That's The Way It Is


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Sean had suggested to Susan that they go out on the beach. So, they grabbed a couple of beach towels, slipped out the door, and walked a short way before Sean took her by the hand an led her behind a dune. The air was calm and they were out of sight from anyone walking on the beach. He pulled her to him and kissed her gently.

She didn't resist and soon they were in the middle of a passionate kiss. His hands began to roam and she drifted into her sexual dream world. Her blouse was unbuttoned exposing her breast. She had taken her bra off earlier in order to better enjoy the dancing and the stimulation she felt through her thin blouse.

They spread the beach towels and lay down next to each other. It wasn't long before she felt his hand slide under the elastic of her bikini briefs and contact her very wet pussy. She stifled the scream of utter ecstasy as she felt his finger and then fingers entered her. She was doing what she loved to do and any thoughts of Mel and their marriage were in another world. She was about to be satisfied with a new cock and the anticipation was driving her crazy. She loved it.

Sean stopped for a moment and she realized he was putting a condom on. In just a moment his cock was seeking entrance which she gave freely. So erotic were the feelings welling up in her that in just a few minutes she had an orgasm. This triggered Sean and moments later he filled the condom with his seed.

He kissed her and when his cock fell out, he pulled the condom off, dug a little hole in the sand, and buried it.

As he lay back down, she reached down and grabbed his flaccid cock and started to slowly stroke it. There was only some of his semen left around the head and she quickly wiped it clean between her breasts.

As they broke a kiss she asked him, "How long does it take this to recharge?" giving his cock a little squeeze.

He chuckled and replied, "It all depends on how the recharging is administered."

As she slid down and took his cock in her mouth she asked, "How long when it's done like this?"

He grunted, "Not very damned long at all. But I don't have another condom."

She pulled his cock from her throat and mouth and said, "If you're clean then we won't need one."

She sucked him to hardness and then he slipped his cock into her waiting pussy and fucked her until he filled her with his sperm.

She hadn't had sex like this since before she married Mel. No, Sean wasn't all that good or extra special. There is just something magic in having a stranger in you. She was ready to make up for lost time and go for yet another round.

Sean stopped her saying that they needed to get back or else his wife would come looking for him and she knew where this dune was.

His comment and mention of his wife jolted her back to reality. No, she didn't feel guilty, but she did feel sorry.

Mel had just shifted his position so that he could see his watch. A little after one o'clock. Another half hour and he could get Susan and call it a night. While sitting there all sorts of things had raced through his mind, even a picture of all five men, including Jack, taking his wife at once. He had lost his dinner long ago and there was nothing more to give.

Then he saw them. A man and a woman approaching the condo from the beach. They were holding hands and they stopped at the edge of the veranda, where he had left his shoes with the others. He couldn't hear very well with the roar of the surf, but he could make out the woman saying, "Just a moment Sean. I need to straighten myself up a little." After wiggling and shuffling around for a moment she said, "Do you have my panties?"

He said something about keeping them and she wouldn't let him. He pulled them out of his pocket and she steadied herself with one hand on him as she slipped them on. They put their shoes on and walked across the veranda.

Mel died. As they reached the door, he could see in the light that it was Susan and some guy, Sean to be exact. He hadn't recognized her voice with the roar of the surf and the wind. Now it hit him that the heels he had seen, when he left, were Susan's. She had been with that asshole for well over an hour; really closer to two hours.

That was it. He put his shoes and socks on, went into the condo and found Susan talking very seriously to Jackie.

Susan was very disturbed on the one hand when she returned and couldn't see Mel. On the other hand she was relieved because Mel had not seen her leave with Sean quite a while ago and had just now returned. Still, not seeing Mel around was disturbing. She quickly found Jackie and learned that she hadn't seen him since he broke off the dance with her. Jackie told her what had happened and just as she was suggesting that they should look for him, Mel walked in the door.

Susan lit up and ran into his arms as soon as she saw him. She tried to kiss him but he was holding her off telling her he couldn't take any more and it was time to go. She was feeling bad enough knowing that Mel had not participated in the activities and even worse knowing what she had done. She said her goodbye's and went for her purse. Mel didn't say goodbye to anyone, he headed for the car.

As she ran out the door behind Mel, Jackie called, "See you next week?"

"I hope so."

Jack, knowing what was going on, rushed out and caught up to Mel just as he reached his car.

Grabbing the car door before Mel could close it, "Mel! Wait a minute. We've been friends for a long time. Let's talk. I know you are upset, but I know we can set things straight.

"You son of a bitch. You don't know a fucking thing about friendship. All you know about is fucking and that includes the people you call friends. Get your filthy fucking hands off my door before I break your fingers and don't you ever use the word 'friend' again in my presence."

About then Susan arrived and Mel told her to get her ass in the car right now. He yanked the door out of Jack's hand and stepped on the accelerator before Susan was fully seated or the door closed. The door caught Susan just above the ankle causing her to cry out in pain. She got her leg in and the door shut before anything else could happen. Her leg hurt and she was going to have an ugly bruise for a while. Looking at Mel and seeing the rage burning in his eyes she knew it was best to be quiet.

Most of the drive home was done in silence, each with his own thoughts. Susan kept looking at him and was feeling very bad about what she was seeing. The driver was not at all like her wonderful husband. He had a terrible look in his eyes and she could see little rivulets of tears drop down his cheek from time-to-time.

By now, Susan was feeling total remorse for what had happened. But she also knew that she wanted more. The troublesome part was that she had enjoyed Sean. And worse she could not see how any amount of love was going to quench her need for variety and lots of sex. She finally resolved that she would just have to make it up very specially to her dear husband as soon as they got home.

When they got home she told him to give her a minute and she would be right back. She reached for a kiss but he ducked her and sat down in the living room.

Very troubled, Susan went to the bathroom and douched and then changed into his favorite night gown. She went to the living room and instead of his eyes lighting up like they always had, he just stared at her.

"Honey, we're home now. The party is done and it's time for me to show you how much I love you. Let's go to bed."

In almost a monotone, "You make a cuckold out of me and then you want me to come to bed with you and take seconds or thirds or fourths or whatever is left after Sean and the others are through. How sweet! You don't need me tonight and I definitely don't want you. Go sleep by yourself, I'll sleep here."

Her knees buckled as the tears poured out. How had he known about Sean? She was seeing her marriage collapse around her. Exclaiming she was sorry she made her tearful way to bed.

Neither of them slept that night. By noon they both emerged in the kitchen and after a little talk they both apologized for their actions. The sticking point came when Susan mentioned the party next week. She suggested that she would spare him the agony of having to go and she would go alone.

He exploded. "Damn it Susan, I am a cuckold whether I go or stay and you are being a slut whether I go or stay. So let's get one thing straight right now. I AM NOT GOING TO BE A CUCKOLD FOR YOU OR FOR ANYONE ELSE. Do you hear what I am saying? Said another way, we are not going to another damned fuck party no matter what it is called."

Susan reeled under the shock of his outburst and what he had just said. There was a temptation to argue her point. After a moment she smiled and said, "I'm sorry honey. We won't go and I'll try to make up for my behavior. I love you, I really do. We'll work things out. (She really meant it)

He looked at her for a moment and then a little smile came forth and he said, "You know, I haven't had a kiss in a while."

She flew into his arms and planted one hot sloppy kiss on him. With that they went to the bedroom together and got undressed.

However, everything was not as expected. Susan worked to get him hard several times. But every time, just as he was about to enter her, his cock would suddenly go limp.

Every time Mel started to enter her, a flash of Susan under some other man would race through his subconscious thought and he would loose his arousal immediately. He told her what was happening and after numerous tries they gave it up and slept until supper time.

Susan grasped the damage she had done very quickly. Of course, he had no idea of what really happened and it wouldn't help anything if she explained it to him. What she had actually done would only, at the best, exchange one bad image for another in her wonderful husband's head.

The same scenario happened every night during the next week and neither received any sexual gratification. Susan was trying to think or devise any plan that would change her need (or at least perceived need) for variety and quantity in her sex life.

With their talking, Mel could see that Susan was not moving one bit. She was still mesmerized with her thoughts about her sexual needs. She flat refused to consider counseling stating that her condition was physical, not mental. She continued to plead with him to give the swinging route one more try but this time join in.

He couldn't take it anymore and had made a decision. After supper on Thursday night he told her that they could go to the party on Saturday. She was overjoyed and again tried everything she knew to rekindle their lovemaking – lovemaking that had always been so exquisite and wonderful - until last week. She had ruined what had always been wonderful and she hoped it wasn't for long. She loved this man and wanted to show him. In addition it was not helping her to rationally think about other possible releases to meet her needs.

* * * * * *

Saturday night Susan was aglow as she prepared for the party Maybe, just maybe things were going to turn around. She took extra care to see that she looked as attractive as ever and yet was careful not to look like a slut on the prowl. Mel's remark last week had hit its mark and she didn't want to give him an opportunity to indicate she was looking to get fucked; even though she was.

As the time to leave drew near, she could see that Mel was not himself but she admired him for swallowing hard and giving it a try. She knew that this was extremely difficult for him and she was going to see to his needs too at the party. He deserved her attention at the party as well as anywhere else.

When it was time he softly asked if she was ready. She responded that she was and going to him she gave him a kiss and thanked him. She kicked herself when the thought went through her head that after their disastrous lovemaking attempt this week, a good fucking was going to feel very good.

On the drive, about ten minutes before they would arrive, Mel looked at her and asked, "Would you see if you might be able to get a response out of junior? I'm going to be very embarrassed if he won't perform."

She laughed out loud and asked, "Are you wanting me to give you a blow job? Right now?"

He simply grinned.

She was a little reluctant. They were in public and someone might see. But, it was getting dark and she certainly needed to help him in any way she could. She unbuckled her seatbelt and lay down on the seat, unzipping his fly and retrieving his wonderful cock. To give her better access, he unbuckled his seat belt too.

A short distance after she took his cock in her mouth, she felt Mel make a turn and asked what he was doing. He said he was using a back street to give a little more time. She smiled to herself and was getting excited because junior seemed to be fully responding for the first time in a week.

The only thing that could upset his plan now was for the plant yard to have personnel still there. There shouldn't be at this hour. As he went down the street he could see the gate was closed and chained. The only people were four guys who were just coming out of the bar he was approaching, a good block from the plant.

All of a sudden Mel rammed the accelerator all the way to the floor and the car lurched forward. In a panic Susan tried to raise her head but bumped into the steering wheel. By the time she could see out, she could only see a chain link fence, a gate, and a large tank centered in the windshield.

The car bucked as it crashed the chain link fence and Mel yelled out, "I love you Susan. I'm sorry."

Now she realized what was happening and she let out a scream, "Oh MEL, NO-o-o-o." The scream was lost and ended with a horrible roar as the propane storage tank exploded and a fireball consumed the car and rolled skyward.

* * * * * *

A passerby standing next to the fire captain said that he heard that the driver intentionally drove into the tank.

The captain watched his men working and replied, "That seems to be the story as gathered from four eye witnesses."

"What do you suppose would cause someone to do that?"

"I've been in this business a long time. There are some things you just never know. (pause) But, That's the way it is."

* * * * * *


Unfortunately, though Mel and Susan's death ended a very difficult situation, there are those who are also touched by the tragedy. Naturally, their parents were hit the hardest. But so are friends.

Jack and Jackie were greeting two of their guest. As they were about to usher them in, a huge fire ball arose from not too far away. A moment later the sound wave of the blast hit; compressing the air and putting pressure on the chest. It rattled windows and caused a potted plant to fall off the railing.

Jack noted that the blast wasn't too far off and speculated that it was near the warehouse district about a mile and a half away.

About an hour later Jackie, being concerned that Mel and Susan hadn't shown up, called their home number. She only got the answering machine. She tried both Mel's and Susan's cell phones and with both numbers received the automated message that they were either out of range or not turned on. She tried two more times with the same results. She was worried but didn't know what else to do.

The eleven o'clock news was full of the explosion story. Everyone in the condo stopped to listen. Apparently a car had been deliberately driven into one of the FlexoGas storage tanks. There were no details regarding the occupant of the car however one witness was sure he saw a second head about the time the car went through the fence. Never-the-less, speculation was that it had been a disgruntled employee.

Before going to bed Jackie tried the phones again with the same results. She was concerned enough that she insisted that Jack drive them over to their house. It was three thirty in the morning. They could see that Susan's car was in the garage, but that is all they could determine. No one was at home.

Jackie became more alarmed as the morning news confirmed that there had indeed been two occupants in the car which was a late model blue Lexus. Due to th nature of the accident, the examiners were not able at this time to even state the gender of the two occupants. Obviously, no identifications had been made. Mel owned a late model Lexus. She called upstairs to Jack and he confirmed that it was blue.

She had that very uneasy feeling that the occupants were here missing friends. She called the police department and told them what she knew. They thanked her and indicated that her information might be a great help. She also informed them how to reach their parents if her fears were confirmed.

Sunday evening she received a tearful call from Susan's mother. It was confirmed that Susan was one of the occupants. At this point they could only assume the other was Mel but they had not been able to positively identify the remains of the second occupant but they had determined it was male.

Jackie hung up the phone and cried. She became very upset when the evening news stated that according to the evidence and the account of some (they didn't say how many) of the witnesses the car had been deliberately driven into the tank. They tagged it a murder/suicide.

She called the news service and read the newscaster off in no uncertain language. Jack tried to calm her and reason with her. Why had the car sped up as it approached the tank? What would Mel and Susan be doing on that street? They couldn't answer the questions. Jack was feeling that the evidence indicated an intentional act. Jackie was determined not to give up on her friends. He, she, they were not capable of such a horrible act.

The Monday morning news confirmed the identities of the two victims. However, the news did not tag it again as a murder/suicide. But they were still determined to call it an intentional act.

It was settled that night when Jack came home and brought the mail in. There was a letter addressed (hand written) to them bearing a return address label from Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Stapp (Mel and Susan). He opened the letter and they read a one line message that left a scar for years to come:

Dear Jack and Jackie:

Friends don't kill friends.


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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal1969about 2 months ago

There's scorched earth and then there's SCORCHED EARTH.

Someone had to write an extreme outcome like that and keep readers guessing. Well done.

Karn9Karn93 months ago

Wow good story however a very troubling ending. 3*

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Double-dumb. Women with hypersexuality disorder are treated with therapy, sublimation coaching, and pharmaceuticals. It's a mental disorder like being a cuck. What's it with women who buckle, collapse, fall over and pass out so easily? Possum anyone?

RuttweilerRuttweiler6 months ago
Poor Mel. If only he had been able to…

…look at the way the World is and figure out the best way to live and work in it. Instead, he lied to himself that he could change Susan’s nature. He never should have married her in the first place. We already read in the beginning that he knew it. So to tell himself that he could make her repress her basic sexuality, when she was open to him about herself, was stupid. To then marry her anyway, made it a marriage performed under false pretenses, and therefore an immoral, and equally stupid act.

Then, a change of circumstances, and she becomes unhappy, physically unhappy. She realizes her nature, and wants to be fair to him. She loves him, and doesn’t want to hurt him later. She offers him a choice. A choice of three outcomes. He chooses the one that allows him to continue to lie to himself and to her. She then starts to do exactly what they both agreed to, and then he murders her, along with himself, for it. And blames everyone else, BUT himself.

Anyone that believes that Mel is the victim here, is a warped and twisted individual. If this is YOU, look in the mirror. There’s another potential mass murderer.

mfj77mfj777 months ago

Unfortunately, there are many real, news stories where some idiot thinks death of a loved one is a good solution. Thus, this may be a "realistic" story but it is still a tragedy. The obvious solution was a divorce but that would be a different story. Characters were not developed enough for me to really care. And the only "scar" that Jack and Jackie would probably feel would be the loss of Susan as Mel just seemed like a dufus.

Just_WordsJust_Words9 months ago

I guess it's a sign of good writing when I want to reach out to the MC and say, "Come on, buddy, you deserve better than this."

StubbyoneStubbyone11 months ago

WTF ??

Are you high on drugs or something ?

Unfortunately your stories go from bad to worse. Your Loving Wife stories seem to follow similar themes. Wife character is horny & wants to swap, husband character doesn’t want to play at all. This one offers no redeeming value whatsoever. The sex scenes happen in two short sentences with no emotion at all ! The story reads like a newspaper report. Whew ! You really screwed the pooch on this one. I thought (hoped) your writing would get better. It didn't. Moving on to another author. 🥲

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I agree with taking her to a house in Mexico . That way She could have sex 24/7 and he might make some money

fredbrownfredbrownover 1 year ago

Hoo boy, you sure stirred up natives with this one! I can see where this could happen but hell walk away clean, she would look good in the rearview mirror ........

RubiconXRubiconXover 1 year ago

What a fucked up story. A pathetic man who is priggishly self-righteous and rigidly mired in the 1940’s somehow marries a woman who let him know IN ADVANCE that she is a nympho? Sorry, what a stupid premise. And exactly what would she find so lovable about a man like Mel who clearly does not share her value system? Again, totally stupid premise. And if he is so “christianly” how could he believe murder-suicide is better than just getting a divorce? Again, it makes zero sense. This author needs to think through his story ideas and come up with something that makes even a shred of sense. So far, he’s batting zero.

RuttweilerRuttweilerover 1 year ago
Oh, God what a screaming pile of…(insert epithet here)

Your main character is a victim of his own self-defeat. As you consistently write stories in this vein, I must wonder if there are some particular characteristics to your personality that could use a tuneup. I become uncomfortable with your main character. He seems so fragile, and beset upon. He manages to find the worst outcome in the situation. I suppose it’s a talent, but it doesn’t seem to be particularly enjoyable.

You seem to love main characters that are victims of women. That never ends well. I mean, for your life. That’ll be you, because that’s your internal script. What a sad life.

Harvey8910Harvey8910over 1 year ago

This was a great story and a shocking ending to the story. I give the story five stars. Mel should have divorced Susan and be done with her. She gave him no options. Beside this murder/suicide solution, this was his only solution. It is really a sad story and you can see that there was no good solution to the story. Mel married a nymphomaniac and he made a huge mistake. Susan was damaged goods and he just married the wrong woman. Some life choices are choices that have no easy solution. This is one of them.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesover 1 year ago

I think Mel solved his problem. Thanks for your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

OH MY FUCKING GAWD, JUST DIVORCE THE SLUT AND MOVE THE FUCK ON WITH YOUR LIFE.. SWEET JEZUS THERE ARE MORE FUCKING FISH IN THE SEA THAT ARE VERY CAPABLE OF KEEPING THEIR LEGS CLOSE. IT WAS HIS OWN DAMN FAULT FOR MARRYING A SLUT IN THE FIRST PLACE🤷🏽‍♀️. HE BROUGHT HIS CUCKOKDRY ON HIMSELF. HE KNEW SHE WAS A CUM SLUT, HE STILL MARRIED HER WHEN HE SHOULD'VE RAN.. NOBODY INTENTIONALLY MARRIES SOMEONE THEY KNOW ISN'T CAPABLE OF STAYING FAITHFUL.. THE LADY IS A SLUT.. NO AMOUNT OF LOVE WAS GOING TO STOP THAT.. SHE REFUSED TO GO SEE SOMEONE BECAUSE SHE ENJOYED SEX WITH DIFFERENT PEOPLE. HE SHOULD'VE BEEN RUNNING.. HE SHOULD'VE BEEN AFRAID SHE WOULD'VE BROUGHT HIM HOME AIDS. WHY KILL YOURSELF OVER SOMEONE SO VILE AND DISGUSTING? SHE WASN'T WORTH THE TEARS NEVER MIMD HIS DEATH.. WAS HE SO MUCH OF A WORTHLESS WIMP WITH ZERO SELF RESPECT OR SELF ESTEEM HE COULDN'T JUST GET RID OF THE SLUT IMMEDIATELY AND FIND SOMEONE ELSE?!.. THAT'S SO SAD....I honestly don't understand these stories.. I never knew depraved couples existed until I started reading these stories.. I am shocked.. I don't have any sympathy for the cuck wimp.. he married her knowing what type of wife she was going to make. Knowing he'll be cleaning her out and fucking her after her little gangbangs.. marries a crrtified gutter cum slut and is now crying cause she's living her truth😭😭😭😭😭😭😭....I hated everyone in this stupid shitty story.😭😭😭😭😭.. maybe it's a good thing the cuck killed himself and the slut.. they mightve been spreading AIDS.. I hate stories where the man can't move on. He whines, cries and throw pity parties instead of just getting rid of the toxic sluts before they bring them something they can't get rid of. Why waste another second on someone who just isn't worth it.. you made a mistake marrying this person, your bad... ok, rectify that mistake by seeking a divorce ASAP. why continue the relationship? Why commit a murder/suicide? She'll probably be in hell sucking off lucifer.. I am very baffled by this cuck story... I wish I knew it was a cuck story. I would've stayed the entire fuck away from it.... I would've been more satisfied if he at least started fucking someone else. They didn't really have a REAL marriage no way.. I don't consider open marriages, wife watching, or cuck/slut relationships real🤷🏽‍♀️🤭.... they're all an abomination.. I'm going to say this one more time for the slow people in the back NO WOMAN WANTS A WEAK SPINELESS WIMP.. NO WOMAN WILL EVER RESPECT OR LOVE A MAN THAT ALLOWS OTHER'S TO FUCK THEM...WHAT THEY LOVE IS YOUR STABILITY.. THEY WILL NEVER RESPECT YOU, WHY WOULD WE? 😂😂😂😂.. YOU DON'T EVEN RESPECT YOURSELF.. I'M A BIT OF A BITCH, CAN YOU IMAGINE ME MARRYING SOMEONE LIKE THE CUCK IN THIS STORY? I WOULD'VE WALKED ALL OVER HIM🤭🤭.. MY SISTER IS THE SAME. WE HAVE STRONG PERSONALITIES, I WANT A MAN THATS NOT GONNA ALLOW ME TO DISRESPECT HIM. I DONT WANT A FUCKING YES MAN. NOW GRANTED NOT ALL WOMEN ARE LIKE ME, THERE ARE SOMW SICK WHORES OUT HERE WHO ACTUALLY WANT A CUCK/SLUT/RELATIONSHIP.. FORTUNATELY, I AM JUST NOT THAT BITCH.... I'M TRYING TO IMAGINE ME TRYING TO OPEN UP MY 18YR MARRIAGE.. I'M 1000% SURE MY HUSBAND WOULD'VE THREW MY DIRTY ASS OUT BEFORE THE WORDS EVEN LEFT MY MOUTH...I REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND COMMITTING SUICIDE OVER A CHEATER🤔😫... MAYBE IT'S CAUSE I'M A WOMAN AND MY SELF ESTEEM IS ON 100 AND NOT A -3.. OR MAYBE ITS CAUSE OF MY RELIGIOUS BELIEFS SUICIDE IS FIRST CLASS TICKET TO HELL.. BUT I WOULD RATHER SEW MY PUSSY SHUT THAN TO KILL MYSELF OVER ANYONE.. ESPECIALLY SOMEONE WHO ISN'T FUCKING WORTH IT!..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

He should have taken her to a house in Mexico . That way she would be getting all the sex she wanted and he might make a few bucks .

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