Telepathy Ch. 03

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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/25/2022
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Sofia has allowed Rachel to watch her cuddle up with Murphy's unconscious body during the next hour. Her pussy is so powerful that it knocked him out cold and he is still unable to wake up from his deep sleep. He just slumbers on for the whole night as Sofia caresses his body how she pleases. Rachel could do nothing but watch, as she doesn't want to lose her best friend. It humiliated her to see Sofia fuck Murphy. The fact that she got turned on while watching the illicit fuck is also very humiliating as well, and she doesn't know how it happened. How could she have been turned on by her boyfriend losing his virginity to her best friend?

Suddenly, the redhead gets up above Murphy's head and does what she did an hour ago. She pisses all over the boy's face. This time, it wakes him up. His eyes go wide once he realizes that Sofia is urinating only him and as his mouth opens in shock, the beautiful teen pees directly into it. Murphy can now feel her salty piss hit the back of his throat and is suddenly reminded of the tea he drank. It wasn't tea! He was tricked into drinking piss by her and his girlfriend for the past several days now. Finally she is done taking her morning piss on his face and in his mouth.

Finally, he yells at her "What the hell was that for?" The ginger only smirks at him. "I did what you wanted. I was your sex slave, but no more of that. You forced me to do it with you but I won't let you push us around anymore." Then he turns to Rachel, who is sitting on a chair and watching. "Baby, I am sorry you had to watch that. I warned you not to make that bet. But it's okay now. We already gave her what she wanted. If she's still unreasonable, I think you would be better off without a friend like her."

"How could you say that? Sofia is my best friend," Rachel mutters, much to her boyfriend's dismay. He simply can not believe she is siding with her, after all that's happened today. It is crazy. Rachel turns to look at Sofia. "We can still be friends right? I kept my end of the bargain. I let you fuck my boyfriend like you wanted. You aren't going to fuck him again are you?" She looks at her very pleadingly, not wanting to lose her closest friend in the world. Her eyes betray the amount of pain she had just experienced not too long ago.

This makes her redhead friend laugh in a bitchy tone. "Are you serious? Do you really want to stay friends with me after I fucked your boyfriend in front of you? You really are a pathetic cuck, aren't you? Such a loser," Sofia taunts her and Murphy quickly cries out in protest. Sofia turns to him. "What? You think you can stand up to me, baby, but you already belong to my pussy. I claimed you with it. Your cock smells of my pussy and tastes of it. You will never be able to clean yourself of my pussy juices. It has soaked into your skin and is now a part of your being now."

She then leaves to get a shower as her friend and her friend's boyfriend sit in the room together alone. Murphy looks at Rachel and says "Please listen. I will clean my cock and get rid of the smell of her pussy. My cock won't taste of her pussy by the time I'm done showering. I promise, baby." Rachel doesn't reply. "I only fucked her for you. You want to remain her friend and upholding your end of the bet is the way to do that." He waits for his black haired girlfriend to say something, anything at all, but she doesn't.

"You gave in too easily," she finally says to him. Murphy stares at Rachel with a noticeably confused expression on his face. "I only had to beg you briefly. You should have put up a much bigger fight but instead you just let her take your clothes off and fuck you right there. You are a slut." Murphy scoffs at this in disbelief. Rachel glares at him like he is a disgusting piece of trash and it hurts so bad, but he knows he can't blame her for being so upset right now. She was just forced to watch her boyfriend lose his virginity to her best friend.

"Honey, I didn't know what to do. I did not want to sleep with her but you were pretty adamant about it. I had to do it because I love you," he tells Rachel in a desperate tone. She still looks right at Murphy frostily, and he could feel the despair welling up inside him. What was he supposed to do? Ignore her? She was the one who told him to do what she did! He told her not to take the bet but she did and now he is the bad guy because he did what she told him to do, so she can keep her friend.

"And you cummed inside her too! How could you cum inside her. Your semen belongs to me! I did not give you the permission to cum inside Sofia," she continues to rant against him. So now he's also in the wrong for not being able to stop himself from cumming? It is starting to grate on Murphy now and his face shows it. "Don't you dare look at me like that. This is not my fault. You belong to me and I can lend your cock to Sofia as part of a bet, but what I never did was give you the permission to cum inside her, and that's what you did."

Rachel then leaves the house. Murphy sits there, still feeling dazed by all that has happened to him. He still couldn't believe he let his girlfriend's friend fuck him in front of her like that. It is just so unlike him to engage in such depraved acts. Before dating Rachel, he never even got as far as holding hands with a girl before. And then her friend took it even further and deflowered him. He is starting to get a headache now as all these thoughts swirl through his head.

About ten minutes, later Sofia is out of the bathroom. She smiles once she sees him still sitting there. "Want to do it with me again, baby?" she asks him. "I was a virgin before you, you know? My best friend who you are dating though, that one was a massive slut. She fucked half the guys in our year already. Her pussy is all loose now. It will never feel as good as mine. Constant pounding from those guys ruined it forever." She has a very arrogant smirk on her face. "Once you've had it you will leave her. I know you would."

"Why are you doing this?" he demands angrily. "She is your friend and you just fucked me in front of her. I had to let you because she begged me to, but she only begged me to do that because you forced her. You said you would stop being friends with her if you didn't get my dick. Why, Sofia? Why?" Murphy is still oblivious and has no idea why she did what she did. He might be a smart boy but has always been clueless when it comes to this sort of thing.

"Because I've been completely in love with you ever since the moment we met and that bitch is in the way," Sofia says. He looks at her in shock. "You heard me right. I love you, Murphy. I want to go out with you. I know it makes me a shitty friend to Rachel but I can't help it." She places her hands on his chest. "You are my slut now, Murphy. You have already started falling in love with my pussy. I have already marked your cock with my pussy juices. Your cock will smell of my pussy. It will taste like my pussy now, and Rachel won't be able to stomach it. She will dump you and you will come back to fuck me again, and we will live together happily ever after, baby."

Murphy looks at her like she has grown a second head. "Nonsense. Once I wash my cock, it will no longer smell of your pussy," he tells her and then finally gets up from the bed. He yanks his boxers and pants back on, and then stands at the spot where he picked up his clothes from. "You can't tear us apart. Me and Rachel have a good relationship. I am sorry that I made you feel you should do something messed up like this, but it is really wrong. I can't fuck you ever again." He feels confident that he can make things right with Rachel. But is that what he really wants from the bottom of his heart? Or is he just trying to do the moral thing? No, he can't let her get into his head like that.

"Want to make a bet?" Sofia asks him. "If she can still be with you after this, I will stop trying to break the two of you up. But if she dumps you, you have to be mine forever. If you try to reject me I will rape you. I only have to do it once since you're already just a few steps away from being addicted to my divine pussy. Once I've fucked you again, you will be helpless to resist. My cunt will enslave you and turn you into my cute whore, baby. Your place is between my legs. I'll make you fuck me every day to show you that I own you and your cock is mine to do with as I please." Then she adds "By the way, my pussy juices has a very strong smell and flavor. You will never be able to get rid of it, no matter how much you shower."

Murphy has had enough of this now and he quickly snaps "Fine! If Rachel doesn't want me anymore then I am all yours." He then leaves the house in a fit of frustration. The boy is ashamed to see that his cock is straining up against his pants at the image of getting fucked by Sofia again. He can't let himself get turned into her slut. No, he can't be her sex slave. She tried to steal him from his girlfriend but she failed. Rachel will come around and listen to reason once he gets to talk to her about what had happened.

Because he has no telepathy powers, he doesn't know that Rachel's determined desire to be with him has been greatly weakened after seeing what happened between him and Sofia. She doesn't want to get leftovers from her friend but did not feel ready enough to say it to him before leaving. Sofia managed to read her mind easily enough though, and knows that Rachel would definitely break up with Murphy soon. Murphy would then have no one left to go to but her, and she will be here, waiting for him to come and fuck her again, and cum inside all three of her holes in a row.

Once he gets home, his mother sees the deeply bothered look on his face. He is still sure that Rachel would still want to be with him, but a tiny sliver of doubt has wormed its way into his brain and he can't shake it. Not right now. His mom just stands there and looks at him for a moment before asking "Is there something wrong, honey? You look like something bad happened to you today." He shakes his head, hoping it would be enough to convince her, before going to his bathroom. There, he takes his clothes off and takes a thorough shower to wipe all of Sofia's strong smelling pussy juices from his cock.


Twenty minutes after stepping into the shower stall, Murphy is standing under the water, feeling terrified out of his mind. Even though he has already used a lot of soap, the boy couldn't get rid of the smell of Sofia's pussy. It is still on his cock. She has marked him with the cream from her vagina like she said to him before he left her place. He angrily rubs it but her womanly fluids refuses to come off and he is still left with a used cock that now reeks of Sofia's hot cunt. She did make him her whore, but he isn't going to give up on his freedom now.

He sits at the edge of his mattress after putting his pajamas on. The boy looks down at his feet as he thinks of what to do next. If he can smell Sofia's pussy on his cock, then so could Rachel. She has just as good a nose as he does. There is no way he can hide it. He can try using a deodorant, but then the thought of spraying that thing on his dick makes him shudder and Murphy rapidly casts it aside, just as quickly as it occurred to him. No, he will not be using deodorant on his penis.

There is suddenly knocking on his door and he looks up at it. His mom opens it and steps into his bedroom. She sits on the bed next to him and asks "What is going on with you?" The boy is about to lie that everything is fine when she cuts him off. "And don't you say that it is all okay, because I'm your mother and I know when you are lying to me." She looks at him sternly. He knows that it is true. His mother can be like a human lie detector and sniff out the truth so fast that it's kind of scary.

He finally decides he is going to tell his mother the truth, because she will be able to call his bullshit if he lies to her. "Do you remember Rachel, the girl that I am dating right now?" Murphy's mom nods. He did mention her several times and even went over to her house. She and his dad could both see how much she means to him. "Well, we went and played poker with her best friend Sofia. At first it seemed like harmless fun. I didn't chip in any money but the two of them did. But then Sofia proposed this crazy bet and Rachel took it."

"Oh dear god," his mom says. "Please don't tell me she lost and made you pay up for her." Murphy winces and tells her that it is kind of like that. "Kind of? What does that mean? It is very simple, Murphy. Did she make you pay for her losing?" Seeing his expression, she then goes on. "She did, didn't she? How much money did she lose. Did it reach a thousand dollars? Tell me it didn't. Oh god, my poor heart. I don't think I can handle this. I told you to never gamble! Your dad and I didn't give you your pocket money for that."

"It isn't like that, mom," he attempts to explain, but then gets all tongue tied. How is he supposed to tell his mother about what just happened. It was too crazy. Even he is starting to believe he may have hallucinated the entire thing. "Sofia didn't want money. She wanted to have sex with me, so she told Rachel that if Rachel lost the game, she would have to loan me to her. I was the chip in their game." He feels so embarrassed hearing the words come out of his mouth but couldn't help quipping "You would rather have me bet money now wouldn't you, mom?"

His mother just stares at him in great shock. She didn't realize it was so damn messed up. "Honey, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Did Rachel lose that game?" Murphy nods slowly. "So you had sex with her? You actually fucked your girlfriend's best friend?" Again, he nods his head. "That is unbelievable. I take it you must be feeling demeaned right now." She wraps an arm around her son's shoulders and holds him as he starts to cry. "Shhh, it's okay honey. Relax. No need to cry. I'm here with you right now, Murphy. I'm right here."

"I feel so used, mom! Tell me, am I a whore? I feel like I am," he mutters out all at once as she gently strokes his thin back. "Only a slut would fuck another girl in front of his own girlfriend. Even if she asked me to do it, so Sofia would stay friends with her, I still shouldn't have done it so easily." His mother just grabs him a box of tissues and lets him wipe away his tears. He couldn't believe how slutty he was when he fucked Sofia from behind with Rachel sitting there and watching. Why does he have to be such a whore? He really shouldn't have cummed inside Sofia.

"Murphy, I want you to listen to me," his mother says to him. "You are not a whore. It's okay to have sex. Don't ever feel ashamed of it. Your girlfriend was the one who told you to do it too." She sighs. "You are a lot like your father. I can still remember how he felt after I deflowered him. I was very experienced and had already slept with many guys but he was still a total virgin. On the morning after I fucked him for the first time, he woke up and started to cry. I told him not to blame himself since he couldn't have stopped me anyway. I did roofie his water, after all."

Murphy is very surprised to hear about this. A few minutes later, his mother leaves the room and he decides to read for a bit and see if he can take his mind off things. It doesn't work very well and his mind constantly drifts back to the problems of Rachel and Sofia. His cock still smells of Sofia's pussy, just like she said. This is so bad. There is nothing he can do now. He has been tainted by her cunt. She defiled him and desecrated his manhood with her sticky nectar. He can't go back to where he was anymore. The thought of it all terrified Murphy.

The next day, he decides to go and talk to Rachel to see if he can convince her that what he did with Sofia was just to uphold the bet. Maybe it would work. She might be able to work out a way to get rid of the scent from Sofia's pussy juices on his prick. He should ask her if she knows anything. The boy is feeling very nervous and hoping that this goes well. He does not want to lose the first relationship that he's got, but realizes he must be prepared for the possibility of that being the case now. He might not be able to reason with her after all.

When he arrives at her house, he starts immediately. "Baby, it was my fault for cumming inside her. I am so sorry but I couldn't stop myself from having that orgasm. Please give me another chance. I promise I will never even look at her again." Rachel exhales and lets him in her house. She then takes him up to her room, which Murphy takes as a good sign. The raven haired beauty locks the door behind them and gently kisses him on the lips. Murphy relaxes and opens his mouth, letting her work her tongue into it. She folds her strong arms around his body and holds him gently.

"That's all I wanted to hear," she says to him, then gets down on her knees. This alarms Murphy, who tries to stop her. "Nope, baby. I want to make it up to you. Let me suck your cock," she tells him. She unzips his trousers and yank it and his underwear down. Then she frowns and sniffs his cock. Glaring up at him, she snaps "You bastard! You didn't wash your cock after Sofia rode it yesterday. How could you do this to me? Did a part of you actually like how she fucked you? Are you her slut now? Is that it, Murphy? I can't believe this!"

"I tried washing it! I really did!" he tells her but she wouldn't listen to him. "You were the one who made me fuck her. I begged you not to take the bet but you did anyway. I begged you to just go back on your word but you wouldn't. I only had sex with Sofia because you told me to. So don't make this seem like it is my fault, because it isn't. It is your fault!" He has really had it with her bullshit now and snaps at her with rage in his eyes. How could she force him to do what he did and then blame him for following her orders?

"That's it. I don't want you anymore. Get out of here and don't ever try to talk to me again," she says. He glares at her and then leaves the house, angrier than he ever was. This is too much for him. He can't be with her anymore. She is too much of a bitch. No more trying to patch things up. He can't if she is going to act like this. Murphy finds that deep down, he doesn't want to. She did not respect him when he asked her not to wager with his body. When he told her he won't do it, she said he would if he loves her. That was coercion 101 and he was an idiot not to notice it before.

He spends the next couple of hours in his bedroom, thinking about everything that has happened within the past week and trying to find a way to sort through all the mess. Why does he have to be the one to figure it out when the girls were the ones who created it? Why his responsibility? Perhaps because they made this mess over him. He sighs and then thinks about Sofia. Rachel doesn't want him anymore so she is the only one left who does. Beautiful redhead Sofia. And he promised he would go to her if things didn't work out with Rachel, which they clearly didn't.

He goes over to her place soon after that, still not sure what he is going to say when he meets her. She doesn't let him speak first though. The redhead smirks at him and says "Rachel could smell my pussy juices on your cock, couldn't she? She broke up with you, just like I predicted. Know what that means?" Murphy nods and leans in. She bends down to kiss him on the lips and then withdraws, saying "You are mine now, Murphy. Now come inside so I can fuck your brains out again." He dumbly follows her in like a bimbo who is out to get banged.

Later, after she's finished screwing his brains out, he says to her "Please never leave me. I can't lose you too." Sofia just kisses him and promises him she would always be here. He falls asleep in her arms, feeling more content than he has felt in a very long time. She makes him feel so safe in her embrace. He might not be able to get over Rachel right away but his heart and mind are slowly moving away from the girl as he starts giving himself to someone else. Someone who sees him as worth fighting for. He told Rachel he still wanted to be with her but she casted him aside, so he belongs to her friend now. He is just an object that one girl doesn't want but one does.