Thank You Jeannie Ch. 11-13


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Clueless about what I should do next, I tried to at least appear calm. I stood there, my back to the girls. My mind was racing faster than my thundering heart. Karen saved me.

"If you want to check out our bodies, you're going to have to turn around Lewis."


Trying to smile, I turned. Because I'd rotated to my left, my first glimpse was of Sue. She was beaming a 'you little devil' grin at me. As much as I was dying to see Karen's body, my male programming forced my eyes to give Sue a good once over. Standing in knee-high water, her pussy showed signs of puffing up. Sue's nipples stood fully erect, I have no idea whether it was from the cool water or our sexual daring.

My 180-degree turn completed, I sought Karen's eyes. I found them waiting for me. We smiled at each other, then lowered our eyes. Sweet Jesus, my cousin had a body to die for. How utterly amazing is it that every woman has two breasts, yet each pair seems somehow unique. Karen's would almost fill my hands. Rounded underneath, they stood out proudly, her thick, tender looking nipples seemed to point up at my mouth invitingly. Magnificent!

Her abdominal muscles were clearly defined. Following their gentle slope downward to her light brown pubic hair caused me to swallow, with difficulty. Her fur was sparse enough that I easily saw the top of her slit. I stared between her legs for longer than I would've done consciously. Karen had kept her long legs pressed together. As I watched, she hesitantly shifted her weight, then moved her right foot to the side until I could fully view her pussy.

Both acknowledging my thoughts and her bravery, I spoke softly. "You couldn't be any more beautiful..." Glancing Sue's way, I sincerely added, "And you dear sister have a body any man would kill for." I felt horny enough at that moment to battle dragons for either wench.

Guess I was so aware of the girl's bodies, I'd forgotten about my own. Karen's voice broke through my reverie. "I don't think THAT happened the last time we went wading, Lewis."

My mental agility at that moment left much to be desired. It took a few moments before it sunk in that both girls had silly grins and were staring at my mid-section. A serious erection was bobbing in front of me. It really wasn't until I looked at my angry penis that I fully felt my intense arousal. If I though I could, I'd have dragged the girls to shore, then taken them both, twice.

My eyes moved back to Karen's delectable breasts. "Well, the last time we went wading, you didn't have THOSE!" My comeback had both girls in stitches, I loved the way laughing made their breasts jiggle! My eyes couldn't decide whether to look high of low, so they kept doing both.

Karen again saved me from myself. "You have a very fine body, Lewis. And I'm not going to pretend, I really enjoy looking at you." Minutes passed while we ogled one another while pretending not to. The girls even casually checked each other out, I caught the faint surprise on Karen's face when she realized Sue had shaved her pussy.

The closest I came to jumping my cousin was when she turned, then leaned over to dredge up a large round rock her toes had found. Maybe it was slippery, maybe she meant to torture me; she bent from the waist to pick it up, then remained in that position for far longer than seemed necessary. Karen was aroused, her pink entrance had opened a bit and was moist. From only four feet away, her pussy drew my eye like a lone neon light in dark room. Oh dear God I wanted her! My hips automatically pointed my bouncing erection straight at her vagina.

I don't know what would've happened if Mother nature hadn't intervened. Karen and I both saw it at nearly the same instant. Barely three feet to her left, a freakin' huge, snapping turtle's head rose up out of the cloudy brown water. That mother's head was bigger around than my fist.

Karen shrieked!! We three nearly walked on water in our haste to reach the shore. A snapper that size can put some serious hurt on ya. Fits of hysterical laughter wracked us for several minutes until the scare induced adrenaline and sexual tension abated.

The girls started for their clothes, but Lewis Mark II talked them into being nudists until we got near the house. The entire property was surrounded by tree farms, we had the woods to ourselves. A deal was struck: if I'd carry all the clothes, we'd walk a while longer, and they'd remain in the buff. If I'd had no arms, I'd have figured a way to carry those clothes!

Clothes in hand, we strolled for over an hour.

They caught on that I'd drop back occasionally so I could watch their undulating backsides. What a sight! The erection I'd lost when the snapper scared the daylights out of me returned with a vengeance. They made me take turns walking ahead of them thereafter. Ahhhh, what's good for the gander is good for the geese. So, we all got to do some butt watching. The refrain from The Wizard of Oz kept running through my head... "Lions and Tigers and Butts, Oh My! Lions and Tigers and Butts, Oh My!"

It was certainly easy to check each other for ticks before we dressed near the edge of the woods. Both girls accused me of trying to do too thorough a job. I cheerfully reminded Karen that ticks gravitated to hairy places to help them hide. "You need to get very close, especially to find the tiny wood ticks." I got a sharp, but playful punch on my arm as I tried to kneel inches from Karen's sexy bush.

"I think you've seen enough for one day, clown!" The poke got my eyes off Karen's beaver and back to her impish face. "Besides, you need to work on taming THAT thing. I don't think any of us wants to explain why you're walking into the house with a boner."

I was still royally excited when we reached the back door. I had to walk in with my left hand in my pocket, and my hard on carefully nestled under my palm so it wasn't obvious at a glance.

The entire afternoon had been better than most of the fantasies I spun for myself over the years. My Pavlovian response to seeing Sue undressed was strong enough, but seeing a matured Karen naked had tapped into potent daydreams I'd accumulated since we'd spent time together as young teens.

About three minutes after I got to my room I was undressed, on my back, body limp, panting, covered with droplets, both physically and emotionally drained.

Chapter 13 - A Touching Moment

Sleepy eyes looked where the clock should be. Where were the red numerals that would tell her what time it was? Groggy, Sue's brain struggled to orient itself. Her eyes searched the darkness until jumbo green lights to her left announced it was 12:07A. She'd only gone to bed twenty minutes ago. So where was she, and why was she awake?

Karen's room! She was in Karen's room, sharing Karen's queen-size bed. Oh yeah.

The bed was gently shaking. There was a faint sexual aroma in the air. Soft illumination from the clock radio was sufficient to silhouette Karen. Enough light to see she'd lowered her light blanket so she could masturbate. Karen had felt horny out of her mind all afternoon, her body demanded relief.

Undoing one snap on her unfashionable, thin, cotton pajamas cleared the way for Sue's hand to steal between her own legs. Just as her middle finger slid into the developing wetness between her puffy lips, Sue's mind dredged up a memory from years earlier. This wasn't the first time she'd seen Karen play with herself.

Karen had been staying at Sue's house. Lewis had gone to a basketball game with friends. It being a girl's night, they'd drifted into boy talk. Being lifelong confidants, the conversation had grown increasingly more explicit regarding what excited them. Fantasies were shared, along with secret wants and desires. They'd pushed each other's buttons so well that they both badly needed relief.

Stemming from their desire for release, combined with a youthful curiosity, they'd decided to watch each other masturbate. They'd only touched themselves, and it hadn't happened again. But as Sue lay in the near-darkness, recollections swirled in her head, dove-tailing with images from that afternoon.

Many of the girls Sue knew well from her teams had hinted they sometimes fooled around with girls she knew. A few times she'd been invited to spend a night with a girlfriend when she suspected more than talking might be on the agenda. More than once Sue had been curious to know what it would feel like to make out with another girl, but fear had always won out over curiosity.

After a while no more invitations came. As her dating drought had lingered on and on, she'd occasionally regretted not taking the chance to at least have someone, anyone, touch her body. Lewis had asked her during the drive here "Did she want kids someday?". He was right, he understood, her brother couldn't be the only lover she'd ever have. In fact, wouldn't she insist on trying sex with other people? She loved Lewis... before she could stop the thought from gelling, it barged into her brain... like a brother.

Sex with Lewis was heavenly, he was a wonderful lover, but they both had to find other lovers someday. Things change, no matter how hard you fight it, things change. Someday soon she and Karen would spend their last night together. Before long, life would set them on diverging paths. Rolling on her side so she faced towards Karen, Sue found the courage to softly speak.

"Karen." Sue felt the bed stop moving. "Karen, I feel so horny I could scream. I've never... Every since that time we watched each other I've wondered... Could I... Would you like me to help you?" Sue felt like years were passing, yet the clock still glowed 12:09A, just as it had when she'd asked.

A slight rustling told Sue something was happening. Karen's hand groped until it clutched Sue's. Karen gently pulled the captive hand onto her soaked pussy, her deep sigh assured Sue her moving fingers were more than a little welcome. Sue was stunned. Pubic hair aside, she knew logically that her body and Karen's were constructed the same, yet Sue felt she'd discovered an entire new world. It seemed totally different than touching herself.

Avidly, she explored between her cousin's legs. Sue was terribly aware of the sexual tension Karen must be feeling if her own body was any gauge. Her fingertips spread the moisture they found to every part of Karen's slit, then teased the area around her swollen clit.

Undoing the three large buttons fastening her top, Karen pulled the flaps back, exposing her own breasts. After kneading both baby soft mounds, Karen lightly pinched, then rolled her engorged nipples.

Watching Karen in the green glow from the nearby clock, Sue moved until she was plastered against the side of her cousin's undulating body. Karen's tummy rolled like a belly dancer's, she was unmistakably responding to Sue massaging her pussy. Karen's hips moved with a feline sensuousness as they imitated the motions of intercourse. Knowing the time was right, Sue worked her hand lower. After the briefest hesitation, Sue banished her final reservations; her middle finger wormed its way into Karen amazingly warm body.

A deep moan from Karen confirmed Sue's probing digit was a source of delight. Sue discovered she enjoyed the innumerable sensations her fingertips recorded. Certainly the warmth and moistness were familiar, it was similar to being inside her own pussy. Yet she was inside another human being, she was helping her lifelong companion with her quest for an orgasm. A special moment that no one else would ever know about was being created before her eyes.

Raising herself onto her left elbow, Sue lowered her mouth to Karen's swollen right nipple. As Karen grasped Sue's intention, she moved her right hand from her nipple, clearing the way for Sue's soft lips. "Oh, yes." Karen moaned as she felt her nipple being suckled for the first time in her life. "Oh, yes."

Sue felt Karen's fingers running through her silky hair, working their way behind her head, exerting just enough pressure to confirm Karen loved the feeling of her mouth sucking on the aroused nipple. Amazing how one bit of skin can feel so different from another. The texture of the engorged nipple, as her tongue repeatedly glided over it, excited Sue tremendously.

The finger inside Karen seemed to detect the slightest detail. Sue couldn't recall noticing nearly so much when she explored her own vagina. Sensing Karen's need for release, Sue worked a second, then third finger into the now grasping pussy. Tightening her fingers into a small phallus, she allowed Karen's rocking hips to control the speed and depth of penetration.

Sue positively knew that the sexual sounds she was hearing, wet flesh rubbing wet flesh, had to be the same as those she made when masturbating, yet her untouched pussy was drooling, convulsing sympathetically, her arousal was soaring.

Expanding her focus, Sue laved the entire areola until Karen was nearly thrashing. Gradually, Sue switched to kissing the entire breast. The kisses moved to Karen's upper chest. Karen's hand behind Sue's head had gone limp while being suckled, sliding onto the nape of Sue's neck.

A trail of nibbles, licks and kisses delighted Karen's throat. Karen's hand came back to life, gripping Sue's head, it guided Sue's mouth to Karen's lips seconds before Sue could ask if Karen would like to be kissed. Karen lay back, her mouth opened, praying Sue would accept the invitation. Two moist female tongues touched inside Karen's mouth for the first time, both expressed their joy at meeting the other. They slid, twirled, danced, and reveled. The divine sensations created by their coupling soon provoked far heavier breathing from both young women.

Karen was ablaze. Never had she known such passion. Utterly shocking Sue, Karen made a twisting motion that pushed Sue onto her back. Karen thrust her tongue into Sue's mouth, fervently continuing their erotic kissing. Her hands grabbed Sue's top, then shoved it as far up as possible, she mashed their breasts together. Reaching between their churning bodies, Karen slid her hand down to Sue's pussy. Smoothly, her middle finger dove into Sue's slippery gash. Twirling, it moved from side to side, creeping lower and lower. Reaching the bottom of Sue's cleft, Karen slid her middle finger into a pussy that was eager for any insertion.

Karen's penetration felt so incredible that Sue initially went limp, even her lungs couldn't retain onto the air they'd held; an ecstasy induced sigh drained from Sue into Karen's open mouth. Karen was free to be the aggressor while Sue recovered from her glorious shock. Sucking at Sue's lips, Karen breathed lust laden words into Sue's mouth. "Come with me. I'm nearly there, come with me." Karen pushed her tongue deep into Sue's mouth, sharing her heated breathe.

Fighting to keep her fingers inside her lover, Sue pressed back at Karen moments later. The pair jostled until they'd found a position on their sides, with their upper legs raised, where each had maximum access to the other's pussy. While fingers probed, the heals of their palms massaged their excited clitoral areas. While their tongues fenced, their hands settled into a lockstep, their movements fell into sync. Like halves of a single organism, each felt what the other felt, together they raced for the edge. Their excitement reached a fevered pitch, their fingers flew to strum their partner's clit.

Karen was the first to fall, it was the first time she'd ever reached orgasm via another's touch. As her body launched itself into the abyss, she moaned steadily into Sue's mouth. Karen's excitement flowed into Sue's body, it was far more than she could manage. Sue enjoyed a climax as powerful as any she'd ever known. The excitement of experimentation, of something and someone new fueled their fires.

Unable to continue French kissing as they fought for air, each girl kissed around her lover's mouth or face as best she could between gulping for air and her spasming muscles. Fondling of genitals continued long enough for smaller releases to follow their initial shared gut-wrenching orgasm. Soft, sweet kissing continued long after their pussies became too sensitive for further stimulation.

To be continued with: Chapter 14 - Turning on the Lamp


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Thanks for all the Best votes for the earlier chapters, and the many wonderful e-mails. They were certainly appreciated. If there was something you liked, or didn't, I always enjoy hearing from readers. I've done my best to reply to all those that supplied a return e-mail address. Wm_Sexspear

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Another winner !!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I loved these chapters. However, in Chapters 1 thru 6, Lewis "had never seen a girl's privates" until he and his sister became intimate. Here there was the skinny dipping when he was 11. Although he and Karen were the same age per other chapters, and Sue was slightly older, he still had seen naked girls before. Didn't ruin the story, but it seems to be a contradiction. Person making the comment about the makeup is correct to some degree, is way over playing the fact about theatre makeup and street makeup being different. It doesn't mean that Karen can't be good at both. Also, where is these overly religious parents of Sue and Lewis? You would think that they would be somewhat suspicious of young people acting on sexual urges.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The word "it's" means "it is" or "it has".

The word "its" is the form that is possessive.

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago


LonesomesoulLonesomesoulabout 7 years ago
Again - the BEST

Only the best, as usual! Your stories have that "extra" something that keeps me

coming back !!

Rapier875Rapier875over 8 years ago
HOT barely describes this story !

Just amazing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
So real

Wow, you,re characters are so real I almost think u r talking from experience! I get sick of unbelievable stories and brash characters. This is so natural and flows so well, the whole story has developed well, although I do think sue wd b a little jealous, it's just how girls are... Thanks for these lovely stories. Wish I had a brother like Lewis...

puncturepuncturealmost 12 years ago

Love this story. Keep going

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Good on all counts

Super job developing Karen's character. It shows everyone maturing and discovering their inner beauty. The lesbian sex with Karen and Sue was very well done. Please continue this affair between youth discovering themselves.

BfreetorunBfreetorunabout 13 years ago
I disagree, the makeup part added to the story...

But I am not wanting to start an argument over a minor detail in a very good story. If you like brother/sister incest, this story is for you. I am sure Karen will become involved with both.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Good, but...

The story is good, but really lost points when you focused on the makeover stuff. As anyone who has ever had to do theatre makeup can tell you, it's nothing like regular makeup application. They don't even use the same type of makeup. Being good at regular makeup application wouldn't mean a thing in the theatre. It really yanked me out of the story. Sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Wonderfully erotic stories

I've been reading your stories for some time now, and have almost finished all of them. I see you've made no submissions since 2002. Will there be more in the future? I surely hope so.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
great story

would love to see you contiue, i'm on the edge of my seat.

raycatraycatover 19 years ago
The Jeannie strikes again

This episode, with Sue and Karen getting it on together is so hot. A sexual threesome in the near future is inevitable. I can hardly wait for it to happen.

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