All Comments on 'Temptation Pt. 04'

by rnebular

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  • 113 Comments (Page 2)
AmazonmtmAmazonmtmover 1 year ago

Really enjoyed it

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The story does not resemble any form of reality. Nor does the author show any knowledge of human emotion, especially when in crisis situations. Sorry, didn't buy it from the first chapter....

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm more than convinced that the comments section of Loving Wives stories is actually a mental health aberration. I guess it's better that these idiots rail and scream about fictional storyline "cuuuck sheeeyit" than to carve up small animals and beat up their family members.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow. This story just degraded with time. The closure was weird and out of left field. Guess since Alexia mentioned that Jake uses X/E, that made everything OK. Oddly we don't see Gary discuss this with Anna on page but soon enough when setting up Jake for that night, she thinks about how the asshole drugged her. Huh? Huge plot hole. We never hear from.her therapist why she did fall to the seduction other than we assume she and Gary both know she was drugged (was that ever CONFIRMED?) and that she has a newfound weakness/ need to be taken forcefully (huh?). Anna is also neurotic when back at work. One moment she is think how much she loathes Jake for what he did to her, or how she wants to gag when hearing stories about his fake girlfriend, but then suddenly she is wondering if she can resist him and that his charm are running shallow. Huh? Charms? She is irate one minute about how he used drugs, lied to her about Gary and his fake girlfriend and was paid by Kendra, and then the next is worried about his charms? Is she a walking vagina or does she have an actual brain? Sure she hadnto use her acting skills but her internal though processes are all over the place. Gary's revenge setup in the hotel is retarded. He takes Kendra to the room, it is apparently essential thatbshe sucks his cock, and then pirates her phone, downloading some software and having it to send info to another email account. Then he ma ages to delete the video and her sent email to him (of course nowadays would be also in the cloud and take more work). Ok maybe that was a successful way into her phone while unlocked. But then why the part getting her wasted, tying her up, and then Anna tricks Jake into fucking Kendra in the dark (apparently he cannot operate a light switch) and being Jake fucks hee in both lower holes all night and even in thr morning when he realizes it is Kendra. Huh? Did they get video of Jake and Kendra? Were they going to use it to get them fired? Well no, that was just on the side, hubby has gotten the FBI involved and holy deus ex machine Batman, they are framed for money laundering/ embezzling. Huh? From the program he downloaded onto her phone? All happened over the weekend? FBI ready to move in for an arrest first thing Monday morning? So let's recap. Anna was drugged, but we never see thatbshe was told of it, but she thinks about Jake the asshole drugging her, and apparently it weights heavily for Gary to go for reconciliation, provided wifey helps him with his revenge on Kendra and Jake, but we never actually get confirmation that Jake drugged her with X/E and if so, how many times (remember she was already cheating before the sex tryst with Jake's massive cock (yay! another LW trope)). Then he cooks up some elaborate revenge plot that requires Anna to act like she is leaving Gary and to make out with Jake and invite him to dinner and a hotel for a night time fucking nightcap, for Gary to get his cock sucked hard by Kendra, play around with Kendra's phone, tip off Melinda's husband so he can get a punch in on Jake, when he and Kendra are led off by the FBI in handcuffs for some illegal money scheme without any repercussions to Anna. There is some other issues but they are even more confusing. And yeah well they reconcile but we hear how they both recommit to each other (wait what did Gary do wrong?except have Kendra suck his cock) and all is well in like a quarter of a best. If the author was going the X/E drug angle then use it appropriately to show the was why she fell to Jake's seduction. Heck show how he drugged her say 3 times, once earlier in the day before she fucked Jake, then when she fucked Jake, and then the next time he tried and she pushed him off twice but fell that one time. Have a counselor get involved to deal with the video imagery that Gary saw. After all Jake had a massive (LW trope predator) cock, was a skilled lover and really went to town on Anna (fortunately was just one fuck). That wouldn't have been easy to deal with, though easier with knowing she was drugged. If the author was reticent to play up the drugging, then default back to a story where she gets close to fucking Jake but backs off when he has his dick at her hole and she freaks out. Then the sorry reconciliation attempts in this chapter might work. But once shengave it up and along with the text messages and her other behavior, this seems like a bridge too far without a much more complex and harder road to reconciliation. The central is "why" she fell to Jake's seduction. If the author focuses more on thr drugs then that is sufficient. And is actually compatible with the earlier stages where she is trying to be nice but is thinking that Jake is a pussy hound and she warns him repeatedly (at the start), until suddenly she is fucking him passionately in her office (yeah that will get you fired). On that note, why didn't Kendra, who does not give a shit for Jake, just send thr video to the partners and Gary, and get her fired and divorced? Or plan to? She despised Anna. Why would that video showing up anonymously to her advantage? Makes a spectacle, Anna gets firef, and Jake has no real proof that would burn Kendra. So what if Jake loses his job. As long as she doesn't fear physical retribution, Kendra now has leverage to destroy several people. But nope she goes to Gary, sends the proof and deludes herself about wedding bells. Going back to "why". If not the drug angle, then seriously there some part.of her that wanted to fuck Jake. It couldn't just be the rumors and false testimony about Gary seeing Alexia (who comes clean but is a prime bitch helping out her psycho friend Kendra). After all she never got proof. Seriously I can see revenge fucks gone wrong when there is faked video or photos. People rely to much on what they see. But some third party hearsay through Kendra and Jake? She even argues with Gary that she heard it from people she trusts more than him. Wait why Kendra? They disliked each other at the beginning. Suddenly now Kendra is a trusted friend? And Jake? His motives are all honorable? All those lunches and intimate conversations and yes he is a trusted comrade? Apparently so. That is fucked up enough for Gary to heavily re-evaluate his marriage to Anna. And then literally there must be a hundred other revenge plots on Jake and Kendra, and this is the one he picks, where it isn't even clear how Gary pulls it off, nor do either victim know what happened and why or who set them up? Sigh.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

the hell is this whole make hubby a pussy theme with authors. wife accuses hub of cheating then she cheats cuz she dont belive him he isnt... then the dumb bastard takes her back. Bitch be out the door faster then time takes to count to 10. starting to think non of the authors know what a real man is like ffs.

4bk554bk5511 months ago

I’ve always thought that there are too many anon’s hiding behind their little computers that will say anything with a keyboard in their hands. They will never be one to say anything if they had to come out of the closet and give their name. I have no respect for any ANON”S!!!! Every author signed his work. Pussy Anon’s crawl in the dark.

I only rate a story once I’ve read the entire story. 5stars!

Ocker53Ocker5310 months ago

It seems we have another author who has bought into the WOKE agenda that all women are victims and all men are evil. I have never read anything more stupid than when the author wrote this ‘’I know you would never voluntarily cheat on me’’ She was not raped, she was not drugged, she had dozen”s of lunches with this bloke that led up to her cheating, none of whom she told her husband about. I hate to break the authors delusions but she actually did choose to voluntarily cheat. It hard to stay interested in story when it’s obvious an author is pushing an agenda on his readers. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

HighBrowHighBrow9 months ago

Honestly, this Femdom agitprop is mostly boring and ridiculous. The setup is good and the parts where she cheats are good, but that’s only a few pages.

skruff101skruff1019 months ago

There is really little more to be said other than ‘she got away with it’ and a certain segment of readers will be applauding her victory.

Seeing far into the future, as she’s laying on her deathbed she’ll have the wonderful memories of her affair (maybe by then affairs) and pass on with a knowing smile on her face.

Conversely hubby will be laying on his deathbed and he’ll look back thinking what an utter twat he was not to divorce her all those years ago, he passes on with a frown on his face. Serves the idiot right.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A total train wreck of an ending. Why the elaborate scheme which is so contrived and artificial as to be unbelievable? Gary goes from angry betrayed husband who understandably wonders if he can ever trust his wife again to happy camper bending her over the couch within an hour or so of seeing Anna's steamy kiss with Jake; indeed, Gary told himself that there HAD to be serious counseling for Anna after seeing her actions with Jake. After a few more days, Gary and Anna are "mostly" back to a normal happy relationship. WTF???

I could go on but why bother. The first three parts of the story were 3-4 stars for decent writing, even f the plot seemed overly contrived. But this ending comes across as a very lazy way to end the story with a complicated confusing scheme to wrap everything up in a wholly unbelievable way. Real world solution: Gary tells Anna she must resign and tell her boss about Kendra's revenge plot and Jake's sexual harassment and seduction. Then Anna goes to counseling and Gary and Anna get marriage counseling. Maybe, after real effort, they stay together and gradually return to a more or less happy relationship. But this? The author really let his readers down with this contrived crappy ending. 1*

P.S. Maybe Anna shouldn't be wearing very short tight dresses with 4 inch heels in the workplace. I was a partner in a law firm. She would have been advised to tone down her wardrobe to something that is appropriate attire for a professional. What she was wearing ain't it.

AceAureliaAceAurelia5 months ago

The ending could have been polished up a bit (perhaps drop some hits throughout of the alleged money laundering. Also Gary was far too forgiving too quickly. I think it was a lost opportunity to the story not to expound on his grief and anger towards Anna. Perhaps an extended separation and reconciliation would have felt more realistic. The unprotected sex with Jake was also a lost opportunity as it could have been used as a factor (pregnancy) along with wondering who the father is (which could have played a part in whether or not there was reconciliation. Overall I’d give it a 3.5. Good story but could have been a 5..

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This ending was a dumpster fire. Instant reconciliation. A crazy revenge plot that is so contrived and would never work (beyond telling Melinda's husband about Jake(. The fixation with big ornis tropes. Jake would be like a 1 in 100k probability but in LW stories every law firm or small company has at least one. The counseling sessions were a joke. Anna was a faithless slut that had cosmic sex with Jake and planned to do it again. Yes she was ambushesd by Kendra but believed someone she doesn't even know or like that Gary was cheating on her. Dumb. The first three chapters were ok. Ending just aucked. Gary just forgave her and f$cked her over a couch. All good. And she miraculously gets Junior Partner when she was the center of a soap opera at her firm. 2 stars. Sad. This is normally a good author. All I can assume is that author muffed the punt because and no clue what to do with the ending to.make it plausible so went for abbreviated and surreal.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

The circumstances of the one time cheating (though she was "apparently" drugged with X and convinced somehow by Kendra and Jake that her husband was having an affair of his own), and her plan to do it again, were bad enough. As were her underwhelming responses in counseling and her lack of trust is her husband. All of that would make for a hard reconciliation as it is. But her cosmic sex epiphany with Jake and what we the reader see in her mind, makes this a crazy, unwarranted RAAC. Literally she cannot stop thinking about Jake's "charms" and the thundering sex, even though she knows she was (apparently) drugged, setup by Kendra and Jake in a crazy revenge plot to break up her marriage and discredit her career, lied to incessantly, and yet she is still think with her private parts. For someone with a good job and a long time professional, she has zero willpower and is stupid as a bag of rocks. She should be digusted by Jake and what happened with him. Instead it is as if she almost falls again. Balderdash. And the cooked up burning of Kendra and Jake (besides contacting the Melinda's husband) was ludicrous and almost certainly would fail. This chapter was a big let down. Ouch.

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4/21/2020 - I haven't posted a profile update in a long time, thought it was appropriate to do so now. I have been slowly working on several projects, but as everyone knows, life is CRAZY right now, in so many ways. That said, I have a new story for the Geek Pride event coming...


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