The Birthday Cuckquean

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A birthday surprise the three of them will never forget.
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What a shit day.

She was tired, exhausted really. Work had been awful. Nothing but meeting after meeting about bullshit projects that weren't going anywhere. She could have been literally anywhere doing literally anything and it would have been time better spent. Hell, the entire workload for the day could have been cancelled and it wouldn't have made the slightest difference. And to make things even more unbearable, Denisa had called in sick, so Cindy didn't even have a bit of eye candy to help her get through the day. She was just tired of it all.

And, to top it all off, today was her birthday.

Now, she didn't really care for her birthday, and in many ways, she dreaded it. Another year gone, dreams still unfulfilled and ambitions unrealised, and all with the added bonus of being increasingly too tired to do anything about it. But that was how everyone felt, right?

Still, she was thankful that over the years she had managed to prepare herself for this feeling, to realise it was coming and try her best to inoculate herself from it. But the one thing she found she couldn't inoculate herself from was Lucy.

Cindy had been dating Lucy for a few years now, and they had a good thing going. The only problem was that Lucy loved birthdays. Loved the gifts, the parties, the cake, the booze, the birthday sex, all of it. She had even tried to make them pleasant for Cindy, but she quickly learned that was never going to happen. So, instead, she settled for a more low-key affair, just the two of them, out for a small dinner or staying in with a takeaway, and that was fine. As long as it was just the two of them, Cindy felt she could tolerate it.

But this year was different, Lucy hadn't even mentioned her birthday, and Cindy was pretty sure she had forgotten completely. It was fine, in that she didn't want anything anyway, but it was the fact that her lover had forgotten that hurt so bad. She didn't want to believe it, but the only other reason she could think of would be a surprise party, and she couldn't imagine anything worse than walking into the front room and everyone jumping out shouting 'happy birthday!'

Yet when it didn't happen, she couldn't help but feel her heart sink slightly, because it was confirmation Lucy had forgotten. So now she had to decide whether to bring it up and have Lucy try to apologise, or worse, try to justify it by saying Cindy hated birthdays anyway. Or, go to bed, holding it all in and wait for Lucy to realise she'd fucked up bad. All Cindy really wanted to do right now was go to bed and cry.

Cindy pushed open the bedroom door and found the room empty. She took a couple of steps and looked into the darkness, but there was no sign of Lucy.

Oh, that's just the cherry on the shit sandwich, she thought. She's gone out without me.

The rage inside her was bubbling and she had an overwhelming urge to trash the entire bedroom. She felt a scream rising from within her, when, from behind, she heard a voice,

"Hey, you."

It was Lucy. But before she could react, Lucy leaned in, her perfume drifting to Cindy, as a soft strip of black silk was gently tied around her eyes.

"What are you doing?" asked Cindy.

"It's a surprise," she whispered into her ear, sending tingles down her spine. Cindy wanted so very badly to be mad, to be fuming. She could feel the anger inside and wanted to unleash it all. But, knowing that Lucy hadn't forgotten had taken the edge off, and having her blindfold her and whisper in her ear like some private ASMR session was definitely something she was not opposed to. But still, she was desperate to hold onto that rage, even as she felt it ebbing away, being replaced instead with an overwhelming desire to throw Lucy onto the bed and fuck her six ways from Sunday. To exorcise all the frustration and anger and sadness that had built up inside her over the previous days and weeks and months and years, through one glorious, soul-cleansing anger fuck.

But even though that was what she wanted and it was, of course, her birthday, she decided to let this play out. Lucy had clearly arranged something and Cindy wanted to see what. And if, she decided, it wasn't sufficiently good to make up for making her think Lucy had forgotten her birthday, Cindy would start an argument and have some good old-fashioned anger-fueled, make-up birthday sex (which had become something of a tradition for them).

But for now, Cindy played along as Lucy led her into the bedroom pausing for a moment to switch on a bedside lamp, part of a set they'd bought in IKEA on one of their earliest dates. Lucy asked Cindy to help her pick some stuff for her flat as she was thinking of making a few changes. That was fine with Cindy, for as far as she was concerned, Lucy didn't have the first clue about curating a space. Now, she was an amazing person in all sorts of wonderful ways, but in all fairness, her flat looked like it was put together by a blind person in a thrift shop during an earthquake.

There had been a lot of arguments over furniture when they decided to move in together (and, as a result, a lot of make-up sex, which meant the whole thing took that much longer), but the one thing they both agreed on, was those lamps. It was the only thing either of them actually got that day, well, except the finger fucking Lucy gave Cindy in the corner of the woodwork aisle.

It was only a couple of years later that Lucy confessed that was the real purpose of the trip. Still, the lamps stayed, a symbol of a special moment in time.

"Don't move," said Lucy. Cindy sighed. All she wanted to do was sit down. She felt Lucy's soft fingers brush against hers as she took her work bag out of her hand, disposing of it somewhere out of sight, no doubt. They had a rule that when work was over, it was over. There was no worrying, no panicking, no unpaid work on their own time. "The only person is going to fuck you when you get home," Lucy liked to say, "is me."

She heard the soft footsteps behind her on the carpet and Lucy was once again behind her, this time slipping off her blazer, which she disposed of with much less care, tossing it across the room, and into the corner, from the sound of things. Then she reached from behind her and started undoing the buttons on her blouse, slowly, methodically, pressing her body into Cindy's back.

It was at this point that Cindy lost grip of her anger and it slipped away entirely. All she wanted now was to make slow, sweet love to this woman, and to fall asleep in one another's arms.

One by one her hands moved down until the last button was opened and Lucy slowly slipped the top off her arms, allowing the material to slide slowly down, teasing her, before discarding it in the general direction of the blazer.

Lucy's arms once again wrapped around Lucy, but this time, not to remove clothes. Her hands moved slowly over her body, down over her stomach, then slowly back up, sliding over her work bra, a simple, perfunctory number, before moving up, over her shoulders, her hand slipping away leaving only her fingertips to slide up the sides of her neck, up behind her ears as her fingers gently brushed the lobes, and up into her hair, caressing the scalp.

Cindy loved this, and Lucy knew it. The sound of hair being gently rustled, the light touch across her skin, all of it sent shivers down her spine. It wasn't even a sexual thing, until it was, with Lucy working out how best to use these sensations to turn Cindy on, to work her into a frenzy with barely a touch. The ability to tease her in new and interesting ways, that had always been Lucy's thing, and Cindy had to admit, she was pretty damn good at it.

Even now, she could feel herself getting worked up in all the right ways. All she needed to do was hold on, she was sure she would get some satisfaction soon enough, even if it wasn't quite soon enough for her liking.

Then Cindy felt Lucy's hands run down from her hair, down her arms, again, her hands just barely touching, just teasing the promise of physical contact, before settling on her hips. They stayed there, whilst Lucy placed a series of slow kisses across and behind Cindy's neck. One. At. A. Time.

Then her hands slid down, over her ass and up to the top of the dress, where one hand grabbed the waist, the other slowly sliding the zip down, the slow metallic click of each clasp sending a shiver through the blindfolded woman. Once the zipper reached the bottom, Lucy let go and the dress slipped down to Cindy's feet, where she stepped out of it.

And there she stood, in her simple bra and panties (non-matching), as her lover's arms once again embraced her from behind, caressing her bare skin, passing lightly over the front of her panties. Lucy had always been the one to push boundaries, to take control, and Cindy was happy to let her. She'd never been one to step outside of her comfort zone, and some of the things she had done with Lucy (or Lucy had done to her) would have been unthinkable before. And they still would, without Lucy, because they had that one thing that gave her confidence to do them: trust.

So, standing here Cindy trusted Lucy to tease her and toy with her, but finally, bring her to climax. So, when Lucy slipped from behind Cindy and took her hand, leading her towards the bed, she went willingly.

But then they stopped short.

"Sit," whispered Lucy, into her ear, triggering more tingles. Cindy sat slowly, finding first the armrests, then then the seat itself. She wondered where Lucy had gotten the chair, for none of the chairs they had in the house had arms like this. She felt a jolt of panic as she wondered what the chair looked like, where it would go, would it fit the aesthetic of the chosen room? All things Lucy would not have given a single thought for.

Then she felt Lucy gently take her arm and, putting it on the rest, firmly secured it with a silk strap like the one around her eyes, before repeating it with the other arm, and then tying both of her ankles to the chair legs. Cindy pulled against the restraints, but they held fast, and felt a sense of anticipation rising.

Cindy had always been into soft bondage, but it was only with Lucy that she finally found the confidence to first admit it, then finally, let it happen. So, when Lucy tied her up, she felt perfectly comfortable, aside from the excitement building between her legs. An excitement that only built as Cindy felt Lucy's hands run over her thighs, the woman's body brushing against her legs which she was kneeling between, kissing down over her chest and the top of her bra, her hands exploring her legs freely.

Then she felt Lucy push herself up, her hands on Cindy's thigh, leaning in as she did so, a little sigh escaping, the kind she knew drove Cindy wild. Then standing, her breasts gently pressing into Lucy's face, she reached behind and slowly untied the blindfold.

Then Lucy was gone, but the blindfold still hung around her eyes. She sat there waiting until, after a moment or two, it slipped off and fluttered down to the ground. It took her a moment or two for her eyes to adjust, but when she could finally see, she saw Lucy, on the bed, lying on her side, her medium brown hair flowing down her arm.

She was dressed in a brand-new black lingerie set Cindy had never seen. The bra held her breasts high and together, her torso covered in an opaque muslin, with a pair of frilly black panties, and black, semi-transparent stockings and suspenders. It complimented her body perfectly, and Cindy was more than happy to accept Lucy's new set as part of her birthday present.

"Would you like to receive your present now?" Asked Lucy, her hand sliding suggestively between her thighs.

"I very much would," answered Cindy, incredibly eager to be untied from the chair, so she could rip that underwear off her lover. But she knew that wasn't going to happen, not until Lucy had teased and edged her as she was tied to that chair.

"Oh, this?" Said Lucy, indicating to her lingerie, "this isn't the present. Well, it's part of it."

"So what's the present?" Asked Cindy, feeling the heat between her legs increasing.

"This," said Lucy, pointing an arm to the door.

Cindy trusted Lucy implicitly, but even so, she couldn't imagine what was going to come through the door and be a pleasant surprise, especially as she was sitting in her underwear, tied to a chair, a wet patch forming on her panties. Then, the rest of her present arrived.

"Happy birthday, Cindy."

It was Denisa. From work. Here, in her house. Her long blonde hair running over her shoulder and over her breasts, as she stood, in Cindy's bedroom, wearing the white version of the lingerie Lucy was wearing. She simply couldn't believe it.

She thought back to some of their earliest dates and she remembered, after a few glasses of wine she had confessed to Lucy that one of her biggest fantasies was to have a threesome, though, of course, she had never done it. Sure, it was tame by a lot of people's standards, but not by hers. And the fact she had even found the confidence to say the words out loud (lubricated somewhat by the alcohol), was a big step for her. But then, she never thought it would happen, certainly not as her relationship with Lucy developed and she found the woman was all she wanted, the idea slipping once again, into the realm of fantasy. Until tonight.

Denisa walked into the room and Cindy couldn't help but stare. Her body was flawless, her movements perfectly elegant, her breasts desperate to escape her bra. She walked up to Cindy, still tied to the chair, and, placing on hand gently on each hand, leaned in and whispered,

"I hope you enjoy your present."

There was nothing Cindy wanted more than to enjoy her present. her lover and her office crush at the same time, touching her, kissing her, working together to bring her nothing but pleasure, to make this the best birthday ever.

But then Denisa moved to the bed and lay down next to Lucy, leaving Cindy tied to the chair.

Oh, I see, thought Cindy, they're going to put a little show on for me first. Tease me a little.

So Cindy watched as Lucy, laying behind Denisa, ran her fingers lightly down her body, passing down between her breasts, over her flat, tight stomach, and barely grazing her white panties, before slowly moving back up, settling on her face and gently pulling her head back for a kiss.

It was slow, lips touching and parting before moving back in, gradually opening wider after each one, allowing first a little tongue to slip out, then more, the tips brushing together as their heads moved away, before coming back in for another embrace.

Cindy watched, helpless, as the two women kissed and broke apart, teasing, almost too much for a real kiss, but perfect for the type of show Cindy was expecting.

She watched eagerly as Denisa's hand moved up, caressing Lucy's arm, before her fingers settled on it, and they kissed deeply, fully, as Lucy flipped a leg over the girl, pushed her onto her back and tucked her knees between the woman's legs, forcing them to part.

On top, where she liked it, Lucy leaned in, and as they kissed lowered herself onto the blonde's body, their exposed skin touching as they gently rubbed themselves against one another, rocking in time to the kisses, the intensity building.

This was the hottest thing Cindy had ever seen in her life. Sure, it wasn't the most explicit, but there was something about seeing two beautiful women in a passionate embrace that really got her going. Maybe it was the sense of unbridled passion, the free exploration of desire, maybe it even had something to do with the patriarchal image of these two women as innocent virgins, stripping them of any neuroticism or unequal power dynamics. Whatever it was, she was desperate to join in.

But she couldn't, so she continued to watch. Watch as the two of them explored each other's bodies with their hands, the areas between their legs finding a source of friction wherever they could, desperate to eke out another drop of pleasure.

That was all she wanted, a drop of pleasure, of relief, but it was no good. Even as she wriggled desperately in the chair, there was no relief for her in her current position.

Meanwhile, things between the two women on the bed were only getting more intense. Their bodies moved faster, together, as Denisa began moaning softly under Lucy's sweet caress. Cindy knew she wasn't faking either, she knew how good it felt to be touched by Lucy, how good it made you feel, made you feel as if you were the only person in the world. And now Cindy was being forced to watch someone else experience it, and she was starting to feel that maybe she didn't like this as much as she thought. She had, she realised, no desire to share Lucy with anyone. Yet now there she was, and here she was, unable to do anything about it.

Denisa moaned as Lucy kissed down over her chest and, despite her best efforts, Cindy felt a warmth rise up in hers. It was a familiar feeling she had gradually gotten used to, but was feeling now as passionately as she had during their first days, when the lovemaking was still new and exciting. Not that it wasn't good now, but it was different. Lust replaced by love, a completely different, and frankly, more fulfilling experience.

Denisa raised her hips, pushing them against Lucy's, as they swapped touches and kisses. Cindy watched as Lucy slipped her hand underneath Denisa's ass, taking hold of the cheek, squeezing it, caressing it, as Lucy buried her face in the blonde's tits, in much the same way Cindy had imagined doing in all those pointless work meetings.

She began to wonder if the girl had thought about her the same way, if in another life they would have sneaked off together after meetings to find a remote stationary cupboard and slip their fingers into each other, working each other to climax, the thrill heightened by the risk of getting caught.

But instead of that, she had to watch as Denisa grabbed Lucy's ass, then went further, slipping her hand down and behind, her fingers working the fabric over Lucy's entrance, causing Lucy to moan with pleasure into Denisa's breasts.

Lucy pushed her ass back slightly, looking to increase the pressure of Denisa's finger on her entrance, eager for her finger, fingers, to slip inside her.

Then, in one practised move, Denisa slipped her hand across Lucy's back and undid her bra, continuing to work her pussy as the brunette wriggled the straps off her shoulder and they slipped down her arms, freeing her breasts, which hung magnificently in the air.

Denisa sat up, forcing Lucy back, increasing the finger's pressure on her pussy, and burying her head in the newly freed breasts, covering them with licks and kisses and nibbles, as Lucy rocked back and forth.

Lucy threw her head back in pleasure as Denisa took one of Lucy's nipples in her mouth, the nipples that belonged only in Cindy's mouth, and sucked on it slow and long, before moving on to the other.

Even though she had thought of this exact situation many times, Cindy couldn't help but feel the jealousy rise as Denisa got to take full advantage of Lucy's amazing body, whilst she was forced to watch.

Then Lucy pushed Denisa back down, her hands pinning her shoulders to the bed, before leaning in to kiss her, her breasts pushing into the blonde's body. They kissed and bucked and got wilder and Lucy slipped a hand behind Denisa and unclipped her bra, before pulling it off in a frenzy, throwing it across the room and descending on Denisa's ample bosom.

Lucy's mouth worked on Denia's breasts, as her own pressed into the blonde's stomach, pushing them down, squeezing them out. Then Lucy began moving down, over the blonde's stomach, to her panties, kissing along the sides of the fabric, as her hands ran up and down her stocking-clad thighs.