The Art of The Squeal Ch. 02


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"Can I go first?"

"Of course, young one. I'd be happy to kick your butt in either order."

"Ohhh, I wouldn't get so cocky, old woman."

So the machine flashed to life, beeping and flipping switches amid an electronic rendition of a-ha's "Take On Me." Player one's first ball was deposited in the kickoff chute. Noelle pulled the plunger as far back as it would go, and let it fly. Her first ball propelled up and over, cheered on by the song's dancing synth-melodies, and the game was on.

The first she hit was the cluster of Smurfs bumpers, racking up a few thousand points. The backbox rewarded her accordingly, informing her, "You're the Smurfiest!" This sent her back down the fluorescent-rainbow playfield, bouncing off the bottom flippers' targets, represented by He-Man and She-Ra. Noelle caught the ball with the left flipper and sent it careening back up, this time into a chute onto a habitrail called the Knight Rider speedway. A few more beeps and clicks, and the voice of the talking car spoke to her. "K.I.T.T. here. Well done, my friend."

When the ball was sent down this time, Noelle threaded a perfect shot into another chute, and around the area designated ALF and E.T.'s hyperspace. The ball slammed against a dozen more targets, and another set of bumpers with Q*bert, Pac-Man, and their female counterparts. It tumbled down towards the drain again, but not before hitting a Hologram spinner and earning her a Jem jackpot.

"Truly outrageous!" the machine told her, as "Take On Me" kept playing all the while.

"Wow!" said Sylvia, dancing with the music behind her. "Nice shootin', babe!"

"Thanks, auntie!" Noelle called, keeping her eyes on the ball. The next target she nailed was the Atari orbit. A series of pegs leapt up in the middle of the playfield to buffet and Plinko the ball for more bonus points. Finally, "Take On Me" ended. A female voice praised her, saying, "Like, totally awesome! Now Madonna says, get Into The Groove!"

The next song to play was self-explanatory. The ball caromed off the Transformers targets, and got stuck behind one of them. Noelle gave the table a nudge to jar it loose.

"Careful, sweetie," she heard Aunt Sylvie caution. "Don't tilt it."

Noelle heeded the warning, but as the ball was sent back down towards her, it evaded both bottom flippers and drained. Her first turn was over. Some of the mechanisms stopped and reset, but the music went on playing. Noelle plunged her second ball.

This time she missed the Smurf bumpers, but ricocheted off a set of Rainbow Brite/Care Bears targets. The next chute she sent the ball up was the Thriller ride. This also chose and started playing the following song. She broke 400,000 points.

"Oh my God, Aunt Sylvie, this is the coolest fucking thing ever," she shouted over it. "I was born too late for most of this stuff, but that didn't stop me from checking it out online."

Sylvia smiled fondly, resisting the urge to break out into the Thriller dance and doubtlessly embarrass them both—though they were the only ones here. "Online." Gosh, to not know what it was like to live without their beloved World-Wide Web. She fought off another urge, one to say, "Y'know, kid, when I was your age..." She'd loved the '80s finding her way through them firsthand, and knew she just had to have this table when she saw it. She'd never have guessed it was another thing that would bring her and Noelle closer together. Who knew. They really were like kindred spirits.

A hundred thousand points later, at the half-million point, Noelle got a Radical Replay. And so when her second ball drained, it was restored. She plunged again, crashing through a series of Purple Rain poppers, as "Let's Go Crazy" coincidentally played next. Noelle loved this thing. It was a pinball table and a jukebox. She flipped and smacked the ball ever more enthusiastically, but at the same time, got a little excited and nudged too hard. It did tilt. Once more, the song kept going, but having tilted it, they heard—back to back—the Super Mario and Pac-Man death cues. Her flippers deactivated and the ball drained.

Oops. Wow, she thought in sheepish amazement. Even the "tilt" feature's cool. She launched ball three.

The first new thing she hit this time was the Rubik's rollover, for another substantial bonus. Her third ball lasted longer and longer as meager experience paid off. She couldn't guess how much more time passed—though before ball three ran its course, she did also go through "Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)", "Whip It" and "Girls Just Want To Have Fun." Maybe her mind was being naughty, but suspiciously, in one way or another...just about all these songs seemed to be telling her to go off and have her naughty way with Aunt Sylvie. She guessed eventually she got a little distracted. The magic stopper keeping the ball from draining sunk back into the table just moments before she lost it. They gave a chorus of "Awwww..." as Noelle's game ended, and a very Mr. T.-like voice informed them that it pitied her. With all the leftover bonus points added, her total score was 882,700.

"Okay!" said Aunt Sylvie, noting her score. She scribbled it down on a little notepad, and told the niecey, "Now do step aside, and let the old broad show you how it's done." She retrieved the key, reset it to zero, and "Take On Me" started over.

Sylvia launched her first ball, nailing a lot of the same targets Noelle had. The first new feature she hit was the Fraggle Rock 'N' Roll drophole. For this the machine rewarded her by singing, "Dance your cares away..." Not long after, she sent the ball up a chute Noelle'd missed, prompting it to jingle, "Every time I turn around..." and give her a Punky Booster. The song ended, and Noelle waited, thinking they'd hear "Into The Groove" again. But to her surprise, the soundtrack was changed up. A sharp, unmistakable A-minor chord sliced through the atmosphere, leading them into very possibly the greatest new wave hit of them all.

Noelle announced that she wanted to sing along with this one as Sylvia kept playing. So she did.

"You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar..." she crooned, bopping about just as Aunt Sylvie had done during her turn. "When I met you...I picked you out, I shook you up and turned you around...turned you into someone new..."

A few bars later, Sylvia sang along too. Again, Noelle couldn't help but feel these songs were trying to tell her something. She began to feel the urge to be impulsive. As the chorus approached, she hugged Aunt Sylvie from behind.

"Ooh!" A bit startled, Sylvia was almost thrown off, but persevered. She tingled, enjoying the embrace. "That feels nice, Noelle."

"Yeah?" the niece asked. "How 'bout...this?"

While holding her around the middle, Noelle's right hand found Aunt Sylvie's left titty, and gave it a grope.

Sylvie gasped, and temporarily lost her grip on the flipper buttons. Her first ball bounced off the end of the bottom flipper, and drained.

Noelle blushed. "Oops..." she confessed.

Before setting off her second ball, Aunt Sylvie turned to the innocently smiling niece with a smirk.

"You little devil," she teased, tickling her underarms and ribs. "'Oops' indeed."

Noelle hadn't honestly meant to mess her up, but had to admit to a flattering ego swell at this development. Aunt Sylvie must've liked her quite a bit, to allow herself to be so distracted. "Don't You Want Me" played on, easing the niece more and more into the mood. Noelle waited for Aunt Sylvie to kick off ball two, leaned up behind her, and exhaled in her ear.

"The music's making me do it, Aunt Sylvie..." she proclaimed, as her auntie went on trying to focus. Noelle slipped the same paw out in front of Sylvia, between her and the machine, and rubbed her thigh.

"It's not me. It's the song."

Aunt Sylvie gasped again, feeling a sizzle of excitement go through her. She almost lost the second ball as well, but managed to catch it at a standstill by holding up the flipper.

"N—...Noelle...honey..." she gently cajoled, trying to be patient. ", this-this isn't quite fair, you know..."

"Oh, really?" came the flirty voice behind her. Noelle burrowed her nose in Sylvia's silver locks, holding her a bit tighter, keeping up the naughty thigh-rubbing. "Whyever could that be?"

Aunt Sylvie did her utmost to keep from moaning or sweating.

"Because, my dear, I think you're aware of the sensual power you've got over me—that of course being one of the reasons I t—ooh!—took you home Saturday...and-and not that I'm entirely powerless myself, but...but...ohhh, my God...oh, Noelle, that feels good..."

"Yeah?..." Noelle reiterated, nosing her hair aside and kissing the nape of her neck. "Want me to go deeper?"

Yes. "Uh, well, per-perhaps we'd better just finish our game here, and...and-and go from there."

"Oh." Noelle removed her hands and lips, backing off. "Well, okay. Go ahead, Aunt Sylvie."

And good fucking luck, old woman, she thought with sinister glee. Not that she expressly planned to seduce dear auntie into a totally flabbergasted loss. But a wonderful feeling of power had been unlocked in her. She loved this. She loved knowing she'd very possibly set Aunt Sylvie's heart to quivering, libido to purring, and pussy to twitching with such a few skillful moves. And she loved that now, semi-abruptly taking her fingers and mouth off Sylvia's skin, this likely made the silver fox want them back. She couldn't blame the song anymore, as the music had changed to "Dancing In The Dark." But taking a cue, she could let Aunt Sylvie go on playing...slip silently off to the corner of the room...and kill the lights.

Darkness didn't also quench the fun of the games. The electronic mechanisms enabled them to glow, and even on a pinball table, one could basically see what one was doing. Aunt Sylvie chuckled through a scoff as she noticed what Noelle was up to now.

" really are a little stinker, aren't'cha..." she called over her shoulder.

Noelle reapproached. Aunt Sylvie was still on her second ball, nearing the Radical Replay point of 500,000. Marveling how cool it was they could keep playing without lights, Noelle pranced to the other end of the game room, dragged over one of the trampolines, hopped up and started jumping.

"Y'can't start a fire!..." she crowed along. "Can't start a fire without a spark, this gun's for hire..."

Sylvia smiled tenderly, just adoring what a great time her niece was having. This had turned into a little party with the heated game and lively tunes. The next one was "Ghostbusters." It got underway just as Sylvie claimed her replay. They chanted together, "Who ya gonna call??" as Sylvia sent the ball through the Eurythmic orbit, the bonus-riddled Cheers bar, the Indiana Jones boulderway, and the Nintendo habitrail. As "Ghostbusters" ran course, a replica of Sting's enigmatic voice took over.

"I want my MTV..."

"Money For Nothing" was up next. Still on her second ball, Sylvie was steadily gaining confidence, and as well on Noelle's score. She broke 700,000. Points ascended with more momentum the longer a player went without losing a ball. And had she kept it up much longer, she might've reached Noelle on this same turn. But finally, it hurtled down the drain before she could catch it.

Ball three. Noelle stepped off the trampoline to relax and watch. She leaned on an adjoining table called Swamp Thing Thrill Ride. Where did Aunt Sylvie get some of these things, she had to wonder. Or perhaps an even better question: where did she get the idea to get some of these things? She looked back up in time to see Aunt Sylvie hit something called the Fast Times flasher.

"Hey, bud!" the machine chuckled. "Let's party!"

"Ooh! Sweetie, look!" Sylvia called. "I got a Mondo Multiball!"

While, Noelle thought, there wasn't really a big '80s song about balls (well, "Balls To The Wall" came to mind, but), the next song the machine chose was pretty appropriate to the multiball achievement, and matched the energy nicely too. "99 Red Balloons." Two extra pinballs shot out onto the playing field at the same time, tripling Sylvia's bonuses and efforts. Noelle was impressed, and couldn't help being jealous she'd missed this doozy. This song made her likewise want to dance, so she shimmied beside Sylvia, thrusting her pelvis, shaking her boobs...and still not really trying to be provocative, but succeeding. Aunt Sylvie kept up the craziness of three balls on the table simultaneously. She soon lost two, but climbed upwards of 800,000.

"Uh-oh!" said Noelle.

Sylvia took a spare second to grin at her, loving how they both enjoyed these spirited competitions. First foosball, now pinball, then really just anything that struck their fancy. They ought to go bowling, she thought, wondering how good a bowler Noelle was. Her next thought was, For a middle-aged lesbian, I sure as hell do like playing with balls a lot.

In the meantime, she had to admit, competitiveness was indeed getting the better of her. The pinball match was almost over. She was on her last ball, nearing Noelle's score. This shouldn't be too tough, she processed. Ignoring the first column of perspiration trickling down her face, she glanced alternatingly at her score and the table, back and forth.





"I Ran" by A Flock Of Seagulls took over. Noelle watched the digits keep climbing, starting to fear. She suddenly realized just how much she really, really wanted to win this. She wanted to turn the tables—no pun intended—on Aunt Sylvie, and pay her back for Saturday. Now armed with the knowledge that she could made the silver fox long for her sexual charms with just a touch, Noelle longed to restrain the old gal down and send her through a whirlwind of intense passion...and maybe overwhelm her too, just for a nice extra dash. Maybe put that clit pump to use on her and see how she liked it.

Nothing was really stopping her from hugging Aunt Sylvie again, distracting her once more and shifting the odds to her favor, but she didn't want to do that. Well, she did, kind of, but...she'd rather win on the merits of her own skill. Aunt Sylvie had just cracked 850,000 points. Noelle reminded herself of her score. 882,700. She gulped, feeling her own sweat come on. Competition was gripping the better of her just the same. And a new scary thought suddenly occurred to her. If Aunt Sylvie did win this, too...

What sort of wild "punishment" would she have in store for Noelle this time?

This was scary, but also...turned her on. Aunt Sylvia had some sexual power over her as well. The way she wiggled that vibrator inside her and manipulated those control settings...made Noelle shiver. She was sure this wasn't the last game or activity in which she and Aunt Sylvie would compete. And she was sure they'd both win whatever games they played in the future. But would they be able to keep upping the stakes on each other in the "punishment" round, now there was a question.

For tonight, Noelle grew more and more apprehensive. C'mon, lose! she thought. C'mon, please! I wanna win this!

Grab her, Noelle, the impulsive part of her brain commanded. Grab her pussy. Right now. Do it.

I...I just don't wanna, she argued with herself. Yeah, it might win us the game, but it wouldn't feel like a real victory! That's...I mean, that's essentially cheating, isn't it?

On the one hand, maybe it is! On the other, who gives a fuck?!


Time's running out, girl. You remember that foosball match. You know how agile auntie is. Do we wanna win this or not??

The impulse began to influence Noelle, as she pondered the numerous ways she could punish Aunt Sylvie. She took a step closer.

"Ooooh, c'mon, baby!" yelled Sylvia. "Almost there! Just a little further! Be good to Auntie!"

Noelle's eyes popped open as a chill ran through her. 875,000. Aunt Sylvie hit a mini-bonus, and was now only seven thousand points behind. Oh, she so didn't want to lose this. Sylvie'd already gotten to have her way with her; Noelle wanted to be in charge this time! She began to feel it necessary to abruptly grope Aunt Sylvie and fumble her. Noelle inched in, eyeing that ass. One little goose. All it could take. Her brain still wasn't sure, but beloved auntie's score wasn't slowing down. Her paw decided to take action. It reached. Part of her still didn't like doing this, but if the situation were reversed, she wasn't sure she'd put a stunt like this past Aunt Sylvie.

Just a little further, her competitive side urged. Just reach out...and touch her. Just do it.

Sylvia's ball rocketed straight back down from the Smurfs bumpers. "Eye Of The Tiger" cut through the audio system next.

Just do it, Noelle.

Noelle shut her eyes and winced.


She never got the opportunity.

The ball plummeted directly down the middle. Neither flipper had a chance.

Game over.

They gasped in unison, whipping their gazes to the backbox. The table added Sylvia's leftover bonus points and showed her total score.


"Eight eigh—...eight EIGHTY!" Noelle bellowed, realizing she was victorious. "I WIN! FUCKING YEEEEEEEESSSS!!"

She cackled triumphantly, though her mind was blown. She'd come so close, and ultimately hadn't needed to "cheat" at all. Sylvia held up one finger, indicating they needed to hold out for the "match," to see if she'd be granted a free turn.

Oh, God-fucking...! That was right, Noelle remembered. Matches were rare on these machines, but still happened.


"60! 60!" Aunt Sylvie shouted.

"Anything else! Any-fucking-thing else!" Noelle countered.


Noelle screamed and pumped both fists in the air, as Sylvia let her knees give out, slumping over the table.

"NOOOOO-o-o-o-o!!" the silver fox wailed.

"HA ha ha ha ha ha ha!" the bebanged princess laughed wickedly. "In your FACE, old woman! In your fucking face!

"OH, does winning feel good!" Noelle celebrated, giving Aunt Sylvie a spank on the ass, rubbing her poor nose in it. Sylvia got to her feet and turned, forcing herself to be a good sport.

"A'right, sweetie...excellent game," she congratulated, holding out her arms for a hug. "Good job."

"Good job to you too, Aunt Sylvie!" rejoined Noelle, all ear-to-ear smiles. "Ready for your punishment??"

Sylvia froze mid-embrace. Her eyes shut in painful regret.

"Oh, God...I'm in trouble, aren't I?"

Still arms in arms, Noelle nodded, kissing auntie's ear and hair.


Sigh. "Oh-kay..." Sylvia broke the hug to look her in the eye.

"...What're you gonna do to me?"


Let's Make A...

Thursday, April 28th, 2016, 11:52 p.m.

After gathering the supplies, the ladies reconvened in Sylvia's bedroom. The morning's sexcapade had taken place in Noelle's bed with her as the focus, so it seemed appropriate to conduct Aunt Sylvie's in her own. Noelle'd begun by draping the large, protective dropcloth over the mattress. Sylvia had no reason to wonder what was going on after Noelle ordered her to fetch this, the watercolors and the palette. It was painting payback time. When this was complete, Noelle picked up one sizable pillow and gave her next command.