Team Mates


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Alan raised his eyebrows. "I don't recall agreeing to be your lover. Or Stacie's, for that matter," he said, ignoring Stacie's hurt gasp.

"Really?" Tabby asked. Her hand curled around his shaft possessively. "You dick certainly has." Indeed, the mere presence of Tabby next to him in bed had his cock enthusiastically erect again in record time. She smiled at Alan. "Ready to go, lover?" she purred. "Or do you need a little...persuasion?" Her tongue licked her lips and her warm hand slowly pumped his shaft. On Alan's other side, Stacie snuggled in close, eyes wide, watching her girlfriend drive her new lover crazy.

Alan swallowed through a throat gone suddenly dry. "I'm going to need a little time," he croaked. "Just because I'm...standing at attention doesn't mean I'm ready to go," he said, with an apologetic nod towards his crotch. "Besides," he said with a smile. "What's the fun in sex without foreplay?"

"Oh, I like him," Tabby said to Stacie, lips curled in a loving smile. "Have you ever had a boy say that to you before?" Stacie shook her head. Without taking her eyes from Alan's, Tabby wiggled down the bed until her head was even with his groin, her body between Alan's legs. She tied her hair, red as a campfire's embers, in a knot at the top of her head. She then bent to his cock, her tongue emerging as she gave his phallus a long, loving lick. "Mmmm," she said, looking at Stacie wickedly. "I can taste you on his dick. So good, honey."

As Tabby licked and sucked on Alan's manhood, Stacie grew more aroused. The sight of her girlfriend's head bobbing on her coach's penis had her wet and aching almost immediately. She turned her head to Alan, kissing him deep, her tongue diving into his mouth. At the same time, her hand was busy at her own groin, knowing since Alan and Tabby would be busy pleasing each other, it would be up to her to please herself.

"Do you like that, Alan? Do you like this?" she said, pulling away from his mouth for a moment. She looked down their entwined bodies to see Tabby's gorgeous form. "Two hot, horny women in bed with you, wanting to suck your cock, wanting you to fill them with your beautiful tool?" Her nipples, dark brown, almost matching her eyes, dug into his side, and she wiggled happily as they brushed the soft skin of his side. His arms came around her, drawing her even closer, as he moaned his passion into her mouth.

Suddenly they became aware of a set of eyes on them. Tabby had left her position at Alan's crotch, and had crept up the bed until her head was level with theirs.

"Stacie, baby, you know I love you. But you're going to have to learn to share," Tabby said. She gently moved Stacie away until she had taken her place at Alan's side.

"Well, shit, Tabby," Stacie pouted. "What am I supposed to do while the two hottest people I know are making love?"

Tabby's lips curled affectionately. "Well, you can get off the bed and play with yourself while Mr. Glassman does unspeakable things to my tender young body," she said in a sultry voice. At her side, Alan tipped his head towards her, his strong mouth nibbling on her lips. Instinctively, she spread her legs as his hand moved confidently up her thigh, nearing her secret treasure. "Or," she said in a near-whisper, "you can stay here with us, and teach our teacher what I like the best. You know me better than anyone else. Is that all right with you, Alan?"

Alan raised his eyebrows as his hand found the dew-slickened gate of Tabby's sex. "Why in the world would I not want another beautiful woman in bed with me? And if she can tell me what you like the most, I'm not going to complain."

"Awesome," Tabby sighed. She sank back into the mattress, luxuriating in the feel of the soft comforter on her heated skin. She glanced at Stacie, who bit her lip, but nodded her acceptance. She reached up and cupped her cheek.

"I hope I don't seem selfish, Stacie. I know you wanted him first. But now I see how awesome he is in the sack, can you blame me for wanting him, too?"

Stacie shook her head, catching Tabby's hand and squeezing hard. "No. Not at all." She swallowed hard. "I'm so happy right now, Tabby. So happy. I have all I ever wanted, right here." On the bed, Tabby's hips bucked as Alan gently eased a finger into her tight canal.

"Alan..." Stacie said warningly.

"Yes?" he looked up to her, meeting her eyes quizzically.

"That might not be the best idea." She looked at Tabby fondly. Her eyes were squinched shut and her hips were rising to meet Alan's finger as it slowly pumped into her.

"Why," Alan asked worriedly. "Doesn't she like it?"

Stacie grinned and pulled his hand away from Tabby's groin. The redhead mewled softly in disappointment as the wonderful feeling of being filled was taken away. "The problem is she likes it too much," she said. "Once you get a finger inside her, she goes off like a firecracker. And she'll be too sensitive to do anything else for a while."

Tabby opened her eyes and glared at her lover. "You suck," she said flatly. "I was getting close, Stacie. And you took it away. Put your finger back inside, Alan. Please?" she said winsomely, batting her eyelashes.

"Don't do it," Stacie warned. "She'll get off and then she'll be useless for at least the next half-hour. Play with her titties instead. Aren't they beautiful?" she asked, dropping her head to cup one of Tabby's magnificent orbs in her hands. She softly kneaded it, her fingers flicking the erect, coral-pink nipple. Her lover cooed in pleasure, eyes widening, her jaw slack with lust, her pink lips glistening. Stacie raised her head to give her a swift kiss. "Besides, Tabby," she continued, eyes twinkling. "If his finger feels good, imagine how much better his cock will feel."

Beside her, Alan followed her example, filling his hand with Tabby's milk-white breast. The pale nipple was erect and turgid beneath his fingers, and he pinched it lightly, running his other hand across the tense curve of her belly. He could feel her muscles jerking as they took turns playing with Tabby's beautiful mounds.

He met Stacie's eyes, and without words they communicated. As one, they bent their heads and took Tabby's long hard nipples into their mouths, suckling and flicking the erect nubs with their tongues.

"Urrrkkkkk!!" Tabby grunted, her groin lifting completely off the bed. Oh, God, the feeling was incredible! Two hot mouths on her breasts, four loving hands touching her everywhere. Her pussy was on fire. She snaked an arm around Alan's neck and held him to her breast, her hand clenched in the hair at the nape of his neck. Her hips writhed, and she could feel his hot cock pressing on her hip, the fat tip smearing her skin with his secretions. With an urgent wiggle, she pulled him into the open vee of her legs, her back arching as she felt his strong chest push her deeper into the bed.

Where was his cock? She needed it, wanted him as she had never wanted anything in her life. Alan's beautiful body and skillful hands had brought her to a fever pitch she had never felt with a man before. Her hand reached down between her legs, seeking. At last she found it, her hand curling around it possessively. She pulled at him gently, until her hand was near her nether lips. She let his throbbing length nestle against her swollen folds, her nimble fingers softly stroking the bulging head.

Drawn higher by her touch, her new lover smiled into her eyes, then bent to kiss her. She cupped his cheek in her hand and drew him ever closer, kissing him thoroughly, savoring the taste of him as their saliva mingled. At her side, unseen but not forgotten, Stacie continued her loving ministrations. Her hot mouth never left her breast, and her hands, oh, her hands were everywhere.

She could feel sweat beading at her hairline. The slow tide of arousal started to crest. Not close, not yet, but a premonition, a foreshadowing, a hint of what was to become. Oh, God, it was going to be fucking massive.

Trying to stave off the earth-shattering climax she was sure was coming, she tried to wiggle away from Alan's cock. Unfortunately, he matched her every move, and she eventually ran out of room.

"What's the matter, Tabby?" Stacie whispered wickedly, her hand moving down to join Alan's rod at the portals of her sex. "Your eyes bigger than your vag? Worried you can't take it all?" Her fingers swept down, gathering dew from her folds, then rose again to dance on the throbbing nubbin of Tabby's clitoris. Tabby had to bite her lip to keep an explosive scream from tearing loose. Stacie went on. "He's pretty well-hung, I will admit. But he's not much bigger than the strap-on we use sometimes."

Tabby shook her head, sweat-dampened tendrils of hair sticking to her cheeks. "It's not that. It's...oh, God, Stacie, I want this to last. I never want this feeling to end." Despite her words, she knew she couldn't hold out much longer. As Alan nestled his slick head against her opening, she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Silly girl," Stacie whispered. "Do you think this is the only time we're going to make love?" She gathered Tabby's breast in her hand, her fingers slowly kneading her sensitive flesh, her lips caressing the soft skin of her shoulder. "This is only the beginning for us. All of us," she continued, turning her head so she could meet Alan's eyes. He nodded his response, knowing he was making a solemn promise. "Are you ready, baby?" she asked, kissing Tabby's cheek.

"I...I don't...I don't know," Tabby stuttered, for once in her life truly unable to make up her mind when it came to sex. She looked at the lovely man poised above her, his magnificent body ready to pleasure her in any way she desired. At her side, her long-time lover, whose only goal was her happiness.

I'm afraid.

Afraid? Afraid of what?

It's too much. Too much joy. Too much happiness. How can this be real?

"Tabby. Love."

The words brought her back to herself. She met Alan's gentle eyes. He placed his hand on her cheek, and she realized he was trembling with a fear that matched her own.

"Never be afraid to embrace happiness," he said. "I don't know if this will last. I hope it will. But for now, accept it as a gift. From both of us. Are you ready?" he repeated Stacie's words.

Still she hesitated.

"The woman has a right," he said softly. His voice was calm, but his eyes showed the effort it took to keep control of his passion. "The right to say yes, and the right to say no. But the man would appreciate it if the woman made up her mind. Otherwise I might have to see if Stacie is ready to go again." Beside her, Stacie met his eyes, and a meaningful glance passed between them.

Shaking her head, Tabby threw off her fear. Her hands clasped behind Alan's neck. As she drew his head down for a kiss, her locked ankles drew him inside her.

"Yes," she said.



He was a bar of steel, a fiery torch, a magnificent stallion taking a mare, and she clawed his back with her nails as he pumped into her. Her hips drove up, matching his pace, almost bruising in their force, and she panted into his ear as they fucked. "Harder, Alan, harder. Make me come. Harder. Harder. Harder, damn it!!"

Furious, she tore her eyes away from Alan and sought out Stacie. Instinctively, she understood. Kneeling up, she swung an open palm at Alan's pumping buttocks, the whip-like crack echoing through the small room.

"Harder, you fucking pansy!" she shouted. She smacked his ass again, a glowing mark appearing on his cheek. "What's the matter," she snarled, "haven't you ever fucked a girl who wanted it hard before? Or were you too busy being the nice guy?

"You listen to me," she said, her fingers twisting the sensitive lobe of Alan's ear, her mouth inches away from his sweaty hair. "When Tabby says she wants it hard, you give it to her hard, you got it?"

Alan turned his head and growled, his lips peeling back from his teeth. With a jerk, he lifted Tabby's legs until her ankles were over his shoulders. He then drove his lips onto her mouth, his teeth mauling her. At the same time, he started to jackhammer into her, his hips driving down as hard as he could.

"Oh, fuck yes!" Tabby shouted. His cock was a white-hot spear, piercing her, and she pressed her arms against the headboard, her back arching, presenting her breasts to her lovers. Quick as a flash Stacie was beside her, her fingers working from the knowledge of dozens of sessions of love-making, pinching her nipples hard. Harder. Hardest, and a bolt of delicious pain spiked from her nipple down to her seething core.

"Come for me," she whispered into Tabby's ear. "Come for us. Both of us. All of us."

With an ear-splitting shriek, Tabby reached her climax, her orgasm ripping through her quaking body. Her arms and legs locked around Alan, holding him nearly motionless. Her channel clamped onto his urgent, thrusting penis, a red-hot glove, milking him, and with a hoarse shout Alan joined her in ecstasy, spurting his essence into her waiting sheath in a series of mighty spasms. In moments, they had become one shaking, heaving mass, until the exquisite shudders of their release slowly eased, leaving them limp in each others' arms.

With a sigh that was half a groan, Alan braced himself on his arms, slowly peeling himself away from his new lovers. Sitting back on his heels, he looked at Stacie and Tabby, lying panting on the bed. Trembling, he raked a shaking hand through his hair, making it sit up in careless spikes.



"Damn," he said hoarsely. He smiled as the two girls slowly began to stir. "That was..." He trailed off. "I don't even have words."

As if in answer, a low buzz filled the room. A phone, set on vibrate. It came to Alan that he had heard it several times during their session of love-making. Tabby bounced out of bed and answered it.

"Hi, Mom! How was the movie?" she said cheerfully, and his face went numb with terror.

"No, Stacie and I were not making love," Tabby said in answer to her mother's question. "Actually," she said, slanting a wicked grin in Alan's direction, "this hot guy knocked on our front door and we had no choice but to drag him upstairs for red-hot monkey-sex. He is great in the sack, by the way."

Even on the bed, Stacie could hear Loretta Harrington's laughter. She looked sympathetically at Alan, who looked like he was going to pass out. "Relax," she told him softly, squeezing his arm. "She's telling her mom a truth so ridiculous she knows she won't believe it. Easier than making up a lie about why she didn't answer the phone earlier. Distracting, too."

"So why'd you call?" Tabby continued. "You are? Cool. You guys have fun, and don't worry about us. We're going to tie this guy to our bed for the rest of the night. But don't worry. We'll make sure he's gone by the time you get home tomorrow morning."

She hung up the phone and tossed it casually on the piles of clothes laying scattered around the room, and sauntered back to the bed. Her sexy hips swayed with a seductive beat, and her large breasts bobbed in time with her steps.

Climbing into the bed, she gave Stacie a hug. Her eyes looked over her lover's shoulder as her hands caressed Stacie's back. "Mom and Dad are going out to eat, and are going to be staying at a hotel tonight." She grinned in response to Stacie's happy squeal. Behind her, Stacie felt Alan's loving hands on her shoulders, his lips at the nape of her neck, his rejuvenated cock sliding along the cleft of her buttocks, and shuddered in bone-deep pleasure.

"So what do you say we make love two or three more times, have supper, and then fuck all night?"

Two voices, one deep, one not, answered her question eagerly.


The End

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WoodencavWoodencavover 1 year ago

Fantastic storey, one of the best, but please, please continue it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Crusader235Crusader235over 1 year ago

Wow, so f'in Hot, 5 stars. Hoping there's more to Cum. Like how far away is their college?

pk2curiouspk2curiousover 1 year ago

OMG ! So EFING HOT . One of the best scenes/stories I've read in a while . Well done .

pcman1950pcman1950over 1 year ago

5 & fave. Hoping for follow-ups.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story I especially enjoyed the accurate details.

LeenysmanLeenysmanover 1 year ago

Kept expecting them to get caught, perhaps by Heather living nearby? But I suppose that could always happen in the sequel.

tim0277tim0277over 1 year ago

I hope there are more chapters coming 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well done!!

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69over 1 year ago

What is very much an excellent story!

AnyMooseAnyMooseover 1 year ago

This has multi-part story written all over it! Does Alan keep up with Tabby & Stacie? Can they keep it on the way down low and off the radar through graduation? O how soon do they get busted and by whom? If Heather, does she go nuclear? Is her father doing something stupid that makes him blackmailable? Does anyone else on the team make a run at him? Do I detect a certain interest by Lavender in her young student? Does he hook up with the Ames West coach? So many potential story lines; hoping you write these stories!

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