The Cabin Ch. 01


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She stared at the green pieces of rope that pulled at her wrists. Blair didn't think to look behind her, the shock clouding her mind as she struggled against the vines, but more joined the battle and finally pulled her hands away from her shirt, even as their brethren reached her breasts, lightly running over her almost non-existent mounds. She moaned despite herself and finally looked behind her, expecting, or hoping, to find a bunch of kids playing some kind of prank on her, instead she saw the plant, though nothing had changed about it at a glance. She looked down and saw every vine, each one marginally thicker than hair, reaching out to her. In horror, she returned her gaze to herself, looking beyond her torso and seeing the legions around her legs.

On instinct, Blair kicked out. The vines had been waiting for this though, and the ones coiled around her ankles suddenly yanked her up, displaying an unnatural strength despite their size, as they manoeuvred so that she was hanging right side up, with her arms and legs spread eagled. She struggled as anyone would do, but she couldn't even move an inch, much less a centimetre. She could feel them continuing their journey upwards, now peaking from her shirt. They stretched to her chin, running over her lips before moving on. As they neared her eyes she could see a very slight increase in thickness at each of their tips, but they were so thin she was uncertain if it was her imagination or not. As they explored her face they seemed to receive a command of some sort, as they retreated from her body, leaving only the ones holding her aloft.

As she hung there, continuing to pull despite the futility, Blair realised the scent was stronger now. Not just because she was so close to the source, but it seemed to have multiplied in its potency, adding another smell beneath the bitter sweetness of it, but it was impossible for her to determine. She looked down, her mind conjuring the thought that the plant wasn't responsible for the scent, and that it was someone selling a really good perfume, even though logic argued against, she prayed that this was the case. Of course, all she saw was the grass and plant, with at least forty vines stretching out to her.

The others had all retracted back to the plant. It was like they were soldiers receiving commands from their general, Blair thought, almost giggling at such a thought despite her predicament. If they were soldiers, the orders had been quick, as they returned once more, each one taking a grip on her clothing. Blair had once ventured to the dark side of the internet, seeing a hentai where a monster with tentacles tore the clothing from a young maiden, before raping her several times over. Her mind went into overdrive, and she struggled harder than ever, but it was futile, as her shirt, shorts and even her panties were torn from her body. Blair closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable assault on her pussy, but it never came.

She opened her eyes and looked down at herself. The vines were lightly running over her skin, almost like a lover's caress. Blair felt something cool against her body, and saw that the vines were leaving thin trails of fluid on her flesh, the covered areas suddenly becoming much more sensitive in the best way possible. A slight breeze blew in her direction, causing her to moan as the wind ran against the coated parts of her flesh, the sensation almost as good as when she masturbated. In due time, most of Blair's body was glistening with the oil like fluid, particularly her breasts, which had been coated in layer upon layer of the stuff, every slight touch or shift in the air making her moan. Her pussy was burning now, a drop of her desire falling to the earth.

As if it had been waiting for this moment, the vines began to move her. Blair looked around in panic, but moaned nonetheless, as her body was continually stimulated. She kept her eyes open and as focused as she could, seeing as her body was placed directly above the plant, before her legs were gently spread even further, to the point where she was doing the splits, yet her body made no form of protest. She looked down at the plant and watched with shocked eyes as the stem began to grow, the tip becoming more mushroom like and leaking a strange, amber fluid. Blair wasn't moved from her current position, until the plant resembled a human phallus more than a botanical life form. Her eyes grew wider as she saw two circles begin to inflate, becoming perfect, green spheres.

Anyone who saw it would know what it resembled and Blair was no exception. The plant, if it could even be called that, was essentially a giant, green phallus. The, for lack of a better word, testicles were enormous, easily as big as Blair's entire body, and the phallus wasn't much better. By her estimate it stood at three feet and as thick around as her thigh. The amber fluid was gushing from the tip, pouring over the length in slow streams, as if it were lubricating itself to ease the inevitable entry into her pussy. Blair shuddered, but she felt no fear, or rather, it was there only it wasn't at the forefront of her thoughts. She licked her lips without thinking, the thought of the botanical cock fucking her flashing through her mind.

Blair released a low moan of pleasure as several vines finally moved her to neglected pussy. She could feel her juices on her lips, the vines now seeming to lick it up as they pleasured her. About six of them moved up to her clit, wrapping around the engorged button and sending shocks of pure pleasure through her body. Blair began to move once more, however she had no intention of getting away, instead she was thrusting her hips, trying to encourage the vines to do more. They seemed to get the idea, as at least a dozen suddenly, and blissfully, entered her drooling cunt. Blair threw her head back and released a cry as her orgasm tore through her body, her pussy tightening around the invading vines, letting her feel their every movement. It wasn't long before they reached her g-spot, sparking yet another orgasm.

The tendrils continued through her moist canal, soon coming to her cervix. They made no attempt to go further, and simply began to force more and more of their lengths into her, eventually filling her lustful cavity to capacity. Blair was panting by now, her face red and tongue lolling out, her drool running over her chin, however she didn't care. The vines continued to writhe within her cunt, sending her to cloud nine only for her to ascend such pleasure. It was a miracle she was conscious by the time they left her pussy, now dripping constantly and practically visibly throbbing with lust. She looked to the plant and her body almost seemed to set aflame as her desire took control.

She began to whine and beg, her words hardly intelligible from her frenzied need. Blair began to roll her hips, pulling with all her might against the vines, hoping they knew she was trying to fall onto the plant, but they held her firm. Just as she was about to contemplate chewing through her own arms to try and impale herself, Blair was suddenly released, however the vines made sure she landed away from the plant, if only by a few inches. She didn't feel the impact, despite the sound of something breaking, her ankle some part of her assumed, as she crawled to the plant. There was no sign that she had ever been capable of higher thought, as she moaned and grunted with effort.

The fluid the vines excreted was a potent aphrodisiac, but it also served to numb the affected area, while keeping the nerves receptive to pleasure. As such, Blair's muscles were all but jelly now, requiring all of her will power to simply move a single arm, however her desire may as well of been a force of nature; nothing would stop it. She summoned every ounce of strength in her body and made her way to the cock. She had failed to notice the change in colour from her previous position, but now she could see it had turned a dark green with veins of blue running up the length, while the tip was a crimson red, offset by the amber it continuously produced. Blair closed her mouth to swallow the drool, taking a single breath through her nose.

Blair had experienced orgasms before. When alone, she was quite prolific in her attempts at self satisfaction, and the ones she got from the vines ministrations were unlike any she had felt before. And now, her pussy gushed with her cum, spraying across the ground like a high pressure hose, dousing the grass in her pleasure. Her eyes threatened to roll back into her skull, but she held on, even as darkness tried to creep into her vision. When the orgasm had passed she was panting heavily, her cunt still dripping and her lust blazing like a star. Blair moved her face to the plant, mentally steeling herself, as she began to breathe in the impossible scent.

She moaned like a wanton whore. The plant had a musk of pure desire, the scent causing ideas of a dominant lover to run through her mind, while also thoughts of the opposite, as if the plant were telling her it could be either. Blair mashed her face against it, rubbing the amber fluid onto her lips and skin, while taking deep, rapid breaths through her nose, as if trying to saturate her very being with the scent. She brought her hands to the botanical cock and began to caress as much of the three feet length as she could, basking in the feeling of its the soft exterior, despite the iron hardness it possessed. She reached the head, which felt like leather as she stroked it, coating her hands in a fresh coating of the amber fluid. Blair even began to press her body against the plant dick.

As if having seen enough, the vines returned to her. Blair whined, but didn't struggle as they once more lifted her into the air, though not nearly as high as they situated her lustful cunt directly over the tip. She looked down with wide eyed desire, a crazed grin spreading across her face as she knew what was to come. In a deep, dark corner of her mind, Blair knew that what was happening was wrong. She shouldn't be so enamoured with such an obscene looking thing, and yet her every other thought screamed for it to penetrate her, over and over again. She twisted her hips in an attempt to connect her pussy with the tip, but the vines were adamant about her staying where she was.

Just as she was about to struggle once more, the vines suddenly let her drop. Blair's mind was sent into an abyss of pure ecstasy, the darkness so inviting as it made her body seize up from the orgasm that raced through her very being. Gravity had done its part well, as she was impaled on a full foot of the plant, her skin bulging very clearly with its girth. Blair regained enough cognitive function to look down, seeing her flesh stretched taut around a third of her discovery. Strangely, she took a more analytical view, noting the strange protrusions along the plants length, each one only an inch long and no wider than her thumb, but they were obvious through her body. When she was about to question it, the vines took hold and lifted her.

Blair quickly realised the reason for the protrusions. Her mind was once more sent spiralling into bliss, as her pussy was filled beyond capacity and her walls were stimulated by the strange bumps, as they seemed to find whole new areas of her cunt. When only the head was buried inside her pussy, the size of it so great her lips were stretched taut around it, seemingly leaving no room. She was held there for a second by the vines, until they actually yanked her down, using both gravity and their incredible strength. Blair's head had rolled forward, her body unable to supply the strength needed to keep it aloft, but she didn't mind, as her eyes saw with rapt attention as her body was violated far more than any humans had ever been. The vines didn't stop pulling until she felt the ground against her spread thighs.

They had abruptly pulled her head back. Blair initially protested with a dog like whine, but soon saw why, as her very skin rose to meet her eyes. She hadn't even felt it enter her womb, but now she could feel it being stretched far beyond human limits. The protrusions were bigger now, four in particular were situated just beneath the head of the cock, each one easily as big as her hand now, poking through her flesh enough that she was able to reach her tongue out and lick at one. The other bumps were somewhat flexible, but these were hard as bone, something that confused her until she was pulled as far back as possible, until they got in the way, keeping the head locked into her womb. If Blair had any semblance of sense remaining, she would have pondered this, but in her state it only meant more pleasure.

The vines repeated the process over and over again. They would pull her down and up, each time sending Blair to cloud nine and beyond, but something kept her conscious throughout the pleasure, despite it being great enough to have possibly killed any other woman by now. As Blair met the bottom once more, she noticed the plants balls, which had expanded noticeably, now each one at least twice the size of Blair herself, the yellow orbs visibly swirling with a continued supply of whatever fluid filled them. The vines stopped moving her, something Blair was less than eager for, until she felt something she had never even thought of in her short life; several vines were lightly touching her virgin rosebud. She could feel their oil running over it.

It had never been something Blair ever thought of as sexual. Her flat cheeks something she was almost ashamed of, as such she never paid her anus any mind except for when it was necessary, but now... now she could hardly contain her desire. She wanted it inside her every hole, her cunt, her ass, her mouth even her urethra. As if hearing her desires, handfuls of vines moved to her pussy, placing themselves slightly above her overstretched pussy. Dozens twined around each other and moved themselves to her mouth, which she opened gladly and let them slide in, the vines branching off to explore the cavity and play with her tongue, letting her taste the oil. When a dozen of them suddenly charged down her throat, the ones at her unused ass and urethra entered.

Blair was lost to the world. Sounds of birds and the rustling of the tress in the wind were all around her, but they went unheard, as her every sense was focused on her body. Her anus was opened by the many thin tendrils, their combined thickness no more than an pencil, but it still burned from the initial penetration. Not far from that, her smallest hole was receiving a similar treatment, as it too was stretched open, far more than should be possible. Blair could feel the pain from the penetrations, however it soon turned to pleasure, even as they began to thrust in and out of her, every movement reigniting the pain. Still, Blair only released muffled moans and gagged cries, her throat being used in a similar manner. So focused were her senses, that she swore she could feel every individual vine squirming down her oesophagus.

Even as she was used in every way possible, Blair still wanted more. Her moans and gags seemed to get the point across, as she cried upon feeling dozens of vines suddenly enter her ass, urethra and throat. The pain was greater than ever, and yet she could only cum from it, gagging around the tendrils in an attempt to beg for more. Blair felt herself being lifted once more, the cock in her cunt and womb sending her into overwhelming bliss once more. They continued like this for several minutes, adding vine upon vine to her every hole, with the sole exception of her pussy. Blair could feel the vines winding through her insides, never retreating more than inch before moving several more inside her, while they also played in her bladder, creating a small, but noticeable bulge at her front, even though it was overshadowed by the one in her womb. Blair even felt the dozens of vines in her stomach.

She was locked in an endless wave of bliss. A thought came unbidden about whether she would ever be allowed to leave this place, but her mind only exploded into bliss from the idea. The vines were moving faster now, a new one entering her every second until her asshole was stretched around the equivalent of a grown man's fist, same with her urethra, a place that was never meant to be used in such a way, while her jaw should have dislocated from the amount in her mouth, easily twice that of what was in her ass. She was being pulled down and up every second now.

Blair was certain it couldn't get any better. She was cumming every second, unable to pass out and her body only wanting more, even as the pain in her piss canal only continued to intensify. As if to prove her wrong two vines moved to her glistening chest, coated in their early secretions and her own sweat. The tips were aimed at her nipples, small like her breasts, but hard as stone from her desire. Like a cobra, they struck. Blair wasn't sure what was better or worse. The pain in her crotch, or the agony of her breasts, as her nipples were penetrated by literal feet of the vines, more and more of their bodies rushing to enter. Still, it didn't stop her ecstasy as she came repeatedly.

Blair was well and truly being fucked now. Her cunt was stretched around something impossibly big, her ass and intestines were being fucked by dozens of thin vines, likewise her bladder was bulging from the sheer number inside her. Her throat faired no better, the sheer number of tendrils violating it visible through her skin, even as they continued to enter her stomach. Blair felt it as the vines in her ass suddenly thrust forward, entering her stomach from the wrong end and sending her into another orgasm, the pleasure mounting atop what she was already going through. Eventually, she felt no more vines entering her body and knew the plant had used them all up.

This seemed to serve as a signal to end it. Blair was suddenly yanked down and kept there. Her eyes fell on the twin orbs, each one now twice the size of a well bred stallion. She watched through glazed eyes as bulges began to travel along unnoticed veins on the petals surface. Each bulge was as big as a bowling bowl, causing the cock to thicken around them as they raced to enter her cunt. Blair only came as the first of many stretched her even further.

She looked up in reverence. She could see her skin bulging around the bulges now, as they soon raced over her head to the tip, unloading into her already obscene womb. Blair felt it; the fluid filling her, almost scolding in its heat. It must have heightened her already focused senses further, as she swore she could feel it flooding her ovaries. A brief flash of horror crossed her mind; is this the plant's sperm? Before the idea was swept away in a sea of bliss as she felt something else. The vines all over her body suddenly tripled in thickness, each one distending with tennis ball sized deposits of the same stuff currently pumping into her womb. Blair came over and over, the bulges entering her at different intervals, and each one only made her cum again and harder than before.

Her head lolled forward and her eyes widened in shock. Even the vines in her breasts were cumming, her flat mound inflating rapidly with the stuff, the tips so tight that not even a drop could escape. They were already approaching DD size and a quick glance at the plants balls showed it was no where near finished with her. Her womb, stomach and bladder had all received similar treatment by then, as she now looked to be in the final stages of pregnancy with twins, or rather triplets as another deposit was added. Even though she was inflating rapidly, to the point where some part of her feared she would actually explode, Blair only continued to exist in a state of pure bliss. Her breasts surpassed G cups while her stomach looked to hold overdue quintuplets.