The Big Tits Club Ch. 45-46

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Saying sorry, and my next Girlfriend of the Week.
18.7k words

Part 22 of the 39 part series

Updated 06/09/2024
Created 05/25/2021
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THE BIG TITS CLUB by bluedragon


-- CHAPTER 45: Sorry --


Before we'd started drinking, I'd entertained idle fantasies about various combinations for an eight-way orgy. It was our last night in an ocean-view cliff house with no parental supervision, after all. Surely everyone would want to end our trip with a bang (or seven). But clearly, that wasn't going to happen tonight.

Belle and Mari were already in the second bedroom by the time I emerged from my shower, and I could hear muffled voices as they talked, not to mention Mari's occasional sobs. I chose not to interrupt them.

Alice and Naimh were in the office looking more stunned than anything, Alice pumping up the air bed a little while Naimh sat on the Murphy bed. I popped in to make sure they were alright, and both girls gave me quick kisses before I left and closed the door behind myself on my way out.

Sam, Zofi, and Holly were still in the living room downstairs. The three of them were supposed to spend the night with me, and I assumed from the fact that the other rooms were occupied that plans hadn't been changed while I was gone. The three of them looked up from their conversation at my arrival, all of them staring at me silently. I asked quietly if everything was alright, and Sam replied on their behalf by stating in a subdued voice, "We're fine."

Nothing else was said, and as the awkward tension built, it became clear they weren't going to continue their conversation with me present, so I told them I would turn in for the night. I drank some water, brushed my teeth, and climbed into the big king bed alone. And with the amount of alcohol in my system, I fell asleep pretty quickly, still alone.

The girls did eventually join me at some point, as I woke up in the middle of the night finding the bed pretty full. Holly was on my right side, at the edge of the mattress so she didn't have to touch anyone. Sam was on my left, with Zofi beyond her. The two of them were spooned together quite comfortably.

I'd been spooning Sam in my sleep as well, but now I rolled onto my back and stretched a bit. Moments later, though, Sam moaned a bit and reached back with her right arm. She grabbed my side and tugged, grunting semi-consciously in complaint. I molded my chest against her back once more and brought up my right leg to follow the contours of hers. I had an erection, and I lightly ground it into Sam's panty-clad ass. She sighed happily and pulled my arm around so that I held both her and Zofi together. And within another couple of minutes, I fell back asleep.

Holly was gone from the room when I woke up in the morning. I had no idea how the rest of the day would play out yet, but I wondered if the social butterfly wouldn't flit off to some other group of friends after this day rather than stick around with the obviously dysfunctional and drama-filled BTC. I was still spooned behind Sam and Zofi, my morning wood throbbing in my pajama pants.

I rather absentmindedly ground it against Sam's ass while my conscious brain booted up, but once I realized what I was doing, I pulled back. The group's emotional issues had not yet been resolved, and I knew better than to think of my own selfish desire to just get myself off at a time like this.

Not wanting to disturb the girls' slumber, I slid off the bed on the opposite side and quietly slipped out of the room. I went straight to the bathroom, had to wait a couple of minutes for my erection to go down so I could pee, brushed my teeth, and then headed downstairs.

Holly and Naimh were at the dining table, drinking coffee and eating what food we had left. Nobody mentioned last night's kerfuffle, and the two of them seemed pretty chill with each other. I got myself coffee, exchanged quick pecks with both of them, and felt thankful that at least I could feel at ease with two out of seven. But while there was no awkward tension between us, neither was there any sexual tension. And for me to be around either of the two nymphomaniacs for an extended period of time without any sexual tension was... well... abnormal.

Awkward tension returned when Belle and Mari arrived. The two newcomers, likewise, seemed to have patched up their differences with each other, but there was still palpable unease between the two pairs of girls. Belle and Mari collected their breakfast and moved into the living room rather than join us at the table. Five minutes later, Alice got her food and did join us at the table, sitting between me and Naimh. Lastly, Sam and Zofi came down twenty minutes later.

We'd made no formal plans for what to do for this, our last day in the Santa Cruz house. Ideas had been tossed out over the course of the week for finally walking down to that beach a half-mile away or taking another drive down the coast to see the sights. Up until last night, no one would have expected to end our Spring Break vacation early, but once Sam read the room, she asked, "Any objections to packing up and heading home?"

There were no objections.

At least, not at first.

Everyone quietly left to get dressed. Packing up itself wouldn't be difficult since the girls had been keeping their clothes in their suitcases because of the constant musical bedrooms. I stayed downstairs to clean up the kitchen, figure out what food and drinks I could bring home to stash in my fridge until the next time the BTC came to hang out at my house, and start taking out the trash.

I was tidying up the living room when Belle and Mari came down in their day clothes and rolling their suitcases. Belle took one look at my pajamas and told me, "Hey, go get yourself changed and packed up. We can finish up down here."

I nodded wordlessly and headed up the stairs. Holly, Sam, and Zofi were already dressed, and for a moment I cursed myself for cleaning the house when I could've been in the room watching three hot babes undressing instead. Having gone without getting laid for the first night in a while, I started getting a fresh chubby at the mere thought of the girls in their underwear, but I tamped down on that urge. When the girls looked up at my entrance, I explained, "The kitchen is clear. Belle and Mari are tidying up the living room."

"Thanks, Matty," Sam said with a smile as the three of them headed out the door. "We've already cleaned up everything here."

I nodded and walked over to my suitcase, removing my t-shirt as I went. I also snaked off my pajamas and then sat down on the side of the bed to change into my cargo pants.

"That looks a little uncomfortable," Sam's voice commented lightly from behind me, her tone teasing.

I twisted around to find that Sam hadn't actually left. She leaned against the doorjamb, arms folded across her chest. She gave me a little grin and stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. I watched her, curious, as she circled around the bed and knelt down before me, the tent in my boxer shorts big and obvious.

Once I realized her intention, I immediately said, "Oh, Sam, you don't have to. Don't mind him. He just has a mind of his own."

She smiled up at me as she pulled my dick out through the flap and took a long lick along the bottom of my shaft. "I know I don't have to. That's why I want to."

I shivered at the sensations of pleasure and leaned back, bracing myself with my hands on the mattress. "Ohhh... shiiittt..." I groaned. "If you keep that up, I'm gonna cum really fast."

Sam paused and grinned, the blonde's beautiful face looking radiant in the morning light. "It's okay if you pop off quickly. I know you must be pretty backed up after not getting any last night." And then she took me into her mouth again.

What followed was not the greatest blowjob of my life or anything. She didn't slam her entire face down to massage me with her throat muscles. I never grabbed her head to skull-fuck her. Sam just sort of lovingly and languidly sucked on my schlong for a few minutes, and when I started groaning and twitching, she sealed her lips around my mushroom head and rapidly stroked my shaft with her right hand. Moments later, I grabbed her head and held on for dear life while evacuating the contents of my balls into her vacuuming mouth, moaning the whole time.

She drank down every drop like a pro, humming happily as she did so, staring up into my eyes the entire time. After that first initial burst of overwhelming pleasure, I started chuckling and caressed her cheek even while my cock was still spurting out the final shots. And once I was done, I let my arms buckle and fell back across the bed.

Sam nursed my prick for the final few dregs before pulling off and smiling down at me. "Feel better?"

"Much. Thank you."

"I'm glad. You're welcome." She kissed my cock one more time before pushing her hands down on the bed and standing up. "C'mon then. Let's get downstairs and join the others."


Everyone was still pretty quiet when Sam and I joined them in the living room. Belle and Mari looked like they'd rather be ANYWHERE but here, and Alice tapped her foot impatiently like she just wanted to get on the road and be done with this place.

In fact, as I glanced around at all seven of the girls, I realized that they each wanted nothing more than to get away from each other. And as that realization pinged around in my brain, I was struck by just how... wrong... that was. This was the BTC. This was one of the most close-knit and tightest cliques in the entire school. These girls were BEST FRIENDS, and while we'd managed to "go to bed angry", as the saying goes, we would NOT leave this house still angry.

Everyone was up with one hand on the telescoping handles of their suitcases, ready to bail. But with a final disgusted shake of my head, I held up the keys to the minivan, shook them, and deliberately put them back into my pocket. And before anybody decided to get this show on the road, I announced loudly, "Okay, this is ridiculous. You were waiting on an objection, Sam? I'm objecting. And I am NOT leaving here until we get this sorted out." With a frown, I walked over to the big couch and dropped my ass onto the center cushion, perfectly willing to remain in that seat for however long it took. Sure, Sam might be able to override me, load some of the girls into her Escalade, and drive off, but she didn't have enough room for all of them.

Fortunately, it wouldn't come to that. The beautiful blonde gave me a grateful smile and followed suit, abandoning her suitcase to walk over to her usual armchair and plop down into it.

"Really?" Holly complained. "I'm sorry, you're sorry, we're all sorry for losing our heads last night. We were drunk and we were stupid and can't we just get the fuck outta here?"

Sam shrugged. "You're welcome to catch a bus."

"I'm welcome to kick you all out of my house," Holly retorted.

Sam just gave her a look. Holly pursed her lips and glanced over everyone else. Zofi was quick to grab a dining table chair and park it next to Sam. Alice nodded and walked over to me, extending her hand for a fist bump before dropping onto the cushion next to me. Belle, then Mari, and then Naimh followed suit. And finally, with a sigh, Holly grabbed a dining table chair and came to join the circle.

And then we worked things out.


The fight itself last night had lasted less than ten minutes, but the group discussion to resolve it took a little bit longer. Sam got us started by apologizing once again for mounting herself on me what felt like eons ago. Naimh admitted that she'd never really gotten over Sam getting to me first.

"I forgave you at the time, and I meant it," Naimh stated solemnly. "But there's a selfish part inside me that had always wanted to be Matty's first -- to be his special one. I tried to convince myself it wasn't a big deal. But I guess it still niggles me, and I'm not completely sure I'll ever fully get over it."

"I understand," Sam said tightly, looking sad.

"I want to believe you didn't do it just to beat me out."

"I didn't. I would've been perfectly happy for you to have been his first."

"You sure?" Naimh raised her eyebrows. "We all know how competitive you are -- how important it is for you to be number one."

"To be honest, I always thought Belle was going to beat you to him, and I'd made my peace with that. Getting his cherry..." Sam took a deep breath and sighed. "The really shitty thing about that is: I wasn't thinking about you or Belle or even Matty. Being Matty's first was never a goal of mine. When it happened, I was only thinking of myself. It was a horrible thing to do to someone, but I took his virginity just so I could selfishly not feel like a failure."

Sam pursed her lips and exhaled slowly, closing her eyes while shaking her head.

"I took away something precious to both of you for nothing. I know how much that hurt not only you, but everyone else. It changed EVERYTHING, and while I'd like to think things turned out alright in the end -- especially for Matty -- if I had the chance to do it all over again, I wouldn't have done it like that. I don't regret having sex with Matty, but I do still regret the manner and the timing in which it happened."

I looked around, and the other girls were nodding their agreement.

Sam finished, saying, "Please believe I never meant to hurt you or anyone else."

"I believe you," Naimh confirmed.

"That means a lot. And as for the competition that followed: I'll admit, being able to say I was his first titfuck or his first shower sex or his first overnight gave me little thrills, just like I'm sure being his first anal or his first minivan sex gave you thrills. I'd like to think that at first, it was all in good fun, a little healthy competition that you enjoyed, didn't you?"

"I did."

"Thing is: I realized I wasn't being competitive for the right reasons. After my whole anal deflowering went painfully wrong, I realized I wasn't being competitive in good fun; I was being competitive for that same selfish drive to not feel like a failure."

"You're like the opposite of failure," Mari put in.

"Thank you." Sam gave her an appreciative smile. "The point is: I realized that my competitive drive was coming from a part of myself I don't really like. I've been working on it, and a large credit goes to Beverly -- uh, to Matty's mom -- for helping me get my head on straight. I'd like to think you may have noticed I haven't been quite so competitive lately."

Naimh smiled. "Yeah, we noticed."

"Thank goodness for Matty's mom," Alice cracked.

Everyone laughed at that.

Then it was Naimh's turn. "I'm sorry I called you a 'control freak'.

"Well, I kinda AM a control freak. I don't mean to come off as bossy and overbearing, but I know that I do, and I apologize if I hurt any of you."

"It's okay," Naimh insisted. "Truth is: I appreciate how you always seem to know what to do. I'm sure we all appreciate your leadership." She glanced around the circle and got nods from everyone, including Belle.

"You've been a good leader," Mari added. "The BTC would never have gone on as long as it has without you guiding us or without us following your rules. I mean, if the sex stuff had started last year, I wouldn't have been ready to be a part of that yet and probably would have left."

"Me too," Alice chimed in.

"You DID leave for a bit," Belle pointed out.

"But if it happened last year, I wouldn't have come back," Alice sighed.

"Sometimes I don't agree with your decisions," Naimh continued, returning her attention to Sam, "and too often I just swallow my objections instead of speaking up. I let those emotions fester and build up resentment, which isn't fair to you."

"It's cool." Sam shrugged. "I get it. Believe me, I understand the struggle of trying to contain my emotions." She looked over at me for a second before catching herself, practically jerking her attention back to Naimh.

"Me too," Belle spoke up. "I'm sorry, Sam. You've been so great for me in so many other ways, and you don't deserve my resentment. None of you do. I accused you of thinking you were above the rules when I was the one trying to break them. When you took his cherry, I was only days away from finishing my period after taking birth control. Even if you hadn't crossed the line and broken The Rule, I would have done so soon enough."

Sam shrugged.

Belle added, "And then I let myself think the rules didn't apply to me when we made the sex boycott."

"Yeah, what was THAT about?" Alice muttered. "We all agreed together to stand with Neevie and you were ready to undermine that without a care."

Belle looked down at her lap. "I couldn't help myself. I was super horny, and yes, I was selfish. I didn't realize the consequences of what I was about to do, but Matty did and he stopped us."

"In her defense," Naimh chimed in, "she did come clean with me. She said she was going to confess to the rest of you as well, although I obviously didn't let her get around to doing that."

"To be honest," Sam added, looking at Belle, "we sort of expected you to sleep with him anyway. We knew you were spending the night, and had you two confessed in the morning to losing control and just sorta... 'oops, we fucked each other', none of us would've been surprised. Disappointed? Yes. But not surprised."

"I would've forgiven an 'oops'," Alice complained. "But spending all evening with a butt plug in her ass? That's premeditated."

"She's sorry about it," Mari said defensively.

"Well of course you'd defend her," Alice grumped.

"Believe me, I was as hurt as anyone last night," Mari shot back. "She was preparing to betray ME, too. But she's genuinely sorry about it and wishes she'd never done it."

"She's sorry she got caught is what she's sorry for," Alice muttered.

"She didn't get caught," I interjected. "Nothing happened. In the end, nothing happened, and she confessed to Naimh first and was going to tell the rest of you too, okay?"

Alice sighed.

"I AM sorry, Alice," Belle said to her directly. "I'm sorry that I ever made you feel betrayed. I lost my head, I was at a point where I was feeling... unsexy... I was feeling like I didn't measure up to the rest of you. I felt like I was losing my special place in Matty's heart and I wanted so desperately to get it back. Surely YOU know a little of what that feels like."

Alice pursed her lips and looked away, that last sentence getting to her where the previous apologies hadn't.

"I've been dealing with these jealousy issues," Belle continued. "Matty knows I'm still working on it. And for those issues I also need to apologize to Holly. I never gave you a fair shot. We even had that chat on the beach Tuesday, and I promised you I'd be better. I wasn't, though."

"No, you weren't." Holly sighed. "But I appreciate you being honest about it. And don't sweat it. I promise I'll stay out of your hair once we all go back home."

Naimh sat up straight. "What, are you gonna leave us?"

Holly shrugged. "I was never really one of the BTC in the first place."

I frowned. "Don't walk away at the first sign of rough waters."

"Why? Would you miss me, Matty?" she asked a rather coyly.

"Yes, I would," I replied frankly.

"You've got your hands full as it is." Holly head-nodded towards Belle. "And as much fun as we've had together, I'm not the type to stick around where I'm not wanted."

"I didn't say you weren't wanted," Belle objected.

"Yeah, just because we all had one fight doesn't mean you need to leave," Mari insisted. "Sam, tell her."

Sam held up her hands. "Zofi and I talked to her all last night. Her mind's made up."

"If she wants to go, let her go," Alice muttered.

Everyone turned to glare at her.

"What? Look, I'm perfectly cool if she wants to stick around. I'm also perfectly cool if she wants to go. She got what she wanted in the end: she got to bang Matty six ways from Sunday, and then she got to bang all six of us. Everybody had a good time, but let's face it: We all knew she wasn't gonna stay forever." Alice sighed and shook her head. "What does it matter anyway? We're all splitting up in a few months. If she wants to bail, let her bail. It just means I get more of Matty while I still can."