The C.F.N Gym Pt. 03

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Greg puts on an interesting show for his first weekend class.
6.7k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 03/08/2024
Created 07/21/2023
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*Author's note: All the characters in this work are 18 years of age or older. Well it's finally here, part 3. I will continue to write this and my other works, but it will take time. This one was tough as I needed to think of a way to escalate it and not be repetitive as some longer erotic fiction stories get. Once I figured out the concept it was still a challenge. I try my best to make my work enjoyable to read, and don't want to force things out and have a dip in quality. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and worry not there will definitely be more!*

Greg's first week at his new nude job went by like a crazy blur. He had never been so thoroughly exposed to so many for so long. The truth was though the first day was the craziest so far. While the subsequent days still had some unique moments, they were much the same albeit calmer days. He was starting to get used to his regulars, and though he still got hard during every class he was nowhere near as close to cumming. The biggest shift had been between him and Katie.

She was no longer shy around him and even began following him in the locker room and watching him undress. Every time he undressed before her, he would try to keep from getting excited, and every time he would fail. She would sit and watch with a mischievous smile as his dick lengthened under her gaze. By the time he left her in the locker room he was always pointing skyward, much to the delight of the attendees of his class. She would also meet him after class in the locker room. He had refrained from cumming again after the first day, he had hoped she would repeat her oral performance, but it seemed she was enjoying teasing him. She would usually watch him in the shower as his penis pulsed under her viewing. Sometimes she licked a lollipop; others she applied lip balm sensually. Still, she hadn't touched him since the first day. He was dying for more from her, but it seemed she was enjoying his desperation.

Brooke had also taken to Greg it seemed as she had attended several of his classes. She always tried to get a place in the front, but it seemed the grey-haired women and the heavyset Lauren always got the closest spots. She would try to flirt with him from afar while he led the class, from what Greg could tell her goal was to keep him as turned on as possible, likely in an effort to cause him to lose his composure. She always waited for him before class, standing out of the pool making sure he saw her in which ever thong bikini she elected to wear to class that day. She would bend over sometimes to stretch as he approached. One time she did a handstand in the pool while waiting for class to start. Her ass on display above the water. Greg found her distracting to say the least. Even with all that she hadn't followed him in the locker room again since the first day.

Marla seemed to approve of Greg's performance as she routinely evaluated it by either attending or participating in class. When she was acting the voyeur, she would be sitting next to Val. They would sit and whisper and giggle all while stealing glances at Greg. When in class, she and Lisa would exercise with the best of them, but he could still tell they loved checking him out.

As far as the after-class bonus activities were concerned they had been tamer after the first day. Perhaps the novelty wore off or perhaps the women were saving up for a big event. Either way Greg was grateful for the reprieve. While Lauren and the older ladies usually took advantage, they only purchased bronze-tier all week. His humiliations were mild usually just exercises to show off his physique. A couple times during the week random women from the most heavily attended first day would show up and a few would get silver-tier purchases. These women usually just wanted to feel Greg's body.

All week though the women kept telling Greg over and over again 'just wait till the weekend!' The ominous warning had been on his mind all week and it was finally here. The weekend...

He parked his car like he had all week and entered the gym. He saw that behind the front desk was one of the male gym employees bored with his job and seemingly his life. Greg thought to himself if we wanted excitement just to come out to the pool, he'd find plenty of excitement out there.

As he made his way to the locker room, he passed Marla's office to find it empty. He wasn't surprised to find it in such a state, he assumed she just worked during the week. As he moved closer to the locker room, he realized just how empty the whole building was. Perhaps weekends weren't going to be so bad after all.

He got in the locker room and found it empty. His spirits were lifting a bit as he began to undress. Maybe there wouldn't be so much...stimulation today. A welcome reprieve as the intense and relentless tease he experienced every class was getting to him. He had never spent so much time in a prolonged state of arousal perhaps he would finally have a class where he wasn't on the edge the entire time. He began smiling confidently to himself with less than cautious optimism.

The first sign that the optimism was misplaced came then as he heard a familiar voice behind him. "Oh Greeeg!" He knew who it was and continued undressing.

"Hi Brooke." He said without looking at her, feeling himself grow a bit like he always did when she was around. He took off his shirt as she cooed affectionately, then his trousers, and finally his underwear. As they hit the floor, he heard an unfamiliar feminine gasp. He turned to see the source and found not only Brooke in a particularly skimpy (even for her) black bikini, but also a shy blonde wearing a red bikini that Greg didn't recognize for a moment.

"Greg, do you remember Nikki?" Brooke said referring to the blushing woman to her right. A woman trying and failing to not steal glances at the nude Greg. He felt himself blush as her embarrassment and shyness elevated his own. He also felt the semi Brooke gave him spring to full mast from additional intruder. "Oh Nikki look! Greg is so happy to see us!" She said with a wicked smile as she turned to Nikki, who for her part was transfixed onto Greg's stiffening rod. Her mouth agape as she relentlessly eyed it. Still blushing she seemed shake off her trance and attempt to collect herself. "Ready for class, Greg?"

"Yeah Brooke, it seems like the weekend won't be too bad, I mean hardly anyone is here." He said still blushing because of Nikki's reaction as well as his own.

Brooke giggled then. "Hardly anyone here! You haven't been outside yet. The pool is positively packed!" Greg's heart sank as he realized the empty interior was merely a sign that everyone was at the pool. Brooke continued speaking, "I just brought Nikki in here so she could get a closer look! I know she's been dying to see you again!"

Nikki blushed and looked down, clearly embarrassed by Brooke revealing her attraction to Greg. "C'mon Brooke stop!" She whispered.

"Oh! So shy now! Greg you should've heard her last night! 'That crazy hot guy is teaching tomorrow, right? I can't get him out of my head! Does he always get hard? What does it feel like?'" Brooke recounted with a devious smile as she looked between Nikki and Greg. Nikkie was blushing so much Greg thought her head would burst. "Well, enough embarrassing you both, we should get out there. I know the class is very eager to get things started."

Brooke set off then, showing Greg her bubble butt as she did. Her head was held high and haughty with a smug smile. Nikki blushed and said, "see you in class" stealing a sideways glance at Greg as she left. Greg followed after her, disappointed she wasn't also wearing a thong. Her butt was smaller than Brooke's, and still it had the beautiful perkiness of a youthful woman. The door shut behind Nikki and Greg stopped to steel himself, like his steel cock, so he would handle the imminent exposure to the surely packed pool.

He opened the door, and the pool was unsurprisingly packed. It was definitely the most women Greg had seen all week. Not only was the pool full, but so too was the sunbathing deck. The door opening apparently drew the attention of the crowd of woman as they stopped their chatting and all eyes turned to Greg. A wide spectrum of emotion was shown by the women, from mild interest to entranced fixation motivated by lust. The crowd cheered after the brief quieting due to his arrival, clearly thrilled by his very naked presence.

He spied a familiar curvaceous woman standing next to the pool talking to Val and Lisa in the pool. He couldn't see what they wore, but the woman standing by the pool wore a black and white one-piece swimsuit that ran up the back showing off her generous cheeks. Greg's boss Marla was showing off for him to be sure, or at least that's what Greg thought. He blushed as she turned to him with a grin, catching him check her out, his dick always went wild in front of her, and he lamented how he couldn't hide how much his boss aroused him.

She walked up to him swaying her hips the whole way, a Cheshire grin plastered across her face. "Greg! It's good to see you again, are you ready for another wild class?"

"Hi Marla, yes I'm ready." He said feigning confidence. "There sure are a lot of ladies here today." He said as he looked around at all the women who were in turn checking him out.

"Yes, there are! It's always like this on the weekends. Of course, this is particularly crowded. I think the word got out about our latest 'attraction'." She said as she looked him up and down, biting her lip as her eyes locked onto his hard dick. Greg could do nothing but stand there awkwardly as his boss ogled his erect cock.

After a painfully long period of silent staring Greg decided to speak up. "I, um, need to teach class..." He said with a blush.

Without looking up Marla replied. "Yes, yes the class of course." She rose her gaze slowly staring at every inch of Greg until she met his eyes. "Get to it..." She said with a wink and a turn. Swaying her hips as she walked to the pool. Each step soliciting a delightful jiggle of her ample ass.

Greg walked over to the edge of the pool as he had done several times now. The additional eyes made him feel just as nervous as he was during his first class. He cleared his throat and began to speak. At the front of were the usuals: Lauren the heavyset floral swimsuit clad brunette and the grey-haired old ladies next to her. Lauren to her credit had attended every class this week and had lost a few pounds to look at her. Apparently, the naked Greg was great motivation for her exercising. The Grey hairs always seemed more interested in teasing Greg than actually exercising.

"Alright class! Let's get this started!" He began, now able to feign confidence deftly after all the exposure.

"Actually, hold on!" Marla shouted. Greg and the crowd looked to her, the women sported mischievous smiles while Greg looked incredulous. "We have a surprise for you Greg!" She said happily, there was a low chuckle amongst the women. Suddenly the women's locker room opened to a series of giggling young women, around 10 or so came out. Each sporting a blush and giggling repressed giggles as they shyly checked Greg out, alternating between stealing glances and looking away with shy smirks.

"As a part of our education initiative we have invited the graduating class from our local CFNMHS. All these girls are over eighteen, but they need some education about male anatomy. We wanted to make sure they could see 'all' of a perfect specimen. The mothers after hearing about you Greg insisted, they're newly adult daughters come and learn!" Marla said sporting a lascivious grin towards Greg. He gulped as the girl's shyness reinforced just how exposed he was. "Ladies if you'd get in the pool for class. Greg is an excellent instructor he'll show you how to move your bodies, and how his moves...Now take your place towards the front. You need to be in place for peak...observation." Marla's maniacal smile betrayed her lascivious intention with this little stunt. All Greg could do was gulp and steel himself for class.

The new young women got in the pool and positioned themselves toward the front with Lauren and the grey-haired women yielding to them. They could hardly contain their excitement as they blushed, giggled, whispered, and continuously stole glances of Greg's very aroused form.

"Alright class." He squeaked followed by clearing his throat. "Let's do this." He said sounding a bit more confident. He led the class through his standard warm up, unfortunately the new young women were very distracting and were only exercising half-heartedly.

"Oh Greeeeg!" He heard a voice to his side, he looked confirming it was indeed his boss. He paused his instruction and turned to her. "I think the new class attendees need some...hands on instruction, they don't seem to be getting it. Why don't you get in the pool for instruction. Each time you do a new exercise you should lead a different one through it!" She said with her trademark grin, he could tell this was the plan all along. He looked down at the fresh young women staring up at him with giggly eyes. He knew he had to do it, he just feared how...stimulating it would be.

He climbed down into the pool with his back turned, one of the young women yelled involuntarily. "Oh my god!" as she eyed up his ass. He felt a blush rise as the young women giggled furiously while the other women chuckled softly at their outward display of attraction, that and how much it embarrassed Greg.

Once in the pool he moved to the nearest young woman. She was a small black girl with her tightly curled hair tied back, she wore a pink bikini and an adorable giggly smile. Not wanting the class to stall he situated himself behind her to help demonstrate the first exercise. He grabbed her arms and began simultaneously voicing the instruction, careful to keep his pelvis away from hers. She was biting her lip to keep from laughing raucously, the girls adjacent to her were snickering and blushing while Greg started.

A moment of incidental contact came between Greg's rod and her ass. She let out a squeal and then yelled, all while smiling and laughing "Oh my God, it touched me!" The young women erupted with laughter and squeals.

Lauren directly behind them said "Lucky girl!" Her volume just loud enough for the people directly around her to hear. They all began chortling at Greg. The energy in the pool was building and Greg feared that he was losing control of the class.

He quickly ended the demonstration and wanted to get out of the pool but as he waded to the edge Marla spoke up. "Greg, you need to show the next one the next exercise!" His eyes shot to her and found her grinning a Cheshire grin. He hung his head for a moment and turned to the next one in line. She was a cute blonde with short curly hair and emerald eyes. She wore a pink one piece with purple streaks. She was lithe with small but perky tits, he couldn't assess her rear in the water, and considering the stimulated arousal he felt he was actually grateful for that.

He decided to stand in front of this young woman, hoping to avoid contact between his pulsing penis and her lithe form. The less contact the better, this situation was already a lot for him and until now he was able to restrain himself in class, but this new stimulation was considerably challenging.

It was difficult to get the girl to follow his instructions as she continued blushing and giggling profusely, stealing glances down into the water at his swaying dick. Greg just kept thinking stay calm, stay calm, stay calm. After she seemed to get it and the class had enough of the exercise he moved to the next girl, a thick brunette with a somewhat familiar face.

He was about to lead the demonstration when she spoke up. "Actually, can you demonstrate on me like you did the Carrie." She said referring to the first one in line. Greg gulped but obliged. He positioned himself behind her, and she immediately drove her massive ass against his rod. His head jerked back from the sudden stimulation. She looked over her shoulder suggestively as she winked. He heard Lauren speak up from behind "That's my girl!"

Greg did his best to get her to exercise but she continuously ground her ample ass into his cock and Greg had to end the exercise prematurely to prevent another premature incident. She looked disappointed that he wasn't continuing.

He went down the line of the young women, all having various body types, hair, and skin colors. Their reactions to Greg varied from humorous, to lustful, to shy, and even to embarrassed. The embarrassed ones were the worst for Greg as they served to heighten his own insecurities at the situation.

Around midway through the line of young women was a cute redhead with freckles, her curly hair tied in a bun, and wearing a form fitting red one-piece. She had ample breasts with cleavage peeking above the cloth barrier. Her skin was milky save for the freckles which seemed to be on every inch of her. She had a small shy blush on her face as Greg moved toward her. For her part she was silent as he carried out the demonstration, her blush only seemed to deepen as his arms touched hers.

He led her through the exercise and released her. The second he released her she turned and reached under the water, wrapping her fingers around it for a moment. Greg gasped and she released it. "There you guys! I grabbed it, dare over!" She said with a massive blush that Greg ended up sharing. The young women, and the rest of the pool erupted in raucous laughter.

As embarrassed as Greg was by this whole thing, he found it much worse how horny it made him. His need for a release was growing and he feared that this little stunt Marla put on was a prelude to something he greatly wished to avoid. He steeled himself and continued on down the line. The next few were shy, but not handsy, and Greg was able to avoid his package rubbing on any of them.

He approached yet another young woman, this one was a slight Asian woman with a deep blue bikini on. She looked particularly devious with her almond shaped eyes and pouty lips, her hair tied in a bun above her head with two loosely curled strands hanging down framing her face. Her grin was lascivious to say the least, he anticipated her to be trouble. He felt himself pulse in the water as he approached her. She looked him up and down. Her eyes lingering on his abs as she bit her lip and shot him a wink. He was about to start demonstrating with her when she turned to him and ran her hand down his chest and abs brazenly. He gasped at her audacious display, her hand didn't stop at the water, and for some reason Greg didn't stop her. They shared eye contact as her grin grew. The pool fell to hushed whispers and giggles as they eyed down the encounter lustfully. In the water her hand wrapped around its intended target and Greg's eyes fluttered. She stroked slowly and deliberately, and Greg started losing himself in the sensation.

His stupor was interrupted when a short chubby blonde next to them exclaimed. "Oh my god Mandy, get a room!" The other women laughed out loud. Greg's eyes shot open, and he tried to move away but found Mandy's grip was unrelenting as was her stroke. She even picked up the pace much to Greg's agonizing pleasure.

"Alright that's enough!" A voice from across the pool sounded. Greg didn't need to look to know it was Marla. "If you want to play with Greg you have to pay for it ahead of time and wait till the end of class! I won't let any freebies get by me." Mandy pouted upon hearing this and reluctantly let go leaving Greg throbbing.

He had to be careful now as he was on a precarious edge. He managed to go down the line through the rest of the newcomers without any further incident. He was grateful to finally be done with the young women. He realized though this meant he had to emerge from the pool. He didn't want to delay the inevitable, so he got to the pool edge quickly and jumped onto the deck, his dick oscillating from the motion. The young women squealed upon seeing his water covered ass again. The large gathering of women lounging on the side, who had been mostly silent this whole time, all sported sly grins as they eyed down his man meat again.