The Annual Outing


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"I don't know. I don't know, Jan cried looking at me beseechingly. "You are my love. I thought it was just an innocent fling once a year; no one would be hurt."

"I am your love, am I? Would someone who professes love for her husband deliberately go out and get impregnated by another man? Tell me that 'My Love."

"Oh god, you know!" Jan screamed and went into another fit of screaming and sobbing. Karla was still sobbing but she was looking at her sister with compassion.

"Bob, I suggest that you take Karla and Melissa home and work out your own marriage salvation plan. Jan and I have a lot more to resolve then you do."

Jan stayed huddled on the sofa in a fetal position crying and sobbing in deep distress as I saw Bob and his family to the door. Karla turned her tear stained face with her makeup and mascara running down her face away from me as she left. I didn't even acknowledge her as I gave Bob a brotherly hug in parting.

I returned to the family room and chased the kids back to the bedroom. They were getting concerned that something was seriously wrong in our family and decided to take them over to my folks for the night. When I told them they were eager to go. The grandparents always spoiled them and they loved it. To spend the night would be a special treat.

I went back into the family room and told Jan, "I'm taking the kids to my folks for the night. I'll be back in about half an hour so you've got that time to figure out what you're going to do to atone for your infidelity or whether you think this marriage and access to the kids is worth it. The only reason and I repeat, the only reason I'm considering letting you stay is because of the kids. I will not give up Sean. He is my son as far as I'm concerned. They both need a mother and you are still the best candidate for that job. If you decide you want a divorce I will make the video, the results of the DNA tests and the investigators report public knowledge, including to your parents, siblings and the congregation of our church. You will no longer have a life in this community. Think about it." She didn't acknowledge me but continued sobbing even louder.

I bundled up the kids with their pajamas and tooth brushes and drove off to my parents. They lived about fifteen minutes away and were surprised to see us but I explained that Jan and I wanted a little privacy. My dad winked at me and said, "We understand son. Take as long as you like. You don't look very well though."

"I'll be OK dad."

I arrived back home and the house was quiet. Jan wasn't in the family room so I headed for our bedroom. I found her there gathering up her personal belonging and moving them to the guest room. I just looked at her and said, Well?"

She looked like death warmed over and continued sobbing as she tried to gasp out. "This marriage, you and my kids are more important to me than anything in this world. I'm not going to say I'm sorry for what I did nor am I going to try to explain it because you asked me not to do that. Why I allowed myself to get pregnant by him I can't explain it even to myself. I will stay if you will let me. I realize I have to move out of our marriage bed until you see fit to want me back. I will not withhold my body from you. You can have me anytime you want. I know you can have revenge on me by sleeping with someone else and I can't stop you. It will hurt me as deeply as I have hurt you. I will do anything you want, agree to any conditions you want to make to be able to stay here with you and the kids. I realize if I decided on a divorce it would be the end of me. I thank you for giving any chance to redeem myself."

"That was quite a speech, Jan. You may not realize yet the conditions I'm going to need to allow you to stay here and you may eventually want to leave. But I want revenge so bad I can taste it. Since I found out a mere ten days ago I've been living in torment, but your torment may take years. I hope you considered that."

"I have, Jim."

"I will give you my conditions tomorrow." I told her and the turned and went back downstairs.

Later, alone in bed I could hear her sobbing most of the night in the guest room. I wanted to go and comfort her but thinking again about what she'd done made me so enraged and I couldn't force myself to go to her. She would have to do her atonement.


Chapter 6 The Atonement

The next morning I got up early, showered and dressed casually. It was Saturday and we were having the family over today but I wanted to sit down and write out the conditions of our new marriage contract established in black and white so I could get Jan's concurrence when she got up. I sat in the kitchen for almost an hour writing, crossing out and finally arriving at a final draft.

I waited until ten o'clock and then went up and woke up Jan. "When you get cleaned up" I told her, "please join me downstairs in the kitchen."

She looked at me and nodded and I left her. Shortly afterward I heard the shower running and in half an hour she was sitting at the kitchen table with me.

I started out by saying "I want you to know I have given this serious thought and tried not to let my need for revenge overwhelm me and do something I would regret. I don't know whether I still love you but honestly hope you'll stay the course on this so I can find out whether I do or not. I miss very deeply the wife I once had."

She looked at me with a weak smile and I sign of hope. "Oh Jim, I so want to be your wife again and put this all behind us, but I know I've got a lot to make up for."

"Yes, you do and here's what you're going to have to do to make up for it." Then I began to read from my list of conditions:

"1. You will never talk to another man alone again. I want that to mean you will not even be alone with the pizza delivery boy or the meter reader." "2. There will be no more trips alone to anywhere. I don't care if your mother is dying and you want to get to her. If I'm not available to go with you or someone I trust to go with you, you don't go." "3.You will notify me whenever you leave the house, where your going, how long you will be, purpose of the trip and notify me when you're back home." "4. You will have no credit cards or cell phone. I've already cancelled those anyway." "5. You will make yourself available for sex, not love, 24/7. Nothing will be held back. If I tell you to suck my cock, you will suck it until I cum and then swallow it. If you can do it for Randy, you can do it for me. Do you understand that?"

"Yes, I understand. I always wanted to do it to you but I was afraid I would lose your respect."

"Well, I've sure lost any respect I had for you now. Was it worth it?"

"No! No!" she sobbed.

"What you did to me requires that I include this condition also."

"6. You will treat me with respect at all times. You will be a happy obedient wife and mother." "7. You will report to me every time you talk or communicate with a man, even if its on the phone, in a chat room or via email. I will have ways to verify this so you had better be truthful and honest with me." 8. You will sign adoption papers allowing me to adopt Sean." 9. You will limit communication to Karla in person or other means to one hour a week. I don't know who influenced who on your affair, but I expect it was you. Bob is in agreement that we have to keep you two apart. 10. You will be given a clothing allowance but I will have approval of any new clothes you buy. I will not have you spending the money I work for to buy sexy clothing for a lover. That is another sore spot with me and that's pretty much it.

Do you have any comments or reservations about these conditions. Punishment for a breach of any of these conditions will be commensurate with the infraction."

"None. I accept them without reservation. They are more lenient than I would have given you if our positions were reversed. Thank you. You know you will have to get Sean's natural father to sign off too.."

"I know that and we are working on getting that signature. You should realize that your lover and Karla's are not getting off scot free on this. Copies of the investigators report and the video CD have been sent to their wives. Also, we will be suing them for alienation of affection and your friend will be sued for back child support and future child support if he doesn't agree to the adoption. I think he will sign the papers and agree never to try to see or contact sean until after his twenty first birthday."

"Oh my god. You'll destroy him."

"You should have thought about the future ramifications when you got involved with him and had his baby."

She closed her eyes. "It was just so easy. We didn't think about being caught."

"But you did"


I had a bad night dreaming about Jan and Randy. It seemed they were laughing at me as they fucked. I awoke in a rage with my shirt wet from the sweat that poured off me. I must have made some noise because Jan came running in asking, "Are you all right?"

I was still in the throes of my rage as I responded gruffly, "Yes, I'm all right. Leave me alone."

"I'm sorry." she said as she backed out of room and left.

The next morning I got up and showered then dressed for early service at church. Knocking on Jan's door I said, "we leave for church in one hour." Then I went and started to get the kids ready. We were all ready to go on time and were back on our normal schedule. After church we went to IHOP for breakfast as we normally did. Then we went home to spend a lazy afternoon. I watched the football games, Jan worked on her crossword and the kids played with their toys. The only thing not normal was when I went out to the garage at half time and installed the wire tap recorder. From now on I would have a means of monitoring Jan when I wasn't home.

The other thing that wasn't normal was a telephone call I received that afternoon from Randy's wife.

"Jim, I want to thank you for the package you sent me. It was most enlightening and I'm going to use it in divorce proceedings against my husband."

"Is once a year infidelity sufficient grounds?" I asked.

"Its not been once a year. He's been playing around for years. Now I have the proof to dump him and make him pay. Thank you."

"Can you do something for me in return?"

" Sure, name it."

"I'd like to get a sample from your husband for DNA testing. I have a paternity problem here. Whatever you send will have to be identified or certified as being from your husband."

"Consider it done. Give me a couple of days."

"Thanks a lot."

"Thank you. You know that my husband's friend, Mark, is going to the divorce court too don't you? He was playing around the same as my husband."

"No, I hadn't heard that. Thanks for the information." Then we signed off.

I went in search of Jan and found her in the family room with the children. She looked at me quizzically. She knew she shouldn't ask who'd called but I decided to enlighten her and cause her more pain regarding her lover.

"That was Randy's wife. She's divorcing him. Mark's wife is divorcing him as well."

She turned a little pale and hung her head..

"It seems," I continued, "they were quite the philanderers and the material I sent them gave their wives the proof they needed to dump them. Its going to be very expensive for them. They'll be working the rest of their lives to pay for their indiscretions and their lawyers. With my paternity suit against him, Randy is really in the deep brown."

Jan suddenly jumped up and ran from the room sobbing. Later, she came back and told me. "I'm sorry for rushing off like that. It was just that I suddenly felt overwhelmed by the responsibility I had in breaking up two other marriages and possibly a third. It wasn't because I had any feelings for him."

I just looked her. I didn't think anything more needed to be said.


So we began a period of atonement. In order to monitor Jan's movements and communications more thoroughly I bought a audio recorder which recorded voice actuated signals from tiny transmitters that could easily be concealed. I hid the recorder in the garage next to the phone tap recorder and three transmitters throughout the house where visitors might actuate them. It was not one hundred percent coverage but I thought sufficient to keep track of her.

Our days just dragged on and I could tell that the pressure she was under to obey my conditions was taking a toll on her. She was appearing more haggard and drawn every day. It must have been hard on me too, because my boss and my secretary wanted me to go see a doctor. They told me that they thought the flu I'd had earlier was hanging on too long and thought I should be checked for walking pneumonia. I knew what the problem was; a sickness of the mind.

Our love life was strictly for sex; there was no love in it. She responded to my aggressive need to just fuck her, sometimes with intent to cause pain, without complaint.

I kept checking my recording devises every evening when I got home from work, but it was obvious she wasn't communicating with anyone she wouldn't normally. She was calling me faithfully every time she had to leave the house and reporting as my conditions required. But the toll on her having to be so severely constrained was bothering me. I hadn't realized how restrictive they were and how loveless our marriage was. Now I saw we needed a change


Chapter 7 A Change of Direction

At the end of the the first thirty days we were both so stressed we were having a tough time living together. Even the kids noticed the strain and it was affecting them. They were unnaturally quiet and nervous. They watched us with concern on their faces. They felt their world was about to explode and they were concerned. Watching them and Jan was tearing me up. My conditions and need for revenge were destroying the marriage and family I was trying to save.

Finally, on a Sunday afternoon, while the kids were outside playing in the yard, I took Jan by the hand and took her into the family room.

"We have to talk."

She looked apprehensive as I pulled her down on the sofa next to me. I turned to her took her face gently between my hands and kissed her softly on her lips. When I took my lips away from hers I said, "I love you."

She looked at me expressionless for a moment and then broke down and started to cry. I took her in my arms and let her cry on for quite some time. There was no hurry about this. I was looking at the rest of our lives. If we didn't make it here we weren't going to make it at all.

Finally, she stopped sobbing and pushed herself back from me and looked at my face. "This is really you isn't it? Do you really love me?" I can't take it if you're not being honest with me."

"I love you, Jan. I can't keep going on like this. I'm watching you die a little every day and I suddenly realized I can't live without you. The kids are hurting too. I've given it a lot of thought for the last few days to try to assess my feelings toward you. For a long time I've felt so empty that I didn't think I loved you any more. I just wanted to keep going for the sake of the kids, but its becoming obvious a split is coming if I can't forgive you and get over your affair and especially Sean not being my son. I want you to know that I may never be able to forget what you did, but I can try to forgive you. When I made that decision to forgive you, I suddenly felt better about myself and the reason was my love for you. I don't know whether that makes sense but I hope it does."

"Oh, Jim, I never thought I'd ever hear those words from your lips again. I think I understand your reasoning and I know it was hard to make your decision. You will never regret it, my darling. I love you so much. I wanted you back with me so many nights."

"Well, after we get the kids to bed tonight I want to make slow passionate love to you all night long."

Her face was lit up in a smile I hadn't seen for a long time. Then she took my face between her two hands and brought her lips to mine. Whereas my kiss was tender, hers quickly turned into a passionate, tongue probing, lip sucking, I want to fuck kiss.

"Oh wow!!" I told her. "I can hardly wait."

The kids suddenly came inside and we had to break off our emotional embrace. We looked into one another's eyes as we separated. I saw nothing but love and a promise there. We realized the kids were standing there looking at us. When they saw us smiling at each other they suddenly began to climb all over us; giggling and laughing. We were a family again.


In the weeks that followed that Sunday afternoon our nights were filled with passionate love making. There were no holds barred as we explored our sexual fantasies. I found that Jan was insatiable and I was just as eager to satisfy here needs. Our happy family activities grew in proportion to our new found love. The conditions I had forced on her were quickly forgotten. I had regained my trust and respect for her, but sometimes late at night I would wake up screaming at the memory of that time. Jan knew what caused the nightmares and held me and gently kissed away my fears and memories until I went back to sleep. Where ever she went by herself she made sure I knew where she was and what she was doing. She knew my fragile phyce could not tolerate any doubts as to her faithfulness.

I eventually settled with Randy on the issue of child support and used the money to establish a college fund for our sons. He was more than happy to sign the adoption papers and lose the responsibility for further support. We settled the alienation of affection suits and received enough funds to pay Sam and the investigator.

Bob and Karla remained together and ultimately we regained our old companionship. We have many happy times together again.

Our wives never mentioned going away together again on any outings. Our assurance of their continued fidelity lies in safe deposit boxes in mine and Bob's name only. Copies of the video and the report are safely hidden away there awaiting possible future action. I still keep the internet site in my PC at work requiring just a push of a button to release it. Our wives have never asked about the evidence of their infidelity, but I think they know its still around.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

My bitch would've been out the door on her skanky ass.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal1969about 1 month ago

I thought the sequel was pretty good but lacked a balance between the sadness and misery of the two stories and any form of happiness or optimism. Really sad story but lots of biting drama, just needed more substantial revenge (as in word count and reactions, the revenge you laid out was thorough) and/or tack on an ending where he finds new love to at least let the reader down more gently.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal1969about 1 month ago

oof.... no. that's some horrible betrayal and the best explanation she can come up with Sean was "I don't know?"

Great drama, well written, but the resolution was pretty hard to read. A divorce would have been better than living with a partner you can't trust.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The sequel to this is embarassing. The guy spends 12 years paying for and bringing up another man's child while paranoid and frightened that his wife will cheat again.

That is not a life, the kids will definitely have been damaged by the general atmosphere and subsequent divorce.

The kids will always side with the wife because he's not even the bio dad of one of them.

I really don't understand this pathetic trope that staying together is for the sake of the kids. Just as I don't buy this sad idea that men need to have custody of the kids. Sure why not if they have nothing better to do, but seriously you're paying for them anyway, might as well let the wife do all the heavy lifting while you go off and spread your genes elsewhere.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This was truely awful drivel. I'm normally a fan of RAAC but there is no way that this could happen in this story. It wasn't a one off, it was planned and would have gone on forever if they hadn't been caught. But even that pales into insignificance compared to the planned pregnancy. That's a bone fide traditional cuckolding right there, not a mere American fetish cuckolding.

The MC is pathetic, he knows he's a cuckold, but is desperate to get unnecessary pictures of his wife having sex so he can beat off to them like a good knowing cuck.

If all this wasn't bad enough he then fights to adopt a child that's not his because he's desperate to pay for and bring up someone else's child.

As for the pathetic fanciful lawsuits, I don't think so. They'd be laughed out of court if they ever got there, which they wouldn't.

The MC is an all round loser, the only explanation for his behaviour is that he's either insane or gets off on being a disrespected and humiliated cuckold.

The only satisfactory conclusion to this affront by his wife would be divorce, giving her custody of the kids. Well rid of the lot of them. Anything else is a poisoned chalice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

As expected from a writer listing femdom and cheating in their bio. A pathetic cuck as MC. What's amusing is that this has revenge as a tag. Only way to interpret that, is that the wife takes revenge on the husband for ruining her annual dicking, by gradually turning him into a proper cuck. That's the only kind of revenge I (and anyone who doesn't have a deranged view of relationship dynamics) am seeing here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Your protagonist is a cuckold. The flimsy justifications of him staying with the slut are just that. "For the kids" doesn't exist. It's well documented that a broken couple is worse for the kids than actual divorce with joint custody. "They need a mother" is laughable. A parent of obvious low morals is the opposite of "needed". Unless you think creating more of these people is good for a society. They are a cancerous tumor that even unintentionally, will infect the kids with their worldview. Since these are things that just need basic rationality to understand, it's pretty obvious you just wanted to write a cuck story. A proper sequel would have him lose everything when his wife and kids inevitably upgrade to a man with actual balls. Then he could keep using the "evidence" as expected for a sad excuse of a man. To jerk off to it. We all know that's why they kept it.

bacchant2bacchant2about 2 months ago

I have to agree with your other commentators. Why write an RAAC story and then make the betrayal so evil that reconciliation would be beyond any normal man. Does this suggest that the writer is trying to convince readers that being a cuckold is a good thing. If so whats the point of getting married, you might as well let your wife fuck anyone they like and pay her to do so. Jeeze guess what that is.... prostitution.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I can't see that, it seems most every writer of LW stories have the husband, upon hearing/ seeing their wives fucking other men, puking up their meals. No matter if it's live or from a tape. What's with that? Be upset, angry, furious, but to constantly vomit?

To the story more directly. He heard his wife & friend talking about their yearly trip & the cheating that'll go on. Plus that his son isn't his. Gets a lawyer & PI, does tests, threatens divorce, then wala! the wives stay married & eventually carry on with their husbands. Nothing's mentioned directly insofar as the following year's trip. But why go through all this expense just to stay married?

She's given a restrictive action to follow if she wants to stay. Actually, too restrictive. What happened to a post nup stating what would happen if she cheated again? Staying married for the children is good, but keeping your self respect is better. And kids generally know something's off.

The way the story goes, I wouldn't doubt after a couple of years one or the other tries to have some extra, just not for a weekend or so. After all, the husbands were happy to keep their wives, esp. the one with the son not his.

An overall somewhat weak story that doesn't fully add up. 2 stars Bob

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Fucking dumb cuck story and whore wife. Bitches would've been thrown threw and out to the curb.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

One thing I do not get in this and other cuck stories is the husband's response to his wife having children by another man, whether or not it is on purpose. In this case it is doubly bad since the wife did it on purpose and wouldn't have sex for a week before and after her sex weekend with lover. It seems to me that most men woulf be out of their mind crazy if this were done. It was also very odd that the husband did not even want any kind of an explanation as to why his wife would intentionally get impregnated by someone else. I think this is also not realistic.

Finally regarding Agena. I have read a couple of his stories lately because of the dirth of good LW stories currently being published. Although I like his stories they would be improved with additional dialogue. I am giving this 4* because it did keep my interest.


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Jan and I have a lot more to resolve THEN you do."

ANY proofreading would have brought this out, but obviously, you consider yourself too important to proofread. I'LL NEVR BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND HOW SO MANY "authors" fail to comprehend the fact there is no way a competent writer can mix them up. Is it laziness or pure stupidity?

PLEASE lookup the words THEN and THAN, study them, memorize their definitions, next write a 5,000 word story using both words 500 times, THEN, maybe you'll learn how to properly use them.

OldbuddyOldbuddy4 months ago

In a total of 40 days +/- from gut wrenching rage to lovey dovey. Yeah NO. I know it's a story. Well written, but really how does one overcome the betrayal not the 4 weekends of adultery - but the planned hateful hurtful despicable plan to concieve another man's child. No rating.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Even if they stay together the end was bad

1. She wore me down

2. I told her I forgive/love her

3. The end


I did you a favor and didn't rate it.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

So what was the point of all that? The MC and his SIL's husband wasted all that time, money and emotional energy only to roll over and accept being cuckolds. If that was something they could live how come all the puking and weeping? I get that IRL couples can and do reconcile after adultery but I'm simply not prepared to accept that any man could kiss his wife and tell her he loves her ever again after discovering that she deliberately allowed herself to be knocked up by her boyfriend and cynically passed off the child as her husband's, maintaining that deceit for years and intending to do so for the rest of their lives. Unless, of course he gets off on that but if he does then why all the drama?

No, sorry this just doesn't work for me, as well written as it is. JR

mndhanson017mndhanson0176 months ago

As someone said, it's a forced "happy" ending, I say that because she deliberately planned to have another man's kid and have him raise it. He should have cut his losses because if she wasn't having any feelings for the guy, then why did she plan to have his kid? That was an L on his part, he could have moved on.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A happy ending, but a forced happy ending. The wives purposely kept dresses, etc., hidden from their husbands for their weekend adultery. That it happened once a year is no excuse- it shouldn't have happened at all. And they planned on repeating it in the next year. Much worse, she became pregnant with her son but didn't worry about having him raise it. Totally unforgivable. Not sure if the reconciliation was good or not, but I do feel it was too fast, & most of the restrictions the wife had to handle was totally absurd. Not talking to the pizza delivery guy? 2 stars on this story that fell flat once husbands got the proof they needed. Bob

Sexty04131Sexty041316 months ago

I can understand that he loves both children. What I couldn't understand was being willing to stay with a cheater (once a cheater always a cheater) who deliberately got pregnant by her once a year fling and knowingly passing the child off as her husband's. She laughed with her sister over how easy it was to do this to the 'man she loved'. He's got a real winner there!

Trying to keep a marriage going by blackmail as he was doing never works. You have to be a jailer or warden (who has the time to babysit your spouse 24/7? Who would want to be with anyone that you can't trust? Sorry but he didn't get much of a wife or a mother for his kids.

In addition, courts don't care about affairs when deciding custody. She made sure the kids were taken care of while she was cheating and that's all the court requires. Wife was primary caregiver and a SAHM. He would have been on the hook for child support, alimony or maintenance as it's now called as well as paying much of the mortgage if not all.

She would have gotten custody and his name was on the birth certificates so he would have been on the hook for both kids regardless.

He will be back in the same boat sooner or later only the next time she will hide her affair a little better.

Billy_Ray_BanBilly_Ray_Ban6 months ago

This seems to be one of those stories where the author already had the RAAC outcome in mind before the story was actually written - despite the horrible circumstances he created throughout the story. If there has ever been a story written, where a BTB outcome was called for, this story is it. The 4 weekends over 4 years? Those circumstances might allow for a minute chance at working through to preserve the marriage - but only if there's a high level of sincere remorse, contrition, and if the wife took immediate and decisive action to cut off all ties with her lover and took concrete steps to prevent this from ever happening again. And admittedly - even then it's a 1000 to 1 shot that reconciliation would succeed. But throw in the planned pregnancy and deliberate attempt to become impregnated by a man not her husband, only to have the husband raise the child? There isn't enough forgiveness in the world possible for a devious and evil act like that. BRB

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I can understand him still thinking of Sean as his son, After living as his Father.

But the rest I struggle with, Sean's conception wasn't just a mistake, as he remembered she denied him sex before and after to ensure the other bloke was the Father.

I don't see how any man could get past that, every time he looked at Sean he would be reminded of what happened, as much as a man may want to save his kids the pain of divorce, I think that point would kill any love for the mother

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Another cuck story, having another child with a man, doing things for her lover which husband did not get. This type of raac story sickens me

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A happy ending. A once a year release of pent desire up is maybe not quite as bad as a continual weekly affair and certainly easier to put an end to it. I would make sure she understands that if I have any sexual desire she will do her damndest to satisfy it.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A man cheating on his wife, or a wife cheating on her husband is a low-life act, indeed a despicable act baring some unusual circumstance. Frankly, I would make exception for a spouse of either sex to meet physical needs if the other partner was unable, or unwilling, to perform, but in reality, that's pretty unusual, and is, I think, universal grounds for a divorce. If the lack of sexual performance is due to illness, the better choice would be to find a friend with benefits and stay with the spouse through the illness. An illness of that severity would usually eventually resolve or result in death. Surgical removal of an essential structure, male or female, obviously would not resolve, and the resolution and compromise of the situation would have to be decided.

But the worst - repeat, the WORST - thing a "wife" can do is get herself impregnated with foreign sperm and then "sell" the bastard offspring to the husband as his progeny. For that forgiveness is limiting to allowing her to live and leave with her bastard child with none of the husbands assets, with the farewell that "Remember, dear, if you have your health, you have everything!"

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago


In real life this husband has her shit packed and on the front porch by the time she gets back from her trip.

DNA evidence is proof positive and kicking her out (after the investigator confirmed the cheating ongoing from their trip) and then confirming the DNA exactly what would have happened.

Taking this whore back? Only the most pathetic cuckold in the world would even consider it.

Sorry...I may be a really cold bastard? But I could not continue raising another man's child...treating it like it was the same as my own children. Just couldn't. Reminded every day looking at this kid...reminded of my wife's knowing betrayal? Nope. Fuck that.

Take the kid and move your whore ass outta here.

1 star for being unbelievably and unrelatable.

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