The Awakening of Angel Ch. 01


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Next in the pile were four identical contracts which stated:

This Agreement is entered into by and between Tillman Training, hereinafter Teacher and Angel (Insert full legal name), hereinafter Trainee, on this day.

Whereas, Trainee desires to hold harmless Teacher from any claims and/or litigation that may arise from any actions connected with the training of Trainee.

Now Therefore, in consideration of the mutual conditions and covenants that are contained herein, Trainer and Trainee hereby agree as follows:

Hold Harmless. Trainee shall fully defend, indemnify and hold harmless Trainer from any and all claims, demands, lawsuits, causes of action, loss, liability, injury and/or damage of any kind whatsoever including without limitation all claims for property damage, monetary loss, personal injury, mental injury, emotional stress, equitable relief, and/or wrongful death, that arises out of any acts on the part of Trainer in the course of instruction.

This indemnification applies to and includes, without limitation the payment of all penalties, judgments, fines, awards, attorneys' fees degrees and related costs or expenses and any reimbursements to Trainer for all legal fees, expenses and costs that are incurred by it.

Trainee hereby certifies that they are of sound mind and willingly enter into this agreement and affirm to obey all directions and instructions of the Trainer and the training program. It is further agreed that there will be no costs incurred by Trainee and all associated costs of the training program will be absorbed by Trainer.


The last page contained these few lines. "After signing the documents, return to your normal routine. You will receive further instructions at a date to be determined."

What the hell?! How many times could I be stunned in just a few short days? What was this all about? Was the guy a serial killer? That wouldn't make sense with having lawyers involved. A million things were going through my mind and honestly I knew I wasn't going to get anything done at work. The commute home was a blur, which became even blurrier following what was probably a whole bottle of red wine.

Sleep was not an escape. I dreamt I was in the middle of a tightrope over a high canyon. Below was darkness and behind was danger and I was losing my balance. Ahead I saw a man walking confidently towards me and he was reaching out and beckoning me to take his hand. I really couldn't see the features of his face but I noticed a monogrammed "T" on the pocket of his shirt. Just then something predatory screeched from the darkness below and I began to fall, but he clamped onto my wrist and pulled me close. I awoke with a scream and soaked in sweat. Then I remembered the vision of my rescuer and a calm warmth spread rapidly through my body and I slept soundly for the rest of the night.

8 June Angel

Unbelievable! Here I stand in a lawyer's office, getting my picture taken and signing waivers printed on what looked like burlap papyrus. My brain was screaming for me to not do it, but my hand had a mind of its own. My eyes watched my hand detachedly signing a document of faith. Faith that Tillman could do what he said and faith that he was a good guy. The lawyer gave me my copy and I turned and left the office. Standing in the bright morning sun I wondered what was in store or if I would even see the sun tomorrow. How can you be scared and sexually excited at the same time? It doesn't make sense but that is what I felt.

Day after day went by, each with the expectation of getting the future instructions. After a week I started to wonder if it wasn't just some twisted practical joke.

16 June Angel

The wait ended while I was standing in the produce aisle at the grocery store handling some melons. Okay now, don't be dirty! You know what I mean. A teen stock boy called from behind me, "Hey, I think you dropped this." He handed me an envelope and slouched off. My hands felt like they were on fire because the envelope was made of the same rough paper that had haunted my dreams. Somebody was going to have to restock because I abruptly left my cart and went straight home.

Once inside I broke the red wax seal and dumped the envelope onto the hall table. All it contained was a key and a business card. The card had an address on the front and on the back was written, "7 pm, no sooner, no later. Use the key to enter and close the door behind you. Use the key to lock it and then throw the key as far as you can. The room will be dark. Walk slowly straight ahead until you feel a metal chair. Sit down, be still and be quiet. You will only speak when spoken to. Failure to follow instructions to the letter may result in dismissal from the course." Adrenalin was coursing through my veins and every cell of my body felt like it was vibrating.

As usual I struggled with what to wear. I mean, what's appropriate for strangling and rape? Is that formal, informal, or semi-formal? My mother's advice to always wear clean underwear also seemed pretty ironic considering the circumstances. Plus it seemed that lately that I couldn't keep my panties dry and I don't know how I wasn't thirsty all the time from dehydration. The final choice ended up being a short skirt, button up blouse and high-heels. And yes I wore a bra and panties that matched. Girls know what that means where most guys do not.

The address was in an area of town that wasn't bad but it wasn't nice either. It was just one of those nondescript commercial industrial areas with warehouses and standalone single story office buildings. There were scattered offices with lights on and I could see people working which calmed some of my anxiety. I found the correct building, parked in front, and walked up to the door which was only marked with the address, and slid the key into the lock.

For what seemed an eternity I stood with my hand locked to that key without turning it. My hand was damp and shaking and I felt a little lightheaded. Thoughts rushed through my head unchecked and randomly. All of them centered on the risk or reward of tuning the key. I was scared to death but then remembered the dream and the warmth. I twisted the key and stepped into the room. Without hesitation I closed the door, used the key to lock the door, and then threw it across the room. I expected to hear it hit the floor but there was no sound and that was almost more unnerving than standing in that unfamiliar dark room.

It was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing but there was a loud thumping sound that I couldn't identify until I realized it was my own heart. I placed my hands out in front of me and began to inch forward feeling for the metal chair, like a blindfolded kid playing pin the tail on the donkey. It seemed like it was a mile away but soon I bumped into it. The chair wouldn't move so I went around and sat down. As instructed I sat quietly and did not move.

The room was silent and the air was still. Even though the temperature was cold the air felt heavy and oppressive. I once visited a dungeon in England and it felt exactly the same way. I know that doesn't make sense so maybe it was just my emotional state. There was something strangely calming about the cool metal of the chair where it touched the back of my thighs. I concentrated on that feeling while waiting for something to happen, hoping it wouldn't be my demise.


From the monitor room I watched Angel park, enter, and close the door. Infrared lights and cameras allowed me to observe her actions even though she was in total darkness. The anxiety was clearly etched on her face and I was impressed that she pushed through it and followed the instructions. All the elements of the environment were precisely chosen to create the emotions she was feeling. I let her sit quietly for about fifteen minutes and then turned on the sound system.

"Angel," she was visibly startled and jumped, but she bit her lip and made no sound, "this is Tillman and I can see you, so all you need to do is nod or shake your head in response to my questions. Do you understand this?" Angel nodded.

"I am going to help you to grow and deal with the dark secret or secrets that you have buried. You will experience great pleasure and along with that some great pain. But the pain will lead to greater pleasure and healing. In order for this to achieve the desired results you must trust me completely. The training that you undergo will build that trust. There will be times that your mind will scream for you to not follow or question but you must resist that urge. Failure to follow will result in correction and possible termination of the training. Do you understand?" She nodded agreement again.

"Your first task of this education is to stand and remove your panties, throw them across the room, raise your skirt to your waist and sit back down. On either side of the chair you will find two handles and you are to grab them and not let go until instructed. Do you understand?" Again a nod. "Begin."


Tillman's instructions were clear but I was in uncharted territory with all of this. I'm not a prude when it comes to sexuality and I'm comfortable with my body and being naked but normally I could see the guy I was with. Take off my panties and hike up my skirt? Part of me wanted to say no and run out but I had locked the door myself, and willingly. What did that say about me? I knew the answer to my own question. I wanted to do this and see where it led.

I stood and raised my skirt to my waist. The cold air swirled around my hips, between my legs, and around my bare ass cheeks. That alone was exhilarating. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my panties and began to slide them off my hips and down my thighs. There was a little snap as the elastic of the thong released from between my ass cheeks. The cold air chilled my newly exposed pussy lips, indicating that I was wet once again. Really? I'm in a dark room where I might get murdered, being watched by a stranger while getting naked, and I'm wet? Unbelievable!

I tossed my panties away and where they landed I don't know. Probably with the stupid key. I sat back down on the chair. The cold metal was a surprise since it was now directly touching my bare ass and pussy. My hands ventured out and found the indicated handles and grabbed hold.

For a while nothing seemed to happen. Then there was a slight tingle traveling across my ass which spread and grew in intensity. Then it focused and shot straight to my vagina which caused me to jump a bit. The tingle became stronger until I felt a slight twitch, which became a spasm, and then grew into full blown vaginal contractions. My hands locked to the handles, my thighs to the chair and wetness flowed around my ass. Contraction after contraction pulsed and the waves built higher and higher, my muscles clenched, which burst into a screaming, toe curling orgasm. Suddenly the contractions ceased and I felt a huge wave of disappointment. Why did it stop? The speaker in the room came to life.

"Angel you spoke, and the consequences are the loss of pleasure. You failed to follow all the instructions and lost control. With control comes great pleasure and you will come to learn that. You must learn this control or the consequences will be greater. Do you understand? Good. Now you may leave. I will provide further instructions."

The door clicked open and I shakily stood and smoothed down my skirt which immediately stuck to my ass. The moonlight was shining in the street as I made my way out to my car. Dark and light, I said to myself, what an interesting contrast. Little did I know how true that statement was going to become.

17 June Tillman

Angel was off balance, like a drunk girl in stilettos on a rocky road, and that was normal at this point. But what wasn't normal was that I was off balance too. I've worked with lots of women over the years but the events of the previous night did not fit the norm. It was painfully obvious that she was frightened at the door but the delay before walking in was almost imperceptible. Her willingness to follow instructions and the speed at which she did showed to me a great inner confidence. Maybe she is also bothered by her secrets and wants to confront them as quickly as possible.

On top of that her sexuality seems to operate on overdrive. Her orgasm came on within moments and the intensity was wild considering the stress and circumstances she was under. Most women didn't orgasm during this session. They were just too frightened. And the wetness on the chair after she left was so large that it had run down one of the legs and was making a puddle on the floor. My feelings for this one were different than all the rest, and that was unsettling. In any case it was time to continue to the next part of the schedule. I sat down at my computer typed out the next instructions, and made a few phone calls.


Rather than sit on the couch waiting for the phone to ring or for a knock on the door, I busied myself cleaning up around the house. It was a wreck. For the past week or so my mind was other places and the house suffered. I'm glad I don't have a pet because it probably would have starved to death. Try as I might though, my legs got weak every time the events of the past night came to mind, my heart would begin to race and I would have to grab onto something to steady myself. Inside I was frightened and excited, like someone jumping from a burning building into a net six stories below.

My distraction was rudely interrupted by the doorbell. My mouth must have fallen open in surprise when I opened the door. Standing before me was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. If she wasn't a model she should have been. Every single one of her features and demeanor idealized what both men and women alike found attractive. She had a number of suitcases and smiling, handed me another envelope with a bright red wax seal. "Hello Miss Angel, my name is Alexandra and Mr. Tillman sent me."

"Umm hello Alexandra, please come in and uh have a seat." I helped her with her bags and then broke the seal on the envelope. This one contained the same rough paper as the first envelope, which I read with anxiety while Alexandra sat quietly.

Angel, it is important that we temporarily remove any elements from the past that may hold you back from progress. Removing some layers is critical in this journey and for this reason your current name will no longer be used and you will be called 'Circe'. Alexandra has been retained by me to aid you with some of the elements of your journey. But she is an assistant and not a confidant. She will live with you until such time as I deem fit. Conversation should not be casual and only pertain to the events at hand. She has been thoroughly coached and will only speak in accordance with the directions I've given.

Today we begin with some rules and items for you to accomplish:

1. You will not engage in any sexual intercourse except as directed by me.

2. You will not masturbate or stimulate yourself in any way except as directed by me.

3. You will cease shaving/waxing/plucking/trimming of any hair which includes under arms, legs, breasts, and pubic area.

4. You will not use any body care products that contain scents. This includes any personal perfumes. Alexandra will provide unscented shampoos, conditioners and detergents.

5. You may not use tampons or any other insertable during your period.

6. You will not bathe nor shower for yourself. Alexandra will perform those functions for you.

7. All your meals will be prepared by Alexandra and you must only eat and drink what is provided.

8. Sleepwear will be provided that you must wear every time you sleep. Other clothing and wardrobe items will be selected for you from time to time.

9. Social connections must be put on hold. Clear your calendar for the next year.

10. Your television service has been temporarily suspended. You will be provided exercises and selected reading material. Your computer is to only be used when directed.

11. A financial arrangement has been reached with your employer and you have been contracted out to one of my holding companies for a long-term consulting assignment. That same holding company will be paying all your bills and living expenses. Alexandra has been issued a credit card to handle any incidental expenses.

Be advised that one of Alexandra's tasks is to make sure that you abide by these items. As always, failure to comply can result in the cessation of the training program. She will also be interacting with you in different scenarios and you must cooperate in every way.

Future instructions may be issued via mail, phone, e-mail, courier, text or in person. From here on you will refer to me as "Teacher" until otherwise directed.

Alexandra had been sitting quietly all this time and yet I'm sure she noticed the papers shaking in my hands. Or maybe she saw the look of disbelief on my face. In reality I'm sure she saw both. That bothered me in its' own right because I don't like people seeing weakness in me.

"Is everything alright Miss Circe?"

"Yes, it's fine. I mean I'm fine. Yes, fine..." Well that was a colossal fail. Weakness and hesitation. It was humiliating and embarrassing. "Let me show you to your room." I led her back and allowed her to get settled while I logged onto my laptop. I really wanted to know why Teacher had chosen the name Circe for me. The first entry I discovered struck something deep inside me, like finding a picture of an old boyfriend that had had dumped you.

"In Greek mythology Circe was a goddesspharmakeia(witch or sorceress) who lived with her nymph attendants on the mythical island of Aiaia. She was skilled in the magic of metamorphosis, the power of illusion, and the dark art of necromancy. When Odysseus landed on her island she transformed his men into animals, but with the help of the god Hermes, he overcame the goddess and forced her to release his men from her spell. Circe's name was derived from the Greek verbkirkoômeaning "to secure with rings" or "hoop around"--a reference to her magical powers."

Well now things have gotten really weird! Ok, so they have been pretty bizarre already but why this name and all the rules? And Alexandra? I guess the one good thing that came out of all this was that I was no longer concerned about my safety.

Alexandra stepped out from the room and she had changed into a tank top and short shorts and that was it. No underwear and she had a body to die for. Her breasts didn't need a bra and as far as I'm concerned it would be a crime to lock those girls up. They were perfect. Her shorts rode on hips that had a graceful curve that looked like DaVinci himself had sculpted them by hand.

"Miss Circe, Teacher wants to know when your last period ended, how long they are, and are they heavy or light."

How many more things were going to stun me? Why did he need to know this? That's extremely personal and girls might talk with each other about it but it's not a normal topic of conversation with a guy you have just met. "I don't see where that is any of his business!"

"Miss, I have to comply as well and I must report compliance or non-compliance to Teacher. I should also let you know that consequences for failure to comply can be quite severe." She gave me a pleading look and there was something in her eyes that displayed a tinge of fear.

"Oh fine then. My last period ended 18 days ago, they normally last five days and my flow is medium I guess. I get some cramping as well. And just a warning Alexandra, I turn into a really cranky bitch."

"Thank you Miss. I will inform Teacher. In the meantime I will run a bath for you."

"Uh, I don't want to take a bath right now."

"It's required Miss and it isn't a request. I will call for you momentarily."

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AerthoAerthoover 2 years ago

Glad I skipped ahead to look for red flags. The contract idea is vile.

teehaateehaaabout 5 years ago
I don't believe any of this.

A frightening one-sided and inbelievable opening of this plot.

No women would, or should start on such a flimsy ground any sort of relationship.

lyssagaillyssagailalmost 7 years ago
Yes plz

I am very partial to soldiers and mental health as a military wifey who is also a counselor. I absolutely fell in love with everything about this story. Plz continue incorporating soldiers and love and mental health and recovery/enlightenment! 💞

JudyLeeJudyLeeover 8 years ago
Interesting concept.

A bit different approach from what else I have read. If Tillman is a Dom, the secrecy is unusual. I am excited to see where it is going. JudyLee

SonOfHimerosSonOfHimerosover 8 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the nice words eveyone. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Chapter 2 will be done in the next few days.

MastersWenchMastersWenchover 8 years ago

I enjoyed the first chapter and now I can't wait to see what happens next! Thanks!

EbbieBunnieEbbieBunnieover 8 years ago

A really new, different story. I can't wa it to see where it goes!

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