The Blind Date Ch. 03

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Homely, busty teacher dresses sexy and sucks a dick.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/26/2015
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I went to the door of Beverly's apartment to pick her up to go to the cocktail party for the faculty at the school where she was a teacher. Beverly answered the door wearing a black slip and a thin black sweater which was unbuttoned in the front. The slip looked like a sexy, short, tight black dress. The slip hit her about the middle of her thighs and was tight around her long legs. She had on some sexy black high heels. She looked great!

Wearing only a slip, Beverly's large firm breasts were on display. A lot of cleavage was visible and it was easy to see the black lacy tops of her bra cups. Her new hairstyle looked good, too. Honestly, her face was still not pretty, but her sexy body and new hairstyle made her seem much more attractive. For the first time, I was not embarrassed to take her to a public place.

Beverly was beside herself. "I can't possibly let my coworkers see me in just my underwear! This won't work. I can't do it."

I said, "Beverly, you look stunning. You are very, very sexy!"

"Thank you, Luke. But, my boobs are sticking out. Every man I work with will see my boobs! For that matter, every woman I work with will see my boobs. I don't know what I was doing when I agreed to wear this, but I can't do it."

She then started to really lose it and said, "Normally, I am just a big, ugly plain girl. Now I look like a great big ugly slut. I am not sure that is an improvement."

I let her go on for a few minutes while she was looking at her boobs sticking out of the top of the slip in the mirror. Then, I calmly said, "Beverly, you look great. I can't help you unless we follow the plan and part of the plan is for you to look sexy tonight. You need to wear this. I will be right beside you."

Beverly looked at me with a funny look on her face. She stood silently for a minute looking at me and then said rather shyly, "I will do what you want me to do."

My guess is that not many guys had done nice things for Beverly in the past. She did not know how to put her best foot forward and did not have much self-confidence. In her case, her best features were her magnificent tits.

We drove to the principal's house where the party was starting. The principal, William Holt, opened the door for us. He did a double take when he saw Beverly and her huge cleavage. He went on and on about how good she looked. Beverly seemed embarrassed, but managed to stand at the door while Holt stared at her body. He was almost drooling.

We entered the party and said hello to some of the other guests. Everybody noticed Beverly's outfit and everyone stared at her chest. You really couldn't help it. Her boobs were too big for the rest of her body and they stuck straight out. She looked like a Barbie doll except her boobs were bigger. To be honest, her face did not really reach Barbie doll standards, but her body was better.

The women all loved her new hairstyle and her new look. None of these people had ever seen Beverly in anything remotely sexy. She looked prettier than she ever had before.

My friends, Dave and Nancy, were at the party. Both were amazed at the way Beverly looked. Nancy started laughing when she got a look at Beverly's cleavage. She looked at me and said, "I can guess who picked out this outfit!"

Beverly said something to Nancy about being embarrassed by her low cut dress. Nancy said, "Beverly, if I had breasts like those, I wouldn't wear a top!"

We mingled and drank a few drinks for a while. I was proud of Beverly. I knew how embarrassed she was to be showing so much cleavage in front of her coworkers. However, she stood tall and erect. The high heels I picked out for her to wear made her long legs look sexy in the tight slip. With the heels, she was about six feet tall.

I knew she wanted to cover her chest, but she resisted the temptation to do it. I had told her on the way to the party how she would look more attractive and sexy if she stood tall and showed her body. It was hard for a girl who had considered herself ugly her whole life. However, it was working.

Now it was time to talk to the principal of the high school again. I had been watching him during the party. When his wife was not looking, he was checking out Beverly. I don't think he noticed that I was watching, but there was no question he was leering at my date.

Beverly and I moved to the kitchen and got a fresh drink. We were standing in the kitchen when Holt approached us. Holt was an overweight, middle aged man. He seemed to be fairly bright. The fact that he was smart was going to make it harder to help Beverly. The guy was going to be aware that he could get in trouble for sexually harassing one of his teachers and would likely be careful.

I managed to get us into a three-way conversation with Holt. This wasn't too hard. Holt seemed very anxious to stand in front of Beverly and stare at her chest. Although I knew he was a pervert, I could not blame him for wanting to look. Every guy wanted to look.

I tried to make friends with him. I did not really like him, but I acted like I did. He was more reserved than I had hoped he would be. Truthfully, he mostly just stared at Beverly's tits sticking out of the top of her dress. I could tell that Beverly was nervous about showing her body to a guy who had groped her while she was sleeping on a school outing.

I decided to wait until later to try to talk to Holt privately. I went light on the drinks and waited for a good chance. I made sure Beverly stayed close enough to the principal for him to keep checking her out.

A little while later, I saw him again standing in the kitchen. I came up to Holt and said, "You know, it is great to meet the people who work with Beverly. I am having fun checking out the reaction to Beverly's outfit tonight. It is fun to watch guys try to keep from staring at her chest."

Holt looked at me with a curious expression and just said, "Oh, really?"

I continued, "Yes. I picked out Beverly's outfit tonight. I love big tits and I think it looks great on her."

Holt clearly did not know what to say, so I continued. "Yeah, that dress that Beverly is wearing tonight is not really a dress. Don't tell anyone, but it is really a black slip she is wearing. So, my date is here in your house in just her underwear!"

I finally got Holt's attention. He said, "Are you serious? Beverly came to the party in just her underwear? I thought that was a rather skimpy dress."

"Yeah, I had to talk her into it. But, I think with those big boobs showing she looks pretty great! I can have her come over here and show you her dress is just a slip."

Holt started looking around probably trying to spot his wife. He said, "I don't know if she has to show me. . . ."

I jumped in to continue the conversation, "She really looks hot tonight doesn't she? I can't wait to take her home and fuck her brains out again!"

Holt gave me a startled look and turned red. I could tell I was getting him worked up about Beverly.

"Are you sure you don't want her to show you the slip before I take her home to bed?"

Holt was obviously trying to keep his composure and not show that he was aroused by one of his teachers, but he blinked and said, "Maybe she could show me in a few minutes if you can stay a little longer."

"I can stay a little longer, but seeing Beverly in this outfit has made me ready to take her to bed again."

I started to walk back to join Beverly, when I stopped and acted like I had just thought of something. I said to Holt, "Hey, Mr. Holt, have you ever caught any of your female teachers having sex in the classroom after hours?"

Holt laughed nervously and said, "No."

I laughed and said, "I guess it is just me. I have always had this fantasy of having sex with a teacher in her classroom. I figured others probably had the same fantasy about a hot teacher."

Holt said, "I am sure others have that same fantasy, but I have never caught anyone in the act at my school. "

"Oh, well. I must be a pervert or something, but ever since I first had a date with Beverly, I think about it all of the time. She is so nasty in bed, I have lots of inappropriate fantasies about school teachers these days."

Holt laughed a little too loud and looked like he might explode. This guy lusted after Beverly's body enough to sneak into her tent at night on a school function and feel her up while she was sleeping. I knew he was either obsessed with her tits or thought he was bulletproof, or both. I was trying to get him to make a mistake.

I went back to Beverly who was rapidly reaching her limit on alcohol. I didn't mind if she was drunk. It might even help. It also might be fun.

Although my comments to Holt were calculated, I was telling the truth when I said that I was ready to take Beverly to bed. She looked so good wearing just a sexy slip with most of her body exposed.

Beverly was starting to rub on my back and rub her tits against me. I could tell that she was getting horny.

The party was starting to wind down. At least, quite a few people had gone home. The people left were still drinking and having fun.

I quietly told Beverly to come with me and to do whatever I say. She giggled and said, "I love to do what you say."

Beverly and I went and found principal Holt. We joined a conversation with an intoxicated older woman teacher. Holt excused himself from the woman and talked to us. He openly stared at Beverly's boobs. It was easy to see the top portion of both of her tits and about 4 or 5 inches of cleavage.

I said, "Mr. Holt, I was wondering if you could do us a favor sometime soon. I just bought Beverly a new dress and she is worried that it may not be appropriate to wear to school because it is a little bit low-cut and a little bit short. I think it is very attractive, but she doesn't want to break any of the rules or do anything that might be seen as inappropriate. It occurred to me tonight that we should just show you the dress privately and you can tell us if it is appropriate for school."

Holt said, "Why sure. I would be happy to take a look and let you know. "

I said, "That would be so nice of you. Are you ever at the office sometime after hours or on a weekend so that we could come by and show you the dress?"

Holt leered at Beverly and said, "I could be at the office tomorrow afternoon if that is convenient for you."

"Great! We will come by about 2:00," I told him.

I turned to Beverly who had a rather happy intoxicated look on her face and said, "Beverly, I told Mr. Holt that your dress is really a slip. Take off your sweater so that he can see the rest of it."

Beverly started nervously looking around the party and said, "Luke, if I take off the sweater, everyone will know I am wearing a slip in public and I think a lot of my bra will be showing."

I looked at Holt and he looked excited. Heck, I felt excited.

I said to Beverly, "Just act like you spilled something on your sweater and you are taking it off to scrub on it for a minute."

Holt was nodding in agreement with my suggestion. Beverly smiled and said, "I think you want people to see me without all my clothes."

Then, Beverly looked at her sweater and started rubbing a spot on the side of the sweater like she had spotted a stain. She asked Holt for a damp rag. Holt grabbed a couple of napkins and handed them to Beverly.

Beverly removed her sweater and made a big production of rubbing on the imaginary stain. With the sweater off, it was obvious that Beverly was wearing a slip. The satin slip had thin spaghetti straps and was cut low on the sides and in the back. Consequently, the side of Beverly's black lacy bra was visible and most of the back of the bra could be seen. I was tempted to unhook the hooks at the back of her bra since they were in plain view.

As Beverly moved around pretending to scrub on her sweater, a good portion of the side and bottom of her boobs were visible from the side. Holt was obviously excited by the show by Beverly. He was perspiring and he looked like he might lose control at any minute.

Beverly who had spent her adult life without much self-confidence because of her rather unattractive looks, seemed to be enjoying her tipsy public strip tease. She was learning that her sexy body could divert a man's attention from her face and other features.

After a few minutes of showing off her slip, Beverly put her sweater back on. All of the remaining men at the party seemed disappointed.

Beverly again started rubbing her big breasts against my arm and side and rubbing my back. She had a kind of open-mouthed, glassy-eyed look on her face. She was obviously drunk and horny.

The principal was still watching her closely.

I turned to her and whispered in her ear, "Would you suck my dick right now if we could find some privacy?"

Beverly answered, "Sure!"

I turned to Holt and said to him quietly, "Mr. Holt, do you have a place where Beverly and I could have some privacy? She wants to suck my dick."

Beverly hit me playfully and said, "Luke! Mr. Holt is my boss. You shouldn't talk about those kind of things in front of him! That is really embarrassing."

I smiled at Beverly and said, "I guess you don't want the principal to know that you like to perform oral sex on guys, is that it?"

"Something like that," Beverly said.

"We still need a room with some privacy, don't we?" I said.

Beverly drunkenly said, "Sure."

Holt laughed at her drunken confirmation that she wanted to suck my dick and said, "There is a small extra bathroom in the back of the house."

I turned to Beverly and said, "Ready to get on your knees?"

She said, "You should not talk like that in front of Mr. Holt!"

I looked at her and said, "Well, are you?"

She blushed and looked from me to Holt and back. Then, she sheepishly said, "Yes."

Beverly and I quickly headed toward the bathroom in the back. When we got there, Beverly passionately kissed me and started rubbing my cock.

She said, "Now that perverted principal knows I will suck a dick! He knows I am doing it right now."

I said, "Making Holt horny for you is part of the plan. It is working great."

As she slipped to her knees and unbuckled my pants, Beverly said, "I sure hope so. When he looks at me I feel like he wants to rape me."

"Don't worry. Just suck my cock."

Beverly then took my hard cock in her hand and started licking my balls. She gave my balls a complete cleaning with her tongue and then hungrily put the head of my cock in her mouth. She was almost out of control.

I was discovering that Beverly absolutely loved being submissive and pleasuring a man. It was like she was about to explode with pleasure as she sucked my dick deep into her mouth. Her head was bobbing like a wild woman. She had found that hot sex was a way to make herself attractive to men and doing it completely turned her on.

I asked her to show me her tits. Without taking my dick out of her sucking mouth, she pulled off her sweater, lowered her slip and pulled off her bra. Her big firm boobs were revealed and they jiggled as she continued to suck my dick like a crazed woman.

When I put my hands on the back of her head and pushed gently on her head, she moaned loudly. I had heard some women complain about men putting their hands on the woman's head while they sucked dick. Beverly loved it.

It felt so good and I was so excited to have her topless, on her knees and sucking my cock at the principal's house, I soon started to fuck her face. She loved it and kept on sucking. She had a big mouth and could stuff a lot of dick into her mouth.

Then, I moaned and filled her mouth with cum. Beverly swallowed every drop.

She got up and kissed me passionately. I offered to return the favor, but she was afraid she would make too much noise. From my prior experience with Beverly, she was probably right. She asked for a rain check.

Beverly put her sexy bra and slip back on. She held the black sweater in her hand and said, "Should I give Mr. Holt another unobstructed look at my tits before I go? I bet he is waiting outside the door."

"That is a great idea," I said.

We left the small bathroom and found Holt waiting for us outside the door of the bathroom with the football coach, Coach Arnold, who was clearly drunk. They were smiling and laughing and staring at Beverly's tits. For Beverly, it was a walk of shame as it became clear that Holt had told the coach what she was doing in the bathroom.

The coach grinned and said, "Hi Bev! Whatcha been doing in there?"

Beverly tried to remain composed and said, "Nothing you need to worry about, Coach."

"Oh, I am not worried, Bev. I figure you know what you are doing. I bet you swallow, don't you?"

Beverly blushed but said, "Coach, I do not know what you are talking about."

"That's funny," replied the coach. "Mr. Holt said you went into that little room to suck a dick."

Beverly tried to laugh it off and said, "He must have gotten the wrong idea."

The coach reached into his pocket and pulled out a package of mints. He handed the package to Beverly and said, "Here are some breath mints. You will need them. You don't want to walk around this nice party with dick breath!"

Beverly turned bright red as the men laughed. She was unable to come up with a response and just stood there looking humiliated. Beverly buried her face in my shoulder and said, "Oh My God! I am so embarrassed."

I said, "Don't be embarrassed. We are all adults here. These guys are just teasing you."

We told Holt we would see him the next day at the school and we headed for my apartment. I was guessing that humiliation and embarrassment made Beverly horny.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Great story!! I hope you decided to propose to her, cause I would. 5-stars

mel_pomenemel_pomenealmost 9 years ago
Oh yes!

This is as hot as today in England -- 28C here! Thank you for a very sexy story -- five stars.

WatcherRobWatcherRobalmost 9 years ago

Excellent. I know several teachers I would love to see dressed like that.

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