The Birthday Card


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Carol felt sufficient time had passed for her to get used to the sensation, and began to encourage movement from me. I responded as earlier, with slow steady strokes. The powerful grip, her ass had on my cock, created an incredible sensation, but limited the degree of movement we could achieve. When we reached a level she was happy with, she indicated her satisfaction by holding the rhythm steady.

The tightness of Carol's ass, coupled with the newness of being inside it, cut short any staying powers I had left. In no time I lost it, well short of her reaching a climax of her own, and after all the effort she had put into getting us there.

I let her legs slip from my shoulders, the downward rotation of her hips sliding my still pulsating erection clear from its binding. By way of apology, I lowered my face to hers, and kissed her lips. This unexpected action from me, brought an arm about my neck to force a continuation of the kiss. Pretty soon, we were making out like teenagers.

My erection returned. This was no surprise to Carol, as she had fondled my cock from the moment we'd started to kiss. However, she had a surprise in store for me. I was pushed onto the floor, and could only watch as she leapt from the sofa, and sprinted from the room. It was several seconds before I could get myself together, and follow.

Once in the hallway, and still being dressed, Carol had been faced with the simple choice of exiting the property by the front door, or ascending the stairs. The fact that her coat remained where she'd left it, and her discarded footwear now lay at my feet, I opted for the stairs.

I had two rooms up there, apart from the bathroom, and only one had a bed in it. The other had my home office in one corner, and my cross trainer in the other. I made for the bedroom.

Inside, my bed was as I'd left it this morning, with the covers thrown back, and no naked lady spread all akimbo on top. Disappointed, I returned to the landing, just as the shower in my bathroom turned itself on. I decided that was unlikely, and instead my silent houseguest was making use of the facilities, without asking permission.

I too dispensed with the niceties, and entered the bathroom, unannounced. Noting as I did, not only her failure to lock the door behind her, but also the reckless abandonment of her expensive clothing. It made the place look untidy, so I gathered them up, and set them down on the towel press, which doubled as a place to leave ones clothes. All the while keeping my eyes glued to the shower screen, through which I could see her naked form.

With a flick of her hip, Carol pushed the shower door open, in invitation. I stepped inside and closed it again, not least because the water cascading onto the floor, would have to be mopped up. Should there ever be a repeat of today, and the silent routine remain a part of that, I would be forced to leave notes to convey my concerns.

Mine wasn't the biggest of showers, making it hard not to have our bodies in constant contact. You may find it strange that I held back from that, but now we were both naked, I felt Carol's underlying vulnerability all the more, and didn't want her to feel pressured. I was also starting to regret her motivation for being here.

Having decided she was clean enough, Carol turned her attention my way. I had tried to occupy the least amount of space possible, and had squeezed into a corner. To convey that she was far from unhappy with my proximity to her naked and curvaceous form, she took hold of my still rigid cock, and pulled it towards her, which forced the rest of my body to follow.

I got the same treatment she had given herself, and was lathered from head to toe, with added attention to the nooks and crannies that never see daylight. I accepted her efforts, but all too soon she decided I was done, and aimed the shower head in my direction, before leaving me to finish rinsing myself.

By the time I was free of suds, Carol had vanished. Her clothes remained where I'd placed them, but my big bath towel and terry cloth dressing gown were not. I found that intolerable. There were rules about taking other people's stuff, she should know that.

I retrieved a fresh towel from the press, and placed her clothing back on top. There was no way I would be fetching and carrying for her, no matter how used to it she may be. I dried myself, then wrapped the towel around my waist, noticing as I did, her absence had allowed my erection to begin to deflate.

I entered the bedroom, to find the vision I had anticipated, had finally appeared. Except it was swaddled in my missing accoutrements. She patted the bed, and threw me a smile. Not one to refuse an invitation, I joined her.

Carol opened my dressing gown to reveal her naked form, but I ignored the offering, and settled for another taste of her now lipstick free lips. She responded in kind, and we melted into each other. The pace went back to the one with which we'd started, and we caressed each others bodies, in the manner of lovers enjoying the closeness of the encounter.

Soon, the heat we generated drove our passion higher, and with a flick of her wrist, she unwrapped me from my towel, bent forward, and drew my clean, but only semi hard cock, deep into her mouth.

It rapidly inflated back to the almost painful hardness that I'd endured for the past hour or so, and, in light of its previous journeys to completion, would be sure to last that long again, if only I could deploy some delaying tactics.

There was only one answer. As Carol commenced to demonstrate her oral skills were equal to mine, I put my efforts into retrieving my property, and soon had her as naked as I.

In an attempt to get her to lose focus, my fingers started to take care of her pussy. Except, the probing digits I deployed, so thoroughly enjoyed themselves, my level of arousal increased.

I wasn't yet beaten, and lifted her lithe body across mine, until her perfect pussy was above my face. My intention had been to enjoy the view for as long as I could, before eating her magnificent cunt for a second time. However, Carol had other ideas, and pushed her hairless opening down onto my waiting lips, before grinding herself hard against my nose and chin. I put her haste down to having failed to climax, when I'd fucked her in her ass, so I wasn't in a position to complain.

I must have been right, as, without delay, she launched into a series of orgasms, that left my cock unregarded, which had been my intent all along.

Having got Carol over the edge, I kept her there, drawing more and more juices from within her folds, which then coated my face. In the end, it was all too much for her body to take. Her legs collapsed, and her head fell alongside my still rigid member. She attempted to take me back into her mouth, but achieved no more than a nibbling of the skin where my cock joined my body. I managed to put a stop to even that, by easing her further down my legs. This action brought into view, what I was certain had been, her virgin asshole.

With Carol's legs still either side of my head, and her pussy out of commission, I decided to explore this third orifice. I manoeuvred my arms, until they passed around her legs. Then took hold of each ass cheek, and eased them apart. This pulled her tight pucker into clear view. I traced the surrounds with the tip of my tongue, then ran it across this tightest of holes. Carol responded by pushing back against my face, until my lips were pressed against her rim, and my tongue was banging open the door.

If eating her pussy was super effective, then sucking and licking her asshole, turned out to be overdrive. Carol lost all interest in everything, other than what I was doing back there with my tongue, and was soon shaking uncontrollably.

All too soon for my liking, she pushed her legs straight, and broke free from my assault on her ass, then spun about to get clear, and launch a fresh oral attack on my cock.

In payback for having driven her insane, through my efforts on her cunt and ass, I was forced to endure her skillful onslaught of my cock. All attempts by me, to get hold of anything other than her head, were batted away.

A good while later, after a straight fight between my cock's built up resistance, and her determination to get me to cum for a third time, Carol decided to give her worn out mouth and tongue a rest. In one swift movement, she popped herself off, straddled my hips, and buried my cock in her cunt. At last, I could get my hands on those breasts to which she'd drawn my attention, while still encased in her bra, beneath the swell of that blouse.

I reached up and cupped them in the palm of my hands. For a moment, I wished I'd made an early move, and had caressed them through the silk of her blouse. Not that the feel of them now, left anything to be desired. I squeezed her pliant flesh, and pinched those bullet hard nipples. In response, Carol clamped the walls of her vagina to the sides of my cock, and started to fuck me.

I closed my eyes, and soared along, as she pushed herself through multiple orgasms, on my now numb, and highly resistant erection.

When she collapsed in near exhaustion, I positioned Carol on her knees, ass up, head down, and slid my cock back into her cunt from behind. As I gave her the fucking she now craved, this position offered me another look at that tight, and over sensitive, ass of hers. I kept up a pace that held her just off the boil, until I too started to tire. Like a marathon runner who sees the finish, I found that extra turn of speed, and spent the last of my energy in a flurry of fast poundings. I concluded with just a light brush of my thumb across her rosebud. As one, we exploded into a toe curling, cramp inducing, series of spasms, that threatened our very existence, before collapsing in a heap.

I must have passed out, because when I came to, the room was in darkness, and I was alone. How Carol had extricated herself from beneath me, I did not know. I dragged my broken body from the bed, pulled on my dressing gown, and stumbled downstairs, stopping to pee, and take a second shower, on the way. Her clothes were gone from the bathroom, as we're her shoes from the hall, and her coat from the sitting room. Had it not been for the anonymous fourth card on the mantle, and the cry of pain from my aching muscles, it might have all been a dream.

The fire had died down to an eerie glow of red hot cinders, from which the occasional flame still tried to break free. I tossed on another log, and left it to sort itself out while I made myself a coffee, and tried to rationalise what had transpired today.

One thing was certain, it was a one off for Carol. Just a box ticking exercise, on some list she'd compiled, to get even with her friend fucking husband. What was odd, was why now? Over a year later? Maybe it was closure, two wrongs somehow making a right? The only problem with that was, it didn't feel wrong. Another place; Another lifetime; I could have loved her, and not just in the physical sense. With the events of tonight, destined to become just a memory, I sighed, then drank my coffee.

Reliving the moments just after Carol's arrival, I looked up at the card she'd given me, or rather where it sat, lost in the deep shadow of the mantle. A crackle from the fire, triggered a brief brightening. For a moment, the room reflected enough light to make out the card's ghostly whiteness, before it melted back into the shadows, just like Carol had. I regretted only one thing from our encounter, and that was the cause behind it.

Hey, at least I got to have sex on my birthday, and pretty amazing sex at that. I bet not many lonely guys could say they had such a great time, and not have a big hole in their bank account come Monday.

Some two hours later, I was still sat in the inglenook, reflecting on the day I'd had, when my subconscious told me there was another knock on the door. Annoyed that someone found cause to disturb me at this late hour, I dragged my despondent body into the hallway. Recalling how cold it was outside, I pulled my dressing gown tight, before releasing the latch.

Without notice, my door was pushed wide, as Carol, dressed in different attire, and carrying a large holdall, stepped passed, and mounted the stairs. The door bounced against the stop, put there for just that purpose, and was still vibrating when I grabbed the edge to push it closed.

Before I could respond to her vertical vanishing trick, Carol came back down, minus the holdall, and gave me a sympathetic look.

"Have you done nothing since I left? I bet you haven't eaten either. Come on, find something to wear, and we can slum it to a late night burger joint to replace some of those burnt off calories. I know for a fact I'm still starving, and I've wolfed down ham, eggs, and fried potatoes, since you last saw me. By the way, although I'm happy staying here with you, only this morning that slug that I kicked to the curb, has discovered he's not getting a penny from me. That's going to be a shock for, 'You know who', when the gravy train she thinks she's on runs out of gravy. I should have mentioned it sooner, but everything we had was mine. He failed to understand the small print in our prenup, and lost all he thought he was going to get. If I had found someone else, within a year of us breaking up, he would get a big payout. Knowing I loved sex, he was convinced I couldn't hold out for that long. I had his spies, private detectives, and friends, watching me twenty-four-seven, in an effort to catch me when I slipped up, which I didn't. Anyway, what I'm trying to say, is the house is mine, the apartment he's shacked up in with your ex-wife is mine, his car is mine, and all the money is mine. Oh, and one other thing. I've got something you can keep for as long as you want, and that's me. All of me, not just my body."

She finally stopped to take a breath. "The burger sounds great," I replied to her offer. "But is there any chance we could go back to not talking?"

"Oh, you," she laughed. "It was very intense, wasn't it? I think we could do that again, especially if it takes us to the heights we reached today. Now come on, you need to stoke up. I've got a few more calorie burning ideas I'd like to try out over the weekend. After that, we can decide where we'd like to live, and maybe drop a line to your ex and mine, giving them our joint forwarding address. I'd love to see their faces, though I'm not sure the gold digger you married will be sticking around. Don't be surprised if she tries to come crawling back, not that I'm telling you what to do, I'm just saying. He might try the same with me, but believe me, after my time here with you. Ho, ho! I cannot wait to hear his reaction, especially when I tell him I gave you my ass. You wouldn't believe the hours he spent begging me to let him have it. I'm so glad I never gave in, not that I didn't enjoy watching him grovel. Sex for him, and me for that matter, was just sex. Who knew there was another dimension to it? If it hadn't been for you, I'd be living my life only half fulfilled, and non the wiser."

"Come here," I said, pulling Carol into a kiss. Her lips responded, and our arms wrapped themselves about each other. I could find myself doing this a lot, and not just because it kept her quiet. After several minutes, we broke, and I whispered, "Thank you for being my birthday present."

Carol looked at me in surprise. "I don't count what happened today, as my gift to you. You gave far more, than I did in return. I came here to rub those bastards noses in it, by making you my first sexual encounter, after thwarting their plans to walk off with half of my money. I never imagined how much you would care, that a stranger's pleasure should surpass your own, let alone the ex-wife of your nemesis. When you took care of my pussy so selflessly, I was in awe. Then, when we fucked, instead of riding me regardless, you made sure I was there with you. You even showed your regret, for cumming in my ass, before I reached my orgasm. Those small, yet significant, gestures, blew me away. But the thing that made me fall in love with you, came after we'd showered, but before you fucked me senseless. I offered myself for the taking, but instead, you chose to kiss me. Those kisses took my heart to places, I never knew existed. Oh, and by the way, I've signed your birthday card, and added a bunch of kisses in return."

"Back to that silent thing," I only half joked. "Could we make it like, every other day, at least?"

Carol narrowed her eyes, then smiled, but said nothing.

I made to say, 'I'll go get dressed', but she pressed a finger to my lips.

I kissed the finger, then took myself upstairs, to get ready for that burger, followed by the rest of our lives, together.

Not a bad birthday, I thought. In fact, I'd never had a better one.

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GeorgeGaleGeorgeGaleover 1 year ago

Great story, a different read the way you wrote it, but, I really enjoyed how it flowed. Hope you do another like this one.......():\

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Very well written with few grammatical errors. Loved the story. My favorite stories here involve loving and caring people. One of the best I've read on literotica. I've been saying for years a caring person and a giving lover will get back twofold from a woman what he has invested and if she falls for him will love him forever.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Using silence to enhance the eroticism was a great twist. The reveal at the end answered the his unspoken question and gave the happy ending so many crave.

Thanks for sharing.


muskyboymuskyboyover 2 years ago

Nice, but would have liked more dialogue. I get that was the point of the "Silent" thing, but it kinds dragged until she came back....

DearfieldDearfieldalmost 3 years ago

I enjoyed the story,I thought it was well written,what a great birthday gift.

ThorlolThorlolabout 3 years ago

Well written and passionate. The beginning was interesting with the disturbing silence, got me wondering what the hell was going on. Nice twist at the end with both of them recognizing the silence :) Would have been a bit better if they had known each other atleast a little bit more beforehand, a future build on sex, even good sex, doesnt work out most of the time. But thats me being niggling.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I liked it but I was thrown off by the silence. No words spoken during all of that action? At least it was a bit explained at the end. I am no lawyer but I was really curious about the year. If it was all hers to begin with, what were the cheaters living on all this time? What would he get in the settlement? The big payout was after a year and not immediate. I can only guess that the cheaters are not in her house with her money with her car.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

More properly belongs in Loving Wives

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Nice story bot over written. Why use three words when one will do? Three words creating a redundancy make an otherwise great story painful.

arrowglassarrowglassabout 3 years ago
Extremely well done!

Really enjoyed this from beginning to end the way you did it!!!!

oldtwitoldtwitabout 3 years ago

That was so different, great story, fast paced and full of great descriptions of acts and characters, bloody great.....

internationalbankerinternationalbankerabout 3 years ago

Love this! Really creative and hot too.

MigbirdMigbirdabout 3 years ago

Nicely done - definitely worth a second reading. Continue to surprise us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I preferred her before she started to talk, but I guess she had to talk to explain why she did what she did.

HighpikeHighpikeabout 3 years ago

Crafted brilliantly. Thank you.

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