The Amateur Revival Ch. 01


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"Unfortunately, no," I answered. "Carol and I are just good friends."

Sarah smiled. "That... really... feels... good," she said between breaths. I slowed down but left my fingers where they were. "Do this to Carol and you'll have a very good friend for life," Sarah added. She was smiling now.

Sarah was going up in my estimation, but Kim called out "Ok. Stop. Everyone stand up."

Sarah and I stood. She leaned over and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "Thank you," she said.

"We're changing partners for the next exercise," Kim announced. I was paired with Maria while Carol was paired with Antonio. "Men, bend over as far as you can," Kim instructed. "Girls, I want you to play with the guy's asshole. I've got lube so you can push past the sphincter, and I've got sanitary wipes here so don't worry about any mess."

I bent over and felt Maria's fingers rubbing over my asshole. Kim stopped beside us. She told Maria, "Here's some lube. Push in and rub his prostate." I felt Maria's finger puh through my asshole. I'd never had anyone do that before. She reached my prostate and started rubbing it. That both hurt and felt incredible. I got very hard very fast. Kim called out, "Girls, all of you finger your partner's prostate. The results will impress you."

Maria pulled her finger out. "Use this and wipe his ass," I heard Kim say. Maria wiped me and then I straightened up.

Maria was cleaning her finger as I turned to face her. She looked at my erection. "That looks nice," Maria said. "May I touch it?"

"If you want to, sure," I replied. Maria put a hand over the head of my dick. She extended her fingers, so her fingertips were on my shaft. Then, she slowly drew her hand up, running all her fingertips over my dickhead. "Antonio likes me to do that," Maria said. I understood why Antonio liked it. "You have a different shape than Antonio," Maria added. I hadn't looked at Antonio's dick closely enough to notice.

"Girls," Kim called out, "your turn to bend over." Maria smiled, turned her back to me, and bent over. She had a cute asshole. I rubbed my fingers over it several times and along the insides of her hips. I didn't try to penetrate her asshole.

After a few moments, I took my hand away and Maria straightened. She turned to face me. "Why didn't you touch me like you touched Carol and LaTonya on Thursday?" she asked. Although Maria's complexion proclaimed her Central American ancestry, she had been born here and spoke with the same midwestern accent (or lack of accent in my opinion) that Carol, Kim, and I had.

"I didn't think you'd be comfortable if I did," I replied.

"I'm not 'comfortable' with any of this," Maria said. "That's why I'm here, to learn to be comfortable with new things."

"Antonio's ok with it?" I asked.

"Antonio and I have talked at length," Maria replied. "We've agreed that the rules of our relationship don't apply here. Now, would you please finger my clit?" Maria had a lush body. I happily complied with her request. I rubbed her until her breathing sped up. She gently took my arm in her hand and moved it out of contact with her. "That was nice," she said, "but I still like it better when Antonio does it." That was as it should be.

I was paired with LaTonya for the last exercise. Kim had us standing, facing each other. "I've intentionally split you up," Kim said, "so the person you're facing isn't your regular partner. I want you to imagine the person you're facing is your lover. I want you to hug and kiss passionately."

LaTonya smiled, put her arms around me, and pulled me to her. Out of a corner of my eye, I saw Derrick's arms wrapped around Carol. I put my arms around LaTonya and squeezed her nude body to mine. LaTonya was all muscle, but she still felt good. We kissed. I felt LaTonya's tongue pressing against my lips. I opened my lips and our tongues engaged each other. I moved my hands down from LaTonya's back to her ass and pulled her into me. She did the same.

LaTonya and I were about the same height. As my dick got hard again, it came up pressing against her mound. LaTonya raised up on her toes and spread her thighs slightly. My dick slid inside her. She was quite wet. We only held that position for an instant before I pulled my hips back and slid out. In unison, we whispered to each other "that was nice." LaTonya was a beautiful woman, and it was nice to be inside her for a moment. Still, I wished I was with Carol instead.

Kim let everyone hug and do whatever else they were doing for what seemed a long time. When she finally called an end, LaTonya smiled at me and said, "Derrick and I may need to park somewhere private before we get home."

Kim called out, "that's enough. Get dressed and get out of here. Tuesday night at 6:30 we're going to start on the group dance."

Carol and I dressed side by side. As usual, I walked her to her car. It was a sunny afternoon but still somewhat chill. When we reached Carol's car, she faced me and asked, "Are you doing anything this afternoon?"

"I was going to work out," I replied.

"Can that wait?" Carol asked.

Smiling, I asked "why?"

"I want you to follow me home," Carol said.

"For you, anything," I replied.

Carol smiled and got in her car. She started the engine but waited until I had gotten in my car and pulled behind her before she started driving. I knew how to get to Carol's house but followed her car dutifully.

Carol had a nice house in probably the best residential section of Cambridge. She and Tom had lived there as long as I'd known them. Carol put her car in the garage and walked out towards the front door. I parked on the slab outside the garage, got out, and followed Carol to the door. She unlocked the door, went in, and held the door for me.

Once Carol had closed her front door behind me, she slipped off her shoes. Then, she pulled her sweater over her head. She hadn't worn a bra or tee shirt. Carol's breasts dropped a bit, but I always found them enchanting. As Carol slid her slacks down her legs, she said, "anymore, I feel like I should be naked when I'm with you."

"That seems an excellent rule to follow," I said.

"A better rule is that we're both naked when we're together," Carol replied.

"I think you're right about that," I said and began undressing.

Carol and I stood in her foyer, naked, looking at each other for a moment. She stepped to me. I gathered her in with my arms. I had felt the bodies of three extremely attractive nude women that afternoon, but Carol's body against mine felt so much nicer. We kissed, for a long time. Carol finally broke our kiss, looked up at me with an expression that was both loving and lustful, and said, "I've changed my mind about waiting. I'm horny as hell. I've got to get laid and the man I want in me is you."

There is nothing to say in response to that. I just kissed Carol again. After a moment, I remembered there was a low counter in Carol's kitchen. I broke the kiss, took her hand, and started to lead her there. "What are you doing?" she asked. I just looked at her and smiled.

Fortunately, my recollection was accurate. There was a short segment of counter that was about waist high. I seated Carol on the edge of that, knelt in front of her, put a hand on each knee, and gently pushed her legs apart. Understanding what I had in mind, Carol spread her legs wider, revealing her vulva to me. It may sound odd to call a woman's genitals "beautiful", but I certainly think Carol's are.

I moved my face against her and started licking her outer lips. Since she wasn't objecting, I moved my tongue to her clit. After licking it several times, I pushed my face harder against her and sucked on it. That caused Carol to take a sharp breath. After a while, I moved my tongue farther into her, coming back to her clit regularly. I was grateful that Carol talked to me, suggesting places to try, and telling me when I was giving her the most gratification. I enjoyed going down on a woman, but it had been almost twenty years since I had. It was not that I disliked women at all. However, Erin, my ex, leaving had hurt very badly. I'd decided the way to avoid that pain again was to avoid relationships. I'd walled myself off.

I realized there was a spot in Carol's vagina that my tongue could reach that produced a strong reaction from her. I teased her, licking there a few times then moving somewhere else. About the fifth time I came back to that spot, Carol moaned "please Will!" She closed her thighs around my head, crossing her ankles on my back. I took that as my instruction to keep working where I was.

I stayed on Carol's preferred spot and gradually increased my speed and pressure. Carol started squirming around on the counter. I could feel her heart rate speeding up. She was saying something, but I couldn't make out what because her thighs covered my ears. I kept doing what I was doing and tried to increase the intensity.

After a few more moments, Carol was moaning loudly enough for me to hear. Her hips were jerking, making it tougher for me to maintain contact where I wanted to. I think I did well enough. Carol's whole body shuddered. Her heart was pounding. She moaned very loudly, and I felt some fluid coming into my mouth. A moment later, she relaxed and leaned down so the top of my head was pressed into her breasts. She held that position until her pulse had slowed some.

Carol finally sat back up and took her legs off my shoulders. I stood up and looked at her. She looked up at me, still breathing deeply. I had never before seen anything as beautiful as Carol at that moment. We looked at each other for a long time. Finally, Carol giggled and asked, "I squirted, didn't I?"

"In my mouth," I replied.

"Oh god!" Carol exclaimed.

"No, I'm glad you did," I said, "and, just so you know, I did swallow."

Carol giggled again at that. She stood up. We hugged each other for a long time. As we released each other, Carol said, "I should return the favor and suck you. But I'd much rather you come in my cunt than my mouth." Carol must have thought that put me off a bit because she quickly added, "I went back on the pill when Kim first started planning this show. I'm shameless, I know, but I was hoping for exactly this."

"I like your hopes. I hope they've been fulfilled so far," I replied. "I've never gotten a woman pregnant, but I've never met a woman remotely comparable to you."

Carol laughed. "I think we're a little old for that."

"I'll concede that," I said, "but, in return, I want a commitment that we'll still be doing this when those six performances are a distant memory."

The smile came off Carol's lips. I was sure I had just screwed up. "You're serious? You want a long-term relationship with me?" Carol said with a tone of uncertainty.

I hadn't thought of it in those exact terms until that moment, but I realized I wanted that more than anything. I had known Carol and liked her for years. I don't know if it was simply the recent frequency of our contacts or if the nudity had a role, but I had another epiphany: I loved Carol. I looked in Carol's eyes and answered her question with, "Yes, very much." We hugged again for a really long time.

When we finally let go of each other, Carol said, "I think I'm ready for round two. Come on." Instead of leading me upstairs to the bedroom, Carol led me to a sunroom on the back of the house. It was enclosed and heated, but the outer walls were clear glass down to a block foundation about knee high. We had a clear view of Carol's backyard on a sunny March afternoon.

Carol put an arm around my shoulders and started kissing me again. This time, however, her other hand was fondling my balls. As I got hard, she started stroking my dick. I put one hand on her right breast and moved my other hand between her legs. As I slid a finger into her, Carol said, "I'm looking forward to something more than a finger." We played with each other until I was hard, and she was wet. That didn't take long.

Carol grabbed a cushion from a lounge chair and tossed it on the floor. She lay on it on her back and spread her legs. Despite that compelling sight, I had a crisis of confidence. It had been almost twenty years since I'd made love. I would certainly be awkward and not particularly good. Carol must have read my mind. "It's been a long time for both of us," she said. "It doesn't have to be perfect but," she smiled, "we'll never get better if we don't practice."

I knelt on the cushion between Carol's legs. I leaned forward so I was above her, supporting my weight with my arms on either side of her. Carol leaned up and kissed me. Then, she wrapped a hand around my dick and gently guided me into her. It had been an exceedingly long time, but I don't remember anything I'd experienced before feeling as wonderful as my dick sliding into Carol Dwyer.

To call me rusty would have been giving me too much credit. I barely remembered what muscles to use. I was also afraid that I'd come much too soon. I took it very slow. As I tried to regain forgotten muscle memory, I looked down into Carol's face. Her expression was both loving and aroused, which made me feel better. She was patient and encouraging.

I'd been going for some time, trying to find with my dick the spot I'd loved with my tongue. Finally, I shifted position slightly to push my dick more into the front wall of her cunt. As I made my first thrust in that position, Carol said, "oh god, you found it Mister." Now, could I keep hitting that spot?

I think I stayed on target because Carol's hips started bucking, just a bit at first but more vigorously as I pushed harder and faster. Again, I felt Carol's pulse quicken. Her breathing sped up. Her gorgeous face flushed. She put her arms around me and pulled my torso down until I was lying on her chest. She started digging her fingers into my back.

I was enjoying Carol's reactions but didn't feel like I was anywhere close to coming myself. I won't say why, but I knew I still could.

Carol's hip motion became violent. She started moaning and sucking air. Either I was stimulating her, or she was a hell of an actress. Carol wrapped her legs around me, tight. Her hips were still pushing up and I could feel the muscles in her abs extremely tensed. In a voice much higher pitched than normal, Carol squeaked "oh god... yeees!"

I had not come so I just kept pushing. "You're... not... oh... god!" Carol said. Very slowly, I started feeling myself building towards orgasm. Carol's pulse and breathing were speeding back up. I realized she was sweating. "Oh... no...." Carol exclaimed.

My orgasm went from gradual to immediate. It was exquisite, and painfully violent. My vision went away for a moment. As it returned, Carol made a sound I'd never heard before. "Screech" will have to do but doesn't begin to capture what I heard. As she finished making the noise, Carol went limp. She was panting hard. Was she ok? I pulled out and rolled off to her side, wondering what to do next.

Carol had her eyes closed. As her breathing slowed, she opened them and looked at me. Neither of us said anything for quite a while. Finally, Carol said, "I remembered that I love sex." She rolled on her side facing me. She smiled, "I also confirmed what I suspected: I love you."

"I love you too," I said.

Carol laughed. "Hey," she said jokingly, "good sex is more basis for a relationship than a lot of people have."

"I think we have more than just the sex," I said. "Although the sex was great," I hastily added.

"I know we have a lot more," Carol replied. We kissed again.

When we finished that kiss, we both sat up on the cushion. "You know what's funny?" Carol asked.

"What?" I asked in response.

"I was already excited about doing the show," Carol answered, "but now I really want to be onstage with you, both of us naked with our arms around each other so everyone knows we're together." Carol giggled. "I'm really perverted," she said.

"Why say that?" I asked.

"What I'd really like to do is fuck you onstage with the whole town watching us. Isn't that terrible?" Carol said.

"With you," I replied, "It would be exquisite."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Fabulous writer. Very hot and very real. I can really imagine the whole story might be based on reality. Love the sex action in public aspect and look forward to some on stage in front of the audience.

spyraloutspyraloutalmost 3 years ago

Really enjoyed it! 5 stars from me. I love it when actors/actresses engage in sexual activity for the sake of a play / to convey the directors vision. I can't wait to read more about the script. I hope you go into detail on the updated skits and that the cast is pushed to do things beyond their comfort zones. Pushing boundaries is always the most erotic to read about. Perhaps Kim will have to get involved as well?

Thanks for the great story - looking forward to more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great writer! I’ve read everything of yours until this…. Loyal reader here but this one seems to have been done before. But continue on!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I have read all of your other stories and glad to see this new one. Great job! All of us will be watching for the next parts of this one, for sure!

GramboGramboalmost 3 years ago

HStoner, you’ve been gone long enough. Your return is most welcome! You are a talented writer and I look forward to seeing more chapters on this and other new pieces.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

H Stoner is one of the best authors on this site, if not the best. Congratulations on another great story!

TonyMA70TonyMA70almost 3 years ago

Great start, can't wait for part two.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Good to see you back! You are one of the better writers in this forum. Thank you.

G5902G5902almost 3 years ago

Fantastic story! I am looking forward to the future chapters!!!

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