The Bad Boyfriend

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This is a story of a young woman used in public.
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This is a dark story of cruelty, humiliation, and bullying. It is purely fantasy between adult characters that involves a young woman used by her boyfriend without her consent. Nothing here should be taken as normal or acceptable and not a story I would typically write but sometimes characters go in directions you don't plan for. If you find such stories offensive or distressing, then please stop reading.

Sonia usually sat in the front of the lecture hall and being in the last row with the dim, flickering lights, was frustrating. Sonia focused hard on the lecturer's words. It was made harder with his habit of mumbling his sentences and scribbling his lecture notes on the blackboard that she could now barely discern. She leaned forward to understand what he was trying to explain. She looked at her boyfriend, Ajay in annoyance. He had made her sit in the back. He ignored her, staring straight ahead. She could tell he was still angry. Apparently, this was just another part of his punishment.

Ajay had always had a jealous streak. The kindness and generosity that had first drawn her to him had hid a dark side. Sonia had flirted with breaking up with him, but he had a way of making her ignore those inclinations. He gave her attention. Constantly told her how much he loved her. Adored her.

Of course, he demanded devotion in return.

"I am yours and you are mine," he had once said to her. Then, it had been romantic, but over the last few days it had taken on an ominous tone. She had been studying in the library with another classmate, Raju. Focused on the work, she hadn't noticed Ajay come sit at the table and, apparently, taken longer than he expected for his girlfriend to acknowledge him. He had accused her of flirting with Raju. Ignoring her boyfriend. The librarian had kicked her out. She had been humiliated.

Ajay hadn't spoken to her until this morning, instructing her to sit in the back with him.

Turning to her right, she glanced at his friend, Dev. She didn't even remember him being in this class. She had only met him once or twice, but each time she felt like he was undressing her. Like Ajay, Dev was from a wealthy family. For them, college was merely a means of collecting a paper before finding employment in their family business. Their paths through and out of the college were paved with their family's black money.

Perhaps sensing her looking toward him, Dev glanced over at her and grinned. He raked his eyes over her body. She regretted that she had listened to Ajay and worn the running shorts and tank top. The top accentuated her full breasts and the overly high cut shorts, her toned legs. She thought it would help soothe things over if she wore what he asked. Now, she was getting ogled by his pervert friend.

She glanced around the hall. There were about two hundred students. The lecture hall was one of the older ones in the college and had bench seating rather than individual chairs. A long table ran the length of each row. Sitting in the back was strange. She felt isolated from the other students, but also oddly pressed in. She had been so annoyed at sitting at the back that she only now noticed that Ajay's entourage had filled the benches around them. One - she couldn't remember his name - turned around and gave her a grin.

And then, it dawned on her what Ajay was doing. He was planning to punish her. But how?

She tried to focus on the lecture. The lecturer was rapidly going through a series of equations and Sonia barely noticed when Ajay's hand dropped to her bare thigh. Sonia ignored him as he caressed her skin. As he tried to shift his hand further up her leg, she absently pushed it away. He returned it immediately, giving her leg a squeeze. She turned to give him a glare and shoved his hand away.

Dev snickered.

"You let her get away with anything." Dev said leaning over her as if she wasn't even there.

"Fuck off," Ajay hissed, shifting in his chair so he could snake his hand across her body to the other thigh. He pulled her legs toward him, possessively. With a sigh of resignation, she returned to taking her notes, ignoring Ajay. He had put her in an awkward posture on the hard bench, but if she struggled or said anything, he would just get more annoyed. Probably say something stupid. Do something stupid. Humiliate her. She didn't want a repeat of the library. This was her second year in college, and she wasn't going to let Ajay ruin her marks. Realizing she wasn't going to struggle, he moved his hand to the inner thigh of the closer leg. She moved to a more comfortable position but didn't protest against his hand caressing her.

He kept his hand on her leg, at times running it along her inner thigh and drifting under her shorts, but never too far. She accepted his hand and returned to the notes. Maybe this was all? Maybe he really just wanted some affection from her. Relaxing, she cast a glance toward him.

There was no denying Ajay was handsome. With the fair skin of a north Indian, he had the refined features of a Bollywood actor. And, the tight-fitting t-shirts he preferred showed off the hours he spent in the gym rather than the classroom. When they had first started going out, her friends had teased her that they were like a movie couple. Hot Ajay and cute Sonia.

She could tell Ajay was getting bored when he gave her thigh a squeeze and shook it. He wanted attention and when he got no reaction, he shifted in annoyance. His friend snorted again, as if in challenge. Ajay looked at him and then glowered at Sonia. He leaned into her, hot breath on her ear.

"You going to ignore me, Sali?" Ajay hissed at her. Sonia froze. He had called her that once before as well. "I treat you like my rani and you ... You owe me." It was loud enough for some of his friends in the row in front to hear and they turned to grin at her.

Sonia just gritted her teeth and kept writing, leaning forward to get a better view and to show him that he was not going to get the satisfaction. It was a mistake. Dev quickly stretched his arm along the back of her seat. He didn't move to touch her, but she couldn't lean back without touching him.

"Stop it!" Sonia whispered to him. He just smiled and looked around, pretending not to know what she was talking about. She turned to face Ajay.

"Tell your friend to stop."

Ajay just shrugged before using his arm to push her back.

On cue, Dev wrapped an arm around her waist. He brazenly shifted her top up and squeezed the bare flesh. The bench seating made it far too easy for the two men to control her. She gritted her teeth in annoyance.

They grinned.

Dev's fingertips stroked her side. She looked at Ajay for some help, but he just glared her.


"You like flirting." He hissed. "Dev's just flirting, baby."

"I wasn't flirting." She tried as he turned to look forward. "We were studying."

With a sigh, Sonia decided to ignore Dev. She focused on the lecture. Or, at least pretended to. The pen remained motionless in her hand as she felt the calloused hand shift upward, pulling the top a little higher on the side. Her teeth clenched but she said nothing. She wasn't going to give them the satisfaction.

Still looking forward, Ajay moved his hand from her stomach, where it had been keeping her in place, to the front of her shorts. He groped at the fabric, trying to reach the knotted string. What was he doing?! Glaring at him, she closed her legs and pulled in her knees to try and give his hand less room, but it was futile. Instead, he shoved his hand further down between her legs and grabbed at her whole pubic mound, curling his fingers tightly under it and roughly shaking her body.

"Ajay, please!" She whimpered. "I said stop."

"Not to me, you didn't."

"I'm saying it now. Ajay, stop it. Let go of me!" Her voice never rose above a whisper, but the tone was a blend of fear and anger.

He ignored her, clutching at her mound. She tried to grab his wrist, but he was too strong.

Sonia didn't even know how to argue against someone who wouldn't listen. She couldn't overpower him. She couldn't argue with him. Not where everyone could see if she made a fuss. She was ashamed of what had already happened in the library, and she didn't want worse rumors around the college. And if her parents found out she was seeing someone? Though modern in many ways, they still held on to traditional values about relationships. Now that she was of marriageable age, conversations were inevitably about a suitable arrangement. Her parents finding out would not do. All she could do was hope nobody in the lecture hall turned around.

When she continued to resist, Ajay took his hand away and turned toward her. Then, he used both hands to force her legs apart. She had defensively crossed her feet, but it was a pointless effort. Dev wedged his foot between her legs and pushed down until her legs were completely separated. Each man took a leg and pulled it apart and then, wrapped a foot around a calf to hold her still.

She was trapped between Ajay and his friend. She was at their mercy. Some of his friends turned to look at what was happening. Her legs spread apart. Shorts revealing far too much. At least the professor hadn't noticed anything. He continued to lecture.

Ajay found the waistband of her shorts and with Dev's help made quick work of tugging loose the knotted string. She took a swallow and stared straight ahead. With a snicker, Ajay mimicked her, facing forward. Sonia knew what he was intending, but when his hand went down past the waistband of her shorts to rest over her cunt, she was still shocked at his audacity. She drew in a breath as two fingers pushed the cotton underwear against the lips of her pussy.

He massaged and pressed, making her gasp and shudder.

"She likes it." Dev said, misunderstanding her reaction. Ajay grinned.

His fingers found the hardening button of her clit through the light cotton of her underwear. He pressed and rubbed. Sonia lost her focus and stared ahead. Fear changed to humiliation as she saw his friends watching her. Sitting on the lower tiered bench in front, they were getting a clear view of what he was doing to her. Sonia continued her blank gaze, jaw clenched. She didn't want to give Ajay the satisfaction; but even as she bit her lip, a barely perceptible moan escaped her lips.

Ajay grinned as he massaged her pussy. There was nothing sensual about his act. He was merely using her. Punishing her through humiliation.

"Sali." He said just loud enough so his chosen voyeurs could hear. "You like having them watch?"

Laughter. Snickers. Sonia closed her eyes. She tasted blood on her lip.

She shuddered as she felt Dev's arm slide up her flank, stroking the skin. Eventually, his fingers came to rest just below her breast. From someone a low whistle of admiration as the raised top revealed her flat abdomen. She was glad that she had worn a bra, but it was of a flimsy material. Unless he stopped, his hand would soon be on her breast. How far was Ajay going to let him go?

The professor's lecture had become low drone in the background.

She was scared, now, of not knowing exactly how far the situation was going to go or who would see, of not being able to make it stop. Even worse, Ajay knew her body and to her annoyance, he was making it respond. She felt the slow burn rising between her legs toward her belly. The cotton panty becoming damp as he teased the hard nub. Her body was not supposed to betray her.

"Dev, help her enjoy herself" Ajay said, not even bothering to keep his voice low.

Dev grinned as he pulled his arm from out behind her and turned to face Sonia more fully. It was no relief as he ran his other hand up her bared belly, shifting the top up. He held it in place and looked at the people around them. He was reveling in the control he had as he caressed her torso, lingering just below her breast.

A quiver ran through Sonia. She couldn't control them. She couldn't control herself. She kept her eyes closed as the hand drifted under the top to cup a breast. He held it. Weighed the pliant mound. Dev found the pebble hard nipple and caressed it with his thumb - rubbing and pinching through the flimsy cotton.

Ajay's hand was still between her legs. Still massaging and kneading. She shifted under his ministrations.

Then, she felt Dev's hot breath near her face. A flick of the tongue against her earlobe. "Take your bra off," he whispered.

Sonia snapped her eyes open and glared at him. She didn't move her hands from the desk where they were flattened against the notes she had managed to take.

"Dev!" She whispered. "Please, no."

His lurid grin made her turn to Ajay with pleading eyes. He stared straight ahead.

"It'll be easier if you take it off." He pulled his hand away, giving her space.

Slowly, and hating him more every minute, Sonia stared straight ahead as she reached behind to unclasp the bra. The tank top let her pull out the strap and the bra without having to reveal much, but it was a humiliating act nonetheless. Dev took the bra from her and it disappeared as he handed it to someone past him.

The bra had been a matter of modesty does not support. The tank top lewdly stretched taut against her pert, full breasts. The hard nipples outlined against the material.

Dev's hand immediately returned to her belly and then upward to cup a bare breast. He kneaded the pliant flesh as his rough palm again scoured the nipple. One moment, he crushed a whole breast in his hand and the next, he focused on torturing just her nipple. Pinching. Tweaking.

Sonia stifled a yelp as he tugged on the engorged nipple. It was painful and wasn't meant to make her feel good. For Dev, it was about his own satisfaction. For Ajay, punishment. And a reminder. She belonged to him.

And yet, her body still responded. And she hated that betrayal. Her breathing was becoming ragged as the two molested breast and pussy.

Sonia whimpered for the first time, barely audible, as Dev dug his nails into the skin of her breasts.

Ajay finally looked over at her again and without warning pinched her clit. Hard. She finally yelped and opened her eyes. A couple of classmates in the lower rows turned around, saw what appeared to be happening, and quickly snapped their heads back in shock. The whispering - averted gazes - that would all begin now.

The professor continued to drone.

Sonia closed her eyes again. She couldn't be here. Not like this.

She felt Ajay move his hand and slide it past her panty. Skin against skin. He tugged her sweat slicked pubic hair before dragging his fingers against her hard clit. Again, betrayed by instinct, she shifted forward, giving him access. He grinned and slid the fingers down to splay her pussy lips open. He massaged the lips. The scent of her sex seemed overwhelming. Her pussy was soaking wet from his ministrations. He easily slid two fingers into her hot cunt. Her juices slathered his fingers.

Ajay's fingers slid in and out of her pussy. In and Out. She couldn't help pushing against him. Grinding. Encouraged, his movement quickened.

"Oh, you want this now?" said Ajay, pausing the movement of his hand. She relaxed, but before she could contradict him, he began again. His fingers were driving into her while the palm rubbed against the clit. Her shame fought against her rising lust. Her legs began to tremble and jerked upward, but not to stop the invading hands. The two men were unrelenting in how they held her legs apart, her crotch displayed to anyone who looked back. Her shorts had shifted, to reveal her underwear, the darkened space where thigh met mound.

Sonia squeezed her eyes shut to guard against tears. She tried to stop her body from giving Ajay and Dev their satisfaction. She wanted to turn and bury her face, but there was nowhere that wasn't one of the men. Dev felt her squirming and leaned in to kiss her neck. He murmured something under his breath, but Sonia couldn't understand. His hand gave a final squeeze to her breast before moving up. The top was pulled up, baring a firm, dark brown breast. The engorged nipple seemed to harden even more.

Sonia moaned. Desire. Shame. Even she didn't know anymore.

Dev wrapped his hand around her throat as he flicked his tongue along a trail over neck, jawline, and then to nibble on her earlobe. Then, to her cheek. She felt him lick something on her cheek and realized she was crying.

"Sonia, mere jaan." Ajay whispered in a teasing sing song. "Open your eyes."

She didn't want to look at whatever was going on but her fear of not knowing was greater. Avoiding looking at Ajay's friends, her eyes soon fixated on her crumpled bra held aloft by one of Ajay's friends in the row below them. She made to lunge forward, but she was too slow. Ajay and Dev grabbed her arms and pulled them behind her back. Not only did it control her, but her breasts were now luridly thrust out, eliciting snickers from her audience. Ajay's other hand went to her hair and he yanked back, arching her even more.

"Either your bra goes on a little trip," Ajay whispered, "or I message everyone here to look up. Your choice."

Even though the top had fallen to cover her breasts, it was no consolation. Her breasts were thrust forward, nipples hard against a flimsy tank top. Her legs trapped open. She was on lurid display.

And, the professor droned on.

Sonia nodded. Ajay and Dev released her, letting her slump back into the bench.

Dev and Ajay settled back so nothing seemed amiss when students in the next row down looked up at them when a bra had landed in their midst. Ajay's friends pretended innocence about where the bra could have come from, despite it obviously being their fault.

Sonia stared straight ahead, trying to pretend she was not being humiliated. not taking in anything from the blackboard at the front. She could see from the corner of her eye that some of her classmates were looking at the bra and then back at her. She was the only girl in the top row. The girls snickered and whispered as they looked up at her before returning their attention to the professor. Some of the boys grinned at her. For the latter it was a joke, for the former an indictment of her morality. Not Ajay's cute Sonia. Ajay's whore.

Ajay seemed frustrated. His stunt didn't have the reaction he wanted. A couple of boys surreptitiously glanced back, but most returned to the lecture at hand. The bra disappeared.

His frustration was directed back at her.

"Take your shorts off." Ajay growled. And, as if in afterthought, "And your underwear, too."

"Ajay! I -" Sonia whimpered.

"You can do it quietly. Or, I can do it."

She dropped her head to her chest and gave a barely perceptible nod.

They shared looks with the other friends, watching as she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts. She gave a final pleading glance toward Ajay, not really expecting reprieve. He gestured for her to continue. She peeled down her shorts and panty, letting them fall in a puddle around her feet. Before she could kick them away, the boy sitting just below her leaned up and grabbed them. There were snickers as he brought the soaking panty to his face and breathed in her smell. After giving her a grin, he turned around, her clothing no longer in sight.

Sonia fell back onto the seat and sought to curl over to hide her nakedness, choking on air as she tried to hold back her tears. As she expected, Ajay and Dev weren't satisfied yet. The two pulled her legs apart again. The two took each leg and hooked it over their own.

She was spread wide. Open. Inviting. The patch of coarse black hair. The slick cunt, enflamed and red with instinctive need. It was all on display.

It was too much for their friend in front and he turned around to stare. His hand was on his crotch. Sonia closed her eyes. She knew she was being watched, but she didn't have to be a part of it.