The Bunny and the Buck

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Interspecies love between anthropomorphic college boys.
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As with all my writing, there's a bit of romance and build-up.


"Interspecies cohabitation and education is not only inadvisable, it is in fact quite unsustainable in a modern setting." - Aart's 'Arguments Against Interspecies Interactions'

Silver Creek Conservatory was one of the last bastions that promoted and practiced the intermingling of multiple species. Only a handful of schools in the entire world have been known to do this, and even less of them allow the mixing of predators and prey. Even the dormitories were unsegregated, despite numerous concerns raised by parents and students alike. Even so, the institution remained steadfast in its resolve.

"Why are you even teaching us this?" A young doe chimed from the back of the lecture hall. "If it's so dangerous why does our school allow it?"

Numerous other voices joined hers in agreement. The professor, an elderly ram, sighed heavily. "That is not my place to say. I do not make the rules, nor the curriculum. This reading is required by all schools, including unsegregated ones."

"This is bullshit!"

The professor slammed down the lesson planner, fuming. This was a common occurrence with each new freshman class. It was an exhausting exchange that he quickly grew tired of. "Watch your mouth or I'll double the work load for the whole class."

The clamouring died down in short order. That threat always worked wonders. "You will find the assigned reading in your syllabus. Dismissed."

Jack slid his notebook and supplies into his canvas bag, tossing it over his shoulder. He got a head start out the door, eager to avoid the crowd. He wasn't particularly small for his species, for which he was grateful, but he still paled in comparison to most of his peers. Rabbits tended to be farming folk, and it was not particularly common to see other of his species in University.

Jack was a French Lop standing at just about three feet. He had a white velvet coat with speckled gray dusting along his face, arms, and ears. His ears in particular were a subject of some fascination among his peers. They were long compared to other rabbits, drooping down past his shoulders. He held a particular disdain for them, as they were often cumbersome. Others often took it upon themselves to play with or touch his ears, which made him furious. This was partially because they were so sensitive.

Because he was a small species, he was often manhandled and teased. Larger mammals often grabbed the small white tuft of hair on his rear, trying to elicit a yelp or similar reaction. He was also often mistaken for a girl because of his size and plush appearence. He wrinkled his nose in distaste at the thought of how often he had been approached with romantic intent by other boys. Girls never approached him, preferring to set their sights on larger, more impressive species of mammals.

Speaking of which, there was one now. Cornelius was a regal looking elk, towering above him at nearly seven feet tall. Even so, he was not yet full grown. He had wide, intricate antlers which ended in rounded tips. It was fairly common in modern society to dull ones horns, fangs, or claws, for predator and prey alike. It was seen as a point of pride, as it meant the individual had no need for violent displays.

The school uniform, a white collared shirt and tie with a grey vest and slacks, looked quite dashing on him. Jack's own outfit seemed ill-fitting and strange in comparison. He often left his tie off, with the top button undone, as he felt quite ridiculous otherwise. This had earned him a fair share of scolding, though he continued regardless. Jack gave Cornelius a nod, who returned one in kind. The two were neighbors, sharing adjacent dormitory rooms. This was a bit of an oddity, as small species like rabbits had their own accommodations. He had demanded a mixed room upon admission, warning the faculty he would cite discrimination law if they did not.

Of course Jack didn't know a damn thing about discrimination law, or any law for that matter, but they didn't need to know that. Jack was a music major, furthering his education with the intent to be a concert violinist. It had been his dream since he was young. He had purchased an old record from a flea market, bringing it to his grandfather's house to use his player. He was smitten in an instant, carried away by the dulcet tones. Back home his family and friends had mocked his aspirations, telling him he should just find work in the small rural farming town he grew up in. He had no such plans.

Jack had gotten his room in the mixed dormitories, though the school insisted on assigning him a roommate of similar stature. Maddox, a small tri-colored beagle shared his room. He was well mannered, if a little excitable. At least he didn't treat Jack the way others did. Apparently their neighbor Cornelius shared a room with a predator, a sizeable timber wolf named Darius. The few times they had occasion to meet he seemed nice enough. If anything he felt more sorry for Darius.

Jack harbored a remarkable amount of ill-will towards Cornelius. Perhaps it was because of his well renowned social standing, or his success in academics. More likely, it was because of what a fucking ruckus he caused. Jack and Maddox had both been mortified, as in the first week their neighbor brought home a new girl every day. Subtlety was something he lacked, apparently, as the passionate echoes of their activities permeated through the thin walls separating their rooms. It was a wonder how the massive buck could stand to look them in the eyes the next day.

Navigating through the halls was a daily dance with death. Lumbering predators and prey of massive proportions cut through crowds without regard for others. In this world, size and stature were often one in the same. The smaller folk were left to dodge and scramble beneath their feet. Some areas had designated pathways for the smallest students, but Jack avoided them as a point of pride. Others often remarked that his pride would be his downfall, jesting that he would find his end beneath the foot of an unsuspecting elephant.

Jack was quick and vigilant, however, deftly weaving between legs and sweeping tails. He made it to the dormitory, heading to his room to practice. He was glad that his roommate was accommodating of his work, as he was sure most other would not be. More than once he had been accosted in the halls by others who were perturbed by his music. Maddox, on the other hand, would often sit and listen to him play. He would sit for hours with rapt attention as Jack worked through various pieces. His music also served as a useful device to drown out the noises of his fornicating neighbor.

Maddox was already in the room, along with a Saoy Sheep named Samir. He was an eccentril little ram, and was partial to nicknames. He preferred that others refer to be addressed by 'Sam', and often called Maddox 'Mad' or 'Maddie', though the small dog despised the latter name. Somehow he had gotten it into his head to call him 'Jackie'. He had bopped the sheep squarely on the head upon hearing that, though he refused to stop. Jack liked the guy well enough, but the name made his blood boil.

"Jackie!" Sam announced in excitement as he came through the door.

"Sam," Jack growled in response. "I told you not to call me that."

"But it fits you so well. You're far too cute to be a 'Jack'."

Jack's bright pink nose scrunched up in frustration, a grimace spreading on his face. "Why do you invite him?"

Maddox shrugged. "He's not all bad."

"That remains to be seen."

"Oh c'mon Jackie, don't be like that. Us little guys gotta stick together," Sam replied, only making things worse.

"I outta bite you," Jack grumbled, hopping up onto his bed. Apparently he wouldn't be practicing this afternoon. Sam always insisted he didn't mind, but it was impossible to think with his constant yammering.

"I think even a bunny would get in trouble for that."

"Rabbit," Jack corrected. He hated the word bunny. It made him sound so defenseless and small. Sam cocked his head in confusion. "I'm a rabbit, not a 'bunny'."

"Alright Jackie, no harm intended." Jack rolled his eyes. It was pointless arguing with him. He had the conversational retention of an old sponge.

Sam and Maddox were engrossed in a conversation when a knock sounded at the door. Jack climbed off the bed, heading to the door. As it swung inwards he craned his head up to look at the visitor. Cornelius towered in the doorframe, looming over him menacingly. "Kai! What took you so long? It's not like you live across campus."

Jack's eyebrow twitched upwards. Kai? What a bizarre nickname. He found himself almost smiling at the prospect, but quickly dispelled it to resume his usual dissatisfied frown. What was this obnoxious buck doing there? "Kai, you know Mad and Jackie I'm sure."

"Er, yeah. Hey Jackie," the large boy greeted him. He only spared a nod for Maddox as he ducked through the door. Jack's hair bristled. He wondered if he used the nickname just to get on his nerves. Maddox stood, offering him his seat next to the window. Jack found himself feeling grateful that the elk accepted. Though he was eager to be rid of him, Jack felt dwarfed beneath the massive visage of the other boy.

The three exchanged idle chitchat, though Jack paid them no attention. He grabbed some headphones and slipped them on, laying on his bed with his eyes closed. He barely noticed the passage of time as he lost himself within the music. Some time later when he opened his eyes, he found himself face to face with Cornelius. The buck was poised over him, reaching for his headphones. Jack let out a surprised squeak, scrambling backwards. His cheeks burned with embarrassment at the high pitched noise he made.

"W-what the hell?" Jack demanded, his heart still hammering restlessly in his chest. The other boy seemed taken aback at himself, and retreated a step.

"Sorry. I wanted to know what you were listening to," he explained stiffly. Jack glanced around the room. The others are gone, how long had the other boy been sitting here with him.

"You could've asked," Jack snapped in return.

"I did. I don't think you heard. You seemed to be enjoying it and I didn't want to disturb you."

"So much for that," he grumbled.

"Sorry," Cornelius responded again. "I hear your music a lot. You're really good."

"These walls don't muffle much. I could say the same for you."

"Err. Sorry."

Jack waved dismissively, though the buck remained crouched at his bed. "Is there something you need Cornelius?"

"Kai, if you don't mind."

"You actually use one of that sheep's nicknames?"

Kai nodded. "I hate my name, the one he thought up works well enough for me." He paused, frowning suddenly as he came to a realization. "Your name isn't Jackie is it?"

"It's not."

"Shit." At least the guy was sensible enough to look guilty, he moved back a bit. "Sorry. I thought..."

Ah. Now it made sense. While it was not unheard of for individuals of opposite gender individuals to share a room, they tended to be separated into different wings. It was entirely possible Kai had thought he was a girl. Had he been trying to make a move on him this whole time? Jack sighed heavily, brushing his ears to the side. "I'm a guy. Figured the uniform was a dead giveaway."

"I'm sorry," he repeated with chagrin. What was he doing trying to pick up a rabbit girl anyway? Interspecies breeding was far from rare, but the logistics between their difference in size was baffling. He suspected any attempts to mate between their species would result in serious injury. Jack's face flushed at even considering the prospect.

Kai dismissed himself from the room. Jack sighed, resting his face in his palms. What a fucking day. He reached beneath his bed, grabbing the case tucked below. He took out the instrument, plucking the strings as he tested their tuning. After a few minor adjustments he jumped into one of his usual warm-up pieces. It was a slow number, with a soft energy that rose and fell gradually until reaching a crescendo. He continued practicing until the sun went down and Maddox returned.

"Kai seems quite taken with you," he observed upon his return. Jack grimaced, filling him in on the details. Maddox was overcome with fits of laughter. "I can't blame him, you're kind cute."

Jack clenched his fists tightly. "If you say that again you're getting hit," he growled brandishing the bow threateningly.

Maddox raised his hands defensively. "Alright, alright. Poor guy must be heartbroken though." Jack smacked him lightly on the arm.

As Jack lay down for bed, his neighbor's nightly ritual began. He felt himself getting more flustered than usual. His memory flashed back to when the large buck towered over him. Kai had a surprisingly broad chest, and muscular arms. Every aspect of him just screamed 'man', he couldn't help but feel envious. Jack briefly found that he was imagining himself in the scene on the other side of the wall before he snapped out of it. What the hell was that? He shook his head, pulling the pillow over his ears.

That night Jack had an unfortunately vivid dream involving Kai. He awoke feeling strangely aroused and sweating profusely. He must've been losing his mind from lack of sleep. It was all that damn buck's fault. Jack headed to the showers to clear his head, though he felt a sense of dread from deep within. The showers were communal, separated by a small curtain and a few small dividers. He could not help but feel self-conscious in the presence of others, so he always made sure to get in early. Today, however, he had slept in later than usual.

Of course of all people he had to run into Kai as he entered the bathrooms. He wore only a towel, tied at the waist. His impressive chest and rippling abdominal muscles were on full display as he turned to face Jack. Snippets of his dream began to surface in his memory. Jack dashed past him with a scowl, heading to a stall. Fortunately there was a spot open. He slipped in, drawing the curtain behind him. He placed his shower supplies at the edge, signaling the others that the stall was in use. The last thing he needed was someone barging in on him.

The showers were already a vulnerable place, and Jack dreaded the thought of someone wandering in. He feared he would be consumed, or worse. He had a couple close calls in the past, but had been fortunate up until this point. Jack set his towel on the hanger near the entrance and turned on the water, basking in the warmth. It felt wonderful to wash the sweat and grime of the previous day from his velvety white coat. He poured some extra shampoo into his hands, preparing to wash his ears. As he did, he noticed familiar antlers over the top of the divider.

Jack wasn't sure why he was surprised, but he still jumped slightly. The bottle slipped from his hands, tumbling to the floor. He rushed down, swearing loudly as he scrambled to pick it up. His neighbor heard his distress and peeked over the top of the divider to find Jack in a rather compromising position. He was bent over, the small tuft of hair along his backside propositioned upwards. Jack squeaked in shock, covering his dignity as best he could. Kai's gaze lingered a little too long for his liking. "I'm fine!" Jack barked at him. "Quit staring."

The elk retreated, ducking back over the divider. Jack was left to bear the shame of his exposure. He finished his shower in dismay. As he left, Kai was waiting at the door. This guy couldn't take a hint. He opened his mouth, likely beginning an apology, but Jack brushed past him without a word. With all that had happened he forgot how late he was running. He hurriedly changed into his uniform, bounding back out the door. There was no making it to his first period, but he'd be damned if me missed a second.

The entire day he felt lingering eyes on him. Every time he looked over his shoulder he managed to see Kai's statuesque silhouette in the crowds. Anger boiled up inside him. Why couldn't he just leave him alone? It was bad enough that the guy disturbed him on a nightly basis, now his visage haunted him throughout the day as well. He decided that enough was enough. After his last class, Jack caught the buck following him again. He whipped around, turning to confront him. "What the hell do you want?!" He shouted.

Other turned in surprise. A sea of eyes observed them curiously. It looked quite strange, the long eared rabbit shouting confrontationally at the massive elk. "Can we talk?" Kai inquired, uncomfortably glancing at the crowd surrounding them.

"Fine," Jack snapped, stomping off. They headed to the dormitory, and into Jack's room. By some fortunate grace, it was empty. "What is it?" He asked impatiently.

"I just wanted to apologize. I'm sorry about before."

Jack rolled his eyes exaggeratedly. He had been stalking him all day for this? Surely there was more. "Well, you apologized. Mission accomplished."

"You don't have to be rude about it, I just wanted to set things right," Kai responded, his brows furrowing into a frown.

"Don't lecture me."

Kai placed his hand against his temple in frustration. "I didn't come in here to fight."

"Why did you come in here?"

"I already told you," Kai growled, his voice taking on an uncharacteristic hostility, "I wanted to apologize."

"If that's all then you can leave," Jack hissed, showing him to the door.

Kai reached out, grabbing him by the arm. His giant hand wrapped around his forearm with ease. "Don't be like that."

"Let. Me. Go."

The elk released his grip, and Jack backpedaled. He tripped, falling onto the bunk bed behind him. The other boy crouched, placing a hand on either side of him and blocking his escape. Jack's breathing was panicked and ragged. "S-stop it," he stammered nervously.

"I swear, if I hadn't seen for myself I'd still figure you were a girl." The buck leaned in, sniffing at his neck. "You even smell sweet like one."

Jack's eyes went wide with indignation. So he had gotten a pretty good look then. His body shook as he sat there, frozen in fear. Kai's large form radiated heat, and carried a manly musk. It was incredibly overwhelming. Jack briefly wondered if this was how all those girls felt going into his room. To his surprise, the other boy took one of his ears between his fingers. He rolled it lightly in his hand, running his thumb along the length of it delicately.

Jack let out an involuntary whimper. He always got flustered when people touched his ears, but this was different. The way the large stag handled him was strangely erotic. The noise seemed to encourage Kai, as he leaned in closer. Jack was saved as the door swung inwards. The elk stumbled back awkwardly. Maddox and some terrier girl came into the room, interrupting the strange exchange.

"Everything alright?" Maddox asked curiously, regarding the two with a skeptical look.

"Yeah. Everything's fine," Jack assured him.

"Err, do you mind if we have the room for a bit?" The beagle asked hopefully.

"Where am I supposed to go?"

"Can you hang out in Kai's room for a bit?"

Jack's face flushed. He fidgeted nervously on the bed. "I'm sure he's got plans, I don't want to interrupt him."

"We can use mine," Kai interjected. "I don't have anyone coming by."

Jack flashed him a stern glare. "Fine," he conceded. The last thing he wanted was to be in a room alone with the guy, but he couldn't exactly say so without drawing suspicion.

The two left the room, heading next-door. Kai sat on the bed, gesturing to the chair at the desk next to him. Jack sat hesitantly, though he seemed ready to bolt at a moment's notice. "Sorry. I got carried away."

"You certainly did," Jack agreed. "Let's just forget about it."

The two sat quietly, an awkward atmosphere dominating the room. The silence was broken by muffled noises from the other side of the wall. Jack leapt from his seat in surprise as there was a loud moan. Of course Maddox had completely forgotten about how clearly noise carried between rooms. That idiot had a habit of thinking with his dick that made Jack want to slap some sense into him. Kai slid over on the bed, making room for Jack. He begrudgingly took a seat at his side, eager to be as far from the action as possible.