The Bridesmaids Revenge

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A guy dumps both his black fiancés for a white bride.
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(I was doing some electrical work at the fancy banquet hall, when the owner, a friend of mine, began to tell me the story of some black bridesmaids who were passed over by their white fiancé so he could marry a white girl instead. In the end, though, they got revenge not only the guy that dumped them, but on his white bride as well. This is their story.)


Cheryl freshened her lipstick then peered over the balcony. A twinge of jealousy stabbed at her heart as Heather and Steve posed for yet another picture.

Heather's twenty thousand dollar dress looked magnificent, and her sister still dutifully carried the train so the white satin wouldn't trail along the marble tiles.

"They make quite the couple, don't they," Deandra muttered, gazing bitterly down below. "But that should have been me down there and not Heather. I dated the dreamy guy for six long months. Gave him the best damn sex he ever had."

"As did I," Cheryl agreed. "Only with me it was closer to a whole year! A whole fucking year! I thought for sure the guy was going to pop the question to me at any minute! But that is just how it is with some white guys, isn't it? They'll date us black girls and use us for gratuitous sex night after night for months on end, right up until the last minute, leading us to believe we are going to be the ones they take home to their momma, except that when you hear from the shout, it turns out some mystery white babe like Heather was secretly waiting in the wings all that time."

"Damn straight! Makes you wonder. Since he was dating you first, and me immediately after he broke up with you, then when in the hell did Heather enter the picture? Steve and I were still dating when he announced his engagement to Heather, and only broke up with me the very next day? Talk about being kicked in the head by a mule!"

"Apparently," Cheryl added, "he knew Heather from when he had lived in Australia. She was, so I'm told, his high school sweet heart. She must have blown the doors off his heart when she suddenly showed up in New York, flashing those giant bullet tipped boobs of hers in his face and dousing her long gorgeous blond curls in that intoxicating perfume of hers."

"Hmph! I still think she worked some kind of damn magic on him. How else to explain his sudden declaration that he had been in love with her his whole life. Somehow he had forgotten to mention that to me when he kept telling me how I was the only woman for him and the girl of his damn dreams, only now...only now my heart feels like it's in a damn nightmare? Then he has the damn nerve to make us bridesmaids. Are we wrong to be so fucking bitter?"

"Wrong? Are you kidding me? After he dumped me and moved onto you, I figured that all was fair in love and war, and I was even, howbeit begrudgingly, somewhat happy for you, a fellow black woman, making her claim to fame by working a white guy's cock till she was all he had on his tiny, horny fat swelled head. The Lord only knows if he was seeing that white bimbo on the side all along?"

"I guess we'll never know for sure," Deandra asserted. "But one thing is for certain, I think you're so fucking right about teaching him a lesson on his wedding night."

"Damn straight! Soooo, I take it you're still up for my plan? Wrecking their wedding night?"

"Wouldn't change my mind for the world," Deandra spat out excitedly. "Not only did he dump me for no good reason after telling me he loved me, but then Heather comes along and says that I shouldn't feel bad he chose her over me because I am so far out her league that he simply had to choose her."

"She said the same thing to me, how I shouldn't take it to heart over the fact I wasn't in the same league as her, and how I should be thrilled that a girl like me even had the chance to date Steve in the first place."

"You sure they are still going to stick to their plan and spend their first wedding night at the hotel here then fly out to the Caribbean tomorrow?"

"Yep," Cheryl assured her. "A hundred percent certain."

"Excellent. We'll teach that blond man stealing witch a lesson she'll never forget. Do you know she had the nerve to say to me a few days ago that she was glad Steve dated you and I so that he'll have something to compare us to now that he is finally going to get a real woman in his arms?"

"Of all the arrogance!"

"So you sure our plan is going to work?" Deandra asked, her pretty brown eyes awash with vivid vengeance.

"Of course, we both know from personal experience that Steve can't make love to a woman for twenty-four hours after he has had any orgasm. His cock will stay shrunken and limp no matter how sexy the woman is or how she tries to turn him on. I hear they paid two thousand dollars for the one night tonight in the penthouse suite here in this five star hotel."

"Wow! That much?"

"You got it! Obviously she is looking for him to rock her world in the Jacuzzi and on the marble countertop, and bent over against the table and flat on her back in bed, bringing her multiple orgasms in every room in that suite. Only with Steve so shrunken and soft, the only way she'll be able to get worked up is if she uses her fingers."

Cheryl giggled. "Just hope that conniving man stealer brought her dildo, because that's as close as she's gonna get to a stiff and steel hard erection tonight!"

"Gimme five girl," Deandra yelped happily, holding out her hand.

Cheryl slapped it. "So you're sure our plan is gonna work?"

"How can it not work? All we gotta do is work that stubborn white cock of his until he fires his load, and then it's bye bye honeymoon night for little miss highty tighty, too good to be true bride!"

"Can you imagine her waving those gigantic boobs in his face and kissing his body profusely in that two thousand dollar room, only to have him stay as soft and tiny as a marshmallow for twenty-four frustrating hours?"

"Wow! Wouldn't we just simply love to be flies on the wall when all that is all going on!"

"You have to admit though, it was a pretty spectacular wedding. The church decorations were amazing."

"And the reception was absolutely out of this world as well. That must have set them back at least a hundred dollars a plate. Too bad her wedding night in her penthouse love nest will be an absolute disaster!"

"Don't gloat. Now that all the toasts are finished and they're handing out the cake, they're set to go to their room in just about half an hour after this. You sure this phone call trick will work?"

"It's got to, it's our only hope to be alone with him."

"Linda, her maid of honor, is supposed to take her up to the room to change out of her wedding dress, and when she does, we can trick Steve into accompanying us to his fake phone call, and then wham, before he knows what hit him, he'll be trapped in cuffs, and we'll we'll be working over the that cock till we drain his damn balls of every ounce of sperm he's got."

"Leaving the high and mighty Heather with nothing but a useless limp dick for her entire wedding night in her luxury penthouse. Wow! What a kick in the teeth that will be!"

"You got the hand cuffs?"

"Yep. Four sets like you asked."

"And the room, you sure it locks from the inside?"

"Already tried it."

"Good, cause here they come."

"Here who comes?"

"The bride and groom, silly."

"Ah, finished saying goodbye to the guests so soon?"

"It would seem so."

"You're sure she'll go up to our room to change now? What if she goes straight to the penthouse honeymoon suite?"

"Not a chance. She was quite explicit in telling me her plan. Her precious maid of honor is going to help her change, then take care of her wedding dress for her. See? Look? Heather and Steve are kissing by the elevator. She's getting in...and...and...Steve is coming this way."

"To the guy's room to change do you think?"

"Of course. And, as predicted, he's going to pass right by us. You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be!"

"Ah Steve, that was a wonderful wedding. And I guess this means you're off the market now?"

"Sad but true ladies, but don't you worry none, you ladies will soon find your man."

"I don't know about that. You know what they say?"

"What do they say?"

"Always a bridesmaid, never a bride."

"By the way, Steve. There is a call for you over in that office."

"A call? For me? You sure?"

"Yep. A hotel worker was just asking us a few seconds ago for you. Told us about the call. We saw you coming so we promised him we'd tell you about it."

"Well, whoever it is, could you please take the call for me and just tell them I'm busy. I'm supposed to change and meet Heather up in the honeymoon suite in just half an hour. I'd like to bathe first, so-"

"They said the call was extremely important. Come on, I'll show you, there's a phone in this room right over here."

Steve threw his arms up in the air. "Fine, show me."

Deandra and Cheryl walked ahead, stepping away from the balcony, across the hall, then into the small room.

Steve followed them inside.

Cheryl waited as he entered, then shut the door as he passed and she locked it from the inside.

"Here, have a seat and I'll fetch the phone for you, and bring it over," Deandra said cunningly.

"Thanks," said Steve, sitting down in the arm chair, as Cheryl snuck up behind him.

She came from behind him and slipped the cuffs over his left wrist and the arm of the chair where it was resting.

Before he had a chance to react, she took out a second set of cuffs and slipped it over his right wrist and the arm of the chair.

"What the hell is this?" Steve, said, laughing, thinking it was some kind of practical joke or perhaps some kinky kind of set up that Heather had put them up too.

He looked around, trying to see Heather, his bride. "Heather put you up to this?"

Cheryl knelt down and slipped the last two remaining sets of cuffs around his ankles and the chair legs.

"What's going on, ladies?" he asked.

"What's going on," Cheryl answered, "is that we are gonna have a little fun."

"You do remember how to have fun, don't you Steve? After all you went out with the both of us for quite a while, didn't you? What's the matter, us black girls good enough to fuck but not good enough to marry, is that it?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you messing with Deandra and I, leading us to believe one of us might be your bride, while all the while you had Heather in mind."

"Okay, fine you've had you say and your fun, now unlock these cuffs. I have to be up in the penthouse suite in just half an hour or Heather will freak."

"Don't worry, handsome. We'll make sure you get to your honeymoon night on time, won't we Deandra?"

"We most certainly will, only it's too bad that two thousand you're spending for a night of love and romance will be wasted on a limp dick."

"What are you talking about?"

Cheryl giggled. "Surely you remember that you are one of those men who can't have sex for at least twenty-four hours after an orgasm. Sooooo, we've decided to give you an orgasm, haven't we Deandra?"

"We most certainly have. Why when me and Cheryl have finished with you, you'll be spraying your cum all over this room! And don't forget, Cheryl and I are very experienced in making you climax, aren't we Cheryl?"

"Mmmm hmmm. And we intend to work on that big fat cock of yours until it explodes in fury."

"But first, we just wanna tape up that noisy mouth of yours so you don't distract us with your moans and groans."

Deandra popped the sock in his mouth then taped it in place so he couldn't shout in protest.

Steve tried to rock the chair back and forth, but Cheryl let her dress fall off her shoulders, then removed her bra. She then kicked off her panties and she and Deandra pushed his chair up against the wall, steadying it.

Deandra stripped as well and laughed uproariously as she knelt on the carpet and pulled down his pants and underwear around his ankles. Then she let his white cock lay in between her pointy black boobs. She next began to rub her breasts up and down his shaft.

His cock began to stiffen reluctantly against his will as Cheryl poured lube onto Deandra's breasts and his cock.

Cheryl then rubbed it all over Deandra's large breasts, making Steve's face redden with turn on as the slippery nipples grazed off of his rippling stomach muscles. His cock was soon on fire, and his muffled squeals were maniacal as he realized in horror what they were up to.

"Don't struggle so much, Steve. You can't get your wrists or ankles out of those cuffs. But don't worry, we know your bride is expecting you in the honeymoon suite in just about half an hour. We'll make sure you're not late."

"However, you may not be hard anymore once we've shown your cock a good time. We remember how your cock was always shrunken and useless for at least a full day after you had an orgasm. Poor Heather might just have to play with herself in that two thousand dollar a night room all night long."

"Not to mention tomorrow morning as well. She'll be horny and desperate for her new husband's cock, only you won't be able to give her anything, will you?"

"All we have to do is simply make those balls of yours shoot that cum out of your little cum hole here, and it will be game over for your wedding night."

He was frantic now, his gorgeous blue eyes wild and dancing as her slippery breasts continued their sweet pumping up and down.

After five minutes, Deandra backed off, and pulled his bum to the edge of the chair, then she sat underneath and let his dangling balls slip into her mouth. She sucked on them greedily, making Steve start to sweat profusely. If there was one thing that really turned him on, it was to have his balls sucked on.

He tried to pull his bum back further onto the seat, but her mouth and teeth tightened around the ball sac, letting him know it could tear if he tried to pull it out of her mouth.

"Stop struggling," Cheryl warned. "You can't pull them out of her mouth. So don't even try."

Chery then straddled either side of the chair, facing Steve, and allowing her breasts to press sensually into his muscular chest, then she slid over his exquisite cock, letting her pussy take in all of it, then she began to rise and fall over his iron hard erection, kissing his cheeks as her breasts swayed seductively against his trembling body.

Fear was brewing in his eyes, as the minutes began to tick by and Deandra's fierce and heavenly sucking on his tortured balls was making far too aroused to hold out much longer. His face began to sweat profusely as the intense sugary ecstasy flooded over his entire body, trying to force him to reach orgasm.

His cock valiantly tried to hold out, but Cheryl's up and down pumping over his iron hard cock was setting him ablaze.

His mind was frantic and filled with desperation. He needed to hold on, and not have a climax. Heather was expecting a stiff, fully functional cock to treat her to heavenly sex the whole night through. There was just no way he could allow himself to ejaculate. He closed his eyes and strained against the intense bliss threatening to ignite his balls with irrevocable fury.

Cheryl's large breasts were still swaying seductively and his forced thrusts deep inside of her were fast, hard and lusty.

Cheryl began to yelp. It had only been ten minutes since she'd mounted him, and she began to shiver as an orgasm began to rock her body.

"I'm coming," she yelped, her excited flesh coming apart at the seams as her spewing female ejaculate sweetly coated his cock.

The sensations were sheer euphoria for his squirming balls, still so firmly lodged in the hard working Deandra's mouth.

Steve was now basking in paradise, and his chest heaved in and out as a tell-tale sign he wasn't going to be able to hold out much longer.

She pumped up and down for a full five minutes more, making it fifteen minutes in all that his cock had been so gloriously worked on while his balls had been forced to endure her super sexy mouth.

He was now going out of his mind trying to hang on. He knew it was far too sweet to hold out for even one second longer, but he knew he at least had to try. How could he possibly explain to his new bride that he couldn't make love to her on their wedding night? There was just no way he could possibly allow himself to fall prey to their torrid lovemaking. Still, if things were to get much hotter, he wondered how he could indeed hope to hold out, as it was, he had avoided having his orgasmic trigger being pulled by sheer luck, but the girls were determined that his luck was about to change.

Cheryl slipped off of him and knelt next to Deandra. Then she let her red painted lips roll over his already turned on cock.

She focused her sucking on the first two inches of his cock, leaving the last six inches of his shaft for her two hands.

Her hands were jerking hard and furiously and his cock head was basking in paradise in the inside of her mouth as she worked it mercilessly.

He began to shake feverishly as the onslaught of an overshadowing orgasmic blast began to take hold. Still, he tried to fight it as Cheryl watched his eyes, sensing that victory was mere minutes if not seconds away. She now sucked much sweeter on his cock head and her hands jerked harder and faster.

His muffled yelps were now turning into unabated groans as the heart stopping bliss of his balls in her mouth was more than he could bear.

Cheryl ripped the tape off his face and pulled the sock out of his mouth.

She jerked harder, yet stopped sucking for a brief moment to taunt him. "Go ahead, moan and groan...squeal and shout with delight, but you can't hold out much longer. I know you desperately want to cum. Why fight it?"

Deandra's mouth was now like a furnace, enveloping his squirming ball sac with such rabid turn on that he knew his stiff cock was about to fire at any second, but he still tried holding out, telling himself that where there was a will, there had to be a way.

Cheryl glanced at the wall clock. They had been working hard on his cock for twenty-nine long minutes. He was due up into the honeymoon sweet in a mere sixty seconds. Surely if he wasn't there by then, his blushing bride would come looking for him. If she did pass the room, searching, she might hear his groaning and begging them to stop. If she did walk in on them, then that would spoil their plans.

Cheryl's hands were desperately tired, pumping just as fast and hard as they could. Yet she knew he was teetering on the brink, fighting a losing battle against the rising tide of mounting pleasure that was surely going to be too good to be true.

She stopped sucking cock once more and pressed her lips to his ear as her hands continued their seductive magic on his pulsating shaft.

"Give up," she insisted. "You can't hold out any longer. Just relax and let it happen, surely it will be the greatest orgasm you've ever had. Think of the overwhelming pleasure.

She stared at his blue eyes, which were glazed and desperate. His face was now so sweat soaked that his hair was matted to the sides of his face.

His chest now rose and fell furiously.

His balls were swollen and on fire. Deandra's mouth was sweeter than any heaven could possibly be.

But Cheryl's hands ached and couldn't continue. Instead she rose off her knees and straddled either side of the chair once more, allowing her pussy to lower over his throbbing swollen cock.

Within seconds she was rising and falling once more. The phone in his pocket was now going off. For sure Heather was becoming impatient. She was no doubt adorned with some fabulous earth shattering lingerie, waiting for the man of her dreams to fuck her long and hard the whole night through, only if the girls had their way, she would be forced to merely play with herself instead.