The Birthday Bargain

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Darcy discovers that sometimes giving is receiving.
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Note: This story is a continuation of the characters introduced in "The Midas Touch" and "Girls Night Out". While it isn't necessary to read the stories sequentially, it may help in understanding the relationship of the characters.

Darcy set her juice bottle and taco basket on the shiny steel tabletop and slid into the seat opposite her friend, who was already well into one end of her burrito bowl.

"Hungry?" she snarked, taking her first bite. Shae frowned, pointing her fork.

"I've been up since four o'clock," she replied, "and I never had breakfast. Sooo, fuck you."

Darcy sipped her drink. "Honestly, I'm surprised you had time for me. I haven't seen you in like six months?"

"Dude, it's been like six weeks." Shae thought for moment. "Or...twelve? I don't know. You try popping out a tiny human and caring for it every waking moment of your life and see if you can remember what day it is."

Darcy laughed into her taco. "How is the baby?"

"He's spending the day -- and maybe the rest of his life, with Grandma." She rubbed her forehead. "This is so much harder than I ever imagined. But, I'm not here to talk about me."

"You're not?"

Shae growled. "I'm here to talk about you. You and your new girlfriend you didn't tell anybody about until Rob saw you together last week. So shame on you for trying to hide her from us. Now spill it."

"See," Darcy stalled, rolling her eyes, "this is why I didn't tell you. You guys make such a big deal out of everything."

Shae's eyes bulged. "Your first steady girlfriend in two years? That's a big fucking deal!"

"I've had other girlfriends," Darcy protested. Shae shook her head.

"No," she insisted, "you haven't. Now who is she?"

Darcy sighed, defeated. She took another bite, then cleaned her fingers with a napkin. "Her name is Blair," she mumbled. "We've been dating like...five months or something."

"Five months!" A man at a nearby table glanced over. Shae lowered her voice. "You've been hiding her for five months? You sneaky bitch." She downed a mouthful of soda. "Blair, huh. Sounds pretty WASPy for your tastes, no? Do I know her?"

Darcy shrugged. "You've probably seen her." She slurred her words, hoping Shae wouldn't understand. "ShestheweathergirlatChannel9." Shae's jaw dropped. No such luck.

"Oh my god," she whisper-shouted, "Blair Hart?!? The blonde with the...tits and the...legs??" She made shapes with her hands to illustrate. Embarrassed, Darcy scanned the room, praying no one was watching.

"I mean, we all have those things," she replied softly, "but yeah, her."

"How could you keep that a secret?" Shae marveled. "If I was dating a celebrity, I'd tell everybody."

"She's not a celebrity, she's a meteorologist. Meteorologists can't be celebrities."

"Tell that to Al Roker," Shae jabbed. Darcy sighed, starting on her second taco.

"Wow," Shae continued, a mischievous grin plastered to her face. "Blair Hart. I assumed she was straight."

"So did I." Darcy smiled. "Never been happier to be wrong."

"What's she like? I need details."

Darcy shrugged. "I don't know. She's cool, smart, funny...."

"No, dumbass," Shae interrupted, "what is she like? In bed?"

Darcy's head snapped back, mortified. "I'm not telling you that!"

"Oh come on," Shae pleaded, "I tell you all about my sex life!"

"I wish you wouldn't! I could have gone my whole life without knowing third trimester...whatever it was you and Rob were doing and been just fine thank you."

Shae shook her head. "You have to tell me. Is she a screamer? Creamer?" She leaned in closer. "Does the carpet match the drapes?"

"Oh my god what is wrong with you!?!"

Shae pursed her lips, her eyes narrowing. "You've bored me to death for two years with nothing to report, but now that you're dating a celebrity you're going to hold back? You are the worst friend ever."

"She's not a celebrity!"

Shae rolled her eyes. Again, Darcy capitulated.

"Fine. There is no carpet, her boobs are phenomenal, her moans are super cute, her tongue never gets tired, and she smells like lemon and sugar. Does that cover everything?"

Shae's grin stretched ear to ear. "See," she chided, "that wasn't so hard." Darcy growled. Shae took a bite of burrito. "You're such a prude."

"I am not," Darcy protested, this time checking her own volume midway through. Shae cocked her head.

"Really? What's the kinkiest thing you've ever done?"

"We had sex in a parking lot with another girl watching." The words just fell out of her mouth. Shae paused, her eyes bulging.

"Okay," she gulped. "I admit I was not expecting that. When did that happen?"

"I don't know," Darcy shrugged, "a few weeks ago? She never saw the girl, but I did. She got off to us and disappeared." Something stirred in her groin. As awkward as it felt to talk about it, saying it out loud was turning her on. But she wasn't about to admit it.

Shae shook her head, seeming genuinely surprised. "It is always the quiet ones." Ignoring Darcy's frown, she continued. "Well you can't stop now. What else? I need more details!"

Looking around Darcy noticed they were alone in their section. She relaxed a little, sipping her drink, keeping her voice low.

"I don't know," she shrugged, heart beating faster, blood warming her cheeks and reddening the tips of her ears. "She likes to be spanked, she's really into ass play and...sometimes she wants me to choke her when she cums? I think she kinda likes it when I tell her what to do."

"Do it...when you tell her what to do?"

"It's...grown on me, yeah."

Shae set down her fork and clasped her hands under her chin. "I am learning so much about you today," she responded, "aaaaand I don't know how I feel about that."

"You asked!"

"That was before I knew you were a freak!" Darcy rolled her eyes. Shae maintained her shock a moment longer before cracking. "I'm kidding," she soothed. "She sounds exciting! How did you get so lucky?"

"She moved in across the hall," Darcy explained. She rested an elbow on the table and her cheek on her fist. "It's weird. I thought she'd get bored with me and move on. But she really seems to like me."

"I know what you mean," Shae agreed. "Only a real weirdo would like you?"

Darcy flicked a sliver of cheese into Shae's hair. "She's so different from everyone I've dated. She's, in ways I've never been. It's cool."

Shae set her fork down, cupping a hand to her ear, shushing Darcy with the other. "Wait," she said, "do you hear that? Sounds bells?"

"I will throw this entire drink on you," Darcy shot back.

Shae laughed, "I'm just saying. She sounds really special. I hope this works out for you." Her tone changed, growing a little more serious. "I know you pretend it doesn't bother you, but I get why it's been hard for you to hang out with us; with everyone else paired up and all. Maybe now we'll see a little more of you? Maybe Saturday? We'd love to meet her."

Darcy smiled, relieved. Then her face turned. Mouth fell open. "Shit!"

Shae frowned. "If Saturday doesn't work we can...."

"Her birthday is Saturday." Darcy interrupted. "And I haven't got her anything. Dammit, how did I forget!"

"What are you getting her?"

Darcy sighed. "I have no idea. She difficult to buy for. She's not really into...stuff."

"Well, what is she into," Shae asked, "besides you?"

Darcy thought for a minute. "She loves my bike. But she doesn't know how to ride yet. She likes swimming. Oh, and she bakes a lot."

"She bakes you cupcakes? And you forgot about her birthday?" Shae shook her head. "You are the worst girlfriend ever."

"I knooooooow," Darcy moaned. She set her last half taco in the basket and sighed. "Maybe I'll take her out to a really nice dinner."

Shae frowned. "Really? That ought to make for some hot birthday sex. Come on, after everything you just told me about this girl, you can't just take her to dinner. You have to do something special. Something exciting. Thrill her!"

Darcy nodded, mulling Shae's words. "Yeah, you're right. I'll do something special." She paused. "What should I do?"

"I have to do everything for you?" Shae shook her head. "She's your girlfriend, you think of something. And hurry up with that taco, I need a drink."

"You have a drink," Darcy replied, pointing to the cup in Shae's hand.

"No, a drink. I haven't had wine in a year. I need wine. Need it!"

Darcy rolled her eyes and bit into the last of her taco. It was only Tuesday. She still had time to figure it out.


Friday morning rolled around and found Darcy still clueless. For three days she racked her brain, trying desperately to think of something that qualified as thrilling. Nothing fit the bill. The best she could do was flowers and a cake, which she'd ordered for pickup late Saturday. She was hoping for something better. Wasn't having any luck.

On her way to work she stopped for breakfast. Setting her helmet on the stool beside her she stripped away the wrapper and bit into the piping hot sandwich. Immediately she was interrupted by a phone call. She checked the caller ID and rolled her eyes.

"What's up Shae," she sighed, not in the mood for what she knew was coming.

"What did you get?"

"Nothing. I can't think of anything. I'll just have to take her to dinner and make it up to her later."

"That is so lame. How have you fucked this up so badly?"

Darcy growled, continuing with her sandwich. "Thank you for not helping at all."

"I tried. It's not my fault you're a terrible girlfriend. Come on, at least take her to dinner in...San Francisco or something. Make it at least a little special."

The scraping of metal on tile caught Darcy's attention. She glanced over her shoulder at a table to her left where a tall black-haired girl in heavy make-up and knee-high buckled leather boots dragged out a chair and sat down with her coffee and laptop. Her skirt rode high up her thighs, and the skin-tight band tee-shirt accentuated the prominent bulge of her breasts.

Darcy's gaze lingered; her attention drawn to the girl's jewelry. Studded leather gauntlets wrapped her wrists, and a broad black collar with shiny chrome spikes encircled her neck. Several links of heavy steel chain dangled from a ring in the center, teasing the top of her cleavage. She felt a sudden urge to reach out and grab it. Which triggered another urge in her gut.

"What did you say," she asked Shae, tearing her eyes away from the girl.

"I said at least make it special," Shae repeated. Darcy nodded to herself.

"I will. I gotta go. I'll call you later."

"Wait, what are you...."

Darcy stuffed the phone in her pocket and the rest of the sandwich into her mouth. Snatching up her helmet she took one last look at the girl in the collar and dashed out the door to her bike.


At 7:00 that night Darcy crossed the hall and knocked on Blair's door, the finely wrapped package from the jeweler tucked snuggly into the palm of the hand behind her back. She tried to constrain the grin on her face, but she couldn't force the corners of her mouth in any direction but up. Anxious, she shifted from foot to foot, her Chucks grinding the little rubber spikes of the door mat, freshly shampooed hair tickling her shoulders. She knocked again. The door swung open.

Blair smiled at her across the threshold. She draped her arms over Darcy's shoulders, planting a tender kiss on her lips and pulling her in close, nuzzling into the crook of her neck. Darcy held her, swelling her head with Blair's perfume. Anticipation prickled her skin.

"I ordered pizza," Blair offered, easing away, "so I hope you're hungry."

"Starving," Darcy replied. In so many ways.

Blair ducked into the fridge and emerged with two beer bottles clasped in her fingers. She thrust one toward Darcy. She paused, arm extended, head cocked to the side, examining the redhead's face. "What is it," she said. "Why are you so smiley?"

"It's nothing," Darcy replied, plucking a bottle with her free hand.

Blair frowned, looking her over. "What are you hiding?"

"What are you talking about," Blair shrugged, "I'm not hiding anything."

"Behind your back," Blair countered, pointing. "What is that?"

Darcy shook her head, fighting to straighten her face. Failing miserably.

Blair lunged for her, but she stepped aside, laughing, the box safely out of view. Blair's eyes lit up, mischief curling her lips. She swiped at Darcy's arm, chasing her round the kitchen island before finally pinning her to the refrigerator and holding her cold beer against a sliver skin exposed at Darcy's waist.

"Okayokayokay," Darcy gasped, writhing to get away.

Blair relented, stepping back and folding her arms, an impatient, expectant look on her face. Darcy skittered behind the island, wrenching her tank top down to cover the cold spot with her free arm. "I got you something," she said finally, "for your birthday. I was going to give it to you tomorrow, but I know you have to work, sooo...."

Blair's frown melted into a broad, giddy smile. "You remembered," she cooed, crossing her arms over her chest. "You, are amazing! What is it?"

Darcy set the box crisply on the counter and stepped back, clasping her hands behind her back. Blair's mouth fell open, eyes rounding in her head. "Don't panic," Darcy said, "it's not a ring."

Blair peeled away the delicate paper revealing a flat black paper box. Darcy leaned in as she lifted the lid and set it aside. Staring up at them from the white linen liner was the broad black band of a choker, spliced in the center by a slim silver ring circling a brilliant blue oval-cut sapphire. Blair clamped a hand over her mouth, stifling a squeal. Darcy's face warmed. "Do you like it," she asked softly.

"It's beautiful," Blair breathed. She reached out across the counter. But Darcy beat her to it, slapping her hand down over the box. Blair flinched, startled.

"It comes with a condition," Darcy whispered. Blair's forehead crinkled.

"A condition?"

Darcy slipped the band between her fingers, raising it slowly, the sapphire dangling like a pendulum below her knuckles. "Just one." She eased around the island, inching closer to Blair with each enunciated phrase. "If you accept this..., any time you wear it..., you allow me...," she stopped face to face, their eyes locked, " do anything I want...with you."

The corners of Blair's mouth creased upward, then fell when Darcy's expression didn't change. Her breathing deepened, lips parting with a hard swallow. "Anything?" she whispered, her voice dry.

Darcy rocked forward, their breasts touching. "Anything."

She felt Blair shiver, a silent sigh deflating her chest. Blair curled her fingers over Darcy's fist, pinching the choker and pulling it free from Darcy's grasp. By feel she twisted the clasp apart, slipped the band beneath her hair and fastened it around her neck. Arms falling to her sides, she watched. Waiting.

A surge of endorphins washed over Darcy. She brushed a lock of hair from Blair's face with her middle finger, tucking it behind her ear before tracing the edge of her jaw to the nape of her neck and around to the gem nestled over her throat. An audible gasp pricked Darcy's ears. She gave a gentle squeeze before lowering her hand and twisted the collar of Blair's red checkered button-down in her palm.

"I love this shirt," she growled. "Take it off."

Blair obeyed immediately, fingers deftly poking the buttons through the eyelets and sluffing the fabric off over her arms. She stood still, arms at her sides, her nipples telegraphing through her smooth white tank top. Darcy plucked the neckline, exposing more cleavage. "This too," she added.

Scrunching the hem in her fingers Blair peeled her top off and threw it to the floor, her breasts bouncing on her ribs. Darcy cupped them in her palms, rolling the bright pink nubs beneath her thumbs like tiny joysticks. A pitched groan escaped Blair's throat. Darcy snatched her hands away. Pursing her lips, she shook her head.

"Shhhh," Darcy whispered, her eyes narrow. "Not a sound."

Blair nodded, biting her bottom lip. Darcy stepped into her, walking her back against the counter, flattening her tits between them. She kissed the tip of her nose, then her lips, working back along her cheek to her earlobe and down to the nape of her neck. Blair's head lolled back, her arms wrapped round Darcy's waist. Stirred by the heat, Darcy knifed her hands between them and pinched Blair's nipples between her fingers.

Blair gasped, her muscles taught. Darcy glanced up, and Blair covered her mouth, stifling the curse on the tip of her tongue. An impish grin lit Darcy's face. She twisted her fingers, squeezing a little harder. Blair's eyes bulged, her body quivering beneath Darcy's weight. But she kept completely silent and made no attempt to escape. Darcy lowered her head, reaching for one with her tongue. The doorbell interrupted her.

She loosened her grip on the blonde, easing back, admiring Blair's heaving breasts. "Answer that," she said softly.

Blair obeyed. She skirted the island, padding softly toward the door, her gaze fixed on Darcy. Only when her fingers touched the handle did Darcy realize she would actually do it.

"Stop," she ordered. Blair froze, awaiting instructions. Enthralled, Darcy planted a tender kiss on her forehead and steered her behind the door.

She collected the pizza from the driver and sent him on his way with a generous tip. Setting the box on the counter she turned back toward her girlfriend, surprise accenting her expression.

"You were really going to do it, weren't you."

Blair nodded. "Anything you said, remember?"

Darcy motioned her over, wrapping her in her arms and kissing her again."

"Did you like it?"

Blair covered Darcy's hand with her own, guiding it down into the waistband of her yoga pants, pushing Darcy's middle finger through her freshly slickened slit. Darcy smiled. She circled Blair's clit several times before planting a dollop of grool on Blair's parted bottom lip.

"Let's play some more later."


Darcy rolled over onto Blair's pillow, the late-morning sun heating her face. She squinted at the clock distorted by glare. 10:45. Maybe. She tried to sit up but crashed back to the mattress with a muted bounce. Her arms and legs burned, a dull ache throbbing between her legs. She sighed into the pillow. Thank God for Saturdays.

Crawling out of bed she shuffled to the bathroom, stepping around crumpled clothes and used sex toys. She steadied herself against the vanity, waiting for her eyes to focus before looking in the mirror. Her breasts hung contented from her chest, her skin a warm beige, muscles lean and taught. Her hair was a disaster, but nothing a shower couldn't fix.


Wrapped tightly in a towel she padded across the carpet to retrieve her buzzing phone from the night stand. Maria's number greeted her when she picked it up.

"Hey Maria," she chirped, refreshed.

"Hi there," Maria replied, her voice hushed. "Just checking to see if you're still planning to come by the station later."

"I am, if that's still okay."

"Yes! Any time between 6:30 and 10:30 should work. Just text me when you get here and I'll come down and let you in." She paused a moment after a breath, then lowered her voice a little further. "This is a secret, right? I don't want to say anything I'm not supposed to."

"Yes," Darcy replied, "it's a surprise."

"Okay, my lips are sealed. See you tonight."

Darcy tossed the phone on a pillow and flopped onto the bed, wrapping herself in the comforter. The cake would be ready by 7:00; the flowers by 8:00. They would put a nice bow on the end of her birthday.