The Bastard Returns


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"Alright! I do! Okay I don't want a criminal record!" I stopped and turned to face him again. "But I'm not going to beg like some pussy for it!"

"You don't have too. Just stop fucking Kylie! Have some respect for your family!"

"There you go, poking your nose in where it doesn't belong."

"Julia deserves better than that. Kylie is a cock hound. She will dump you when she gets a sick of you or finds another dick!"

"And how would you know queer boy?" He was surprised by my fervor.

"Because I've been there Bob!"

"Bullshit! She has the wrong accessories for you!" He started to laugh.

"She has a scar just to the left of her pussy where she caught herself getting over the fence of a student house at University. She loves getting taken doggy and having her hair pulled hard. Has she told you she likes gangbangs yet?" It was hard to keep the satisfaction from my face.

His laughter had stopped and he was eyeing me suspiciously.

"How?" Bob asked shocked.

"She was trying to cure my gayness." I held my hands up to make the quotation marks on the last word.

He studied me hard, searching for deception in my words.

"So your not gay?"

"Never have been! I stopped seeing Kylie when she wanted me to let another guy suck my dick."

His face brightened and then it got very dark. He balled his fists again but I didn't flinch.

"So when you were taking out Julia for weren't gay?"

"No!" I stood defiant.

His face was going bright red.

"Did you ever...I mean ever! Touch Julia!" He hissed through clenched teeth.

"Touch her? I didn't touch her Bob, I fucked her! I fucked her mouth, her tits, her pussy. I even fucked her arse!"

I was just as mad as he was. I didn't care if he bashed me he had to know I'd done his wife. The big stud had been cuckolded by little ol' me. I thought he was going to explode, there was so much stuff running through his head he was in meltdown. Then he smiled, not a mean, evil smile but a humorous one.

"Oh boy! Ha ha you really had me going there. Ha ha ha. Right until you said you had been up her gravel track. That thing is locked up tighter than Fort Knox. You had better be careful," Bob warned, "that lie nearly killed you."

I didn't say anything, I didn't trust myself.

"So you will drop the charges if I stop seeing Kylie?"


"Okay, consider it done. What is Julia gong to do? Will she come home?"

"That's up to her. I've told her she can stay for as long as she wants at my place. Julia and the boys can have upstairs and I'll stay down."

"You are poking your nose in again!" The snarl was back in Bob's voice.

"And you have got to pull your head out of your arse and see what you've got right in front of you. Treat her right man! She deserves better and so do the boys."

"Does that mean I have to take her to the theatre again?" He whined.

"It might help.......what do you think your marriage is worth?"

I left him with that question, got back in my car and drove home.

Julia was still at my place two weeks later but Bob was making an effort. He had taken her out a few times and was always doing stuff with the boys. She seemed happy again and was talking about maybe going back. I hadn't touched her since she had slept in my arms. She had stayed upstairs and me down. I had put on some weight though, she was a very good cook and always filled my plate to the brim.

I was looking forward to another home cooked meal as I drove home that Friday afternoon. When I pulled up at the house there was a rental car parked out the front. I went in dropped my mail on the entrance table and went looking for Julia. She was out the back sitting in a garden chair on the lawn. Another woman sat beside her. Julia's two boys were rolling a ball to a toddler in front of them.

Julia looked around and saw me.

"Tim, about time you got home. I was about to send out a search party."

"Fridays are always late."

"I think you already know Deborah?"

Deborah got up and turned around. April. My heart stopped. I wanted to run to her, grab her, smell her, kiss her, hold her but I remained rooted to the spot.

"Hi," was all I could manage.

"Hi yourself," she replied.

We just stood looking at each other. Europe had agreed with her, she looked lean, healthy and tanned. No doubt spending a lot of time in the Mediterranean sun on money bags yacht. At the same moment I was feeling love and hate. Julia interrupted my thoughts.

"Well you two must have lots to talk about so we will leave you alone. Bob's taking the boys and I out to dinner tonight so we have to get ready anyway. We will bath Andrew if you want?"

"Thanks that would be great Jules." Deborah said smiling at her son.

Shit, she is calling her Jules and they only met today. What have they been talking about? Julia went and picked up Andrew and walked inside with her own boys leaving us alone.

"Andrew was my grandfathers name." I said flatly.

"I know, you must have told me."

It was killing me not knowing but I couldn't think of a polite way of asking. In the end I blundered along.

"Is know.....he seems the right age know..."

"Yes, he is your son." Deborah cut in ending my torture. She smiled, oh that smile. It should have made me happy and horny but instead I was angry.

"So do you think you might have told me before now?"

"I'm sorry," she said looking away.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! That's it? I have a son and I don't find out until he is walking!" I was almost foaming at the mouth.

"I...I didn't want you to think I was trying to trap you. I wanted to tell you but I was in Europe and you were here. You had a life here....I....I was just your hooker."

"When did I treat you like a whore?"

"When you paid me to have sex with you!"

"Still was a phone call too much to ask?"

"I thought about it, but what was I going to say? Hi, you might not remember me but you used to pay me to fuck you. Anyway I'm pregnant and will be having your child in six months!" She looked away, collected her thought then continued. "I put it off, then things started taking off for me career wise.... I thought I may never be back in Australia."

"So why come here now? What's changed?" I asked sarcastically.

"At the moment I don't know why I came here! I certainly didn't expect this shit!" Deborah yelled.

There was an awful banging noise and we both turned to see Julia walking towards us banging a large serving spoon on a saucepan.

"Alright! Alright! That's the end of round one, back to your corners. You!" Julia said pointing at me. "Sit down there. You, " she pointed at Deborah," sit back in your seat."

We both sat down stunned. Julia moved so she was standing in front of us.

"Where's Andrew?" Deborah asked.

"Watching the boys play on the X Box, if he starts to cry they will bring him out. Right, In fifteen minutes Bob will be here so we have until then to sort this out."

"I was.." Julia put her hand up to silence me before I could say anymore.

"You will both get your turn but first I can see I'm going to have to help you two along a bit. Firstly Tim, I assume Deborah is the girl you told me you thought you loved but that got away?" Julia asked pointing at Deborah.

"Yes but..." Julia stepped forward and put her hand over my mouth.

"That's enough from you! Now Deborah, you told me earlier that you felt terrible for not telling Tim about Andrew and you had come here today to try and work out a way for Tim to be involved in your lives?"

"Yes." Deborah responded.

"Yes but..." Whack, this time Julia clipped me over the ear.

"Your turn again Tim. Now I think most of the neighborhood knows that you didn't know you had a son. Did you ever try to get in contact with Deborah?"

"I went looking for her in Italy twice. The first time I couldn't catch up with her. The second, I finally found her in Saint Tropez. She was otherwise occupied with some Italian millionaire."

"You were in Saint Tropez? Why didn't you talk to me?" Deborah asked.

"Why didn't you hit her?" I asked Julia.

"Because its a fair question. You seem pretty good at chatting up women with children here!"

"You didn't see the guy's yacht! It was more like a cruise liner. I saw them walking through some markets and he was hanging on pretty tight."

"Oh you stupid man. The Italian millionaire was a fifty year old woman. She had commissioned me to paint a family portrait. That was her son you saw me with and he is blind. He didn't want to take his seeing eye dog into the markets so that's why he was hanging on to me. I had to keep stopping and telling him which direction we would be going in next."

"Satisfied?" Julia asked me.

"Yes, but...."

"Why is there always a but with you? So you saw her, why didn't you try an talk to her?" Julia inquired.

"I just thought... That she might not want me too. I...I thought I might be an unwelcome ghost from the past." I said quietly, the fight had gone out of me. I could feel tears coming and was doing my best to stifle them.

Deborah got up and walked to where I was sitting. She squatted down in front of me and took my hands in hers.

"That last weekend in Sydney was wonderful. If you had asked me to stay I might have stayed."

I looked up into her eyes, questioning.

"Alright, I wouldn't have stayed but I would have thought about it. As I remember we spent most of the time working out how to get you laid when you got home! As for the baby....,well,... I hadn't bothered to get any more birth control pills when I ran out a month before I left. My clients all used condoms and I wasn't planning on working in Europe so I didn't think it was necessary. That last night with you......, you made it so special I didn't even contemplate a baby, it was just you and me."

"When did you find out?"

"Two months after I got to Italy. I was so excited and busy that I didn't realize I'd missed my period before then. I was shocked.... and then more excited. My biological clock was on five to midnight."

Now came the hard question. "Are you sure I'm the father.?" I studied her face as she answered.

"It may be hard to believe but I haven't been with anybody since that night at the Intercontinental two years ago. When you have been a working girl for thirteen years you aren't that interested in casual sex anymore."

It was time to take the leap. " Do you think you could find room for one more "baby" in your life?" I was on tenterhooks waiting for her reply.

"I'm here now! It would have been a lot easier to stay away but I couldn't. I think I need you and I know Andrew needs you."

That was enough for me I pulled her up and kissed her. She smelled so sweet, I had forgotten about Julia still standing there.

"Okay you two at least wait until we are gone and Andrew is asleep." she said laughing.

Just then the boys came out with a crying Andrew.

"It's dinner time for our boy." Deborah looked at me. "Do you want to give me a hand?"

"Just try and stop me!" A grin erupted on my face.

We all went into the house. Soon after there was a knock on the door and Julia's boys let their father in.

"Where do you want this?" Bob asked as he carried in a baby's cot.

"Take it up to the main guest room. Boys show him the way."

I watched as they went up stairs. Once they were out of earshot I asked.

"So where are you sleeping tonight Julia?"

"At home, I thought you three might want some alone time." She winked at me and I blushed. "Besides I think Bob's had long enough in purgatory. I haven't told him yet so keep it quiet. It will be a surprise for him and the boys after dinner."

" I'm going to miss you around here." I told her.

"Yeah like a hole in the head. You have been very patient so thank you. I owe you one.....but not one of those you dirty boy." We laughed and Deborah gave us both a funny look.

"I'll tell you all about it next week." Julia added to Deborah.

"No you won't!" The concern in my voice probably made Deborah more suspicious.

"Oh come on, she has got to know how her protege got on."

Bob came down the stairs with his son's and Julia joined them as they headed out the door. We were alone in the house.

"Andrew's had all he is going to eat. We will clean him up and then it's bed time."

"Great! That will give us a chance to talk some more." I said taking Andrew's bowl to the sink.

"Hopefully we will do more than talk!" Deborah replied with that wicked grin I remembered so well on her face.

Six months later.

We are still together. I would love to say it has been easy but it hasn't. Neither of us has ever lived with another person for an extended period of time before. We are both set in our ways and it's hard to compromise on things when they are so engrained. Add to that the toddler and it makes things quite hectic.

I had always put work first, going to my stores at odd hours to unload trucks or check inventories rather than pay others penalty rates. That hadn't gone down well with Deborah. To her it felt like I was ducking away when ever I could but that was just what I had always done. Also she wanted to change things around in my house, sorry, our house. There have been a few arguments.

On my side, I found it difficult to penetrate Deborah and Andrew's little world. At first I always felt like an outsider looking in. Nothing I did was ever right, Deb would always take over or redo things I had done.

However we are getting there, learning how to live together. Gradually becoming a family, something I have missed out on for too long.

Julia has been great, she looks after Andrew sometimes to give us some time to ourselves. She did cause one fight when she and Deb had a few glasses of wine and Julia started telling stories about my seduction of happily married women. I had downplayed my success.

We are still in there trying and I think that's the main thing. Love hasn't come easy for us. We are fighting the barriers we have both put up over the years to avoid getting hurt. If we keep working at it I'm sure we can make it. I'm going to be trying my hardest anyway. There is only so long you can live life as a bastard.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

MC is still a bastard.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Total fucking bullshit

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Please learn that “your “ and “you’re” do not mean the same thing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good writer, tight story telling...

EgregiousEgregiousover 2 years ago

He was my hero. But all hero's meet their match sooner or later!

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