The Artificer's Resolve

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A young artificer toils to find fulfillment.
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Sweat poured from Kia's delicate brow as she toiled on her workbench. Her artificer's tools lay scattered throughout the modest confines of her apartment.

"Kia?" said Val, the firm timbre of his voice breaking through her obsessive tinkering.

Placing her tools down, the young artificer hung her head. "It's not fair Val," she said with a measure of anger and frustration. "We saved the world, we deserve this... we deserve some happiness."

"Kia," Val repeated tenderly.

Kia wheeled towards Val, tears forming in her golden-brown eyes. She directed her fiery gaze at the velvet shrouded stand which housed Val's sleek form. Even though he no longer had eyes she knew he regarded her now. In her mind's eye she saw him as he once was; tall, resolute, with kind, sad eyes.

Crossing the room, Kia picked Val up and cradled him in her hands as she sat on her bed. The soul-forged weapon felt warm to the touch, like his body had been. As always, Kia could swear she caught the hint of his face reflected in the hard alloyed surface of the gleaming barrel. Studying him lovingly she ran her slender fingers over the glowing script of his name, 'Val Devon,' supernaturally etched along the grip.

"You don't have to do this," he said once again. She could hear the ache in him. He loved her, she knew it, he had placed his trust in her like no one else.

Tears rained upon Val as Kia sojourned through her memories of them. How Val, then a dutiful captain of the city guard had saved her from execution when she had been framed for murder. The whirlwind of their escape from the city and how they grew close on their journey to find sanctuary with his uncle Yasquin, the high priest. The tender way he held her during their moments alone.

Kia could feel despair rise within her as she recalled the horror of Yasquin's assassination by cultists. How Val, ever the protector, sought desperately for a way to defeat the apocalyptic schemes of the cult. The otherworldliness of the Arcane Gunsmith's intra- planar forge as Val took the oaths and, with her help, became the weapon he is now.

He trusted her to wield him, to use his power wisely. He trusted her to stand before an extra dimensional portal and defy the evil Creator Dragon. He trusted her but his damn devotion to duty and selflessness had robbed them of the life they should have had, the life she so desired.

Resisting the urge to fling him across the room, Kia wiped Val down before returning him to his place. His words echoed through her mind, "you don't have to do this." She knew what he meant. Ever the protector, ready to sacrifice everything for others. Val could not say it outright, but he would have Kia build the life they had sought together with someone else. She knew Val would endure it because he loved her, but he had sacrificed enough, they had sacrificed enough.

Returning to her workbench, Kia redoubled her efforts. Pulling her goggles on she labored over the matrix of sun crystals that would harness the unimaginable energies which the weapon Val could unleash for destruction. Her hopes rested upon her skills as an artificer to transform that raw power into something which would suit her purpose. If her gambit paid off, she could gain some measure of the consummation of their love, however unconventional. That would be enough.

"Kia, this is dangerous." Val cautioned.

Kia sighed, "and have we had enough of danger? Is our happiness not worth enduring risk?!" Her slender frame trembled as she spoke.

"I could not bear to see you hurt on my account," Val pleaded.

"Gods man!" Kia spat, "I love you, and yes, I have already been hurt on your account!" Her sweat glistened breasts heaved angrily under her leather apron. "That is what this means. You cannot protect me from loving you!"

Turning back to her work she added under her breath, "I will have you."

Picking up the stack of parchment from the workbench, Kia poured over her careful calculations. Silently, she thanked her mentor for his constant discipline regarding thoroughness. The master artificer's tutelage had helped her overcome the most daunting obstacles during their quest: Today it would be vital.

Satisfied with her final check on the theoretical aspects, Kia set about inspecting the inner workings of her construct, before fastening the enclosure with the same careful skill. Stepping back from the workbench, she eyed her work with growing anticipation.

Returning to the stand next to her bed, Kia lifted Val eagerly. "I love you," she said, a slight tremor in her voice betrayed her nervousness.

Val responded in kind, "I love you," giving up on dissuading the woman he loved from her purpose.

Stepping up to the workbench, Kia held her breath as she secured Val's barrel into the port she had so diligently devised. With a silent prayer to the Host, she pulled his trigger.

With a barely audible hum the invention animated upon the workbench. "It works," Kia breathed out in relief. A thrill ran though her body as she bit her lip lightly and tested the machine's various functions. Her slender hands trembled slightly as she verified the perfection of the device. "Yes," she thought to herself, "everything according to plan, the heating system, rotors, pistons, every contact and dial." She had done it!

Fervently, Kia grasped the apparatus and carried it to her bed. Placing it carefully, she took a moment to steady her nerves before stepping behind her privacy screen to prepare herself.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Kia removed her work apron and viewed herself. "Patience," she cautioned herself, "make this special." Removing her goggles and headband, her deep brown curls cascaded over her shoulders to play upon the slope of her breasts. Examining herself, Kia set about cleaning her face and arms of the residue of her labors.

Stepping out of her customary work slacks, Kia pulled her blouse over her head. She let out an amused titter as she took in her reflection, her hair wildly enveloped her head. Grasping her hairbrush, she scrutinized her naked form as she tamed her hair. The warm lamplight played deliciously across Kia's slender physique.

The girlishness of her youth had blossomed into the vivaciousness of a woman. Kia commenced anointing her body with oil, taking care to cover every inch of her skin. Her hands glided across her proud breasts before moving lower to coat her abdomen, her full hips, and shapely buttocks. Kia bent low and massaged the sensual oil up each leg before tentatively applying it to her yearning womanhood.

The treatment of the oil began to produce its desired effect as Kia felt tingles ripple through her body exciting her intimately. Taking a last look, Kia delighted at the sight of her body shining in reflected light as she lowered the lamplight and stepped out from behind the privacy screen.

"Hosts Kia!" Val gasped as Kia came into his view, "you are a goddess."

Giggling softly Kia replied, "shh don't blaspheme."

Walking through the dancing light of the hearth Kia climbed onto the bed. Her heart began racing as she tentatively knelt over the device. Placing herself just below its endowment, she nestled it between her thighs as she settled upon her creation. Kia grasped Val's trigger and released his energy into the machine. A low hum filled the room as she turned a dial and delighted in the vibrations meeting her excited sex.

"Oh," she sighed, reveling in the sensation building within her.

Without thought, Kia's body began rocking gently, taking in the thrum of the device's oscillation with luxurious abandon. As her excitement grew, Kia pulled upon Val's trigger again, unleashing his energies with greater force into the apparatus.

Her need growing by the moment, Kia rose up and enveloped the creation's endowment. Resting upon the apparatus, her eyes tightly closed and breath quickening, she felt for the second dial. Kia turned the dial and inhaled deeply as the pistons' work began. Set to move with slow measured strokes, she gave herself to the rising tide of satisfaction building within her.

Kia's sumptuous form undulated with passion as she met the rhythm of the thrusts within her. With a shaking hand, she blindly grasped Val's grip and squeezed the trigger again.

"Kia!" Val cried in shock.

Absorbed in rising ecstasy, Kia responded, "Val!"

The vibration and movements of the machine shifted abruptly.

"Gods! Kia! I can feel you!" Val exclaimed.

Opening her eyes, Kia gasped as she beheld the faintly glowing projection of her lover. Tears of joy formed upon her lovely cheeks. Val appeared as he had before; tall, fit, his noble chin covered with the dark stubble which was a permanent feature of his rugged face.

"Beloved," Val spoke tenderly, controlling the device as if it were his own body.

"Oh Val, my Val," Kia said as she surrendered to the ebb and flow of his ministrations. They moved together as one, eyes locked in passionate communication. Kia's hips rocked forcefully as Val increased the pace and intensity to match her.

"Oh, there, don't stop," Kia commanded.

With frantic motion Kia felt her climax building within her. Sweat coated her body as she began vocalizing bliss wordlessly.

Val groaned out his own satisfaction as a burst of energy flowed through the machine and washed over Kia's womanhood from within.

For a time, Kia froze, buttocks clenched, a flush of crimson spreading from her neck down to the source of her rapture. Once the euphoria faded, Kia collapsed upon the bed breathing deeply. With a trembling hand she pulled Val from the apparatus and cradled him to her bosom as she drifted to sleep.

At first morning light, Kia awoke and quickly prepared herself for the new day.

"Morning love," Kia said to Val as she placed him back upon his stand. "Busy day today, much to do."

Val responded, "Good morning dearest. What plans for today?"

"First to the Temple, I must thank the Host for our miracle." Kia said as she hurriedly got dressed.

"And then?" Val probed.

With her typical playful grin Kia replied, "and then I begin building the Mark II."

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