Telepath King Ch. 15


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"Mistress, it's over, there's no more." She said. Juliet lifted her head on her own, finding the strength.

"I'm sorry Mandy, I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" She begged. Mandy lifted her head and pulled her to her, laying her across her lap.

"All is forgiven my Mistress! I love you still!" She said as she bent down and planted loving kisses about Juliet's face. Juliet cried, tears of pain and sorrow and happiness and joy. Thankful that the pain was over, knowing it could have been worse.

"Mandy, you released her from her punishment, you shall nurse her wounds. Tonight, you will sleep in my bed, with me. Tomorrow, you will tend to your Mistress until she heals." I said. I stood and faced Mandy and Juliet.

"Yes Master, thank you Master!" She said as she wiped Juliet's tears from her face. Juliet looked up at me.

"Thank you Master! I promise, I will never disobey you again!" She said. I knew she meant it. There was a new bond between the three of us.

"Master, if I may, I would like to start tending to Mistress now. Until she heals." Mandy asked, her eyes filled with compassion and love. I looked at her for a moment and smiled.

"As you wish my darling." I said and left the room. My five Maidens followed me down the hall and down the stairs into my office. I sat behind my desk, thinking. Knowing in my heart that Juliet had learned her lesson, wondering if I had been too hard on her.

"Master, what you did was the right thing to do." A Maiden said to me. I looked up at her, a tear escaping my eye.

"Then why does it feel so bad?" I asked.

"Because you rule with love and compassion, and you discipline that way as well. You are learning what it means to be a King." She said as she knelt before me, her hands on my thighs.

"It still feels horrible." I said as I looked into her deep green eyes. She smiled, her lips forming the perfect smile.

"And that's how it's supposed to feel. You will feel better when she has healed." She said as she slid her hands up to my crotch, fondling my cock through my pants. I smiled at her and pulled her lips down, pushing my now exposed cock between their lush red color, feeling the hot wet warmth and her smooth slithering tongue on the underside of my shaft. The other Maidens surrounded me, their hands touching me all over, their mouths exploring mine as well as my body.

For three hours, they took turns sucking my cock until I exploded all over my belly. They took another half hour licking me clean, swapping my cum back and forth until there was no trace of it left anywhere on my body or in their mouths.

I got up from my chair and went outside the double doors to the private patio, attached to my office only. Outside, I sat in a chaise lounge, naked and looked up at the stars. So much had gone on in the last couple days, it felt like a whirl wind, moving so quickly from one thing to another. I felt I needed to slow down but I loved the fast paced wind that carried me.

I fell asleep lying there in my private enclave. No one bothered me and the work in the house went on as if I had been there with them, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, taking care of business. I didn't sleep long, only a couple hours but it was dark now. When I awoke, I had a light blanket covering my nude form. Mandy. I could still smell her scent. I stared up at the night sky, looking at what stars were there and wondered where if at all, my kind came from. If we were really from aliens or they somehow got hold of the first telepath and made him that way. Who knew? It is widely speculated that Aliens have mixed with our race for thousands of years.

The Mayan's even have artwork with depicted aliens, coming from space and living amongst them, ruling over them. They were celestial beings and they were worshipped. Maybe that's what I should do, something drastic like that, show the world that I am celestial, I have powers they don't, can't and will never have.

I pulled the sheet off of me and just lay there, looking at the stars. It was a beautiful clear night and there were lots up there. Then, something caught my eye, a shooting star. I smiled and made a wish like I had done a thousand times before when I was a child. Then I saw another and another. It must have been a meteor shower. Slowly I stood, looking skyward and with my power, raised myself up. Floating in midair, I shot myself straight up until I was high above the ground, naked and floating at about fifty thousand feet. The air was too thin to breath so I couldn't stay up there long. And cold! Damn it was cold!

I retreated back down to thicker and warmer air and floated there for what seemed an eternity. The feeling of weightlessness was amazing as well as the feeling of being so naked so high, it was liberating, totally free.

I could hear Mandy calling for me. I looked down and saw here, as if I was only a hundred feet up even though I was still about ten thousand feet high. She looked around, looking for me. I mentally spoke to her.

"Mandy darling!" I said. She looked around again.

"Master? Where are you?" She asked. I smiled.

"Look up." I said. I could see her tilt her head up, her pretty blue eyes searching the sky for me. I started to float down until she could make out my shape in the night sky.

"MASTER!" She said, excited.

"Yes darling! I'm coming." I said as I fell, getting closer to earth and to her. Soon I was a mere twenty feet up, hovering outside Juliet's window. I peered in and found her asleep on her bed, covered up. I used my power to remove the blanket from her body and found her lying there, nude. She was so beautiful, even with the red marks on her breasts and back.

"Master?" She said out loud. I looked down and smiled. Slowly, I lowered down until I was completely on the ground, standing before her. She looked at me with wide yes. "How long have you been able to do that?" She asked.

"For a while. That was the first time I went that high." I said as I looked up.

"How high were you?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around me and pulled her body to mine.

"About fifty thousand feet." I said as I looked back to her.

"That's so high!" She said as she looked up.

"Yeah. I saw a shooting star, I thought. Then I saw more. It was a meteor shower. I wanted to be close to it so I floated up. I went up until I could no longer breath or take the cold." I said as I looked up and then back down to her. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight for her warmth.

"You are cold. We should get you inside and get you warmed up." She said. I smiled.

"Just standing here with you will do the job just fine baby." I said as I looked into her eyes. She blushed at my comment and smiled.

"You're so sweet Tommy. I love it when you talk like that to me." She said as she looked up into my eyes, her love just pouring out, flowing over me. I bent down and kissed her passionately, our tongues meeting outside of our open lips.

We kissed passionately for almost five minutes, letting our tongues and lips explore the others. When we broke, we were both panting. She looked up at me and I knew she wanted to fuck.

"Everyone has been looking for you. I told them you were not to be disturbed. Sophia and Madame Teresa didn't like hearing that from a normal." she said as she started undoing the buttons on her blouse.

"They both want what we are gonna do." I said as I pulled her blouse out of her pants, helping her gently.

"I know. Everyone here wants you. Why do I get to have you so much? Lisa has talked about missing your touch as has Andie." She said as she let the blouse fall from her shoulders to the patio.

"Andie has a suitor. Teddy is in love with her. Lisa has only me like you. Teresa likes women but craves the occasional cock stuffing and Sophia, she's just my little whore. She can't think about anything other than my cock." I said as I unbuttoned her jeans. She undid the bra clasp and shook it from her breasts, shaking them in the process. "Damn I love your tits." I said with a smile as I ogled them.

"But you like my ass even more don't you Tommy? You can't stand going a day, an hour without seeing it, touching it, feeling its soft pliant skin in your grasp? Can you?" She said, teasing me, taunting me, captivating me and seducing me with her words.

"No. I need it." I said simply. She turned around and pushed her pants down slowly, showing me the thong panties she wore. "Fuck you're so sexy!" I said as I stood back and watched her tease me.

"You want it, don't you?" She asked. Pushing her ass out, showing me it's round fullness. FUCK ME!

"Yes!" I said as I let my hands roam gently over the taut skin, feeling the smooth skin, pulling it open, rubbing it, squeezing it. She pulled away from me.

"You can have it when I say you can have it." She said as she turned from me, teasing me more.

"Don't tease me! You know how I get!" I said with a smile. She could see the need in my eyes, in my movements.

"Tommy baby, you can have any woman in the world, yet here you are, begging for my ass. Why?" She asked as she kept me at bay. I resisted the urge to force her to give it to me, I was intrigued by the whole scenario.

"You know why." I said as I reached for her again. She pushed my hands gently away.

"No. Not until you tell me why me. Why am I so desirable to you?" She asked, pushing her pants the rest of the way down her tanned and toned legs. My cock was growing. No one has ever teased me like this. It was excruciatingly painful and exciting at the same time.

"Please, let me touch it! I want to kiss it, taste it!" I begged.

"Not until you tell me why." She said, backing away from me. "I know you can use you're powers to just take me, yet you don't, why?" She asked as she looked into my eyes.

"Because since the first day, in the park, I was entranced by you. I wanted to see you naked, see you're heart, you're mind, you're soul." I said as I moved towards her, my cock standing at attention completely now and pointing at her.

"And yet, here we are, you begging for me now." She said as she let me advance to her, but not letting me touch her.

"Yes. I'm begging you. Please let me touch you." I said, a bead of sweat formed on my forehead I wanted her so bad.

"Why? Why should I when there's so many women just in this house you can have. Why me?" She asked again, not letting me touch her still and keeping her eyes locked on mine.

"Because I love you." I said. I knew it wasn't lust. It was love, truer love than I felt for any in the house.

"You love me?" She asked, placing her hands on my chest, holding me at bay longer. I stopped and looked up from her pussy to her breasts to her eyes.

"I love you." I said.

"Like you love Juliet?" She asked. Man she was good. Calling me to the carpet in full force.

"No. Not like her. Never like her." I said. She looked at me.

"And how is it you love her, unlike you love me?" She asked.

"I'm a man. You're a woman. This has nothing to do with being the Mishanna. This is me, an ordinary man, with love for you, only you." I said. I couldn't move. I was rooted to the spot. Mandy withdrew her hands and started to circle me.

"Yet you have pronounced love for Andie, Teresa, your five Irish Maidens, Jennifer, Lisa. Yet, you stand here, shaking for me. You're shaking you want me so bad. Why?" She asked as she let her hands run up and down my back, caressing my ass and strong back muscles.

"I love you. I don't know how to explain it. There was something in that first day, something there that sparked in me, not the power, not the Telepath, the man, me. In my gut, in my heart, in my soul. I could feel it." I said as I waited for her to come back around to my front. Her hands never stopped caressing me, feeling my muscles, my skin.

"You took me away from a life, from a job, from friends. You hypnotized me, mesmerized me, made me want to be with you, made me want to love you, to serve you, be you're slave and you claim you love me?" She said as she got back around to face me. She was angry, I could see it not only in her eyes, but in her actions.

"No." I said. I still couldn't move, I was paralyzed.

"No? You didn't do this to me? Force me to be here, to worship you?" She asked, her face becoming red with anger.

"No." I said. I couldn't say anything else, it was the truth in her eyes. But it wasn't true.

"You bastard! You stand there and lie to me? You fucking bastard!" She screamed at me.

"Mandy, I'm not lying." I said. I tried to open up quickly to her, but it wasn't working

"Yes you are you son-of-a-bitch! I know you are! I've never felt this way for a man! EVER!" She said, her anger rising.

"Mandy. I controlled you up to the point we fucked on the table. I haven't controlled you since. I swear!" I said. She looked at me for the briefest of seconds before her hand slapped me across the face.

"Lie to me still! You really are despicable!" She said as she bent down and grabbed her clothes. "I trusted you! And you lie to me!" She said as she started to get dressed. I was still unable to move. Why? Why couldn't I move? Did she have that much sway over my heart?

"Mandy, I can prove it." I said. She stopped and looked at me.

"Prove it? Really? How? Plant thoughts and images in my head like last time?" She said as she pulled her pants on and buttoned them.

"No. I will let you look into my thoughts, my feelings, my being." I said. She looked at me.

"Is this some sort of joke?" She asked. It dawned on me that she had been thinking about this since Juliet's punishment.

"I swear, no tricks. I promise you. Look into my eyes and you will see everything since that first day." I said to her. She looked at me, unsure of how to take my request. I could simply trap her and make her my unwilling slave, but then again, I could be telling her the truth.

"Okay, fine! Prove it!" She said as she sat down. Finally, I was able to move. I sat down next to her, still naked and opened myself completely to her.

"Just look into my soul. You'll see you're answers there." I said. She focused in on my eyes, staring at me like she was trying to bore a hole through the back of my head. After what seemed like an hour, she finally blinked and looked away, tears in her eyes falling down her cheeks, bringing her carefully placed makeup with it. She looked down at the ground then back up to me, I was still looking in her eyes.

"Mandy, I didn't lie. I've never lied to you. From day one I released you and have never controlled you since." I said. I lifted her chin gently and looked into her eyes again. "I've never lied to you." I said again.

Mandy looked at me, the tears streaming down like a waterfall. There was pain in her eyes. Pain and humiliation. She got up, wiped her tears and gave me one last look before running back into the house. I sighed, looked down around me and, broken, went inside my office and got dressed. Teresa came in just moments after I slid a t-shirt on over my head.

"Master, what's wrong with Mandy?" She said as she came in, closing the door behind her.

"She knows the truth." I said. I sat behind my desk and looked at the blank screen of my computer monitor.

"The truth? About what?" She asked as she sat in the chair on the other side of the desk.

"About me." I said as I leaned forward and placed my hands in my face.

"What do you mean about you?" She asked.

"That I love her." I said, pulling my hands from my face and looking her in the eyes.

"You love her? What do you mean, you love her?" She said, confusion showing.

"I love her Teresa. As a man loves a woman. I love her." I said. My frustration was becoming evident as she looked at me like I was nuts.

"You're no longer a normal man Master! You are the Mishanna! You are above human love!" She said. She looked at me like I was Ozzy pissing on the Alamo.

"Teresa, I was a man before I became a telepath, before I became the Mishanna. I am still a man. I just have more power than a normal man should." I said as I got up from my desk and wandered to the bookcase. I looked at the books there, all classics. Until I came to Gone With the Wind. I turned to her.

"Teresa, is it possible to marry a woman, man's laws, and still have a Telepathic bride?" I asked her. She looked down and then back up at me.

"I don't know. I don't know if has ever been done, I don't know." She said. I smiled.

"It hasn't. In the thousands of years of the Mishanna, none has ever kept a normal wife and a telepath bride. Never. Do you know why? Because when they got their power, they abused it. The last Mishanna, he ordered that all females aged thirteen and up be brought to him. All he ever did was fuck them and then fuck the people. He was worse than the worst leader we can think of. What have I done? Nothing. I've saved a few girls. Girls that I intended on fucking!" I said as I went back to my chair. She looked at me now as if I'd gone insane.

"Master, what's going on?" She asked.

"Everything Teresa. Everything. I'm in love with a woman that is in love with me. Only she thinks I forced her to love me and I didn't. I didn't use my power on her except that first day. Ever day after that, her own free will!" I said.

"Mandy? You're in love with Mandy?" She asked. "What about Mistress Juliet?"

"What about her? She came to me in a dream like you said she would. She saw the symbols like you said she would. She became my Telepathic bride like you said she would. I DIDN'T PICK HER! YOU DID!" I said as it started to come clear to me now. She looked at me.

"Master, are you insinuating that I orchestrated this whole thing?" She asked, astonished that I would even think of it.

"I don't know, lets see!" I said and instantly, I was in her mind even though she was trying to keep me out. Then I found it. The plant. Juliet was a plant so that I'd find her. She was a telepath, a strong one. She knew what to look for, she knew what the symbol looked like. I was so blinded by this. I looked further, everyone on the council was in on it. Oddly, except Sophia. She had no knowledge of it.

"Teresa, I'm disappointed in you! And the council? This was all staged! My bride is still out there and all along, you've allowed me, the "Mishanna" to go on thinking that Juliet was my bride! I'm done with you. Done with all of you!" I said and got up from my desk.

"Master! Please!" She said as she dropped to her knees. I looked at her. I was getting angry.

"NO! I'm no more you're master, than Juliet is my queen! I'm done! You've fooled me for the last time. Find yourself a new God!" I said as I stormed out of the room.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I have been enjoying the story thus far (grammatical errors aside) but I have been waiting for something like the twist you've added here. The sex is good, but a really great story adds a human element and conflict. The end of this chapter captures that wonderfully.

I can't wait to see what happens next.

More please.....

So far, I have been completely engrossed in the series and cannot wait for more to come. It is too bad the there is only a five-star rating - I was hoping for fifteen or twenty...

I eagerly await more...

izzyestrella12izzyestrella12over 12 years ago

loving the story so far. can't wait to find out what Tom will do with Teresa and Juliet, maybe even andie.....

keep it up and update soon please!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Been reading this over the past couple of days, and it is terrific!

A really interesting story, with great sex scenes!

Hope there is still more to come, can't wait to see what happens next...

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
keep it going

Wow... the sex scenes are hot, and the story is hella awesome.... please continue on in this endever.... or I will be very sad.

C_frommnC_frommnover 12 years ago
Well I Hope

You continue to add to this Story.

it's just getting interesting to see where he goes from here and what happens to Juliet now that he knows she is not his True Telepathic Wife.

Barber_o_SavilleBarber_o_Savillealmost 13 years ago
Great Story Series

I like how you developed the characters. I hope there is more to this than leaving it open in Chapter 15. Would like to know if he finds his ex bf and his buddy and what would happen to him.

Interesting twist with Juliet and all; wonder if he will actually find the girl, wonder if he will marry Mandy.

To many unanswered questions.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

oh nice touch.... i like the twist... keep it up

masque83masque83almost 13 years ago

Finally we're getting into more story instead of endless sex scene after sex scene. Thank you for that

Bigmanx31Bigmanx31almost 13 years ago

I surely didnt see that twist coming. Keep up the good work. Look forward to the next chapter

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