The Box

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Girlfriend finds a box and boyfriend explains.
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Author's Preface: Everyone in this story is eighteen years old or older. The story is entirely fictional. Any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental. Constructive comments are always welcome.


The Box - Girlfriend finds a box and her boyfriend explains

Paul and Mindy had only been together for about six months when they decided to move into Paul's rental house together. They met in graduate school and had a whirlwind romance. They were very much in love.

Despite being twenty-three years old, Mindy had not had much sexual experience. She'd had several boyfriends and they'd had sex together, but the guys didn't know much either, so the sex was straightforward. Paul had exposed her to a wide range of new sexual possibilities. She loved everything new they tried and was eager to try new things.

In the middle of moving Mindy in, Paul was called away when his mother was hurt in a car accident. Her injuries weren't dire, but he had to go home for a week. She'd be staying at his sister's house for aftercare and his sister needed help to get her comfortable.

Mindy stayed home and continued to unpack. It was boring being by herself and she hated it. She hadn't slept a single night alone since she'd met Paul and hadn't gone a day without sex. This week she spent her days trying to fit her stuff in with Paul's. He never got rid of anything, and it was a tight fit. She started opening old boxes of his that he'd never unpacked, hoping to find things he could get rid of or store somewhere else. She found one large box labeled "Private." She was curious by nature and that label didn't slow her down for long.

Inside she found a bunch of long leather straps and ropes, along with things she didn't have a clue as to what they were. She reclosed the box and would ask Paul about it when he came back.


Paul returned the next day and Mindy had left the box in the middle of the bedroom. It was obvious that it had been opened.

"Oh, I see you found the box." He said in a sad tone.

"What box?"

"The opened box in the middle of the floor with 'Private' written on it."

"Oh, that box. I'm sorry. I know it's marked private, but I was trying to find more space for...OK, I'm a snoop and I was curious. What is that stuff?"

"I love you more than I ever could have hoped or imagined, and I don't want to have any secrets from you, but that box is a bit of a story. We haven't talked much about our past relationships yet. Those things are from my first college relationship and belonged to an old girlfriend. It's not the best place for me to start that talk. I'm embarrassed and ashamed of what happened when I was with her. It's the worst thing I've ever done in my life. I'll tell you about it if you really want me to, but I'm afraid that you'll look at me differently afterward. Do you want to hear the story? It's not pleasant."

"I do now. I'm even more curious because you don't seem to want to tell me."

"You have to promise not to judge me for things in the past. I love you with all my heart and I don't want you to think any less of me. Remember, this happened a long time ago and I was a stupid horny kid."

"I love you too and I know you," she said. "It can't be that bad."

"Have a seat," Paul said. Mindy sat on the bed, and he started the story. "It was my first semester in college. I was eighteen years old when this started, and I had limited experience with women. A girl named Beth introduced herself to me in one of my classes. She was a freshman too. We went out the day we met, and I ended up spending the night at her place. Unfortunately, it wasn't a one-night stand, and we wasn't exactly dating but we were together. She was my first girlfriend."

"She was beautiful, and she wanted to have sex with me anytime we were together. What more could a freshman guy want? Her sexual appetite was formidable, and her imagination was vivid. She wanted to push our sexual boundaries and at eighteen that was thrilling for me. When I think back about Beth, I feel like I was under a spell of some sort. Bewitching would be a good word to describe Beth. Things happened and I didn't feel like I had control over the events."

"We were only together for about six months, but a lot happened in that time."

"Beth was never content with 'normal sex' and, as you well know, I have a broad definition of normal sex." Mindy smiled at him and raised her eyebrows. "But Beth was out there. She fantasized about every kink she'd ever heard about and would get fixated on one of them. At the time, it was great for me. I was eighteen, I didn't know much about sex and a cool breeze excited me. When we were in bed together, she'd tell me about her sexual fantasies and the sex that followed would be incredible."

"Do you want me to go on?" he asked, hoping she'd say no.

"Yes. You can't stop now."

"Remember I was eighteen, stupid, and horny. If I say anything that freaks you out, stop me. This was a long time ago and some of this gets very weird."

"I understand," Mindy said.

"Most of her fantasies were pretty typical. Things like threesomes, being caught naked in public, public sex, watching people have sex, sex with a stranger, role-playing, spanking, bondage, etc."

"That's what you call typical? That's a long list. You've done all of that?" Mindy asked.

"Some but not all. You're getting ahead of me, and I said 'fantasies.' Everyone has fantasies."

"Anyway, you get the drift. For most people, fantasies are things people either keep to themselves or share with their partners in bed. They're harmless for most, but Beth was different and more than a little crazy. She could have used a lot of psychiatric help. I didn't know that at first, but once things started, they were hard to stop. I didn't know any better because I was young, horny, and stupid."

"You don't need to keep repeating that you were horny and stupid. I can believe that part," she laughed. "Tell me about the box."

"I told you it was a bit of a story. I'll get there."

"She didn't just tell me about a fantasy in which so-and-so happened. She would construct elaborate worlds, almost like short plays, that she wanted us to make come to life in bed. Her creativity was astounding. Every time we visited a fantasy it would subtly change and get more elaborate and exciting."

"One night she told me she had a fantasy about having a threesome with another woman. She imagined the other girl would be a friend of hers, who thought we were both sexy and wanted to be in bed with both of us. We talked about it and laughed for a while in bed. It was fun to think about and it made us both horny."

"But Beth kept thinking and talking about it until the other girl had a name, Judy. She'd describe what she looked like. Tall, pretty face, slim, with small breasts, and athletic. She had long auburn hair that she wore in a bun when she worked out, in a ponytail in class, and down when she went to bed. She was top of her class in high school and lost her virginity as a Senior after prom. Now she was a freshman studying English Lit. She was born and raised in Chicago. She had a competitive streak and was an aggressive tigress in bed. By the time she described her, I had a vivid picture of Judy in my head. I felt like I'd recognize her on campus. She'd add further details about Judy every time she talked about her. I'm sure I've left out some of the details. I knew more about Judy than I did about my 'real' friends."

"Then she pulled me into her story. She said that Judy got a kick out of blindfolding guys before sex. Beth would blindfold me and pretend that Judy had come in and wanted me to satisfy her. Some nights she'd be herself, and other nights she'd be Judy. One night, she was both herself and Judy. Once, Judy just watched us in bed, and once Beth just watched Judy and me. I swear it felt like two women were there. She described everything Judy was doing, and she wanted me to describe in detail how it felt with this other woman. She was very descriptive. I could tell which girl it was without her saying her name. She'd stroke me and say how hot it looked to watch Judy touching me. She got in my head and Judy felt different to me. Judy would do things that Beth didn't like doing.

"Other nights she'd wear the blindfold and imagine both Judy and I were giving her oral sex. She'd tell me how different it felt for Judy to go down on her instead of me. I found myself playing the part of Judy."

"At first, we had an imaginary threesome maybe once a week. But then she wanted one every night. I didn't see a problem with it and to tell the truth, it turned me on too."

"Then it got strange, or should I say, stranger. Some nights she'd ask if I wanted Judy in bed with us. If I said yes, she'd get out the blindfold and I would think that Judy was in bed with us. One night, she left the room and said Judy would take care of me."

"Wait, how could you be with Judy without Beth?" Mindy asked.

"Beth's persona had left the room. As crazy as it sounds, it felt like I was having sex with Judy."

"I started to say 'no' more to the question, and she'd beg me, but it was starting to get to me. I'd daydream about Judy at school sometimes, and then I'd remember she wasn't real."

"She had several different girls for the imaginary threesomes, and they all had distinct characteristics and personalities. Judy was the first. She was the nicest and the one she liked the best. It was very weird."

"I didn't know you were into threesomes," Mindy said.

"I'm not. I knew I shouldn't have told you this. This was her fantasy."

"But I bet you enjoyed it."

"Yes, I was an eighteen-year-old guy, and I was having hot sex every night. I can't finish this story. You're going to think I'm a total pervert. Maybe I am," Paul said sadly.

"No, you're not. Maybe a tiny bit of a pervert, but you're fun," Mindy teased. "This sounds incredibly hot. Keep going."

"A few weeks later, she invited a girlfriend over to my place for dinner named Zoe. I didn't think much about it. I did notice that her girlfriend was very attractive. When I thought about it later, she looked like Judy."

"But Judy wasn't real."

"I know. But in some ways, she was very real. I'd had sex with Judy."

"After dinner, her friend excused herself to make a phone call and slipped into the bedroom. Beth came over to me, straddled my lap, and kissed me. I made her stop because I didn't want to embarrass our guest. She told me that she had a surprise for me and pulled me into the bedroom. When we walked in, Zoe was lying naked on the bed. I stared at our guest then turned around confused and saw Beth naked behind me. She had pulled her dress off while I was staring at Zoe. Beth joined her on the bed, and they started making out. I stood there and watched them until they both motioned for me to join them. I'm sure my mouth was hanging open and I was drooling."

Beth said, "Come over here with Judy and me."

"Judy?" Mindy asked.

"That's right, she was calling Zoe, Judy. Beth had planned this threesome out. It was Beth's fantasy and she made it real."

"At first, Beth told me to just strip and watch as she and Judy had oral sex with each other. It took about ten seconds to get my clothes off. I stood there with my mouth hanging open as they moaned, touched, kissed, and licked each other. Beth whispered something to Judy, and she pulled me into bed with them. I was eighteen years old, and two girls wanted to have sex with me and each other. Any guy would have jumped at that chance. I didn't take the time to even think about it. She and her girlfriend really got into it. They were all over me and each other. I never thought I'd have two girls in bed with me at the same time. I didn't think that ever happened to anyone. Like an urban myth."

"Beth had choreographed a lot of the sex to reflect what she had been describing in the previous weeks. We did everything she had talked about and more. The sex had been good when we pretended, but it was better in reality."

"Beth kept up a running dialog asking me, 'Do you think Judy is as gorgeous as I do? Do you like having two women working on you? Did you like seeing me going down on Judy?'"

"Zoe, who only answered as Judy now, did things to Beth that made her incoherently yell gibberish. Beth went nuts when she did things to her. Judy taught us new positions I'd never imagined. This was not Judy's first threesome. Beth came constantly for the whole evening. I guess she released everything built up in her head."

"It didn't end until the next morning. For weeks after, Beth talked about nothing else in bed. We relived every minute of that night over and over. We had sex at least twice a day, remembering it but we never repeated it."

"Was the threesome that good?" Mindy asked.

"Yes and no. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't fun, but it was also messy and clumsy. The story that built up to it made it better. I already knew what was going to happen."

"After Beth relived it for a while, she moved on to other things. It was no longer a fantasy of hers but something she'd done in her past. She could let it go. She never talked about having a threesome again."

"Was sex with her better than with me?" Mindy asked.

"Oh god no. I love you and nothing makes me happier than making love with you, not to mention down-and-dirty sex. And you're sane. That's a huge plus. It's not even a contest. I wish I had met you back then, instead of Beth."

"I shouldn't have told you about any of this. Now you're doubting my feelings for you. I wish I'd never met Beth and that this had never happened. But now that I've started, I think I have to tell the story to the end, so you'll know why it was so bad. Is this too much for me to tell you? It only gets stranger from here."

"No, but I may need a sex break or a cold shower. But what about the box?"

"I'll get to the box. It won't make sense without the rest of the story. Let me finish."

"One night while she was in the shower, I opened the drapes and windows in the bedroom. The guy next door was having a party, and I was talking to a few friends through the open window. I had forgotten that Beth was in the shower. She walked out naked ready for bed. The guys at the window got a clear view of her naked body. Beth went back into the bathroom, and I closed the drapes. She came out again and I apologized. She said it was OK, but she had a strange faraway look on her face when we went to bed."

"A noise from next door woke me up late and Beth wasn't in bed. I found her in the spare room naked with all the window shades open. She was sitting in the dark next to the windows facing the party. Her legs were spread open on the windowsill. I don't think anyone could see her, but she was...satisfying herself. I walked up to her, and she seemed to be in a trance looking out the window, staring at the people at the party. She started stroking me while she rubbed herself. She came loudly, and some people looked our way, but I don't think they saw anything. Beth thought they could. She wanted them to see her. I had to stop her before she turned on the lights."

"Being seen naked by strangers in public became her new fantasy. She would imagine ways that people could see her naked, and she made up stories in which she was caught naked somewhere. In one story she was naked on campus with nowhere to hide. She had to sneak back to her room. Of course, lots of people saw her. In another, she somehow got locked out of her hotel room naked. It was on the tenth floor, and she had to go down the elevator to the front desk to get a key. Of course, she'd have to walk back naked too. She described how embarrassed she'd be, and she would go into detail about every person who saw her. Some people would even touch her. Before she'd finish telling me one of these stories, her hand was between her legs.

Then her stories began to involve me. She'd imagine that people were watching through our bedroom window while we were having sex, and she showed off for them. She insisted that we always have the curtains open. She'd look towards the windows and describe each person watching to me so that I could 'see' them too. I swear, sometimes I could. The people watching were dressed on some days and naked on others. We'd have great sex while we were being watched. Her imagination turned me on."

Mindy said, "I don't think I'd ever be brave enough to do that, but it's exciting to think about." She squirmed on the bed.

"Anyway, a few weeks later, she asked me to take her to the beach. That sounded like something fun and normal. She wanted to go to a particular beach that was about an hour away. Her excitement grew as we got closer, like a kid going to Six Flags, except she was rubbing me through my pants most of the way. When we got there, I saw a sign that said, 'Clothing Optional.' I hesitated and asked her if she knew what kind of beach it was. That was a stupid question. She responded by pulling her dress over her head and running naked to the beach."

"Was everyone naked?" Mindy asked.

"I didn't see anyone with clothes on except me. I took my shirt off but not my shorts. I would have stood out, so to speak. The beach was packed with people, all naked and at least half of them were women. I saw where she was setting up our towels. There were groups of people within 25 feet of us in every direction. I was hoping for a secluded spot.

She scanned the beach for guys and made me take her on a walk so that they could see her naked body. She put a lot of sway in her step and pushed her chest out. She wanted everyone to see how excited she was. They all noticed. Seeing them watch her turned her on and she looked each person in the eye and smiled. We went into the water, and she took care of my growing problem. Then I worked on her, and she screamed, attracting everyone's attention. When she was sure everyone was watching, she grabbed her breasts and played with them."

"When we returned to our spot, several other groups had set up close to our spot while we were gone. Beth loved it. She wanted people to get a good look. She crawled around on our towels as if she were trying to find something, giving everyone an inviting view of her backside. When she got a drink out of the cooler, she kept her legs straight and bent from her waist."

"Just before leaving, she talked me into taking off my shorts. I explained that I was a little concerned about how 'little Paul' would behave. But she could be very persuasive and promised me a good time when we got back to the car."

"Little Paul?" Mindy laughed. "Did he behave himself?"

"Not really. I had to walk back to the car It didn't help that Beth walked in front of me and put a little extra sway in her step, the way only girls can, and she needed to clean the sand out of her flip-flops often. Of course, she kept her legs straight while she did that."

Mindy interrupted, "Paul, I'm a big girl and I've heard every word you are desperately trying to avoid using. You can use words like cock, tits, pussy, cunt, clit, blowjob, erection, hard-on, fuck, suck, jerk off, masturbate, and any other words you want. You're sweet but I can handle it. To tell you the truth, it turns me on when you talk dirty."

"That's good to know," he said and smiled at her.

"That week in bed, she'd ask me what she looked like to the guys at the beach. She wondered if the girls were jealous because their guys were looking at her privates. She made up a story in which a guy grabbed her hips while she was bent over and took advantage of her from behind. We played that out in front of the open window."

Mindy scolded, "She didn't say 'privates' or 'took advantage' did she?"

"No. She wanted to know if she made the girls jealous when their guys were looking at her pussy and tits. Her story was about a guy surprising her by grabbing her hips, shoving his cock into her, and fucking her hard from behind. Everyone on the beach would watch until she came on his cock. He'd shoot his cum all over her back and ass."