The Beckham Centre Ch. 02

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Charlotte moves closer to redemption.
28.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 01/18/2023
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Preface: This story contains vast amounts of forced non-consensual sex. The victims, all controlled by nanobots, enjoy their subjugation and experience many orgasms, but it is the bots that cause their enjoyment.

The Beckham Institute 2

Chapter 06: Escaping my Husband's Control.

Over the next few months, when I could, I built the device I thought would temporarily disrupt the bots. I believed that a strong enough electromagnetic blast would disable most bots until the bots still operating rebooted them. After that, I hoped to get at least five minutes of reprieve as the bots slowly came back online. Then, if I timed it right, I'd drag Yvonne into a full-body MRI booth and zap her with as much energy as I thought was safe in that period. Once Yvonne was freed, I hoped she'd do the same for me, and we'd make our escape.

During one of my few lucid moments, I surreptitiously secreted a syringe full of bots and a remote to use on Davis.

Time dragged, and I feared all was lost because my free and lucid moments seemed shorter and further apart. Plus, it had been weeks since I saw Yvonne actively fighting her controlling bots, but the day came. Davis sent Isabella and Julia off to service a new client he hoped would invest in his clinic. Yvonne and I were left alone in the reception as Davis hosted another new client in his office.

Peering around, Yvonne's eyes narrowed as she focused on me. Fortuitously, this coincided with a lucid moment for me.

Yvonne walked swiftly across to me, "Now, Ona. It has to be now! I'm losing all sense of myself and don't know how long I can hold onto being me. We must escape now!"

Yvonne staggered as the bots ripped pain across every nerve centre she had. But doggedly, Yvonne continued across to my desk. Fighting the bots with everything I had, I reached into my drawer and pulled out the electromagnetic wave-emitting device I'd painstakingly built. Then, holding it against Yvonne's chest, I blasted the waves into her.

Yvonne stiffened into a rictus of pain, and for a moment, as Yvonne's eyes rolled back and her legs wobbled, I thought I'd killed her. But she exhaled deeply before a huge grin spread across her face.

"Free! You did it, Ona. I'm free!"

I'd prepared for this moment as I knew the bots wouldn't let me speak, so I handed Yvonne my notepad.

It read, "Only temporary. I don't think you have much time. You need to get you and me to the MRI room. The only chance is the imaging waves killing the bots permanently."

Yvonne picked me up and dragged me across to the MRI machine. But, as we entered the room, her bots roared savagely back to life and began viciously pounding Yvonne's brain.

I could see that we weren't going to make it. In despair, I tried to wail my grief, but the bots wouldn't allow even that small relief. But, I had underestimated Yvonne's strength and determination. Crying in pain, staggering under duress, yet still stumbling forwards, Yvonne dragged me to the machine and dumped me on it.

"Turn waves to highest," I forced myself to say.

Gawd, readers! That's when I noticed blood dripping from Yvonne's eyes and ears, but still, she resisted. Turning the MRI on, she spun the dials to full and pressed start before dropping unconscious to the floor.

As the MRI ran and drew me further inside, I prayed, through the pain, that it worked. I feared I'd killed Yvonne by making her accomplice to my scheme, and if it was for nothing, I didn't think my sanity would hold.

The machine's reader moved higher and higher, and nothing seemed to change. The bots still hammered at my nerve centres, trying to make me obey their imperative. But, just as I began to weep with despair, my whole body shuddered, cramped, shuddered, released, and I was free!

I was free from the bots but not free from Davis yet. I didn't dare just walk up and inject him because of the time delay between ingesting the bots and the bots attaching themselves to his pain and pleasure centres. If Davis suspected he'd been given a dose of nanobots, he had approximately forty-five minutes to deactivate them, which was way more time than he needed.

Then, of course, I'd be in deep shit, as Davis is physically stronger than me, and I didn't doubt for a second that he'd kill me for trying to control him as he controlled me. Somehow, I had to maintain the charade that was Charlotte Webb until I got Davis home later that night. But could I do it? Could I maintain the illusion that nanobots still controlled my every thought and action?

I looked at my watch. Jaysus, Almost 4.00 o'clock! Any second now, the bots would force me to walk across to Isabella's desk, lift my skirt, pull my knickers down and offer my ass for my daily fisting. How the hell could I do that without the bots rewarding my pleasure centres as I moaned my appreciation?

Oh, my Gawd, Yvonne! In my relief and fear of discovery, I'd forgotten my rescuer. Thinking quickly, I marched across to Davis' office. Usually, interrupting the doctor in a meeting with a client was not allowed as you never knew what might be happening in there. There was a good chance one of us girls was sucking the client's cock, or being rogered in the ass. But, I hoped Yvonne being passed out was a reason the bots would allow me to interrupt, and Davis would think no more of it than that.

I knocked, and then when Davis said, "Come in", I entered.

Apologising for the interruption, I said, "I'm sorry to disturb you, Doctor Beckham, but Yvonne seems to have had a fit. She's lying on the floor, bleeding. I should call an ambulance, but you're almost a medical doctor, and I thought you could see her sooner."

Luckily, Davis didn't ask any questions. Instead, he rushed out to find Yvonne.

Once I saw Davis taking care of Yvonne, I presented my ass to Isabella. I did this because I knew how the nanobots worked. They were senseless inanimate objects programmed to do one thing, make their host follow all instructions. So it made no difference to the bot's programming that a friend lay bleeding and possibly dying. They only knew it was time for my ass to be fisted and would zap my nerve cortices until it was. Therefore, I had to act as if they were making me behave as I typically would.

Reader, I'm blushing as I tell you the next piece. But being fisted in the ass as someone fingers your clit and thrusts two fingers into your pussy is absolutely delightful! All along, I'd believed I'd only cum from being fisted because the bots made me. But, OMG, did it feel good and oh, my goodness, did I cum hard!

As I was being fisted, two ambulance officers rushed in to help Yvonne. As they stretchered Yvonne out, Davis reassured us she was okay. The officers were taking Yvonne to St Andrew's hospital for a precautionary CAT scan. But they thought she'd had a minor brain bleed and her recovery would be total. Boy, was I relieved to hear that.

Davis took me the long way home as I played his car games. This was another weird experience because I was doing these things voluntarily, not because the bots forced me to, and the thing is, I enjoyed it! Let me explain some things I typically do on my way home with my husband. Usually, it was because Davis instructed me to, and the bots compelled my obedience. But, this time, I did them to maintain the fiction I was still nanobot controlled.

First, I take a masquerade ball mask out of the glove box and tie it to my face. Then, I undo the buttons of my blouse and the front clasp of my bra, so my 'over-inflated-fun-bags are on display. Next, I hike my skirt above my hips and take off my thong. Finally, I roll the window down on my side, shove my sexily round ass out, and blow Davis all the way home.

At red lights, I sit up. Then, if anybody is watching, I wipe my lips with my finger before feeding the gathered cum into my mouth. As they watch, I wave and smile at them as if I love every tasty morsel. Tonight, as we drove home, I did all of these things and found I loved doing it. If you remember, early in this piece, I said having people lust for me was secretly a turn-on. Well, reader, having men taking their cocks out and blatantly masturbating as they watched me blow my husband was an ever more incredible thrill!

We got home without anything unusual happening, but I could feel the excitement and anticipation building as I waited for my chance to flip the roles on Davis. Until now, I hadn't dared to envisage how my revenge would look, but now I had many thoughts about appropriately punishing the man I'd been betrayed by.

The first thing I did when we entered our apartment was to fix Davis a drink. Only this time, I opened the nanobot vial and added those to his scotch. Then, as I impatiently waited for the bots to swim into Davis's bloodstream and onto his nerve cortices, I struggled to maintain the calm and detached demeanour the bots demanded of me.

Davis began to get, well, not suspicious, but curious, maybe, of my behaviour, "Charlotte," he demanded. "What has gotten up your ass?"

In desperation, I dropped to my knees and kissed his feet, "I need you to take possession of your slut, Master, please. This little slut-girl's pussy and ass crave your dick."

As this was precisely the type of bullshit phrase, the bots forced us four women to say, Davis bought it. Fortuitously, Davis was in the mood to satisfy my 'cravings' himself. In this situation, Davis would often be in a mood to play, and all four of us women would be made to abase ourselves for his entertainment.

Now my arousal was purely Davis' doing, and I was again amazed at how gifted a lover he truly is. Despite my anger and desire for revenge rising, I enjoyed numerous orgasms as Davis played me like I was his favourite violin.

In the end, all I felt was sadness that my husband wasn't this person. He wasn't the kind and generous man he portrayed. Instead, he was a sick degenerate that revelled in debasing women. So, hardening my heart, I waited for Davis to approach his orgasm, then I took the remote for his bots out of my handbag and said, "Activate."

Pulling rapidly out of me, Davis lurched back two steps before saying, "What the fuck do you mean, 'activate'?

I stood to face him, then holding the remote up, I said, "I'm free of your fucking bots, Davis. But you are not. Thanks to Yvonne's sacrifice, I used the MRI on high resolution to kill all of the bots in my body. Then, as I prepared your scotch this evening, I dosed it with bots of my devising, ones that answer only to me.

"You fucking bitch!" Davis snarled as he hooked his fingers into claws and advanced on me. "I'll rip your fucking throat open for this!"

Shaking like a leaf in a high wind but presenting a calm demeanour, I replied, "No, you won't, my dear. What you'll do is get on your knees, weep, and then beg my forgiveness. You won't get it, but you will beg for it!"

Davis tried to step closer, but the bots had him now. Then, clutching his head and groaning, Davis knelt and begged, "Please forgive me, Ona, my love. I was wrong, but I feared you were leaving me, and I couldn't have that. I love you too much to ever lose you."

Readers, the worst part of this confession was that I knew it was true. This monster loved me. Possibly, well, probably, the only person this narcissistic arsehole loved more was himself. But his love wasn't the healthy kind. Instead, it was an obsession with ownership and control, and, fuck, was I going to enjoy making him pay for all he'd done and had done to me.

Holding the 'send' button, I said, "You will call Isabella and Julia in here, then advise them their control has passed to me, and they're to obey me as if I were you. Next, you will open your computer and change all bots answering solely to your voice to only answering to mine. Once you have completed these tasks, you will strip all your clothes off and return to me before kneeling and pleading for me to notice your return.

Davis fought. My, how he did fight. But as I well knew, it was hopeless. In the words of Star Trek's 'The Borg', 'Resistance is futile! You will be assimilated'.

In the finish, Davis had no choice. With his eyes bloodshot with pain, Davis spoke loudly, calling the other two women into his office. Then he passed their control to me. Next, fighting every step of the way, Davis entered the codes and released his control of all his bots before handing their control to me. After completing this task, my husband knelt at my feet and pleaded that I pay attention to him. I ignored him, of course.

I had it all, every person controlled by our clinic's nanobots now answered to me, and I could release them all. There was a small wrinkle, however. Some of the people under nanobot control were genuinely despicable people. Could I, in all good conscience, release these recalcitrants back into society uncontrolled?

It was a conundrum. By holding them, I was playing God, or, at least, judge, jury, and executioner. My conscience said, 'Of course, you should release them from being controlled. It's wrong to hold people against their will if they have done no crime'. But my logical mind replied, 'Yeah, but the wrong they've done may not deserve jailing, but they aren't innocent. What about these people's victims? Don't they deserve to be safe?'

As I do when I'm me, not the me controlled by nanobots, I tapped my top lip with my finger as I searched my mind for a solution. Eventually, through Davis' inane prattling, I became aware that Julia and Isabella stood waiting and watching expectantly.

A little exasperated, I said, "Don't you two have anything better to do than stand there staring at me?"

The women turned to each other before saying, "Davis instructs our evening for us, Ms Ona. Sometimes he makes us play with and fuck each other, and other times, he joins in. But, either way, Davis controls our time here at home."

I was tempted to deactivate both women's bots, but I held concerns that they loved what Davis had made them, and if I released them, they would attack me to restore the status quo. If that happened, Davis would kill me, of that, I was sure.

So, here was another conundrum I was unprepared to deal with, what was I to do with these two women? But then, a flash of inspiration found me. My gallant husband, my knight in shining armour, the man that I, despite everything, still loved, was homophobic. So I was going to turn him into a cock sucking, getting fucked in the ass by a man loving, queer boy.

Turning to my husband, I said, "You will find being dressed as a woman extremely sexually arousing. Your cock and balls will ache with the need to cum, but you will not be able to. The only way for you to cum will be to realise you must present as close to feminine as possible. To aid this, you will undress, then shower and shave every ounce of hair from your body, excluding your head.

After removing all your hair, you will crawl to Isabella's room and beg her to dress you as a sexy woman. After you're dressed, you will plead that she and Julia take turns fucking you in the ass with a strap-on. Ask them to use the big and thick one, about nine inches long."

"Wait for Davis in Isabella's bedroom," I instructed the two women. "Davis is close enough to Isabella's size to wear her clothes, so when he crawls in, you will dress him as Isabella does when Davis has sent her to entertain one of his clients. Then, you will take turns fucking Davis with the strap-on I described."

I watched as all three finally left me in peace. Suddenly, I was alone for the first time in a very long time, and to be honest, reader, I was lonely. I sat contemplating what was next for some time before I thought, 'I wonder how Yvonne is.'

Looking at the time, I realised I had plenty of time to visit Yvonne at the hospital. So dressing braless in a tight T-shirt, a pair of skin-tight shorty shorts and some strappy heels, I walked the 300 metres up the hill to the hospital.

The nurse at the ward's front desk showed me where Yvonne's room was. I walked in to find Yvonne sitting up and eating dessert.

Yvonne looked warily at me, so smiling, I rushed over and hugged her, "We did it, Yvonne!" I told her. "I'm free of the bots, Davis is under my control, and Isabella and Julia answer only to me!"

Yvonne ignored my hug and continued eating her ice cream. Confused, I looked at the nurse.

"With brain bleed patients, some initial loss of memory and confusion is normal," She explained. "The scans show Yvonne hasn't suffered any brain damage, so we expect her to snap out of her funk anytime now."

Realising I'd already said too much, I asked, "May I visit Yvonne alone, nurse, please?"

The nurse, Sandy, according to her name tag, favoured me with a tight smile before saying, "Certainly, Ms Mabooty. If you need me, press the red buzzer beside the bed."

It had been four long years since I'd been Ona Mabooty, and I was glad that not everybody had forgotten me, but I quickly dismissed the nurse from my mind. Then, turning to face Yvonne, I saw that she still spooned ice cream into her mouth as she vacuously stared into space.

In despair, I pulled out the remote Davis used to control her and then spoke into the sender, "Yvonne, only. Deactivate."

Blood immediately ran from both of Yvonne's nostrils as her eyes rolled back, and she jerked and twitched. Terrified I'd killed or hurt Yvonne beyond repair, I stood up to reach over her writhing body and hit the buzzer to summon the nurse. But, as my finger homed in on the button, Yvonne grabbed my wrist.

Yvonne twisted my arm back, stretching my shoulder joint excruciatingly, "What did you just say?" She snarled.

"Yvonne, only. Deactivate," I repeated.

Yvonne exulted. Then, wiping her top lip and looking at the blood, she crowed, "I'm free! Goddamn you to hell, Davis Beckham. I am free!"

Crying with relief and joy, I said, "You made it possible, Yvonne. We'd only managed to cover half of the distance between my office and the MRI room before your bots exploded back online. Yet, somehow, you carried me another twenty feet (6 metres) before dropping me on the machine, turning the dials to full and starting the program. If not for you, I'd be dead."

Yvonne hugged me back, "It was your device that enabled me to get that far, though, Charlotte.

Holding my hands up to stop her, I said, "Yvonne, enough with Charlotte, please. My name is Ona Mabooty."

"OMG!" Yvonne exclaimed. "I knew you were really Ona, but Davis made the bots convince us you were Charlotte Webb! But, Ona, without your device, we'd be at your home now, being made to do unspeakable things to each other."

Ashamed, I said, "It was also my device that enslaved you, Yvonne. There is nothing I can do or say to make that up to you, but understand that I know my guilt and will do all I can to help you and the others to recover from what has been done."

Yvonne shook her head, then immediately regretted doing it. Holding her head in her hands, Yvonne said, "No, Charlotte, you're wrong. The nanobots Davis used were all of his own invention. I'm a research assistant and recordist. My specialty is accurately documenting and recording the results of new designs and innovations so that the technology can be patented and protected from intellectual property rights theft. Davis allowed me access to all his files, so I know he had the technology to make these bots long before you arrived on the scene.

The only thing Davis hadn't perfected was their miniaturisation. That was what he needed you for. According to his notes, Davis went to that lecture specifically to seduce you and bring you in on his scheme. He already had a vial of his bots ready to compel you if he couldn't complete his seduction."

I listened, weeping openly, as Yvonne exposed all my husband's dirty secrets.
