The Black Seas Ch. 21


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Bah!He retorted.He will get what is coming to him in due time.

Rusalka snickered at him as she continued to slowly back away. She didn't have much she could use against theDemon Lord except her agility and claws. Tactics and ambushing would have to be the tools used if she hoped to succeed.

Now hold still sea witch so I can end this and enjoy yer wretched crew and that wench ye sail with sink to the bottom of the sea.

He pressed forward forcing Rusalka back until finally her back pressed against the railing. She looked to both sides hoping to see something—an answer or anything—that would help her.

There wasn't anything.

Rusalka pushed off the railing; her arms extended flexing her clawed hands. Davy Jones grinned showing teeth. Excitement flowed through his body.

Yer feeble attempt is useless but it will make yer death that more enjoyable.

Davy Jones stepped in swinging the sword high. Rusalka ducked and swept in, swiping out with her left hand. Her claws sliced deep across Jones' midsection. As she passed the demon, Rusalka slashed across his back with the other clawed hand.

Davy Jones twisted away keeping any pain well hidden from theDjinn. He let out a low growl and tore in at Rusalka. With well placed precision strikes he struck out at her. Rusalka used her agility and lighter form to dodge or sidestep each strike—avoiding the majority of the strikes just barely.

Jones pushed theDjinn to her limits and beyond. With each strike came a roll or sidestep, a duck or leap. Rusalka managed to land a strike of her own but even those began to dwindle with time. Davy Jones bled from the multiple strikes she had managed to land but the gashes didn't affect him or he refused to let it show.

He pushed harder forcing her back until a quick high slash followed by a low thrust forced Rusalka to duck and backpeddle and then fall over a barrel that laid on its side; tossed there at some point when theDutchman had been assaulted.

Rusalka landed on her back and when she attempted to push up with her elbows theDjinn's throat was met with the point of Davy Jones' sword.

Ye have fought well enough wench, but no one will remember the loss of such a life.Davy Jones pulled the sword back then thrust the sword forward.


Calico Jack was proud of his crew's efforts at keeping the creatures at bay, but the attack was becoming futile. For every one creature that fell before the blade another two seemed to be there taking their place.

To add to the problems he caught a glance at Rusalka battling Davy Jones and her ship sailing away from them. The first thing to run through his head was Mary Read had betrayed them both. His goal was to keep Jones busy, long enough for Rusalka to get free, but that had all changed now.

Now his goal was to save his sister.

He strengthened his resolve and let the anger and rage to flow freely through his body. It gave him the extra strength and drive he needed. Jack thrust his sword into the throat of a creature. A maddening grin spread across his face. He pulled the sword free and cut loose a rope and took off for the railing.

Two creatures turned their attention to him and waited greedily there for him. Their clawed hands flexed wickedly before them in anticipation at the prospect of tearing him to shreds.

Neither of the two creatures would get the chance.

Jack sped toward his prey and whipped by before either creature knew he had passed. Both fell smoothly to the deck, black blood slowly pouring from a single wound each.

As Jack passed his sword shot out across the throat of the first creature then around to the other's throat as smoothly as the wind blew across the sea. He leapt from the deck of theDiscord gripping tight on the rope and swung across the deck of theDutchman.

Ahead in Jack's path stood Davy Jones pulling back to thrust his sword into his sister. TheDemon Lord was completely unaware of Jack's presence, so engrossed at seeing his prey weak and about to die.

Jack's feet slammed into the side of the demon and sent him reeling away. Jack flew past Rusalka until he reached the maximum swing. The pull to the rope yanked him back and as he passed he grabbed Rusalka's outstretched hand with his and pulled her along.

The rope carried both passengers back to theRadiantDiscord where Jack let go of his sister before releasing his grip on the rope.

"Cast off!" he yelled as he struck down another of the hideous creatures and sending it into the sea.

After theRadiantDiscord pulled away the remainder of the creatures was easily dispatched. Davy Jones stood at the rail of his ship staring at them with rage set in his features. A bad feeling had settled in his stomach, but he set the feeling aside as Rusalka wrapped her arms around him.

"Ye just couldn't wait for me to return to ye," she said more a statement than a question.

"Not since the day I came home to not find ye there," Jack replied never taking his eyes from hers.

"Ye forgive me?"

"How could I not Anne?"

They held the eye contact for another couple moments before Anne reached in and kissed him deeply.

They broke apart and Jack had to feed his curiosity. "I'm just curious about Mary Read and what she is doing with yer ship."

Anne laughed. "I told her to get the crew out while I come to yer rescue."

Jack stood with a puzzled look for a brief moment before smiling. Anne returned the smile and then kissed him again.

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