The Atlanta Flight Attendant


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"Fuck me, Scott!" Julie exclaimed. "Give me your cock deep. I want you to pound my pussy."

Each sentence she uttered was broken speech. Julie's breaths pulsated as my cock bottomed out against her. We fucked like this for several minutes. Then, I pulled out and told her to get on her knees. I love taking a woman from behind because it makes my cock go even deeper. I love watching the ripple of a woman's glutes as my pelvis drives my cock deeply. I leaned over her back, and my long arms found Julie's clit. Rapidly rubbing it with my long fingers like a Zydeco musician playing the washboard, Julie talked in tongues again as she climaxed. Her grunting sent me over the edge. My cock filled the reservoir tip, and I could feel the excess inside the rubber. As I went flaccid, I pulled out, removed the condom, tied it off, set it on the floor next to the bed, and lay beside her. My left arm went under Julie's shoulders, and she rolled toward me with her tits on the side of my chest and her left leg over my leg. We basked in the afterglow of great sex until our bodies cooled down.

"Thank you," I said, kissing the top of her head as she lay in my arms.

"NO, thank YOU," Julie said as her fingers wove themselves through my chest hair. "I've not had a good fuck in a long time. That was fantastic."

"It's all part of the complete package," I crowed. "There's no extra charge for personalized service, ma'am."

"If you were a gigolo, I would gladly pay you for your services," Julie quipped.

I smiled and chuckled at her comment. Nobody had ever said that to me before. Nor had I ever thought anyone would. I was proud to have pleased her so well. Sliding out from under her, I sat upright and put my legs over the side of the bed.

When I stood up, Julie said, "Just where do you think you are going, stud?"

I turned toward her and said, "I need to shower. Care to join me?"

Julie threw her body to the bedside and nearly leaped toward me. I held my hand out for her, and we entered the bathroom together. While she put on a shower cap over her lovely blonde hair, I ran the water to warm it up. She stepped in first, with me following close behind. I like the shower curtains many hotels have nowadays. The curved outward curtain rod and the magnets in the shower curtain give much more room than a traditional straight shower rod. Our hands roamed over each other's bodies as we lathered and washed each other. The washing felt good as she lathered my body. In too short of time, we dried off. We walked naked back to the bed, and I put my clothes back on.

"STOP! You are not going anywhere tonight," Julie demanded. "I need you to hold me tonight. I want to feel your body next to mine. It's been a long time since I had a man in my bed, and I want you to refresh my memory."

My dick was getting hard again as we pulled the covers over our bodies. Nestled against her butt cheeks, I wrapped my long arms around her. My hands covered both her tits when she reached to turn out the bedside lamp. The alarm clock read 3:00 a.m. Sleep came fast.

It was almost noon when I awoke with my back to Julie and her body spooning with mine. Since my phone was in my pants on the floor, I did not know what time it was. The alarm clock was on Julie's side of the bed. But I remembered it was Saturday, and I did not need to go to the job site over the weekend. Julie was breathing normally in her sleep. I did not want to move, fearing I would wake her, and I am sure flying every day is tiring enough without the added exercise we did the night before. I lay beside Julie for a few minutes when I felt her move her hand on my chest. She did not know I was awake, and she was feeling my chest. Her movement was more than a subconscious REM sleep action. I moved my hand, placed it on her hand, and squeezed it gently.

"I'm sorry," Julie apologized. "Did I wake you?"

"Nah, I've been awake for a few minutes now," I said. "I didn't move because I wanted you to sleep more. I was figuring a way to get up to use the bathroom without waking you."

I felt her kiss my shoulder as she scooted closer so her mouth was near my neck. I rolled away from her and flipped around to face her. She looked cute, smiling at me with her messed up hair and button nose. We kissed gently, and I told her I needed to go to the bathroom.

"Can I watch?" She said with a grin.

I'm not the least modest and said, "Sure if you want to."

I rolled out of bed and walked toward the bathroom. Julie stayed behind, and when I turned to face the bed, I looked at her and said, "I thought you wanted to watch."

"You don't care if I do?" She asked.

"Not at all," I said. "Come and watch."

She got out of the bed and sauntered toward me. The night before, I did not look too closely at her figure. I saw it all right but did not pay much attention to how she's built. Watching her walk naked toward me was a sensual treat. Her hips were perfect for her size. Her tits were perky. We entered the bathroom together, and I lifted the lid and toilet seat as one. I put my hand on my dick, and she asked if she could. I released my hand and felt the warmth of her hand. I urinated, which transfixed her, watching the stream exit my urethra. She was like a little kid with a toy. Julie pointed the stream all around the toilet bowl.

"I'm not sure if you know of it, but many public urinals have debris screens molded like a target," I told Julie.

She laughed and lost control of my dick. She squirted me on the inside lid and top of the toilet tank before I could stop the flow. Luckily, only a little was left, and the mess was small. After I flushed the toilet, I reached for one of the wet bath towels from the night before and wiped down the toilet. Julie stood there watching me clean up. She sat with her hip on the counter with her arms crossed. One finger on her chin with her long fingernail between her teeth. The smile on her face when I looked at her was priceless.

She moved toward me and hugged me while I held the dirty towel well away from her body. I kissed her lips and washed my hands. I left as she sat down to relieve her bladder. When she returned, I was sitting on the bed, reaching for my underwear. Julie pushed me back on the bed and straddled me with her pussy directly over my growing hardness. Her hands were on my shoulders, pinning me to the bed.

"What time do you have to leave?" I asked.

"I'm off for the next two days," she replied.

"Don't you fly home today?" I queried.

"I usually do, but there is something to keep me here," Julie mentioned.

Her hips were grinding on me, and the slit of her pussy was lubricating my cock from her wetness.

"What might that be?" I inquired.

"You silly," she said. "I want to spend the weekend with you."

Her thrusting was making her even more aroused. She reached between us and tried to put me inside her. I stopped her and said I need a condom.

"You don't have to worry," she said. "I'm fixed."

"I am, too, but I made a promise," I said.

"A promise to whom?" She asked. "Are you married?"

"Please don't think I am cheating," I pleaded. "My wife and I have an open relationship. Since I am on the road so much, she understands my desires and has given me a hall pass. It may be hard for you to understand, but it's true. I can even prove it to you."

"How can you prove it?" She asked.

Julie had stood up, and I went to her laptop to show her. My wife and I both have adult personal ads on a dating site. I showed her mine and showed her my wife's profiles. It amazed her we had an open relationship, and asked me all kinds of questions.

"Does she fool around too?" Julie asked.

"Yes," I replied. "Frequently, I might add."

"And it does not upset you if some other guy is fucking your wife?" Julie wondered.

"Call me weird, but I like it when she calls me and some guy is plowing into her," I responded. "The other guy usually seems to like it, too."

"She knows about you fooling around, too?" Julie asked.

"I don't get that much action, and when I do, I will call and tell her beforehand," I said.

"Did you tell her about us?" Julie wondered.

"Yes, before I went downstairs last night to the bar," I told her.

"What did you tell her?" Julie asked.

"I told her a very attractive flight attendant was meeting me for dinner and dancing," I explained. "I hoped to take her to my bed, but I was unsure if something would happen."

"What did she say?" Julie asked.

"She said remember to use protection and to have a good time. I told her I would call her in the morning and tell her what happened," I said. "I can call her now, and you can hear for yourself. But you must remain quiet unless she asks if you are present. Then you may chat with her if she wants."

"Hell yeah, I want to listen," Julie exclaimed. "Call her now."

I dialed and said to my wife, "Hi, honey."

"Hi babe, how was your date?" she asked.

"It was good, I replied" "She's a very nice lady."

"Did you get lucky?" My wife asked.

I could hear her voice cracking as she spoke. It was not the first time I had called her the next morning, and she was in bed with a lover.

"Yes, I said. "We spent the night together in her room."

"Are you there with her now?" She asked.

"Yes, she's right next to me," I admitted.

Julie could not believe her ears. Her hands were over her mouth, and I could see her smile under her hands.

"Do you know what I'm doing right now?" My wife asked.

"I kind of have an idea based on your breathing," I replied.

"Do you remember Beer Can Bill?" My wife asked.

"Yeah, he's the guy with the dick as big around as a beer can," I remembered.

"Well, I have his beer can in me right now," my wife grunted.

My wife moaned while she fucked her lover.

"Does it feel good, honey?" I asked.

"He fills me up so much," She cried. "His cock stretches my pussy to the breaking point."

I heard Bill on the other end fuck my wife hard. I heard his pelvis smashing into her ass cheeks. She was taking him from behind. Her head was on the mattress, the phone was beside her face, and she held the sheets in her fists.

"Is he going to cum for you, honey?" I asked. "Is his huge cock going to fill my wife's pussy with hot baby batter?"

My wife groaned louder with each thrust of his cock. Julie, in the meantime, was absentmindedly holding on to my cock as I listened to them fucking. As Bill increased his speed, so did Julie.

"What is she doing to you right now, love?" My wife asked.

"She is stroking my cock while I listen to another man fuck my wife," I reported.

"Does it feel good for her to stroke you like that?" My wife wondered.

"It would feel much better if she sat on me right now with her wet pussy over my rigid cock," I said.

Julie took the hint. She put a rubber on me with her mouth and then straddled me. Her pussy was soaking wet, and slid on me with zero resistance. I moaned as she sat down on my prick.

"Oh, it sounds like she did what you asked," my wife said.

"Yes, she did," I replied.

"Are you deep inside her?" My wife asked.

"She's riding me reverse cowgirl and bottoms out nicely babe," I said.

"Are you going to fuck her for me?" My wife wondered.

"I think she might enjoy this kink we share," I replied.

Julie nodded her head when I asked, "How about Julie? Do you like hearing my wife fuck another man as I am fucking you?"

At the other end of the line, my wife got louder as Bill increased the frequency and power of his fuck. I heard Bill climax with a loud groan. My wife was close behind him. The both of us were coming together as we fucked our partners. Julie was pinching her nipples as she bounced on my cock. I saw her head bow down to her chest as she tensed her abdominal muscles with her approaching climax. She came but kept quiet. It was amazing to watch her silently cum.

"I need to go now, honey," My wife said. "Bill and I need to shower before we get breakfast. You do the same and call me later tonight."

"I love you, babe," I said. "Have fun with Bill."

"I love you too," my wife replied. "Talk to you soon."

Julie was still on top of me, moving her hips, when I hung up the phone.

She said, "That was the kinkiest thing I have ever done. I didn't realize I was touching you. But I lost it when I heard her say she was in bed with another man."

"So then, I take it you had fun this morning?" I queried.

"I did," Julie replied. "Do you think we can do it again later? I'd like to hear her cum again."

"That depends on her and Bill. He's married and cheating on his wife. She probably won't be with him again tonight. Bill works graveyard at the hospital where my wife works, and he takes a day off now and then to fuck my wife."

"Too bad," Julie complained. "I was hoping to do it again."

"I'd be willing to bet she won't be alone again tonight," I said. "It's Saturday, and when I am away, she likes to go to the swinger club we belong to and fuck. Sometimes, she has two or three different men a night there. Unfortunately, they don't allow phones in the club, so we probably can't do it tonight unless someone takes her to a hotel. Then we can do that."

"Would you ask her to do that for me?" Julie pleaded. "Do you think she can find a guy and have him take her to a hotel room?"

"Julie, in her first week on the dating site, she had several hundred men sending messages asking her to fuck," I said. "I'm so jealous that she can do that. It's like trying to find Hen's Teeth with my profile. If she wants cock, all she needs to do is reply to a message. If I'm not mistaken, I remember her telling me she would meet her military pilot friend and spend the weekend with him. I'll ask her later this afternoon."

"That would be so hot," Julie exclaimed.

The coffeemaker in the bathroom was brewing, and the aroma was wonderful. Something about a freshly brewed cup of coffee makes my senses come alive. Julie got us two cups of coffee, and we sat under the covers, sipping and talking. Later that morning, we showered together. Before leaving the hotel for breakfast, I went to my room to change clothes and looked online for sights to see around the area. I took her to a family-owned restaurant I usually ate at on my way to the job site. After breakfast, we saw the sights of the city and surrounding area. Georgia was green and lush, unlike the brown hills of southern California where I live. I'm not fond of the brown. Green hills and valleys are much more appealing than the bone-dry hillsides that burn in the summer, and the mud washes away homes in the winter rains.

We ate lunch at an out-of-the-way burger joint and returned to the hotel for a rest. We didn't undress. We lay in my room in each other's arms and fell asleep. It was late afternoon when I awoke and left Julie sleeping. I emailed my wife asking if she and Steve, the C17 pilot, were meeting tonight. I explained that Julie wanted a repeat of this morning. It took about an hour for her to respond and I used the time while Julie was sleeping to take care of some business reports for the home office.

Julie awoke when the ding sound of email alerted me. I opened the email from my wife and read she would see Steve and would love a repeat performance that night. I read the email to Julie, which excited her about the prospect of more kinky sex. Unfortunately, her phone rang. Her airline's dispatcher called to tell her she needed to be at the airport in 30 minutes to catch a flight to Wisconsin. Another flight attendant had called in sick, and Julie was the next on the list for emergency coverage. I was crestfallen. Her sad eyes told me the story without her saying a word.

"You're flying, aren't you?" I pouted.

"Yeah, some bitch called in sick, and I have to cover for her," Julie said angrily.

"Can you refuse the shift?" I asked.

"No, my contract stipulates that if I am on the list and my turn is next, I'd better be in the hospital dying to get out of the coverage," Julie kidded.

"I'm sorry," I asked. "When do you have to leave?"

"Right now," She said. "I need to be at the airport in 30 minutes."

"Do you need me to drive you?" I asked.

"No, there's a shuttle waiting for me downstairs," Julie said.

"I guess this is goodbye then," I explained to Julie that an email from my boss said I fly out tomorrow morning for Manitoba, Canada. I doubt that I will return to Atlanta soon."

Julie hugged me, kissed me, and walked out the door with tears in her eyes. I don't think she cried for lost love as much as saying goodbye forever to anyone is heart-wrenching. Especially to someone who fucked your brains out. I never saw Julie again. She still holds a special place in my memory.

After my next job in Winnipeg, Manitoba, the 2008 real estate and stock market crash killed my company. Fortunately, my teaching credential was still good, and I found a secure teaching job. Atlanta was 15 years ago, and I often think of Julie and wonder where she is now. I never knew if she was married, as she did not say, and I did not ask. I fondly remember a great time in Hot-Lanta with Julie, the beautiful flight attendant.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

It's a decent story, but damn those padded bras! She went from a C/small D to a B/maybe C when she took it off! The walls of text made it a little difficult to read in a few places too, but I gave it a 4*.

26thNC26thNC8 months ago

Another “true “ LW story. What a joke. Atlanta, except for the no longer in Atlanta Braves, is the asshole of the country.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

A couple of days later, there was a text from Julie on my phone. The loud noises of construction at the job site prevented me from hearing the notification tone. When I got into my car, I checked and saw her message.

"Hi Scott, I'll be in Atlanta this afternoon," Julie's text read. "Are you still there?"

I returned her text, "Yes, still here. May I see you this evening?"

Julie did not immediately answer because she was airborne and could not use her phone. She responded to my text when she turned it on at the Atlanta airport.

"I would love to see you," Julie replied. "Meet me at the bar around 7:00-ish. I should be ready then."


So, the big question is, how did he know that she was airborne and that was why she didn't respond? Even when she did later respond, that wasn't in her text...

Flipping from a character's view to a narrator's view briefly and without notice disrupts the story. You actually did that twice; first when explaining how he didn't hear the text when it happened, instead of explaining how he had missed it when he noticed the text later.

A good editor should have caught that for you.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

"This story is . . . 100% true." - I don't understand why so many writers such statements on this type of story.


Whether it is true or not, nobody is going to believe it, which makes adding it pretty much pointless.


Second, as you have now moved the story from the world of fiction to the world of non-fiction, you destroyed any suspension of disbelief your story might have had (and needed).


Third, as much as people already judge a writer through their characters' actions, you just told them that you are one of those characters. Naturally, they are now going to judge you more as a person and less as a writer as they read your story.


TL;DR -> The "true story" cliche does more harm than good to a story, and it's writer.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy8 months ago

On the road again!


AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

What a wonderfully well-written story! You exposed your education and made your teachers proud. A 5 from me.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

"If you've seen one Fender Stratocaster, you've seen them all"

Perfidy! BLASPHEMY! You dare to malign one of the best things to come from California?

Good story - not over the top. Keep writing.

They had each others' contacts - they could have hooked up elsewhere.

RocketMan12RocketMan128 months ago

I guess that was an interesting twist about the open marriage, but extreme but this site is about Fantasy

francemanfranceman8 months ago

@ic69hunter, as said before,

I don't like cuckolding which I think is a fetish, I don't like sharing or swapping but I like stories where there is betrayal, adultery and its resolution by the wronged party.

And guess what ? these stories are in LW.

lc69hunterlc69hunter8 months ago

@franceman, I don't like incest or non-consent (rape), but I don't go there, read the stories and then scream like a little banshee at how evil they are.

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