The Boys


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"She's getting her big, white animal ass slapped!" Igwe said and kept slapping Missy's ass, until he had her sobbing and moaning into the bed spread.

"White animal, you listen to me now," Igwe said. "We're going to fuck your ass tonight because we want to, and you don't get to say 'no' to us! Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir," Missy rasped into the covers, "I understand!"

"We're going to make you squeal like the white animal that you are, with your white ass gleaming in the night," he said next, applying the cooking oil to her ass crack and especially the rosebud of her ass hole, while he spoke.

Next he applied the oil to his own cock and then bent over to talk directly into Missy's ear:

"Here it comes, white animal, white woman spread out waiting for our big black cocks, here it comes! Make your white animal noises for us now!"

As he spoke, he unceremoniously pushed his large cock head inside her sphincter. Her reaction was immediate:

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" she did squeal into the bed spread. "Huuuuuurts, hurts,huuuuuurts!" she continued to wail as Igwe pushed more and more of his cock into her ass.

He lifted her head by the back of her hair to hear her making her noises, and she continued the discomfort noises for minutes at a time, as he constantly drilled his cock into her anal passage.

Rhondi, extremely turned on by the noise that Missy was making and Igwe's actions, scuttled up and onto the bed, spreading his legs wide. He moved his hips down until he was right in front of Missy's tear streamed face. He kept wiggling his way forward, and finally, as Igwe was roughly fucking Missy's ass hole, he hauled her mouth, in mid cry onto his own stiff cock.

Missy's throaty cries had turned by then from the initial screeches that Igwe wanted to hear to loud cries of a passion that was building within her from the ass fucking. The assault on her mouth and throat simply pushed her inexorably in the direction of her building orgasm, after the new assault from Rhondi began.

The sharp pain in her ass had turned into a kind of an all out buzz throughout her body, and she began to hump and hunch back at Igwe, as he continued to fuck her.

With her hands still firmly tied behind her, she simply submitted to what 'her boys' were doing to her, lost, utterly lost in being fucked by these young, black me of hers.

The orgasm seemed to build in her from afar. It came close threatening to overcome her, and was slowed finally by Igwe's stiffening and cumming himself. But he was replaced at her battered ass hole quickly by Rhondi and the building orgasm charged ahead with the kind of force that it had been building, when it was Igwe whose cock was in her ass.

Missy was totally overcome by the orgasm, when it struck. She shrieked her passion into the bed spread, wiggling and hunching her ass at Rhondi as furiously as she could. The spasms in her ass clenched around his invading cock and made him cry out also from the pressure that was pulling and clamping down upon his prick.

"My god, she's tearing my cock off!" Rhondi wailed in ecstasy, as he began to cum.

Whereas, Missy as left lying there like a rag doll, covered in sweat and all but in a faint.

When he'd finished with her ass, Igwe, all concern for the 'Boss Lady' again, had gone to the large master bathroom and came back with towels and a warm wash cloth.

When Rhondi finally pulled himself off of his supine boss, Igwe was there and began to clean her, while she simply made purring noises. When done, he put the towels into the hamper in the bathroom and went back into the bedroom. He and Rhondi untied Missy's hands and elbows and gathered her up onto the bed. They framed her inert body with their own and let her sigh and drift into sleep, exhausted from their efforts at controlling her, and fucking her mouth and ass. She didn't say an articulate word at all but simply slumped into sleep.

In the morning, the two boys were downstairs and in the kitchen, with Rhondi beginning to fix some breakfast, and coffee ready, when Missy came into the room. She was wearing a colorful native robe. She stood and the two boys glanced at her, wondering.

"Boss Lady," Igwe said, "How are you this morning?"

"Lovely!' she said languidly, stretching and holding out her arms to receive a hug first from Igwe and then from Rhondi.

"Sore," she said then and wiggled her ass under the stroking of his hand.

"Last night?" Igwe asked.

"Absolutely elemental!" she said in a soft voice, "Elemental! Nothing like that has ever happened to me before."

Missy had already sat on the bed and thought about it all for a bit that morning, realizing that the relationship was progressing in a direction that was probably a really bad idea but willing to see where it might go for a bit. She'd never been this 'carnal' in her life and was, for the present, enjoying it totally with her 'boys'.

They breakfasted and got on with their day. Missy assigned the two of them some brief outside chores to do and in the afternoon, after some lunch, they went on the field inspections.

As they prepared the truck to go for the inspections, Missy brought out her pistol and gun belt and put them in the back. Since they'd been having their 'field exercises' with her, she stopped wearing the gun belt and only had it along in the back.

Missy spoke to her managers in the far fields and was pleased by what was happening. On the way back, at Igwe's orders, Missy diverted to another of the far fields, stopping on the edge of the field and parking.

She looked at the two of them expectantly, as they all got out of the truck.

"What today?" she asked softly, ready to play their games again.

"Today the white animal runs to the far trees naked," Igwe said, making it sound completely like an order.


She did their bidding once more. She took off her clothes, and when completely naked for them, standing and being stared at, which they loved to do, and which suited her outlook very well also, Igwe gave her an unceremonious push to get her moving in the direction that she was supposed to go.

This game had changed recently. It began in a fairly tame form and grew until that last time, she wasn't just stripped of her clothing but had them torn off of her, and was set to move forward at that ungainly shuffle, caused by her trousers around her knees and ankles. They'd loved it; she got deeply into it also, accepting the humiliation of it.

This again, this time was yet different. They'd insisted that she strip at the truck and leave all of her clothing there, and go sprinting off into the field. They didn't try to catch her this time. They simply came up behind her. Their intention, spoken to her at the beginning, was to have her run to the trees at the end of the field.

She reached there before they did and was startled by a movement in the trees, beyond her position. Then a man came through the trees. Missy turned around, startled and saw that it was one of her workers named Naamu. He was big and very black skinned, but he was a simple creature and very, very gentle.

She just stared at him and he certainly stared at her. For the first time with these games she felt exposed. She turned to Igwe and Rhondi and found them grinning. She knew then that this was according to their purpose.

She turned back to Naamu, who was standing just in front of her, absolutely wide eyed, and, she realized, frightened out of his wits.

It struck her then suddenly: this she would not take. The games were fine; the roughness was fine but hurting this gentle giant was not.

She turned and said in a voice that brooked no opposition:

"You two go back to the truck."

They realized that she was angry immediately, and Igwe said a soft: "Yes, Missus." (Returning to their older way of speaking with her.) He motioned for Rhondi, who was hanging back a bit, and not happy about this, which was Igwe's idea.

"Missus!" Naamu said softly, not aware of what to do.

"Naamu," Missy said, "It's okay; they're gone and it's only us here now."

"Missus is naked," he said, and then, very softly, so pretty naked."

"Thank you, Naamu," she said, "I didn't know that they were going to play a trick on you and me like this."

"It's okay," he said, "People play tricks on Naamu all the time but this is a nice trick. Missus is so pretty without her . . . Her things."

"Thank you, honey," she said, stroking his face with her hands.

He stammered a bit and finally said: "You are so pretty that way, it makes Naamu think of. . . What friends all 'adult things'. It makes Naamu want to be bad."

"There is no bad here, Naamu," she said, "Only you and me and it's okay."

"Is it, Missus?" he asked earnestly.

"It is, honey," she said, and took him by the hand. "Naamu, you walk with me this way a bit."

"Yes, yes," he said, "Then they won't see and laugh at Naamu and his 'adult things' thoughts."

"No, they won't see us and laugh at us," Missy said.

They walked into the cover of the trees for a bit, until they came to a small clearing. Missy stopped the big man then and turned him to her.

"Naamu doesn't know what to do," he said.

"Then you just do things the way that I tell you," she said.

"Adult things?" he asked.

"Yes, honey," she answered.

"Right here and now, adult things?" he asked, wide eyed.

"Yes, right here and now, adult things," she said.

The first thing that she did with the big, simple man was teach him a bit about kissing. He liked that, and said so:

"Oh, Naamu likes the kissing," he said softly to her.

"Now, Naamu," Missy continued, "I want you to be the way I am; I'm going to take your things off. Is that okay?"

"Fair is fair," he said, "If Missus doesn't have on clothes then Naamu shouldn't."

She removed his simple clothes and he let her. She found him breathtaking. She hugged him then and kissed him again, he was eager to do that. During the kiss, she guided his hand down to the roundness of her ass cheeks. As soon as he had his hands on her ass, he came all over her stomach.

"Ohhhh!" he cried, "Naamu did the dirty thing!"

She held onto him and said into his ear softly: "It's okay, Naamu; just okay. It's part of the adult thing that we're doing together."

Missy was pleased that he was hard again in no time. Now the instructions were to show him how to make love to her. He was delighted. Missy was bent over from the waist for him and coached him through it. This time before he came again, she herself came.

When they wee finished that time, she got his clothes for him. She used his shirt to clean them off and told him that she needed to borrow his shirt.

She was leaving him at the edge of the trees, when he spoke to her:

"Missus, can we do the adult thing again some time?"

"Yes, Naamu," she said, "If you'd like."

"Oh, I would," he said joyfully, "But I'll be so good and won't ever ask to do it. I'll be so good and only do it, when you come to Naamu and say that we can. I'll show you how good I'll be."

"I know you will, honey," she said, and walked off across the field.

By the time she was back at the truck, she'd made a decision for herself. She realized that for her a line had been crossed, one that she wasn't going to allow. It was well and good to play sex games with the boys; it was well and good to allow the humiliations that they had been injecting into those sex games lately. But she would not allow the humiliation of Naamu or anyone like him. There was a casual cruelty involved that Missy was not prepared to take.

Her clothes were in the cab of the truck. Igwe and Rhondi stood and watched her approach. They could read in her face and her bearing how displeased she was.

The first thing that Missy did was to reach under the seat of the truck and pull out her gun belt. With their games, in order to not make them nervous, she hadn't been wearing it for a while. She dressed and put the gun belt on. They said nothing.

Finally, Igwe broke the silence with a soft spoken: "Missus?"

She turned and her face was like a thunder storm.

"You two ride in the back of the truck," she said tersely.

"Yes, Missus," they both said, as they scrambled into the truck. She drove to the house and kept on down the lane to one of the small cottages that her Father had built to house the help, especially those that worked in the house. She pulled up in front of the help cottages and got out.

"You two can stay here for the night. In the morning I'll give you your salaries and you can be off."

There was no arguing from either of the boys.

"Yes, Missus," Igwe said, without looking directly at her, and Rhondi also nodded.

In the morning it was done; she saw them off, having given them their 'salaries' and two weeks extra pay for each of them. They went shuffling off toward the road, and she saw them go with some regret. The 'games' that they'd played were powerfully exciting for her but a limit had been reached and passed. With a sigh, she went back to the house.

(She only later discovered that Rhondi was shot and killed and Igwe arrested for an attempted rape.)


It was two days later. She went to the field, the same field. She'd made her inspections and had some free time. She wandered to the back of the field, near the trees and was surprised, and pleased to see Naamu come out of the trees. He stood there, smiled and waved at her.

She told him to wait a moment and went back to the truck, returning now with a blanket. He was waiting for her, smiling at her, when she got to him. It was she who opened her arms and took him into her arms.

"Oh, Missus, you came back for adult things," the handsome, big black man said.

"Yes, Naamu, would you like that?" she asked, getting on tip toes to kiss his luscious lips.

"I would," he said softly.

"Then watch," she said, and began to take her clothes off. She stripped to her panties and bra for him. The panties and bra were matching, made of a delicate pink material.

"Pretty!" he said with some joy, "Missus is pretty."

"Keep watching," she said. "This is for Naamu," and, having removed the bra, she began to walk around the clearing for him, with her back to him, to show him her panty clad ass.

When she returned to him, his face was wreathed in smiles, and she went to his arms again.

"Now you," she said, removing his clothes too. His large, black cock was sticking out and up against his belly. While holding him, she took his cock in her hand and said to him:

"Something special today, something nice today for Naamu."

She went to her knees and lifted his big ball sack with her hand, beginning her task by licking the ball sack and then taking one ball at a time in her mouth. They were too large to take together at once. Then she licked her way up his cock and took the mushroom head into her mouth. It filled Missy's eager mouth.

Missy reached her arms around his hips and grabbed one of his ass cheeks with each had as she began in earnest the job of sucking Naamu's cock.

He stood receiving her ministrations with a wide stance and a constant smile on his face.

Missy began to bob her head, clamping her lips on the cock skin to pull on it with every motion of her head. She took a little more of his cock every time and gradually got her head into a constant motion, as she sucked him off.

Naamu came with a loud "Ohhhhhhhh, Missus!" and filled her mouth time and again with his shooting cum.

Missy smiled at him, when she was done, and he said to her only:

"Special! Naamu thanks you, Missus."

Then she pulled him down to the blanket and lay there with him next to her. She played with his cock with her hand, and was pleased that it came to life quickly again. Then, coaching him again, she guided him through the love making, until they both had come and rested on the blanket.

Missy gave him kisses before leaving him, with him taking the time to tell her about his pledge to be good and wait for her to come to him.

Later that afternoon, Missy was having tea and her a kind of scratching at the door. She went to the door and found a black woman, one that she knew as 'Momma Silo' there.

"Momma Silo," she said cordially, "Please come in."

"Shouldn't come in to Missus' house this way," the black woman said softly.

"I want you to," Missy insisted.

Then to Momma Silo's surprise, Missy invited her to take tea. They sat, the black woman nervous and Missy finally asked her what was on her mind.

"It's my Naamu," the woman said.

Missy straightened up then, not knowing exactly what was coming, but Momma Silo went on:

"I need to thank the Missus for being so nice to Naamu. He's a slow boy but a wonderful boy and gets only pranks and such normally."

There were tears in her eyes, as she said it.

"He's so good natured, and it doesn't bother him. When he told me that he'd been with you for 'adult things', I thought he was lying," she went on.

Missy didn't know what to say right away, and waited.

"Missus," she said, "I just think that you treating him like a man is such a wonderful thing."

Missy was overcome by the woman's kindness, and sought to explain how it had happened.

They had a long talk, with it developing into a woman to woman kind of talk more than one of the black mothers and the boss.

Their encounter ended with Missy discovering that Momma Silo was a cook, and had been at other places for years. She asked Momma Silo about coming to her house, 'the big house' they called it, to cook for her and take care of things.

The black woman was overcome by the goodness of the offer.

Then Missy took her out to look over the cottages in the back for her and Naamu.

They began that week, with Momma Silo taking over the house chores and Naamu working the grounds and such things.

Missy's affair with the big black man didn't last very long after that. He seemed to have a sense that with him working at the 'Big House', it wasn't proper to play the 'adult games' with the Missus. Missy simply went along with his sensibilities.

The End

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