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He got himself ready in record time. Even though the girls were still sleeping when he was about to walk out the door he looked in on them again. He looked at Carmen for just a moment but then he looked over at Michelle. He'd said before that he'd want to date her even if he did find out that she was related to him and in that moment he knew it was true.

The surprising thing was that when he opened the front door Officer O'Neill was already out there in her cop car waiting for him. She must have had to wake up even earlier than him.

"Morning." he called.

"Come on. Come on. We gotta go." she called back to him.

Mike got in the car and had to move the box out of the way to sit down.

"Donuts? Really?" he asked her. "I thought that was a myth."

"It's morning." she defended. "I've got some coffee there for you too."

The rain was bad as they drove to town and Officer O'Neill mentioned that perhaps they would have to go out and direct traffic if the lights went out. Mike really hoped that would not be the case. Once at the police station everything seemed really quiet as the sound of the storm seemed to drown everything out.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" she said after she brought him to an employee only area with lockers.

Mike thought about Michelle and was determined to do the right thing. "If it's ok with you, can I say no to sex."

"You're saying no to fucking me?"

"You told me to fly straight so I'm going to try and do that. You are an extremely attractive woman and maybe ten years from now I will regret this and have to go get my head examined but I think this is the right thing to do."

She smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm really proud of you. And I'm flattered that you think I'm attractive."

"Well, you obviously are and anyone who looks past the brown uniform would have to see that."

"And you are a very handsome young man. I mean it. So lucky you I didn't bring you back here for sex. There's your uniform, deputy. Get it on."

"Oh, you want me to change."

"Now you're getting it."

"I'm sorry. Really, I'm so sorry."

"You're on the clock. Hurry up. I'll be in my office."

She left him and he was looked on the two seater bench where his uniform was folded. He got changed and then found his boss right where she said she'd be.

"Did you find everything ok with out my sexy attractive body distracting you?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. So since you already told me it was a hard pass on one possible set of duties I had in mind for you; I need you to get a mop and a bucket. You're scrubbing down the cells."


"Yes, you. The town is paying you so I don't have to do it. Get to work."

Mike didn't know what he was doing but he got his materials together and just decided to be systematic about it. It was definitely a learn by doing situation. The funny thing was as he worked he discovered that he didn't mind this kind of work.

As he worked he had Michelle constantly there in his mind and he just couldn't wait to go see her again. "Plenty of sunshine, da du da da" he sang as the rain continued to come down. He wanted to talk to her, hold her hand, maybe even kiss her if she'd let him. This was new. This was different. Wow. But he barely knew her. Yet it didn't matter. He smiled, his head was light, and his heart was giddy as he moved his hands to wash down the lock up. "Michelle" he said to himself in a quiet voice.

He had gotten once cell scrubbed down and he wasn't sure how much more he could do to it. He was about to move on to the next one when his boss came and told him to go on break. So this was a new experience, break time in the police station while wearing a police uniform just without a badge or anything.

After break he thought he was going to have to go back to cleaning but his boss asked him is he had bought his school work with in.

"I did like you asked me to." he replied.

"Alright, you get to ride a desk for the next two hours."

"Sounds fun."

"Well, one day you're not going to have anything with you to occupy your time and then you'll find out that it's the most painful thing imaginable because the boredom will feel like someone trying to saw off your feet at the ankles. You'll literally be praying for someone to commit a crime like please let someone stand in front of the ATM for too long so I can have a reason to go out there and get out of that chair."

Mike now felt really strange about sitting at the metal desk in the little side office. Before getting his homework out he looked in the different drawers and found that there wasn't anything in any of them. He looked around the room and all the wall were bare. Yeah, it was like being in detention or something. He got his books out and was going to do some reading but Michelle came to his mind. Instead of getting his homework done he found himself looking at his notebook wondering if he could write a letter to her, a hand written letter to her. He smile. No one wrote hand written letters anymore.

He used his phone to look up how to do it. Some of this stuff seemed strange at first but then again the paper couldn't remember things the way a computer could unless you actually wrote it down. So, Dear Michelle. Then Date. Time. Address. They had the same address but whatever. Place where he was writing it.

What to say. Hmm. He wrote out a short friendly message and was going to leave it there but before getting to the closing he added a line to very officially answer her question about whether or not he was the guy. Yes, he was. He closed it out and then without consciously thinking to do it he brought the paper to his lips and kissed it. "Michelle." he said to himself again.

When his two hours were up he asked to go on a short break. His boss didn't have a problem with it. The rain had slacked off but it wasn't completely done yet so Mike got just a bit wet as he quickly power walked through town to the dollar store. He entered and didn't see any other customers in there. He looked around for Michelle but she wasn't by the counter. He went from aisle to aisle and found her with a clipboard checking something in a stack of boxes.

"Hey." he said to her.

She turned and smiled at him. "Hey."

It was in that moment that Mike knew. The thing he'd been longing for ever since this crazy ride started had been above all else, stability. Michelle didn't have to be the most confident, or the wealthiest, or the smartest. Samantha would eventually want him to leave her. His social worker would eventually come to her senses as would his English teacher. Susan was probably already broken up with him and Nikki seemed to have already left him for Susan as crazy as that sounded. Carmen was ... he wasn't sure but she was somehow different from Michelle. For Mike, in that moment there was no other answer. Michelle was the one.


A lot can happen in a year and six months. It took a lot of talking and eventually making some enemies but Mike had gotten things straightened out with just about everyone.

He fell back onto a line that he was a fully committed feminist willing to give his life to improve the situation for women. He therefore declared that it was his firm belief that no man could ever be good enough for any woman whatsoever and therefore all women should be dating each other because only a fellow woman was good enough to be with a woman. Any woman who dated a man was dating down and no woman should have to lower their standards.

So in public Mike was single and he vehemently said he would always remain so. In private things were a bit of a different matter. Mike and Michelle in the house were very much a couple but they had to have a sort of inclusionary arrangement with Carmen. She usually left them alone and was simply an outside force always pushing them closer together and encouraging them to make up and stay together if there was ever any problems. But then she would blindside Mike when she just hadn't been given enough attention recently and Michelle had learned to live with it.

The three of them had sort of gone through a tough time together over a year ago when several fake accounts were created in an attempt to make Mike out to look like some sort of 'alt-right' supporter. Because of that he had lost his online job and been expelled from college. It took over six months but an investigation had cleared him and it was discovered that Courtney had been the one behind the attack. Courtney disappeared the moment people started to come after her and since then no one had heard from her. Stephanie went after the college with the full force of the government and she even got Mike a year's severance pay from his old employer. Mike was now a senior at a different college where he did all his studying online through their LMS system. For a job he worked five days a week as Samantha's deputy and that let him earn enough so that Michelle didn't have to work anymore so she spent most days working on her art which Mike discovered she was very passionate about but had never had the means to explore before.

It was summer and over three years since the very first time that Mike had come to the island to see the house. He was at the beach with Michelle and Carmen and they were all having just a great time relaxing and swimming along with the handful of other people there.

The sun was changing the color of the sky as it started to set and it was time to finally go home. Michelle was on driving duty as they got into the car and on the way back to the house from the backseat Mike's instinct was to look back towards the beach again just to visually check one more time that they hadn't forgotten anything. It was in that moment that the light of the sun happened to reflect off of something and Mike noticed it.

Three days later when Mike was getting home from work he happened to drop his keys just at the base of the steps leading up to the porch. He bent down to pick them up and as he lifted his head his eyes saw the mostly unused mailbox. For some reason something in his mind clicked but he didn't know what it was. It bothered him but he couldn't figure why.

It was over a week later when Mike had the day off that for seemingly no reason at all he just really wanted to go to the beach but not for swimming. He had an itch that needed to be scratched and something was calling out to him to just take a look.

Instead of taking the car he went on his old bike since it was time to charge it up and make sure that it still worked and all. He went out to the right turn that would bring him to the beach. He parked on the side of the road between the road and lake though the lake was some distance away on the other side of a field that sloped up.

Mike stood there and looked at the stop sign. It looked so odd. Why was it there? Why did cars need to stop before turning right when right was the only way to go? Why was this treated like an intersection?

He looked around but nothing made much sense to him and he half wanted to forget it and not be worried. But then the crazy mayor's story about the ghost that haunted the top of the mountain ridge on the East side of the island came to him. Why would a ghost be up there? Just because it was the most secluded and untouched part of the island so it would be impossible to check? That would be like saying there was a ghost on the moon.

Something was giving him an eery feeling but still he just couldn't put things together. He walked around for a bit but then just decided that it was nothing and he was going to head home. He put his helmet on and got back on his bike. He was going to ride back home but then as he looked off in the distance towards the beach again the light reflected off of something where there really shouldn't be anything. He got off the bike, took off his helmet and started to search for whatever that was.

Across from the stop sign the other side of the road looked like the workmen who laid it did a very lazy job of it a very long time ago. The soil of the other mountain range started in earnest from there and the other side wasn't kept up. Mike started to climb up and he searched around among the grass and beginning of the treeline.

He was on a wild goose chase looking for litter, he thought to himself. This was so stupid.

Mike turned back to go back to his bike when his foot felt something that got his attention. He looked down, realized what it was, and then knelt down to start frantically digging it out with his bare hands.


Carmen danced as she sang along with the music.

" ... Lucky, Lucky, Lucky ..." ♪

Ping, came the sound of a notification to her phone. She swung herself over and took a look. Yes! It was the email she'd been waiting for. She continued to bounce herself around as she opened it and downloaded the attachment.

And it said ... What?

It didn't say the information she wanted. It was just instructions on how to log into the website so she could see the results there. She rolled her eyes as she threw the document over to the tv so she could see it while she tried to log in with her phone.




Good grief, even that wasn't enough. They insisted on sending a text to her to make sure it was really her.

Open text.

Copy code.



The music died down and a new song came on but it didn't fit with her mood so she swiped the song away and concentrated on the information in front of her.

Sample A1 and Sample A2 control test. 100% identical.

Sample B1 and Sample B2 control test. 100% identical.

Sample C1 and Sample C2 control test. 100% identical.

Sample A3 and Sample B3 comparison test. 48.04% match.

Sample A4 and Sample B4 comparison test. 48.04% match.

Sample A5 and Sample C3 comparison test. 99.97% match.

Sample A6 and Sample C4 comparison test. 99.96% match.

Analysis. Subject A and Subject B - possible siblings.*

*A parent and child relationship is also possible but usually only likely in subjects of advanced age providing enough time for natural mutation over the course of a lifespan.

Subject A and Subject C - contaminated sample from same individual.*

*Possible identical twins if sample taken from two different individuals. The variation in genetic make up would suggest identical siblings of about 20 years old.

Carmen smiled. She went back to her previous song and started to dance and sing again as she bounced her butt from side to side.

♫"I should be so Lucky..."

The sound of the music didn't exactly carry all the way up to Mike's room unless she blasted it which wasn't really worth it. She went up the stairs and entered his room. She bounced herself over to his bed and got comfortable. She slipped her bottoms off and spread her legs for her hand. She worked her pussy while looking on her phone at pictures of Mike and Michelle from her camera roll.

She locked onto one picture of Mike and zoomed in. She looked into his eyes as she pleasured herself. "I am so going to suck your dick when you get home today. And then I'm going to get Michelle to do it after me. Oh, but you don't think I should do that because we're brother and sister? Too bad. People don't make decisions based on facts, logic, and reason. No, no, little brother. People make decisions based on emotion and just look at whatever facts are available in a way that reinforces how they already feel. Yes, that's how the real world works. I'm sorry the hirelings in the orphanages didn't teach you two that but don't worry. Big sis is around to look after you both. It's taken me almost two decades to find you and even if I have to fuck both of you we are going to stay a family. You were the one who wasn't emotionally ready to accept me as your sister so I have to resort to this to keep us together. I'm not emotionally ready to ever let you go."

Carmen dropped her phone on Mike's bed as she rolled her head back and moved her hand frantically over he clitoris as she felt the base from the music playing downstairs.


"I just can't get you out of my head. Boy your loving is all I think about ..."


Author's postscript: Some elements of this story are tribute to the "onegai" series from Japan. If you haven't seen those they are excellent and I recommend them.

There is more to this story so a part two might be possible if I ever find the time to edit and make it work. The rest of the story really went way too dark and I do honestly feel like the story should stop here before a certain character starts hunting the other characters and making them sleep at the bottom of the ocean.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
MickaelBranhamMickaelBranhamover 1 year ago

I for one would really like to see a continuation of this story. Well written, great job!


Sybaris_CaesarSybaris_Caesarover 3 years ago
My ritual is...

... to visit GrilltyTilly's page once or twice every year or so and read his latest works. Have been working well so far. I just love the world you create with the psuedo anti-PC commentary wacky but likable characters. I feel like this story ended abruptly. I think a short (4-5 pages at least) sequel is warranted.

linnearlinnearover 3 years ago

Although I enjoyed reading this it felt very odd to me and very confusing. I'm Black, no you're White, I'm Asian you are? The year is 2039, what happened as it seems that there is now a society that has really changed because of some event. If you do continue maybe you will tell us. I'm still a very big fan of your writing.

trite_readertrite_readerover 3 years ago
Loved It

Again, different, entertaining and complex. I get so excited when there’s a new story from you, author. Always looking forward to your next adventure. Thank you!!

Sunnyside12345Sunnyside12345over 3 years ago
Hall of Fame

Wow, this story just blew my mind. I loved the reluctance of the main protagonist, the start of the story with he being dumped even though we was the good guy. After that what a roller coaster journey it was. Amazing. You had surprises in your story like how the first time the protagonist has sex with Dr, the slow burn and longing of our hero with the social worker. This story deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. I saw your comments and understood that many of the experiences of the characters like Susan in the story were coming from the experiences you observed in your profession. The dialogues were so real that it felt as if a student had a relationship with a teacher or social worker, this would probably how the conversation happen in real life too. This is something really unique in your story and that is why this story needs to be preserved in the Hall of Fame.

Please please please don't end it here at 18 pages. This story deserves at least 50 pages. I loved the freshness in the sex scenes too. There was always something new exciting and taboo. The build up of the sexual tension and then the act of sleeping nude with his sisters is so hot. OMG

You also mention about a dark version. I really want to see it too. Please don't hold back. Like I said, you are a rare gem of an author and a Hall of Fame story like this does not deserve such an early ending. 5 Stars from my side and more. Again, please give us more of this story......

LustKnightLustKnightover 3 years ago

This story was such a beautiful trainwreck, it's a shame that it feels like you changed your mind on its direction 3/4 of the way through and wandered off. I really enjoyed Mike's issues as he desperately tried to juggle all of these crazy women chasing after him; unfortunately, the hard left turn into a solid relationship with Michelle was dissatisfying and made the previous 17 pages of build up feel extraneous. Likewise, Courtney the evil ex was just kind of... there, Nikki didn't get half the development she deserved, and so on. The time skip and summary for the ending felt rushed and lazy.

The writing was enjoyable, and I don't regret the time spent reading, I just wish you'd continued on the original vein. That said, I'll probably pass on the darker and edgier sequel you're hinting at.

dwoelfledwoelfleover 3 years ago

Definitely a weird ride. Worth it.

GrillytillyGrillytillyover 3 years agoAuthor

Hello GingerCat1,

Thank you for your feedback. I try really hard to accept even negative responses to stories as it ultimately helps me as a writer.

However, I really feel that I have to go ahead and point this out to you. As a writer I have to write what I know and I have difficulty writing what I do not know.

So many of my main characters are orphans coming out of state's custody because that is what I know from my own personal life. Many of my characters, if they have parents, have abusive parents because that is where I come from.

The program in my story of the state telling all the boys that they are basically rapists is not fiction. I don't know if every state has that but in the one that had custody over me that was what they put us through. It's a real program and they really taught us that. My real father actually was a rapist (along with murderer and other nasty things) so the message of the program really struck home to me really hard as I had a very strong desire to not ever be like my father.

As an adult I worked for the police department. I saw first had many times when a cop would go nuts on a restrained suspect and I saw first hand what would happen to anyone who would speak out against that behavior. So usually the cops in my stories are bad guys.

One of my jobs when I worked for the police department was to do follow up and make sure that men going through divorce court would actually attend anger management classes because if they didn't we would go collect them and bring them to jail. My depiction of anger management classes is based on my real life experience with it.

I don't know what world view you have and whatever it is I'm not attacking it. As a writer all I can do is show you what my world view is and on a site like Literotica of all places I hope I can be honest to what I know. I call these things out not because I want life to continue that way but rather to bring attention to it so that maybe we can get it to stop. There's pain there and pain demands an outlet for expression.

The fact of the matter is, the US has too much racism still and it sickens me. The fact of the matter is there are bad men out there who abuse women and it sickens me. The fact of the matter is that there is a concerted effort to get all men labeled as rapists, even boys as young as ten and it sickens me. The fact of the matter is that there are cops, judges, and politicians out there who abuse their office and no one stops them. The fact of the matter is, there are crazy extremist racists still embedded deep in both of the two big political parties but there isn't enough decency among the other members to kick them out. If a republican is a racist and people find out then everyone is super happy to point it out as it should be. If a democrat is a racist then everyone wants to make excuses, point fingers saying republicans are worse, or just flat out deny their racism.

I do not live in the US anymore. I do not have any faith in the US government or the good will of the people of the US. Seriously how is antifa different from the KKK or Hitler's brown shirts? I write stories as part of my own emotional journey to deal with these things that I've been through because I have no one to talk to about it.

If our world views clash and that means you don't like my stories then I can accept that. You like what you like and I write what I write. However, if you're trying to say that what I write is somehow invalid because it comes from a place outside of your experience then I have to tell you that your criticism is off base. I challenge you to read the story again while keeping in mind that the program of educating boys that way is NOT made up.

Oh, and on a final point, my actual real life social worker when I was growing up was named Stephanie, though in real life I never had sex with her.




please write more on this it cant stop here

GingerCat1GingerCat1over 3 years ago

You have a history of some pretty backwards views on gender (thinking of the story "Sisters Roommate" and I saw your story here, deciding to give you another go, see if you had improved and then on the first page I saw this passage


To counter that the state had a program of constantly trying to educate the boys about sex and proper behavior towards women. Don't cat call women, it is sexual harassment. Don't claim a woman was his girlfriend, that was sexual enslavement. Don't engage in any unwanted physical contact such as holding hands because that was sexual assault. Don't ask for her number. Don't ask for a date. Don't ask for her socials (whatever those were). Don't, don't, don't. And the biggest don't of all was no kissing. That could get you charged with rape so basically, don't even look in a woman's direction unless you want to go to jail.


and I see your views have not improved much at all. You are writing it in a way where "cat calling" is completely unreasonable and just some sort of leftist plot to lower the status of men, and then put in the idea that there are a lot of feminists out there who claim that if a woman is labeled as a girlfriend then they are enslaved, something that does not happen but I am sure in your mind is quite common.

It is a shame as you are a good writer in the sense that the stories are technically good, but your views on gender which coarse through your stories basically ruin them.

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