Temptations Ch. 05


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"JESUS! I told you two you'd rip me open!" She cried out as she tried to see between her legs, seeing blood on the sheets now.

"Here, lay back and let me look Ginger." Kenny told her and gently pushed her back and he moved between her legs and had her lift her ass slightly. "Nick, get me a towel for the blood, so I can see?" He asked his son and Nick complied.

"Is it bad?" Ginger asked, feeling light headed and sick now. Kenny gently opened her up with his fingers and she hissed in pain. He cleaned the blood up after Nick brought back a towel, and he saw what looked like several small tears in the area between her vagina and asshole, and he told her what he saw. She grew mad.

"That's great! I can go to the doctors and tell him my son and husband are both assholes and they ripped me open when they both fucked me! I'm sure the doctor would get a laugh out of that one!" She ranted out in anger, and she glared at her son when he laughed at her comments. Nick just shrugged sheepishly and slightly grinned at her. She gave him the finger. "All dick...no brains!" She spat out as she looked at him, genuinely angry with him now, but he just shrugged and gripped the base of his cock.

"Yep." Was all he said as he left the room.

"Relax Ginger. I don't think you'll need a doctor; just avoid sex for a few days, unless it gets inflamed." Kenny suggested to her. She gave him a dirty look at first, but then softened her face as she looked at him, she then chuckled.

"With you two horn dogs, I doubt it." She replied with a slight smile, and then grimaced when she shifted her ass slightly. "I won't be able to sit down for days." She moaned out with a small grin, and then looked seriously at him. "I know we aren't new to anal sex Kenny, but at least until I get used to Bigfoot in there...no more double do Ginger acts huh?" She suggested to him and he laughed at her tone, but nodded.

"Ok, no more sneak attacks." He agreed jokingly, then leaned in and kissed her. Ginger looked at him then down between her open legs, moving her hand to cup her sore crotch.

"I'm going to be sore for days...you're right I should try to abstain for a bit." She told him offhand as she look back up at him. He nodded. "So unless you and Nick want to take care of each other..." She offered up and started laughing at her husband's expression. "Well...I guess that means no pussy for you for a bit." She said laughing. Kenny then laughed as well.

"Well I wouldn't say that Ginger...I went to see the good teacher in the hospital tonight, that's why I was late." He told her and she quit laughing and looked at him.

"I was half wondering why you were late. If you had been on time you could have joined in from the start...we waited for you. Don't tell me you had sex with her in the..." Ginger started off but He interrupted her.

"No, no, but not for lack of trying on her part. She was very grabby." Kenny said as he chuckled, then grew serious when he looked at his wife's face.

"That little bitch, you're my husband...she has her own to do that for her, even if he hits her." Ginger said in a huff, surprising Kenny.

"I thought you gave her to me to be my "slave" as you put it?" He asked her half jokingly, though he wanted an answer from her, curious now. He noticed she blushed deeply now and he wasn't sure if in embarrassment or anger.

"I did, but I thought...well that if you two did anything I would be around...too watch, join in...or even stop you two if something happened I didn't like." She explained to him and his face showed his surprise.

"Oh so it's ok if you do things on the sly with Nick but not me with Linda...even though you gave her too me...your words not mine." He said in a serious tone, though he was still more amused then upset at the moment. Ginger looked flustered for a minute.

"But that's different...you wanted me to have sex with him and..." She said, but Kenny interrupted her.

"And you didn't want me to have sex with Linda, or was it only supposed to be at your convenience?" He asked her quickly, and she nodded.

"Yes! I was suppose to have a say...you're my husband Kenny!" She told him, growing angry again. He chuckled softly as he looked at her.

"And you're my wife Ginger. So does this mean it's ok if you have sex with Nick, but it isn't ok for me to have sex with Linda?" He asked her simply.

"Yes. Nick is our son, but Linda...we barely know her." She said in justification and he just looked at her, stunned. Kenny was silent a minute in thought before responding.

"Ginger, listen...I asked you to have sex with Nick, I never asked to have sex with another woman..." Kenny started out.

"Right, see...you admit you didn't even want..." Ginger said, but Kenny stopped her.

"But you GAVE me Linda...in a sense, a weird twisted sense, but because of what you did, if I want to have sex with Linda I will." Kenny told her, now firm in his thoughts after seeing how his wife felt about the subject. Ginger looked shocked.

"I can't believe you are going to have sex with her if I don't want you too!" She told him in astonishment.

"I'm not doing anything different then what you are doing with Nick, Ginger." He said quietly, trying to get her to understand, but she shook her head.

"No, that's different....you wanted, begged, that I have sex with Nick, but what...Linda was meant to be there that night. I wasn't...didn't think that she was going to be your...your mistress!" She told him almost breathless as her heart beat quickly, in anger and fear. Kenny looked at her and shook his head.

"You know Ginger, I returned home thinking that I probably wouldn't take Linda up on her offer but after everything you've said, I'm sure I will." He told her quietly as he stood up and started gathering his clothes, and she gave him a dirty look.

"Fine, fine then! Go...go ahead and go be with your little...bitch...that stupid fucking cunt! Go fuck the little bitch you bastard...you prick!" She spat her words out at him, tears now streaming down her cheeks. Her tears flowed faster when she saw her words weren't getting a rise from him as he just stared at her. She pounded her hands on her son's bed in anger. "And you know something else, I'm going to sleep in Nick's room from now on and give him my body every damn night!" She growled out at him and noticed her husband growing mad at her words now.

"Fine, though I figured you were going too anyway." He told her softly through gritted teeth and turning, walked out of the doorway. He passed Nick in the hallway. "She's all yours now!" He growled out as he passed his son, not bothering to look back as he slammed his bedroom door behind him. He stopped and took deep breaths and stood for a minute. He then pulled a suitcase from the closet and began filling it with several days' worth of clothes. He had no intention of spending the night in the house, he had to get out and clear his head. He knew this was all set in motion by him, but he still couldn't stop thinking Ginger was being unreasonable. He cooled as he packed, but still knew he had to leave for a day or so. Minutes later he opened the bedroom door and started out into the kitchen, heading for the front door just as Ginger opened the opposite bedroom door and saw him.

"KENNY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She cried out as she saw her husband pass into the kitchen suitcase in hand. She rushed forward to the other door, her robe coming open as she jerked her hand out and caught the edge of the bags handle, stopping her husband. "Are you leaving!" Was all she could now say as she looked at him dumbfounded. He turned to her and nodded briskly. "Jesus Kenny, you can't go! Not for what I said!" She told him, and then saw her words were being ignored by the look on his face. "Fine...go fuck the little teacher. I hope she has crabs or something! You fucker, you shit...get the fuck out!" She yelled at him, but Kenny was now cool, his anger deeply planted now and again her words failed to elicit a response. He was used to his wife acting this way when she grew very angry, she usually cursed at him. He gripped his bag tighter and continued for the front door. "Yeah get the fuck out! If I let you back inside the house I hope my pussy is stretched out good by our SON! Hurry up...get out!" She yelled again, but this time rushed forward and pushed him slightly as if to quicken his leaving. He dropped his bag and whipped around at her, and she jumped back thinking he was going to hit her.

"Never fucking touch me like that again! Ever!" He growled out at her and looked at her with glaring eyes, barely holding his composure. Just then Nick came into the room and stopped, never hearing or seeing his father like this before. Even though he was taller and stockier then his father, he wouldn't want to fight him at the moment. He held back and looked at the scene before him and at the bag near his father.

"You leaving dad?" He asked quietly, in an even tone. Kenny glanced at him and nodded.

"Besides, I'm leaving; you don't have to hurry me out!" Kenny said, calming down slightly, though still angry and red-faced. Ginger, seemed to have calmed down as well after her husbands scare, though she was still seething inside.

"So, you're just going to go to a hotel?" She asked him, only being slightly sarcastic.

"Yes...I think it's for the best, at least for a few days." He said, as he picked up his bag again, but looked at her.

"I suppose you'll have her over at your room?" Ginger asked him, her voice dripping with soft venom. Nick looked a bit surprised, and figured she meant his teacher, though he wasn't sure.

"If she wants to be...I suppose so." He said simply and turned and started to open the door.

"Go then, you..." she started to spout out then stopped herself. He opened the door fully and started out it. He then felt her hands on his arm, restraining him with all of her weight. "No Kenny, I'm sorry...don't go, please don't go. I'm sorry I said those things! You know I always get bitchy when I'm mad! DON'T go dammit! Please!" She screamed at him and Kenny knew without turning that she was now crying. He turned and looked at her.

"Ginger I have too, at least for a while. I have to think...you have to think. I fucked up, and I don't know what's going to happen, but I sure as hell can't reason this out if I stay. It's too damn confusing. I'll call you later." He told her and softly, but firmly unwrapped her hands and she let go of his arm. He could see she grew mad yet again, but she held her tongue as he turned and walked to his car. He looked back at the house and saw her standing at the door, he noticed Nick tried to console her or maybe get her back into bed, but Kenny saw Ginger glare at him and push her son back a step. She then stomped back into the house and out of view. Nick closed the door behind her. Kenny grinned as he climbed into the car and drove away. He drove to the nearest Hotel he could think of, needing to sleep, hoping he would get some tonight. After renting a room, and reaching it, he dropped his bag in the near by chair, and set the bedside clock to wake for work in the morning. He didn't even bother to undress, but lay there staring at the ceiling long into the morning, until sleep finally covered him.

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RelentlessOnanismRelentlessOnanismalmost 9 years ago
I really like...

...the fact there are some genuine emotional consequences to what is happening. Mostly in these stories it's a fantasy fuckfest. But at least here the incest actually has an impact on their lives.

guyman422guyman422almost 12 years ago
I hope ...

That you will continue this series....

Many thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Needs a chapter 6 please!

Your series is great and really needs a few more chapters. Hurry it up already!

WilliamTellsOvertureWilliamTellsOverturealmost 14 years ago
Now this is excellent writing!

I'm captivated by the way you've been able to capture and demonstrate the competing passions of your characters with words in this snapshot; one feels the distinction between sexual and the emotional. Linda is expectant; Ginger impetuous, sentimental, tempermental; Kenny is affecting and ardent, yet disturbed and overwrought. My tendency would be to feel some sympathy for Nick due to his lack of adult maturity which is only just beginning. In the human experience, the lack of sophistication can be disastrous; the urge toward maturity can create wonderful change. A very cultivated and seasoned read for this genre: wonderfully written!

BradehoftBradehoftalmost 14 years ago

Kenny gets Linda. Ginger gets Nick and then Nick meets Ms Right and dumps his mother for a hot young thing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

you should write more often

txcoatl1970txcoatl1970almost 14 years ago
Stupendous Stupidity Rendered Splendidly!!!

This story was so hot and so wrong on so many levels it beggars description.

Outstanding work! It's like a PSA against swinging without mutual respect among all participants.

I feel sorriest for Nick. Sure, there's not a lot I wouldn't give to be single, hung stud in the prime of my youth, but he's cruising for a really nasty bruising.

Boundaries seem to be nonexistent for this kid b/c he has a couple of self-indulgent fools for parents.

Kenny and Ginger seem to be in a contest for most clueless about the consequences of their antics. Neither of them listens worth a damn.

Ginger comes off sounding like a self-justifying shrew, but Kenny's like

a fifteen-year-old who's just discovered sex and can't shut up about whatever depraved notion goes from ass to brain to mouth with no filter.

Lots of passion between the two, but not a jot of sense.

They resemble a lot of early-married couples I've known who played adult roles for a decade plus but never grew up along the way. They get to their mid-late thirties and have this realization that they won't be hot forever, their spouse drives them nuts and the kids couldn't care less. Lots of them lose their damned minds and have messy affairs but don't go so far round the bend as K&G.

Linda I want to tackle. That boundaries thing seems to be a problem for her as well. Good god, what a hot fantasy! A sexy mid-twenties teacher boffs mom, dad, and me!?! Whee!

Trouble is, in the story, she's a clueless dumbshit who stumblefucks her way down the rabbit hole b/c she doesn't set or keep any boundaries.

The whole idea of protecting herself seems as alien as restraint. You didn't pull any punches in making her an apparently piteous but contemptible figure.

I figure you wrote this to be a hot but wrong story to get off to, and as a spank story, it gets twelve stars. As a melodrama, it does even better.

BZ^10 to you sir.

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