The Amazing Randy Pumps the Brakes


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"I'm fine, I guess. How about you?" asked the hypnotist.

"I'm better now," she said. "I can't believe it's you. What's brought you back to the X-Cut? Are you on your way to that club in Portland? What's it called?"

"Harry's," said Randy, "and, no, this is my "off" season. I came to see you, Amy. I have something I'd like to talk about with you."

"Sure, Randy."

"Amy, what do you remember about the last time we were together?" asked the smiling hypnotist.

"Randy, I remember everything, from the moment I recognized you at the bar until the next morning when I kissed you in the driveway and you drove off. I don't know why, but even after a couple few years I held on to what you said. You promised me that you'd come back and here you are."

"You remember my ability, don't you?"

"How could I forget? 'Big Billy's Bane,' indeed," she said with a chuckle as she remembered the way that Randy had quietly and efficiently dealt with the bar's pushiest, most obnoxious patron." I will never forget that night. As for our night together, how could I forget the most wonderful night of my life? You gave that to me, Randy."

"As I recall, you gave me at least as much as I gave you." Randy took a small sip of his drink and looked into Amy's still dark and beautiful eyes. "Our brief encounter has stayed in my mind since that night. It's drawn me here tonight."

"Will you stay, Randy? Will you come home with me tonight? Will you spend the night?"

"Yes, Amy, I will."

Relieved, the "X-Cut's" owner smiled, but slowly her face changed to one of apprehension. "Is everything OK, Randy?" she asked as a wave of concern overcame the beautiful bar-owner. "You're not sick, are you?"

"No, Amy, I'm not sick."

"Shall we pack up and head over to my place then?"

"Not yet, Amy. I want to talk a bit more. It's only nine o'clock. We have all night. Do you mind?"

"Not at all, Randy. What's going on, anyway? You seem worried."

"Randy reached across the table to take her hand. Her fingers, long and thin, were slightly less fleshy than he had remembered them b. Her knuckles were just a little more prominent. Likewise, her face, while still beautiful, held the record of time passed. She had just a hint of crow's feet around the edge of her eyes.

Amy picked-up on her inspection. She covered her face with her hands saying, "I must look a sight." These are my work clothes. Why can't you show up when I don't look a fright?"

"Do I look frightened, Amy?" he laughed. No sweatshirt and jeans can hide your beauty. Your face is just as I remember it, enchanting."

Randy continued. "Amy, you once said that you trusted me. Do you still feel that way?"

"Randy, you promised to return and now here you are. How could I not trust you?"

"Amy, the last time I was here, I hypnotized you, just a bit, but I did, especially on the morning I left. Do you remember what I said to you?"

"No, I don't," said Amy. "I remember you saying you'd be back, and kissing you goodbye, but that's it. No, wait. I remember telling you something like I had been waiting all my life for you. Is that how you remember it, or am I imagining it?"

"No, that's what you said, almost word-for-word. It affected me then and it's affecting me now. What I'd like to do, if you will allow me, is to remove any and all previous hypnotic suggestions. When I tell you what I have to say, I want you to hear it without any constraints. I want to speak to the "real" Amy, for lack of a better way to put it."

"Of course," said Amy. "You mean I've been hypnotized all this time?"

"Yes," said Randy, "but only slightly so. You understood then that I needed a measure of self-protection. I have a secret which can never get out. It's not that I didn't trust you, Amy; I just had to make sure that you wouldn't give me away inadvertently."

"I understand; I really do," Amy said.

"Amy, I release you from all control. You can now remember our night together in detail. Anything you do or say from this point on will be the real you."

"That's it?" asked Amy. "I don't feel any different."

"I did say that it was minimal control," said Randy as he looked into her eyes. "You've told me several times that you trust me, Amy. Now I'm telling you that I trust you in exactly the same way. I will answer any questions you might have, honestly. I ask only that you do the same thing when I ask you questions. I am proposing a frank and open discussion between two lovers- pillow talk without the pillow, so to speak."

"Randy, you seem troubled. I don't remember you like this at all when you were here before. Are you sure you're ok?"

"Humor me for a while," said Randy. "In the meantime, will you give me a kiss, Amy?" He stood up from his chair while Amy did the same.

She looked into his eyes and said, "You cannot possibly know how many times I've dreamed of this moment." Randy leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. They took turns as first he pressed and then she gently returned a response. It was a kiss devoid of intense passion, but long on romance, from both sides.

Randy Comes Clean

Randy signaled for Amy to sit down and then dragged his chair to join her on her side of the table. He took her hand again, squeezing it gently. "Please allow me to get this all out before you respond. I have a lot to say."

"Sure, Randy."

"Amy, other than one wonderful night and a brief encounter before that, we haven't spent any time together. I want to change that, starting now, tonight. I want to know you better. I want you to know me better. Can I tell you about me and my life for a while?"

"Only if you let me do the same when you're done, and you promise to come home and spend the night with me."

"Yes, and yes," said the master hypnotist. He took in a deep breath and spoke. "Amy, I'm rich, very rich. My power has allowed me to build up substantial wealth, as much as I need or want. If I wanted more money, I could get it easily."

"Randy, I don't care how much money you have, not one bit."

"You promised not to interrupt."

"I know. I'm sorry, Randy."

"I'm not boasting, Amy. It's not my style at all. What I'm trying to do is lay a foundation for what I have to say later. For thirty years I have been travelling the country doing my act. All of this was done alone. We both know that I have had several lovers, including you, along the way."

"Simply put, I'm tired of my lifestyle. I still want to perform my act, for lots of reasons, not the least of which is that I genuinely love being on stage, but not at this pace. I want to spend more time at home in northern Michigan. I was there just before I decided to come out here. It's rural, not unlike it is here. My home is modest, but then again, I'm the only one who lives there. I live on a lake. It's really quite beautiful and peaceful."

"I'll cut to the chase, Amy. I'm lonely more and more these days. Something or someone is missing from my life. I've spent a lot of time on this, Amy, both identifying the root problem and trying to work out the solution. I believe that I have done both, and that's why I'm here now, holding your hand and looking into your beautiful eyes."

"I believe that you are what's missing from my life, Amy."

Amy looked at the middle-aged man, her past lover and lover-to-be. She shook her head and said simply, "Wow. I didn't see that coming, not at all."

"I didn't expect that you would," said Randy while he searched the beautiful bar-owner's face for clues. It was all he could do to keep himself from going direct to her mind for the answers his eyes were, so far, incapable of providing. "I'm almost done. Please let me finish."

"Do you ever take time away from the bar, you know, vacation time?

"Apparently, Randy, you've never owned a small business," said Amy, smiling. "There is no such thing as 'time off.' I haven't had a vacation in the three years since I bought this bar. I have an outstanding loan that needs paying every month. I have to be here six or seven days a week simply to make ends meet. I actually live off less money than I did when I was tending the bar. Donnie made more money tonight than I did. Everything goes back into the X-Cut."

"What if, God forbid, you became ill and couldn't work?"

"I suppose that Donnie or the rest of the staff could keep things together for a month, maybe two, in an emergency."

"Amy," he said softly as he squeezed her hand affectionately, "you told me the last time we were together that you hadn't married because you were waiting for me. Now I'm telling you that I feel the same way about you. It's taken almost five years and a hundred thousand miles, to figure it out, but I have come here to ask you if you would consider coming to live with me, like on a trial basis. Mid-summer is beautiful at the lake."

"The reason I told you about my financial status," said the master hypnotist, "is because I anticipated that one hurdle might be the X-Cut and your attachment to it. I'm willing to pay all expenses, everything you need to keep the bar, including hiring a professional to manage the business until you return, if you will agree to pack your bags and come with me for at least a month, hopefully much longer."

Amy spoke. "Randy, normally when two people agree to live together, they're in love and have told each other so many, many times. You've never once told me that you love me."

"Amy, I promised to tell you the absolute truth. I have only told three women in my life that I loved them- my mother, my aunt, and my high school girlfriend. I've never really been 'in love.' Loving your mother or the puppy love I experienced in high school doesn't count."

"I don't really know what that kind of love is really like. This I do know. I have been thinking of you non-stop for a month, Amy. I think about you every day, especially since I ended my last tour. I sit by the lake, daydreaming about what it would be like to have you sitting on the bench next to me, snuggled under my arms. That may not be love, but it's pretty darn close, I think. It's a new experience for me, Amy, new and both exciting and scary. It's all brand-new territory for me. I just know that whatever I feel for you, it's powerful enough to put me here with you, now, in this booth. Can you accept that, accept me while I try to figure it out?"

"How do people handle these feelings? For the first time in my life, I'm genuinely confused. How do you know when you're in love? How do you know when it's time to open yourself up and cast your lot with another person?"

Amy squeezed Randy's hand, half to demonstrate her affection for him and half to reassure him that she understood what he was trying to say to her. "I may not be the best person to answer objectively. I'm thirty-five and I've only been in love once in my life."

"Will you tell me about it?"

"Randy, you already know all about it. I have been in love with you since our first and only night together. You are and have been the only man I have ever truly loved. If you were to probe my mind right now you would find that I'm telling you the truth. It's just my luck. I spend one incredible night with a guy and he leaves for parts unknown."

"As far as I can tell, Randy, love is a force, an unstoppable force that seizes you and takes over your emotions, your whole life. Had you allowed me to do it, Randy, after that first night together I would have come with you then and there. Instead, I had to stay here and wait for your return. Now, you're here and you are offering me exactly what I've wanted for all those years. "Randy," she said, "kiss me again. I don't need words to tell you that I love you. I can say it in a kiss."

Randy hunched up next to Amy and kissed her again. This time he could feel what Amy was trying to describe. Her love for him was undeniable. He didn't need special powers to examine her mind for signs of her true feelings. They were obvious. She loved him. The kiss broke off with Randy convinced, but still confused. "How could a single night together with me affect you so deeply, Amy? I'm just me, the guy you see sitting here. How can you feel so deeply about a man, a man who is fifteen years older than you, after such a short encounter?"

"Love is like that, I guess," she said wistfully. "It announces itself when it wants, not just when it's convenient. You can't plan it, or summon it. Even you, with your incredible power, even you cannot resist love. I certainly can't. Randy, let me try to save you from the obvious anxiety you feel. You're here because you have come to suspect that you love me. You're new to these feelings. I was too, but I knew right away that you were the one. I just knew it. Like Mick Jagger says, 'Love comes at the speed of light.'"

"Kisses work both ways, Randy. When you kissed me a moment ago, all doubt I might have had just evaporated. I know, that you feel the same way about me, even if you don't. My heart believes that, in time, you'll come around. You'll figure it out."

"As for your offer to come with you to Michigan, I accept. I will allow you to cover the X-Cut's expenses while I'm with you, but only as a loan. If my visit turns out the way we both want it to, and I believe in my heart that it will, when you finally tell me that you do love me, then, and only then, I will accept your help as a gift, a gift from someone who truly loves me the way I love him. You'll get me, and the bill at the same time." She laughed a tiny, nervous laugh.

"Lots of couples go away together on extended vacations and come home with a new-found understanding of their relationship. You invited me to come stay with you so you could see if that nagging feeling you can't seem to shake really is love. I'm accepting because I believe that it is. Am I making any sense, Randy?"

"Of course," he said. "I am so happy, not only because you love me, but because you love me enough to give me the opportunity to let my feelings for you clarify on their own. I have never lied to you. I will not tell you that I love you until I know that I do. When I say it, I'll mean it. In the interim, we can take as much time as we need to make the arrangements. For now, let's go to your place. I can't wait to make love to you."

Amy immediately raised her hand and said "Check, please."

Amy Puts on A Show

Twenty minutes later they were back at Amy's house. This time when they crossed the threshold, instead of heading upstairs for a nightcap, they went down a level directly to Amy's bedroom. Amy allowed Randy to use the bathroom first. He started to close the bathroom door and then stopped. "You're not going to change the sheets or anything this time, are you?" he asked with a chuckle.

"No," Amy replied with mock exasperation. "Hurry up in there. I have to go." After a minute or two, Randy emerged from the bathroom to find Amy waiting by the door. She slid by him, depositing a soft kiss on his cheek as she shut the door. Ten minutes later the shower stopped and the familiar sound of a hairdryer replaced the sound of running water.

Randy, who had played out this scene on so many nights with both Amy and other women too many to count, spent the time remembering the last time he had waited for Amy to come out of her bathroom. He smiled as he recalled her outfit, cobalt blue with white stockings. He allowed himself to slip into dreamy reverie as he stood quietly waiting for his lover to emerge. He heard the hair dryer go silent and walked back to the bed, sitting on the side. He leaned over to turn off one of the end table lights.

Finally, the door to the bathroom opened and the beautiful bartender stepped back into the bedroom. Instead of cobalt blue, which she had worn to great effect years ago, she was clad in white satin, her robe completely hiding her body, with two notable exceptions- her nipples. As Randy recalled, Amy's breasts were proportionate to her body, soft and round. Her nipples, he also remembered, were outsized and very prominent. It was all he could do to prevent himself from jumping up off the bed and sweeping her into his arms.

Amy smiled and said, "Uh, uh, uh. No touching. The first one was free, but this time you have to pay if you want to see what's under this robe. Got any singles, sailor?"

Randy reached into his back pocket to get his wallet, spreading the soft, worn leather partitions to retrieve his folding money. He slowly took out a one-hundred-dollar bill. "I have a hundred of 'em right here, darling. Will that get me a peek?"

"For a hundred," she said seductively as she reached and took the bill, "for a hundred you get the whole show. Sit back and enjoy." Amy slow-stepped into the middle of the room, hips swaying, ever so slightly, from side to side. She turned to face her lover-to-be, locking eyes with Randy, who leaned forward as if an extra two feet closer might get him a better view. Crossing her arms, she grabbed her lapels and lowered them slowly revealing her alabaster shoulders and beyond. Before she could reveal her breasts, she turned her back to Randy and lowered the robe to the floor. She stood perfectly still, hips cocked, allowing her audience to get a good long look at what he was paying for.

It had been years since Randy had seen Amy's body which had barely changed at all. Her calves, pulled taut by her stance in five-inch heels, were thin and muscular; the backs of her thighs revealed no excess fat or cellulite. Her white fishnet stockings were attached to a frilly garter belt which lay under a pair of matching panties. A single bra strap ran across her back. Amy had lost none of her physical appeal, at least from behind.

"I thought that I was in for the whole shebang. If I throw another C-note your way, will you turn around?"

"Don't be impatient," she said. "I deliver what I promise." Amy backed up slowly, closing the gap until her perfect ass was less than a foot from Randy's face. "You want to touch it, don't you? Well, maybe just a little, but don't get too fresh."

Randy fished another hundred from his wallet and slowly slid the folded bill over the elastic top of her panties. He took both hands and squeezed her buttocks, being careful to do so in a way that allowed his thumbs to reach down almost to her pussy. Amy strode out of reach. Then, with arms and hands strategically placed across her chest and her free hand over her sex, she spun around.

Randy looked into her deep brown eyes and said, "Come back here, Amy."

"Why?" she asked coquettishly. "Would you like to maybe touch these?" She brought her left arm down to her side, revealing her breasts, which were fleshy behind her lace bra, but whose nipples poked straight through tiny vertical slits. She reached to unclasp the bra and it fell to the floor. Her breasts barely drooped. They sat, full and absolutely natural above her toned abdomen. Clearly, she had made the effort to stay in shape even though she no longer spent so much time on her feet as when she had tended the bar. As the owner, Amy no longer poured drinks for the patrons of the X-Cut, unless one of the regular bartenders fell ill or otherwise couldn't come to work.

Now, only her sex was hidden. Randy reached for another hundred singles while Amy came forward putting her covered sex a bare six inches from Randy's eyes and mouth. She removed her hand, exposing her split crotch panties and quickly snatched the hundred-dollar bill from Randy's hand. Giggling, she made a show of dropping the crumpled bill, watching it fall and settle next to her discarded bra.

Randy had had enough teasing. He reached behind and grabbed Amy's ass with both hands, pulling her hips forward. He buried his face in Amy's crotch, tongue probing for the furry slit which covered her most precious parts. Without warning, Randy pivoted and effortlessly tossed the statuesque beauty onto the bed. Before the springs had returned to the rest position, he was on top of the half-naked beauty.