Tender Mercies


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Nordan's laughter bellowed out. "Aye lass, they can do most anything! That's why they be Gods!"

The blood slowly drained from her face, she took a couple of staggering steps and sat down on a fallen tree. "But do they do stuff like that?"

Nordan shrugged. "I've heard stories of men and women saying they have met the Gods."

Alesha remained sitting for a moment, still stunned and unable to comprehend it all. Then the irony of it struck her. 20 plus years spent on her world worshipping the one true God with no sign or proof or appreciation, and less then a month here and already having met and apparently been claimed by a deity. She started laughing just short of hysterically. After a few minutes she wiped the tears from her eyes and stood up. Nordan looked at her questioningly but she merely motioned for him to lead the way.

They set out, stopping every couple of hours for Alesha to try and determine if they were still heading in the right direction. It grew increasingly difficult as the day progressed. Likewise Alesha grew increasingly flushed and aroused. Uncertain as to why, she nevertheless had a difficult time waiting through dinner before she bedded Nordan again.

After a fit of passion to rival the mornings events in duration and excitement, if not release, Alesha found herself easily able to locate Kelnozz...or what she thought was Kelnozz. "We're closer," she said, grinding her cum filled slit back at Nordan who was kneeling behind her and breathing heavily from his release.

"Huh?" Nordan asked.

"We're getting closer to Kelnozz."

Nordan scowled and pulled himself free of her. "You think of him while we do this?"

Alesha spun about quickly, feeling the loss of having him inside of her. She squeezed her muscles tightly, trying to keep his seed inside of her. "No!" She said desperately. "I wasn't doing that, I noticed how much harder it was for me to find him as the day went on and I got hornier, I wondered if I would be better at it if I was relaxed."

Nordan still looked at her suspiciously, leaning back against a rock. "Please Nordan," she said, crawling over to him, "understand that when I'm with you, you're all I need to think about!"

To empathize her point, she scooped him up in her mouth again to clean him off. He groaned at the sensation, but let her continue. In a few moments she could tell his reservations had faded away. He began to grow hard again in her mouth as her tongue worked over the slit in the end of his cock.

Alesha's head continued to bob up and down on his member, her jaw felt stretched as far as it could go when he was as hard as he could be. Her hand wrapped around the base of it and stroked it up and down in time with her head. Nordan's hands found their way to her head, not pushing or demanding, simple letting her know he enjoyed what she was doing.

Relaxing herself further, Alesha pushed deeper with each thrust. She straightened out her head with her body as much as she could and forced herself to ignore her gag reflex as the head of his cock repeatedly brushed the back of her throat. Nordan was moaning happily by that time. Growing accustomed to the feel of him, Alesha took a deep breath and pushed a little deeper, having trouble getting it past the bend in her neck until she swallowed. Then it slid down her throat easily. She pumped him in and out of her throat a few times, actually wishing that he was longer so that she could take him deeper. Then again, any longer and she might begin to wonder if she was having sex with a horse! That obscene and disgusting thought made her moan.

Nordan couldn't believe what she was doing to him. It felt incredible. He had lain with many woman, and performed all sorts of sexual acts, but never had one been able to do what she was doing to him. Unconsciously, his hips bucked up against her face in time to her descending head. He let out a cry of frustration when she pulled her head free of him. She breathed in deeply and went at him again, licking the spit from her mouth and throat off of it. The aggression that she displayed while sucking on him drove him crazy with need. He wanted to mount her again, but the feelings she was giving him now were as good or better.

Having caught her breath, she again held it in deeply and swallowed his cock. Nordan felt himself growing faint as extra blood poured into his manhood. He was close and he knew it. His hands tightened their grip on his head and he began thrusting himself into her mouth. Alesha smiled, lost in her depravity. Her hands flew to his hips and urged him to fuck her face. Nordan needed no urging, he pistoned in and out of her rapidly, bruising her lips with his groin.

He lost track of himself when her hands reached down to fondle his sack. Unable to breathe, he exploded violently in her throat. Alesha let the first blast slide down her throat, but pulled his spouting volcano back to her mouth to taste his spooge as it drained from him. Having tasted sperm once before on a date long ago, she was certain she would hate it again, but she was so caught up in the moment she was behaving like someone else entirely. Instead of it tasting disgusting, she found herself shocked to learn that it was delicious. She sucked at his cock, squeezing and pumping it to get every last bit out of it.

Nordan at last had to fend her off of him, pushing her away from his sore and shrunken penis. Looking at her, he saw a sex starved animal. In spite of his greater size, skill, and strength, he was afraid of her for a moment. He brushed the thought away from him quickly and grabbed onto her as she came back towards him. He shook her roughly, snapping her out of her sexual frenzy.

"Oh my God... I... I'm sorry, Nordan," Alesha said, sitting back on her legs as she realized what she had been doing. "I've never been like that.... That was... well, it was incredible!"

Nordan laughed and nodded. "Aye, that it was! You might want to clean your face up though."

Alesha's hand rose up to her face and she wiped some of his juice on her finger. She looked at it then stuck her finger in her mouth and sucked it off. After a low moan, her finger returned and tried to scrape all of the rest of his seed into her mouth. When she could get no more of it, she stopped and came back to earth.

"What's happening to me?" She asked a bit nervously.

Nordan had already moved closer to the fire and laid down to sleep for the night. "Didn't notice anything, just you relaxing and letting yourself have some fun."

"But I have never been this much of a sex fiend!" She protested.

"The Gods play games with us often. He gave you a gift, perhaps the price is becoming aware to you now," Nordan offered, drifting rapidly towards sleep.

Alesha pondered what Nordan had said, wondering if that was the case and if so, what it meant. Would she gain more power each time she had sex? Would she lose her power if she did not have sex? Thoughts and questions plagued her mind as she fell asleep curled up against Nordan's body.

They continued their journey at dawn, after sating Alesha's growing lust. Walking through the day, the traversed great hills and forests. Days turned into a week, always leading them to the Northeast. Each morning and night, and occasionally during a mid day break, they coupled with each other. Nordan had never known a woman so completely lacking inhibitions, and Alesha slowly became accustomed to the incredible sexual hunger she felt... as well as how it grew in her.

At long last they came upon a ridge overlooking a valley. At the end of the valley sat a castle long since gone to ruin. Alesha no longer needed to close her eyes to locate Kelnozz. "Kelnozz is there," Alesha said, pointing to the castle.

Nordan grunted, figuring as much. He looked around for a way to get down into the heavily wooded valley. "Let us camp here for the day and head down there at night. Should be easier to get in then."

Alesha agreed and they set up a cold camp, unwilling to alert anyone by lighting a fire. "Want to help me recharge before we head in?" Alesha asked Nordan, running her hand over one of her breasts and idly pinching the nipple between her fingers. Nordan laughed and caught her up in his arms.

"Today we enjoy each other's company, for tomorrow we may be dead!" Nordan quoted a barbarian proverb. Words were soon lost to them, to be replaced with more animalistic grunts as they went after each other in a sexual frenzy.

All to soon they came together in a powerful climax. Kissing passionately through it all to make as little noise as possible, Alesha's teeth drew blood from Nordan's lips as he pumped his load deep inside her belly.

After a few moments of laying their locked together, they reluctantly parted and set about watching the castle for any signs of movement and to plan their assault.

The dark elf awoke sore and weak. He looked around him and saw that he was in a cave. He was resting on some bedding made from several cured animal hides. Underneath it was the rocky floor. A small campfire burned nearby, the smoke wafting up through a fissure that went he knew not where. He saw his clothing and equipment was stacked nearby, including his weapons. Breathing a sigh of relief, he wondered how he had come to be there. And where exactly he was.

Chapter 5

"Wondered if you'd wake up, I did."

Kelnozz looked quickly to the origin of the voice, then almost immediately regretted moving his head so quickly. It was a human man, out of his prime but still able. The man was grinning, his white teeth shining through the bushy beard and mustache that had grown on him. He wore leathers for clothing, and stirred a pot hung over the fire pit.

"Who are you?" Kelnozz asked.

"Aye elf, that's a good question! But it's not important...what's important is who you are. Aye aye, who are you?" He said, dipping a bowl in the pot and handing it to Kelnozz.

Kelnozz saw and smelled the stew, and without further words fell to it. He quickly learned how sore his side still was as he tried to move to eat. Remembering more, he tested his leg and found the calf still equally painful.

"My name is Kelnozz Risingmoon, and I appear to be indebted to you," He said once he had finished the bowl of stew.

The hermit grinned and took the bowl back. "You were a sore sight, that's for sure! Took me a while to fix you up. Though I'd lost you with all the bleeding."

Kelnozz could see that the hermit was tottering on the edge of madness. "How long have you been here?"

"How long? Hmmm, don't rightly know. Ever since the change took me, I guess. But don't worry, the change won't get you, I'll make sure of that!"

"Where are we?" Kelnozz asked, checking the bandages and finding them clean.

"Where are we? Ha! We're here! We're else?" The man cackled and finished his own bowl of stew.

"How long has it been?" Kelnozz asked, growing frustrated at the crazy old man.

"I found you two days ago on the shores of the Swiftwater Sea," He said, his laughter dying down. "Last time somebody got washed ashore there it was nigh 20 years ago...and it was me!" He cackled again at that, but it lacked any real mirth to it.

Kelnozz ignored the pain in his side and leg and rose up enough to stare directly into the man's eyes. What he saw surprised him. "Tell me old man, who are you really?"

The man met Kelnozz's gaze evenly. "It's not important elf, let it go."

The man turned away but Kelnozz reached out and grabbed him by the shoulder. "I think it is."

Spinning around quicker then he looked possible the man had knocked Kelnozz's hand away and held a dagger between them. "I used to be called Aquinar Belisarius, elf, and I was the champion of Celos in my time," he hissed at Kelnozz. "Now will you let it go?"

Kelnozz settled back on the skins, grimacing at the unhealed wounds. "Aye, friend, for now I'll let it go. Why do you play at being mad?"

The hermit laughed bitterly. "I've been here 20 years, madness would be a welcome release. It keeps the light elves and the goblins away, they think me a harmless raving lunatic...harmless unless they trespass on my lands, that is! Nay lad, I'd embrace madness gladly if it would come, but I've erred so badly that I'll not get away so easily."

"Where are we then, hermit?" Kelnozz asked, growing more and more curious.

"Inside the periphery, boy-o. Deep inside it. Only way out of here is through league after league of lands roamed by giants, light elves, orcs, and their kin, or the Swiftwater Sea, which you've discovered isn't much safer!"

Kelnozz nodded and laid back to think. Before he knew it, he was sleeping again, recovering from his wounds. Aquinar watched him for a few minutes before moving out to the entrance of the cave. The sun was setting behind the mountains to the west. In the east the edge of what he could feel was another full moon began to show itself. Sighing, Aquinar left the cave in a trot, putting as much distance between it and himself as he could.

The mournful howl of a wolf awoke Kelnozz. He found the fire had died and night had come. Grimacing, he rose up from his bedding and examined his bandages. The hermit must have been a talented healer, for while still sore, his wounds were healing nicely.

Kelnozz gathered up his equipment and put it back on. He examined the cave, heading deeper into it. It turned out to be more of a fissure in the rock face then anything else, for it did not head back very deep. Kelnozz did discover Aquinar's possessions, however, and he found himself impressed. A suit of plate mail, looking recently polished and well maintained, was laying in a corner under another animal skin. Kelnozz reached out and picked up the sword that was sheathed and laying with the armor. Drawing it carefully from it's scabbard, he marveled at the craftsmanship and feel of the blade. Certain it was no match for his own blades, he was nevertheless impressed with it. Testing the edge with his thumb, he was amazed to find himself bleeding from a shallow cut.

Replacing the weapon, he began to explore more of the hermit's belonging when he felt the hairs on the back of his neck raise. He dropped his hands to the hilts of his swords and turned around to face the opening of the cave.

A lone wolf stared at him, a look of sadness in it's eyes. Kelnozz stared back at the wolf, waiting for it to make a move. Finally it did, turning away and loping off into the night. Kelnozz breathed a sigh of relief and limped back to the camp fire. He piled some fresh kindling on it and blew the still glowing embers back to life.

An exhausted looking Aquinar trudged into the cave an hour before Dawn. He locked gazes with Kelnozz, to weary to speak, and then moved to his own bedroll where he collapsed and fell instantly to sleep. Kelnozz watched him for few minutes, studying him carefully, then dozed himself.

"Have a problem with wolves around here?" Kelnozz asked the next day.

Aquinar glanced at him sharply. "What do you mean?"

Kelnozz shrugged and said, "A wolf visited this cave last night, it didn't seem threatening though, and it went away."

Aquinar shook his head and sighed quietly.

"Does that happen often?" Kelnozz asked, pressing him for information.

"What? Oh, sorry, I'm not used to other people being here," Aquinar said. "Sometimes it does, but rarely."

"How are you feeling?" Aquinar asked, changing the topic.

Kelnozz tested his leg and his side. "Still sore, but healing well. My thanks to you, you are a skilled healer."

Aquinar grunted acknowledgement and returned to sharpening his dagger on a rock. "You should move on soon, it is dangerous here, more so then you realize."

"Oh? I can take care of myself," Kelnozz said, watching Aquinar carefully.

"I'm sure you can," he replied, "but there are strange and dangerous powers that vie for control in this valley. I'm cursed to stay, but you should leave."

"You've mentioned this curse a few times, what is it and how did it happen?"

Letting out a sharp scornful laugh, Aquinar shook his head, "None of your concern, elf, I was tested by Celos and found wanting, and have thus fallen from grace."

Kelnozz shrugged. "If that is how you wish to live, then may you have the best of life. My thanks again for rescuing me."

Aquinar watched Kelnozz walk to the mouth of the cave and glance about. Then without even a glance back, he stepped out of the cave and headed down the hillside to the west. Aquinar scowled, glad to be rid of the troublesome elf. He talked to much and asked to many questions. Aquinar's life was his own business, and his problems his to bear.

Kelnozz found his the stiffness in his side and leg slowly leaving as he exercised it by moving. He knew that he would pay for it later, but for now he could do without the distraction. Since leaving Aquinar, he had the feeling that he was being followed. For most of the day he had moved west through the forested valley. As twilight approached he set up a camp and started a fire with his flint and steel. Draping his cloak around some rocks and branches he had pulled together, he crept off to the side to lay an ambush for whatever it was that pursued him.

Moving quietly as only he could, and possessing an unnatural patience, he circled behind his unknown shadow and studied him carefully. After a few moments, the man moved out of a shadow into the moonlight. In the increased light Kelnozz's elven eyes were able to identify him easily. It was as he thought, Aquinar came after him. Dressed in his armor this time, not his leather. Kelnozz knew the armor to be more then just finely crafted, but surely magical as well to allow him to move as quietly as he did.

Aquinar scowled when the twin blades rested lightly on his shoulders. "Well done elf," He muttered, turning slowly to face Kelnozz with his arms out to show him unarmed.

"Why do you follow me?" Kelnozz asked before noticing the sweat on Aquinar's face and his pale color.

Aquinar stepped out of the moonlight and into the shade, seeming to relax a little. "I had to make sure you were leaving," he said.

"What's wrong with you? Are you injured?" Kelnozz asked, seeing the hermit close his eyes and shudder as if in pain.

Aquinar sat down heavily, taking a deep ragged breath. "Nay, 'tis no wound that ails me. It's something far deeper."

"You saved my life," Kelnozz offered, "what can I do to aid yours?"

Snorting in derision he said, "Bah, nothing. I am beyond help."

The winds blowing through the top of the trees moved the branches aside enough for the moonlight to shine down directly on Aquinar's face. He grimaced and moved abruptly, as if in pain. Out of the moonlight again he growled deep in his throat and then calmed.

"Tell me of your curse, graybeard, or I head back to your cave and stay with you!" Kelnozz threatened.

"If you feel indebted to me, then leave me alone!" Aquinar said through clenched teeth.

"I think not," Kelnozz responded.

Aquinar glared dangerously at Kelnozz, his muscles tensing up beneath is armor in preparation to spring. A cloud passed in front of the moon then, making the night that much darker. As if a weight was lifted from him, the hermit grew less agitated.

"Long ago I was one of Celos' chosen holy warriors. A paladin. Few were the peers that I had, and great honors and glories were heaped upon the Church of Celos in my name. I grew pompous and vain over time. Victory after victory, I knew no equal that my skills and divine powers could not overcome.

"After championing a cause in the North, I took ship to the south, intent upon heading to the isles to the east of Belurian so that I might bring the law and order of Celos to the savage natives there. My ship encountered a storm. A storm so great that we were blown off course and eventually overwhelmed by the seas. As far as I know, I alone survived."
