him she'll be a little late with his dick in her . He fucks her ass regularly and makes her either rim his ass or swallow his load every day before she goes home.

bk3rdbk3rdabout 7 years ago

5 *s! Good start. When is nxt chapter? Having Brandon spot hubby and rub it in, grinning is great opening to more humiliation for the Cuck. Don't have hubby suddenly start to like it. Continue his conflict between getting aroused and being humiliated by Brandon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

As she has had a bit on the side which he is not supposed to know about and a baby appears on the scene. I can see a divorce in the offing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Loving It!

I love seeing guys writing negative comments about a cuckold story when they know very well what it is about. It is like ordering liver in a restaurant and then complaining to the waiter you don't like liver. For a guy with cuckold desires, seeing another man flirting with your wife sends him into sexual oblivion, automatically reaching for his little hardening dick to jack off, right then and there. I can only guess how I would react catching my wife in the act. I imagine I would try to secretly watch. If the guy knew my desires as in this story, I'd probably not have a chance to get it out fast enough and cum in my pants. Thanks for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Don't know much

Author doesn't know the difference between impotence and infertility

Also doesn't know there's no such thing as CC bras

cyferxcyferxabout 7 years ago
Slut Freefall and Instant Cuckold

Another story where a loving wife in no time at all throws away her marriage vows to bend over her desk to take the cock of a co-worker screaming for him to make her a mommy. (Though you do have the unexplained absence the night before which is never explained.) You don't even eliminate the "artificial" method the way most of these stories do as being unnatural. You need to take the time to develop the tension and then have her finally take another man's cock. Also, you have zero development time for hubby to become a loving cuckold. His dick gets hard the first time he hears about artificial insemination, let alone when he spies another man fucking his wife, and somehow he thinks to come in the middle of the day to meet up with a teacher. Hmm. All too neat a package that doesn't have enough drama to make it worth reading. 2*

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