The Arrangement Ch. 05


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She felt as if she were falling for a moment. Then she realized that they were moving. He was pulling them across the dark, tiny space of the hall. The few steps from the nursery to his room seemed an impossibly long journey. Too long.

Some sane part of her argued that she should slow things down. The tortoise and hare, it said. But this day, the hare was winning that race as her tongue tasted his moans. She trembled a bit as she felt her back hit the hard, cold surface of the door. She knew there was no turning back if she crossed its threshold.

But when he released her breast long enough to fumble with the knob, she made no move to slow things down. A moment later she felt it give at her back, and then his hand and fingers were once more on the heated flesh of her right breasts doing things, making her feel things that she probably should not. Things that she wanted more than her next breath.

The distance between the doorway and the bed seemed shorter than it had in her foggy dream that night. Or perhaps they were just moving faster, she reasoned. And they were moving fast.

If some part her still screamed for reason and sanity, it was silenced by Simone's words, 'seduce your husband.' Just that neither of them imagined how quickly she would be given that opportunity. Question was, did she have the guts to follow through on it?

She felt the edge of the bed against her calves and put her hand up to the heat of his shoulder. Uncertainty and her own demons flared to life, her mind finally jumped started. She pushed gently, but it was lost in the momentum of their fall to the bed. If his kisses and caresses had not already taken her breath away, the pair of them landing upon the firm mattress would have.

When she came back to reality, she was sprawled beneath him and the hand that had been holding her, guiding her, was now around her ankle, moving slowly up her calf beneath her dress. She panicked for a moment as it reached her knee.

What would he think when he discovered that she wore no underwear, she thought. But the worry was just a bleep on the radar as his other hand tugged firmly at her nipple. His mouth swallowed her moans before continuing its journey along her jaw and down her neck.

She bit her lip harder to keep from moaning as he brushed the material back from her breast. His hand covering the bare flesh and kneading it softly. But she could not stop the whimper a moment later as his other hand completed its journey. Her dress was bunched about her upper thighs as his fingers grazed over her mound. When he slipped them lower and brushed the rough calloused surface of his thumb across the too-sensitive nub, she arched off the bed.

"Daniel," she almost screamed.

She was not prepared for the sensual assault that followed. He bit down hard on her shoulder as he squeezed the tender flesh of her breast. Her thighs opened a bit more as she arched off the bed at the edgy sensation of pleasure/pain. His fingers slipped just inside her and she whimpered in need like a puppy seeking the attention of its master. "Please," she begged.

"Say it again," he growled as his fingers stilled, remaining perched right on the edge of fulfilling her every fantasy and need.

"God damn it, Daniel. Please," she begged unashamedly.

"Yes," he roared once more as he plunged them inside her. It took her instantly over the edge as she arched against his hand, riding the intense wave of a pleasure like a surfer hanging ten on the big one. His teeth on her shoulder held her upper body in place as he continued to toy and torment her breast.

She was reminded of the documentaries of wild animals mating. This was something so primal and powerful that she was frightened for a moment. She feared that she was in way over her head this time. Except that her body was betraying her. It responded to each of his demands in a way that it never had before. It gloried in his mastery of her as she came hard over and over and over again.

Still it was not enough, "Please, oh, please," she pleaded and whimpered. Her mind wondered at who this wild woman was? What had taken over her body and mind?

"Please what, Jill," he whispered low as his teeth gave up their hold on her flesh. His tongue and lips took over, trailing further down towards where his hand lifted her breast. Presenting it to them like some trophy for the taking.

The moment his lips curved around the tingling tip of her nipple she felt her body clamp tightly around his fingers once more. How it was possible she did not know, but this orgasm was even more powerful than the dozen he had already given her. "Daniel," she screamed.

The fog cleared for the briefest of moments. For a spilt second she was overcome with a sense of déjà vu. This felt so familiar. The dream. Except this time, his fingers between her legs were not stilling. They were plunging faster and deeper inside of her. As if powered by some steam engine, driven by the demons of hell itself. Her orgasms, as consuming as they were, did not seem enough. She felt empty. She felt needy. And only one thing would fill that void.

"Please," she whimpered again, arching against the palm of his hand once more.

This time those fingers did still. His mouth released its prisoner, her nipple puckered as the air brushed over its wet flesh. She felt him shift.

"Look at me, Jill," he demanded.

There was an edge to his voice, something powerful and in control, yes. She turned her head to the side and bit her lip with indecision. Her skin flamed even redder with embarrassment as much as the desire that lay just beneath the surface.

His fingers caressed her cheek. She could feel the wetness of her body and the blush spread even more at her wanton behavior. She fought him as he turned her head towards him.

"Jill, please, look at me," the need and pain that she heard in his voice this time did what even the demands could not. She could not deny him. She did not want to.

It hit her then like the proverbial ton of bricks. "Oh my god," she whispered at the revelation as her eyes flew open to meet his blue ones. To look into the handsome face of the stranger that was her husband. The man she loved.


Daniel sighed at the look of utter fear in his wife's eyes. Fear was a look he knew intimately. It was more powerful than the cold shower, doing what it could not, instantly extinguishing the flames of hell that had driven him for two weeks.

He rolled to the side, bringing his arm up to cover his face as he regrouped. His mind raced with a million thoughts, but only one of them stuck. 'You blew it again, buddy.'

What he did not expect as he played that tape recorded message over again in his mind was to feel the warm, soft swell of his wife's bare breast pressed against his side. Or her arm draped casually about his waist. When he felt her long soft hair spread across his chest, he stiffened a bit. He knew that laying like this she would feel his heart beat. Know exactly what her gentle touches were doing to him.

But he honestly did not give a damn just then. After weeks of coveting the tenderness that she showed to Bel and Britney and Ashley, he was finally on the receiving end and it was not an opportunity he was going to pass up. He lowered his arm and wrapped it about her shoulders. Drawing her even closer, he placed a tender kiss on the top of her head.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

He felt her body tremble as she chuckled softly. "You damn well better be. That's the second time you've left me hanging."

He lifted his head and met the gaze from those unforgettable green eyes, "I thought you didn't remember that night."

She sighed, "I didn't. Not really. Not until..." He watched as pink spread across her cheeks once more. "Until just now," she whispered so low that he had to strain to hear it.

He nodded his head, knowing that this time he was the one blushing. He tugged her gently back towards his chest. He would be much more comfortable staring at the ceiling for this conversation than into those eyes. Thankfully, for once, his wife acceded to his wishes. Her hair once more spread across his skin, caressing it as he fought back the needs that were even then just below the surface.

"So where does that leave us, sweat heart?" he echoed the question that he had asked Samuel earlier in the day.

His wife seemed full of surprises this day as he felt her hands begin to move slowly across his chest, down his stomach that went taut as he held his breath. "Jill," he whispered.

He could almost see her smile against his chest. "A wise woman told me I should seduce my husband." Her tiny hands wrapped about his hard flesh and it was he that was arching off the bed this time with each rhythmic stroke of those soft hands up and down his hard cock.

He was barely thinking as he felt her slipping from his arms moving lower as she whispered, "What do you think about the idea?"

His answer was a guttural moan as his cock disappeared between her soft lips. His fingers clutched at the sheets, bunching them within his grasp as he fought back the need to run them through her hair. The need to lift his hips more and plunge his cock deep inside the warm wetness of those sweet pink lips that tasted like heaven but knew how to take him to the very edge of hell at the moment.

He grounded his teeth and fought it all as she tortured and tormented him for several minutes. He knew his body was on the very edge. He could feel the need to come pulsing like life itself through him as basic an urge as breathing. And one that at the moment was about as difficult to control. But as sweet as her mouth was, as delicious as this felt, it was not what he wanted most.

His fingers did wrap at last through those soft lengths, but this time not to guide her head in tempo that would take him over that edge, but to draw her away from his burning flesh, "Please, Jill," it was he that was doing the pleading this time.

She smiled as she lifted her head. Devilry danced in the green pools. "Yes, commander," she teased as her hands continued to torture his steel length.

His fingers laced tighter through her hair as he tugged her up his body. The damned witch, took her time, sliding those soft curves along every single millimeter of his smoldering flesh. By the time they were eye to eye the only thought left in his muddled brain was wiping that smug look off her face and he knew one way to do that.

His lips stormed the beaches of her mouth once more as his hand about her waist held her to him. He rolled them until he was once more on top of her. In the exchange, she lost hold of his cock, but that suited his purpose perfectly. His hand slipped beneath that damned temptation of black cotton. He had just one thought, tearing it to fucking shreds as he pushed and pulled it up her legs, baring smooth, soft skin as he went.

But the goal of that mission was forgotten as those soft fingers found his throbbing erection once more. His hand stilled as she whispered, "Please, Daniel, I need you," against his neck. Her tongue licked softly at the pounding pulse that raced faster still at her admission.

Later, he promised himself. Later, he would be skin-to-skin with his wife. Hard muscles against soft curves. But right now, he needed to give his wife the one thing he could. He felt her arch and shift on the bed beneath him. Her tiny fingers guiding him home. He ground his teeth to keep from screaming as that warm, wetness enveloped him.

His hand reached back and wrapped her leg about his hips as he bent to kiss her sweet lips once more, "Hold on, sweet heart. This ride's about to get rough and fast," he whispered as he surged forward into her depths just as hard and fast as he promised.

For a millisecond he worried that it was perhaps too much. He might not know much about his wife, but one thing he was certain of...she was not an easy woman. The tightness of the muscles that greeted his invasion only confirmed that. His mind told his body to slow down, to give her time to catch up, to adjust to him, but it seemed a battle that was destined to be lost.

Only the soft mewing against his neck and the upward thrusts of her generous hips to meet and match each downward one of his own offered solace and forgiveness for his rashness. But it was the sharp bite of her nails into the corded flesh of his back, when she arched even higher, those blond tresses covering his pillow as her eyes closed and he felt her body tighten into an impossible vise that refused to let him go. He took it as an ancient invitation to do what he had been aching to do since the moment her lips touched his cock. He surged as deep as possible inside of her and emptied his very soul into her welcoming depths.

He rolled just enough to take his weight off of her, but held tight to her drawing her against him. His body was satisfied. But somehow it did not reach the depths of his soul. He tightened his hold about her waist, needing to hold on for as long as possible.

"Wow," he felt her giggle beneath him. The movement drove his still hard cock further inside her.

He turned his head back towards her and smiled. "Can I take it that you enjoyed that, Missus Monroe?" He kissed the end of her nose and brushed her hair back from her face. It was spread across his pillow like a spider's web of fine silk threads. He could easily get sucked into the erotic and loving web his wife was weaving. Those long blond strands spread across his pillow or his shoulder. It was another thing he could definitely get used to. For the rest of his life.

Her smile lit those green fathoms as her fingers toyed across his shoulders. "Are you fishing for compliments, commander?"

He chuckled once more driving his cock home, this time he held it there, giving a small circle of his hips that had his wife arching up against him and meowing like a hungry kitten. "It takes a lot of fish to feed a hungry seal, sweet heart," he teased as he began to move in earnest once more within her.

Anything that she might have said was lost against his tongue as he kissed her and took this thing where they both wanted to go once more.


Jill lay replete against his side. Her head rested against his shoulder, his strong arm wrapped about her, his hand still curved around the underside of her breast. His fingers occasionally brushing against her nipple, teasing them both. Her body was satiated like a day spent at the all-you-can-eat buffet. But it was definitely looking forward to the next meal already.

When had she become such a sex addict, she wondered. Oh, from the moment that she had given David her virginity, she had enjoyed the act. Theirs had been a happy and satisfying life in many ways. But, hell, nothing had prepared her for this. She frowned. Was this an addiction? Or was it just that after the other, it felt so amazing once more to feel like a woman? Looking up into his smiling face, those sky blue eyes closed, she thought, or is it him? She swallowed past the lump that formed in her throat. It was most definitely the man.

"I should get up and make you a sandwich or something. Britney and Ashley will be up soon and I have to pick Bel up at the bus stop too." The truth was that she needed a strategic retreat to think and come to turns with the latest revelation.

He turned and looked at the clock on the night stand, but he took her with him. His hold on her tightened rather than loosened. "Fifteen hundred," he sighed as he stared into her eyes. "I can wait for dinner." A playful tweak at her nipple that sent a tingle of electricity shooting straight between her legs was followed by his husky command, "You get a shower and I'll pick up the girls after school."

She nodded her head, suddenly reluctant to leave this erotic fantasy. "Might be a good idea." She winced just a bit as she rolled away from him and sat up on the edge of his bed.

"Sorry, I should not have lost control like that. Taken things slower," he said as his lips pressed a soft kiss to the small of her back. She felt the heat of those soft lips to her very core even through the safety of the thin material.

She chuckled as she straightened out the top of her favorite dress, tucking her breast back inside it. "If I remember right, commander, it was a two-way street."

He laughed at her admission. "You should probably change into something that covers your top a bit better too."

She turned and stared at him, her brows raised. "What? You seemed to enjoy the view earlier."

His fingers brushed softly over her shoulder and she winced at the tenderness there. "Oh, I do. But I don't think either of us is ready for the comments of a smart-mouthed teen if she caught sight of that."

Jill blushed, "Oh that. I forgot."

"I'd say sorry again. But you got your own back, she-cat. I won't be going shirtless anytime soon with the map those fingers left on my back," he reached over and drew her hand to his lips, placing a tender kiss in the palm. "It's a good thing that you aren't into those damned fake claws like Simone, Trisha and..."

His voice faded and his face darkened before he turned over and rose off the other side of the bed. He stood in all his naked glory and her breath froze in her lungs. She tugged her dress a bit further down her thighs before standing slowly.

"I'll get that shower now," she said as she walked carefully across the room. She felt the wetness of their lovemaking slide slowly down the inside of her thigh as she opened the door to reality and a thousand doubts that awaited her on the other side of this fantasy land.

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Comentarista82Comentarista8211 months ago

You chose well to have Simone reveal to Jill how much venom Rachel really spat at poor Daniel, as that broke down a major wall and allowed us to see them finally give in to their desires and join. Hopefully that helps them start crushing their unjustified doubts and fears. 5

LilacQueen15LilacQueen15over 4 years ago

Both of them have a past. Some happy some painful. They need to give each other grace.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
What's the plan?

Simone knew what Dodd was...yet invited him to the wedding party.......what were the stars whispering in her year?

rightbankrightbankover 8 years ago
I'm glad to have found this series

And glad I came to it late. This way I get to read right through.

theinternetisforporntheinternetisforpornover 11 years ago

Wow, you have me breathing hard and fast, I'm so excited by Daniel and Jill together.

A few small errors, particularly with past tense (dragged, not drug - not sure if it's in this Chapter, but it is in the others and makes me wince), but I gave it a five. I love it, can't wait to keep reading.

Tara CoxTara Coxalmost 12 years agoAuthor

Yes, there is more. My intent had been to release the rest of this as my 1st full length indie novel in a few months. BUT as long as you guys/girls keep sending feedback (and Anon1...I take your point and considered it carefully...look for an essay on it in fact...and the rest of you give him/her a was actually very polite constructive criticism), I am happy to continue using Lit as a forum for the rough drafts and to build readership for my paying stuff.

I do though have to slow the pace on this a bit...we are only half way (maybe a little less) through this story and I have two more pressing chapters in the Sergeant Mike's Miracle Tour series coming out indie on Labor Day and for Halloween.

Plus believe it or not...real romance sometimes happens to mature, single moms so right now I am a bit busy living an erotic romance that I swear to the goddess you would NOT believe if I got his permission to write it.

But as long as the comments, reads and feedback keep coming, I promise to try and post one chapter a month until this thing is done. Because even more than the money I write for you.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
what?! 5-part series???

This CAN'T be the end of this story ... PLEASE say there will be more ... VERY SOON! You just can't leave this hanging here. Don't make me finish it for you. LOL!!

peethreepeethreealmost 12 years ago

loved it and enjoyed the pacing!

smidgeonsmidgeonalmost 12 years ago
Very enjoyable!

This story grabbed me from the beginning, and I've thoroughly enjoyed it - all of it. I'm enjoying the characters and the story line, and I find it's well crafted. So I have to respectfully disagree with the comments about pacing; this is a story of characters, and it's their internal and external struggles that drive it. The insecurities and the concerns of both Daniel and Jill, as well as the insights offered from Samuel and Simone, make It feel very real and believable, and I find it touching. Kudos, Tara! And thank you for sharing your work :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Poppycock. Good episode. Enjoyed it very much. The comments from anon are too harsh. Enjoyed this very much.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
You need to learn the fine art of pacing.

Pacing, within a story is everything. Sometimes you need to sacrifice your hard earned character development and the odd little plot devices that make you happy as a writer in order to make the story flow, believable and even "readable". Otherwise, it tends to fall into a long and boring hole. Kinda like this one is in danger of becoming. You have good skills as a writer, but you need to learn that sometimes you push things too much. You push developement and character interaction too much, when you should really focus on the overall plot, story and the whole point of your little tale. Don't get so lost in being an 'artsy writer', that you lose the goal of this, to tell a story that has a meaning.

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